
Forumium praecox

linkun ia dhe ti.

Adami u tentua nga molla, ne mos te tentohemi nga nje gje e tille vene per free. don't kid!

p.s: vazhdoje punen qe ke nis me


Primus registratum

Fillimisht postuar nga Psyche:
[qb] linkun ia dhe ti.

Adami u tentua nga molla, ne mos te tentohemi nga nje gje e tille vene per free. don't kid!

p.s: vazhdoje punen qe ke nis me [/qb]


Pan ignoramus

Me teper informative:
Ceshtja "SCO vs Linux" sa vjen e shkallezohet perhere e me teper. Shkurtimisht, SCO akuzoi fillimisht IBM per leshim te kodit qe ndodhet ne AIX, sistemi i IBM, duke leshuar ne publik, sipas SCO, pronen e vet intelektuale (SCO eshte pronar i licenses dhe te drejtave te UNIX). Si demshperblim SCO i ka kerkuar IBM fillimist disa bilione dollare.
Pretendimet e SCO vazhdojne dhe me tej. Nga kompani te medha si RedHat, SuSE, etj qe tregtojne sisteme Linux, ka kerkuar demshperblime perkatese dhe "royalty payments" dhe se fundi nga cdo sistem Linux ne pune kerkon nje licensim te detyruar prej 1300USD per cdo sistem monoprocesor te instaluar. Nese jo, SCO eshte treguar e gatshme te hedhe ne gjyq kedo qe "e perdor [Linux] ne menyre ilegale". Sidoqofte SCO refuzon ne menyre kategorike nxjerrjen e pjeseve te kopjuara ne publik me arsyen kryesore se mund te behen shkas per keqperdorim.
Ky artikull i shkurter analizon nje pjese te ketyre materialeve. Kurse ne kete artikull mund te gjeni mjaft informacion per akuzat konkrete te SCO si dhe per cmimin e Linux si sistem qe i perket SCO .

Personal Opinion: Screw SCO! Not because they're a bunch of suckers, but I'd hate them do the same with FreeBSD once the entire community leaves Linux if by misshap SCO wins the case!

"Carl and I have our Master's, but Homer just showed up when the plant opened."


Pan ignoramus

Keto dite ne Parlamentin Europian po shqyrtohet ceshtja e patentave te software. Disa pjese te shkeputura nga nje faqe URL
Unlike copyright, patents can block independent creations. Software patents can render software copyright useless. One copyrighted work can be covered by hundreds of patents of which the author doesn't even know but for whose infringement he and his users can be sued. Some of these patents may be impossible to work around, because they are broad or because they are part of communication standards.
The plans for patentability of software have been strongly criticised by the Council of Regions of the EU, the Economic and Social Council of the EU, the French Government, the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the German Monopoly Commission, the British Government's Intellectual Property Rights Commission, the French Industrial Planning Commission, numerous economic studies, 30 leading scientists, numerous politicians and political parties as well as 91% of the participants in a EU consultation and more than 150.000 individual and 2000 corporate signatories of a petition to the European Parliament.

Eshte duke u organizuar dhe nje peticion per te mbrojtur dhe argumentuar kundershtimin ndaj pikave kryesore te piketuara si negative ne kete projektligj.

"I don't know everything. I only try to understand what I see."

Besnik Bleta

Forumium praecox

Versioni i fundit i X-CD-Roast-it përmban edhe përkthimin në Shqip. Pothuaj i përfunduar, me përjashtim të shumë pak gjërave që, si pjesë programesh të pavarur që X-CD-Roast-i përdor, shfaqen edne në Anglisht.
Prej mund të shkarkoni programin.
(Bye, bye "Nero Burning" me 70 Eurot që mi more pa pikë turpi :). )


Forumium praecox

Fillimisht postuar nga Besnik Bleta:
[qb] Versioni i fundit i X-CD-Roast-it përmban edhe përkthimin në Shqip. Pothuaj i përfunduar, me përjashtim të shumë pak gjërave që, si pjesë programesh të pavarur që X-CD-Roast-i përdor, shfaqen edne në Anglisht.
Prej mund të shkarkoni programin.
(Bye, bye "Nero Burning" me 70 Eurot që mi more pa pikë turpi :). ) [/qb]
lol, thnx

70 Euro per nero :eek:


Primus registratum


Une instalova Mandrake 9.1
por me duket jo stabil!
por instalova Fedora Core Kompjuteri u blloku!

Kisha disa pyetje reth mandrake se si behet konfigurimi i serverit?



Primus registratum

Fillimisht postuar nga Tetovari:
[qb] Hi!

Une instalova Mandrake 9.1
por me duket jo stabil!
por instalova Fedora Core Kompjuteri u blloku!

Kisha disa pyetje reth mandrake se si behet konfigurimi i serverit?

Linux?? [/qb]
Atëhere provo Mandrake 9.2 :)

Si tu bllokua kompjuteri nga Fedora???

Hidhi një sy këtu!


Primus registratum

po problemi ishte se une kisha multi boot
pastaj PC-ja ime u bllokua apo bëri TILIT
si te them u detyrova të instalojë Windowsin prej fillimi
per Mandrake 9.2 Mua me interesonte server ma shumë, por problem i madh me konfigurimin.

