/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gifFillimisht postuar nga penguin:
[qb] sot...21 tetor...diku nja 10 dite me perpara...10 tetor...mos kujto se e kam harruar! [/qb]
jemi qe jemi (o goce mos u bej kaq serioze /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ), e di njeri si perkthehet expectation ne shqip? pritshmeri eshte e vetmja gje qe gjej une (sepse ne statistika life expectancy perkthehet pritshmeria e jetes)Fillimisht postuar nga T-ToNic:
[qb] Expectations, expectations and more expectations...will we ever be happy with just what we have? My parents expect so much of me, I expect, maybe, too much of you, we all have such high expectations. Sometimes I wish I were a simpler person...I wish we all were simpler and happier..[/qb]
ajo eshte reviste per femminuce :smash:Fillimisht postuar nga limon:
[qb] paske lexu 'vanity fair' keshtu /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
thonte qe ditar mbajne njerezit me natyre melankolike dhe qe kane tendencen te analizojne ndjenjat. [/qb]