

Primus registratum
Re: Percartje

..Shqiponje me dy koke!E armatosur me kthetra!... Mire qe jane me shpine te kthyer se rrezik edhe syte do tia kishin nzjerre njera-tjetres..


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kondra</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Kujdes me llafet ti se ... /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/kiss.gif /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/kiss.gif .

Un po i jepsha içik zemër Lipsit mi. Ajo që m'bo mu me vujt o larg, shum larg. Por do vijë se s'ka ku e lu. </div></div>

Si shpirt tkam si shpirt /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/kiss.gif /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/kiss.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

Dikush me i madh se une per te cilin kam jashtezakonisht shume respekt me tha...Dashuria nis e mbaron me vuajtje.Per mua Love is Life.
Po ata qe s'dashurojne cfare ndjejne? Perbuzje cinike me siguri..

P.S. Kondre dhe jo vetem aq ee.


Primus registratum
Re: Percartje

Warum ich? /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif das ist ein Test- eine andere Erklärung hab ich nicht

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

Dite e re,monotoni e vjeter,qellim pasurimi,mendje e mbrapshte... Ku dreqin po shkojne kto rob?


Primus registratum
Re: Percartje

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LiPS</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Dikush me i madh se une per te cilin kam jashtezakonisht shume respekt me tha...Dashuria nis e mbaron me vuajtje.Per mua Love is Life.
Po ata qe s'dashurojne cfare ndjejne? Perbuzje cinike me siguri..

P.S. Kondre dhe jo vetem aq ee. </div></div>

Kush nuk eshte lenduar nuk ka jetuar. /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

Edhe lendimi ndjenje eshte por ajo qe ka me teper rendesi eshte cfare ndodh me ty(mua,njerezit) me pas..


Primus registratum
Re: Percartje

So listen, listen to me,
Ooh you must believe me,
I can feel your eyes go thru me,
But I don't know why.......


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

"akullorja ka shije frutash, cokollate, qumshti apo thjesht shije akulloreje." Debati ishte i gjate, te gjitha palet sollen nga nje argument te ilustruar me shembuj, po keshtu sollen dhe kunderargumenta te ilustruar me shembuj. Dyqanxhesha po i shihte dhe nderkohe mendonte "bir selman i nenes, ke te qaj me pare...". Nderkohe, e merzitur nga fjalet dhe nen hijen e mungeses se dritave, akullorja me shije ose frutash, ose cokollate, ose qumshti, ose akulloreje, u shkri avash avash duke nderruar forme nga nje krem i kendshem goja-lengleshues, ne nje letyre me shkume persiper. Ne veshe i kumboi mendimi i dyqanxheshes "bir selman i nenes, ke te qaj me pare..."


Primus registratum
Re: Percartje

Turning the Wheel of the Dharma

delusions like desire, hatred and so on are the cause of all our suffering, and that these delusions have their root in our misconceiving things to have true or inherent existence. It is very important to understand or develop this wisdom.
'we are somewhat preoccupied with finding fault in others despite ourselves being the epitome of a composite of all the unhealthy behaviours there are in the world. While being engrossed by this composition of all undesirable negative behaviour one doesn't notice time going by'.
There is no hope for such a person to liberate sentient beings, leading them upwards. The purpose of practise is to promote the decrease of one's own delusions not to watch the weakness and faults of other people like ones next door neighbour.
why watch the next door neighbours weaknesses; the next door neighbours faults are not going to harm one in any way'.
if you are aware of your own mistakes you are being wise and you would be being very virtuous to leave others faults to themselves not pick on the others fault'. It is something that we all need to know.

a profound advice for our lifestyles says that a jealous person with little merits will only criticize and be sceptical of others. Scepticism and criticism will not harm others in any way but will only bring disrepute to one.

So we all seriously need to practise ; I who sit on the throne and face you and you who listen. It is not good enough to be able to teach sitting on high throne. If I don't practise, simply teaching others is not going to work for my liberation for the sake of all sentient beings. I have to practise myself.


Primus registratum
Re: Percartje

continues ..

'Why does your passion not seem to decrease. Look at the most passionate of all women of our times. Even she has managed to overcome her delusion and desire, and achieved the state of liberation. What is happening to you.' Chaka thought, 'That's quite right. What has happened to me?'. He couldn't face seeing the Buddha, but rather went to his abbot of full ordination which was Shariputra . Shariputra gave him the right kind of teaching which really hit the spot and brought about quick transformation of attitude and helped him overcome his delusions. He became an arhat who was highly regarded, with a lot of expertise especially in helping the lay community.

teaching; if you think your behaviour is in accord with it then you could be happy and be inspired to continue. However if you find that what you have been doing in the past has been totally against the Lam Rim then one must realise that and stop it.

