

Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

Ndihem shume e qete qe fika celularin ne pritje per ty..mbase duhet ta kisha bere me pare.


Forumium praecox
Re: Percartje

Sepse kjo eshte nje bote e Random Access! Gjithcka ketu eshte e rastesisshme. Rastesia e mundesise qe jeta jote te derivoje ne nje drejtim te papritur eshte shume e madhe.
Rastesia qe ne nje fushe te madhe me njerez te dale emri yt eshte shume e madhe (ne madhesi te barabarte me te kunderten e saj).
Eshte e cuditshme se si e vrasim mendjen kaq shume per nje kombinim qe na dha jeta ne nje cast, kur ne cdo cast tjeter ajo po na jep me mijera kombinime te mundshme... ndersa ne jemi te humbur ne fillin e vjeter.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

I'm yearning for a dance ... I want to dance... badly want it... spinning, spinning, spinning... a dance of two... classy music... old times magic ... and me an out-timed princess... spinning, spinning, spinning...


Primus registratum
Re: Percartje

ich wünsche mir eine Sprache zu beherrschen, die niemand verstehen würde. Ich finde diese Idee hervorragend.Ich und meine Sprache, die niemad versteht, irgedwo allein in Universum. Tja, nur die Idee macht mir glücklich. Ich (aqua) habe eine Sprache entwicklet, die nur ich verstehe. Vielleicht wird jemand mich fragen und hat interesse die gleiche sprache wie ich zu sprechen? wer weiß! Aber ich bleib hart.Sie ist meine Sprache, die ich selbst erfunden habe.Ist mein Eigentum.
Aber was, wenn man meine Sprache so interessant finden, dass man sie mir abkaufen möchte? Was mache ich dann? Vielleicht verkaufe ich sie und stattdessen erfinde ich eine andere...und wenn ein tolles Angebot wieder kommt verkaufe ich sie weiter und erfinde eine neue......hm, fühl mich gleich besser

/ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/bier.gif prosit


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

Trishtimi pse ste kam prane..Me endesh kudo neper ajer..ti fantazma e ndjenjes sime.Me dhemb ne zemer,e vuaj..te vuaj.Dhimbje e perjetshme me jep ate cfare meritoj..te lutem.Te vetmen here qe mendoj se kam kapur boten me mollezat e gishterinjeve te mi,te lutem ma jep lejen ta mbaj.O ti natyre e ethshme,mos ma largo kesaj here zjarrin qe ruajta si promethe,o ti enderr te lutem mos u shuaj..po te lutem...po te lutem ..une.

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

Now I'm strong enough to live without you
Strong enough and I quit crying
Long enough now I'm strong enough
To know you gotta go

Come hell or waters high
You'll never see me cry
This is our last goodbye, it's true


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

S'te vjen zor mi, asnje s'me le mua? /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/pippiripi.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

I wonder what a full-blooming red rose thinks... is it concerned of whithering or scared of lack of looks and touch ...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

Po qe burre Mandi do e vej firmen e vet "Pasioni im eshte Dashuria " /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/lol.gif

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

Me duhet urgjentisht nje psikolog,ca mesime retorike dhe nje budall i zakonshem.

Kam nevoje per praktike komunikimi.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

kur njerezit vrasin a vjedhin, shpesh fajin ia vene varferise, sidomos urise qe e shoqeron dhe ti mendon se kur behet fjale per jeten, cdo gje eshte e justifikueshme (ose te pakten e kuptueshme). Pastaj sheh njerez qe tallin bythen me varferine dhe urine e te tjereve, ndersa vete flene kruspull qe te mos degjojne zorret e veta tek kercasin, dhe ti i shikon cuditshem. Do t'i gjykosh, per nje sekonde ne mendjen tende e ben, pastaj ndalesh dhe mendon dhe aty heq dore nga te gjykuarit dhe i meshiron. Kete ata e shohin ne syte e tu edhe kur ti nuk flet, madje edhe kur nuk i shikon, ata e ndjejne, dhe kur e ndjejne te urrejne me gjithe shpirt, sepse nese i gjykon, ata do te mund te viktimizohen dhe anti-viktimizohen, por nese ti i meshiron, atehere ua heq mundesine per t'u viktimizuar apo anti-viktimizuar, dhe ne kete menyre i le pa rol. Imagjinoni c'ndodh, kur nje aktori i heq rolin e vet te preferuar...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

... brucia sul viso come gocce di limone
l'eroico coraggio di un feroce addio...

Ehhhh, c'me mungon nje ikone te shkruaj nje nenqeshje te hidhur e te ftohte, pa pike emocioni ...

Ps. Amelie sweety, how are things with you? /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/kiss.gif

I love new york

Primus registratum
Re: Percartje

they're great - thanks for asking /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/pippiripi.gif

/ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/kiss.gif for both you and Amelie

per te qene ne teme...

while drifting off this morning in the train, i happen to vizualize how our moms used to clean up the rice grains long time ago... ose e thene me mire shpip, sesi e qeronin orizin.. ashtu e hidhnin ne nje tepsi, e shperndanin me dore dhe hiqnin kokrrat e zeza ose plehera te tjera..
so detailed...


Primus registratum
Re: Percartje

Helen, me kujtove qerimin e orizit...njera nga "detyrat" e mia kur isha i vogel. /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif



Forumium maestatis
Re: Percartje

then we should do something about it /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

things are ok, if not something else...