'One must realise one's mistakes and then determine to change them, and so be a better person'. We have the potential to change, to grow and to attain the state of enlightenment , so this is how we need to listen to the teachings.

There is room for change for the better because in Buddhism it is believed there is not one being who has achieved enlightenment who was enlightened primordially. All the Buddhas were like ourselves in the beginning; deluded. But, like ourselves they met their respective guides who showed them the way of liberation, the way of overcoming suffering , and they followed the teachings meticulously. Such methodical practise of the teaching brought about spiritual growth in them.

He used to say that when you listen to the teachings on how to manage and overcome anger it is wrong for you to look at the person sitting next to you as if the teachings are about him and not you. It is wrong to think that teachings are for the person next to you, as if you know that person is angry, instead of taking the teachings personally and checking one's own mind. The anger and delusions which the person sitting next to you has are not going to harm you in any way. It is your own anger which is going to harm you.


Primus registratum
Re: Percartje

edhe pse sorrollatet ne marrezine e vet, tashme eshte po aq zbavitese sa ponja e portokallise kur nuk del ne cdo edicion, gjithsesi eshte bukur ta konsiderosh dhe ate here pas here...


Re: Percartje

Është bukur te konsiderosh çdo njeri e çdo gjë herë pas here. Të bën një njeri më të bukur.


Primus registratum
Re: Percartje

mbase te ben njeri me te bukur por nje sistem filtrimi i mire ta ben jeten me easy, gjithsesi here pas here edhe mund edhe te ndrosh filtrat per te pare anen qesharake te gjese


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

-E ka pare njeri Bukurine?
Nje lypes po endej rrugeve te bllokut dhe u fliste njerezve.
-ja ku e ke! - i tha nje djale i ri dhe i tregoi shoqen e vet.
-jo, jo! - tha lypesi. - S'eshte ajo qe dua une.- Dhe vazhdoi me tej.
-E ke pare gje Bukurine? - pyeti nje burre. Ai qeshi dhe i beri me gisht nga makina e vet luksoze. Lypesi tundi koken e shkoi me tej.
-E ke pare gje Bukurine? - pyeti nje grua te re. Ajo shtriu duart dhe mori ne krahe nje femije dy-vjecare.
-E bukur, por jo ajo qe dua une. - perseriti lypesi.
-Po c'pamje ka kjo Bukuri qe po kerkon? - e pyeti gruaja e re, pak e trembur nga pamja e lypesit.
-Eshte e ngrohte, - u pergjigj ai me lot ne sy.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dr. Gjilpëra</div><div class="ubbcode-body">-E ka pare njeri Bukurine?
Nje lypes po endej rrugeve te bllokut dhe u fliste njerezve.
-ja ku e ke! - i tha nje djale i ri dhe i tregoi shoqen e vet.
-jo, jo! - tha lypesi. - S'eshte ajo qe dua une.- Dhe vazhdoi me tej.
-E ke pare gje Bukurine? - pyeti nje burre. Ai qeshi dhe i beri me gisht nga makina e vet luksoze. Lypesi tundi koken e shkoi me tej.
-E ke pare gje Bukurine? - pyeti nje grua te re. Ajo shtriu duart dhe mori ne krahe nje femije dy-vjecare.
-E bukur, por jo ajo qe dua une. - perseriti lypesi.
-Po c'pamje ka kjo Bukuri qe po kerkon? - e pyeti gruaja e re, pak e trembur nga pamja e lypesit.
-Eshte e ngrohte, - u pergjigj ai me lot ne sy. </div></div>

Duket Tirana eshte mbushur me lypesa keto kohe dearest friend of mine (missed you /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/kiss.gif ).
E di c'kerkoi njeri (ne vazhden e percartjes tende qe bashkohet me timen duke bere zinxhir), ndersa shtrinte doren per ndonje kacidhe qe heret a vone do e dorezonte per te zeze te vet? Filloi te pyeste kur nisej karvani per ne vendin "sdikuish", se i kishin thene atje mund te "jetonte". Funny, isn't it, still people dreaming of "living". Merr fryme, i thane, merr nje sy gjume e, me pas, shko te rruget e bllokut, se ka pasanike andej...


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Percartje

I thank god and the producers, my mom, my dad, my beloved, those who love me and love me not, everyone, even those I forgot...sorry...se jam e emocionuar...thank you! You can call me whatever from now on. My name is nobody!

Oscar is MINE!