P.S Mandrake me la pershtypje që ishte në Shqip.


Pan ignoramus

server. Cili server? Nese te intereson server i cfaredolloji, rendesi ka lehtesia ne konfigurim dhe ne update ose upgrade, siguria per "crash-proof" (relative kjo, s'ka nevoje per flame bait nga disa qe dine vetem te lexojne, ngerdheshen dhe hedhin nje batute kuturu), security advisories dhe rruge e lire per library updates nese do te jete e nevojshme. Per asnje server nuk eshte e nevojshme te kete GUI... nese flitet per server qe pritet te beje pune te mirefillte. 70% e system crash vijne perhere nga GUI.
Nga tere keto qe thame, te perserisim dhe nje here te tere nje zeri: "Debian ose Debian ose Debian" /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif (Sigurisht me GUI ne versionin Desktop, Testing release madje /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif )

Looking forward for completeness... soon!


Primus registratum

Une po provoja Mandrake 9.1. Konfigurova Webmin-in e fundit, dhe masanej nga ai Apache dhe Squid. Me thene te drejten deri tani po me kenaq goxha. Mbasi ta testoj perfunditmisht do e vendos si router. Tani e kam ne runlevel 3 dhe startimi dhe shutdown ecin goxha shpejt.

Shkurt jam i kenaqur. /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum

ishte fjala kur instalova Mandraken e instalova si server e jo Desktop (WINDOWS SERVER NT, WINDOWS SERVER 2000 WINDOWS SERVER 2003)
ishte fjalla se konfigurimi nuk ishte aq i lehtë si në windows 2000 etj.

Për Update Mandrake "sucks"

Për RedHat duhet paguar!


Pan ignoramus


Me metoden antike te votimeve, nje liste per preferena te ndryshme lidhur me Linux:

Favorite Audio Tool: XMMS
Favorite Backup Utility: TAR
Most Indispensable Linux Book: LINUX IN A NUTSHELL 3RD ED., by ELLEN SIEVER, ET AL.
Favorite Web Browser: MOZILLA
Favorite Linux Journal Column: COOKING WITH LINUX
Favorite Database: MYSQL
Favorite Desktop Workstation: HOMEMADE
Favorite Distributed File-Sharing System: GNUTELLA
Favorite Distribution: DEBIAN
Favorite Programming Beverage: COFFEE
Favorite E-mail Client: EVOLUTION
Favorite Embedded Distribution: QTOPIA
Favorite Linux Game: FROZEN BUBBLE
Favorite Graphics Program: THE GIMP
Favorite Instant-Messaging Client: GAIM
Favorite Programming Language: C++
Favorite Office Program: OPENOFFICE.ORG
Favorite Processor Architecture: AMD ATHLON
Favorite Portable Workstation: QLI 15" AMD NOTEBOOKS
Favorite Network or Server Appliance: CYCLADES ALTERPATH ACS
Favorite Server: SGI ALTIX 3000
Favorite System Administration Tool: WEBMIN
Favorite Text Editor: VIM
Favorite Development Tool: GCC
Favorite Linux Training: SUSE LINUX TRAINING
Favorite Linux Web Site: SLASHDOT
Favorite Web-Hosting Service: RACKSPACE
Favorite Desktop Environment: KDE

Marre nga Linux Journal

"You can even afford to be in my mind now? My first gain is that you ended its parting from the heart you stole long ago though!"


Primus registratum

Bera nje UPGRADE ne SUSE Pro 9.0. Kam nja 2-3 jave qe po e perdor dhe po me ecen shume mire. Ka suport me te mire per win modem keshtu qe mund te perdoret fare mire edhe me dialup. Ajo Samba Network Browser punon shume mire dhe arrin te map driverat e tjere (windows) qe jane ne workgroup me lehtesi, pak a shume si Network Neighbourhood. USB 2.0 support eshte me i mire. Gjithashtu edhe Online Update eshte shume i mire dhe i shpejte. Nuk kam pasur ndonje crash deri tani.


Pan ignoramus


"James Troup (part of the Debian System administration team) has published more information on the recent compromise of four machines. The attack vector seemed to be a sniffed password of an unprivileged account, from which the attacker somehow managed to gain root and install the suckit rootkit and crack the other machines. As the machines were fairly uptodate with respect to security, an as-of-yet unknown local root exploit might be in the wild, so keep an eye on your boxen.Note that the main ftp archive running on a sparc machine was not compromised, so the exploit might not yet be ported to non-i386 architectures."

a) How does this change the fact that Debian is just not good enough, and has compromised thousands of machines across the globe? Sheesh, the denial... This is just like the Mandrake frying standard PC hardware story.

b) As far as I understand, no machines apart from the several Debian computers have been compromised. Compromising a machine that hosts the central Debian APT repositories is a perfect opportunity for backdooring thousands of machines In this case, that didn't happen. "Thousands of machines across the globe" have not been compromised. I guess it's only good luck but Debian users were not affected by this security breach.

c) After RedHat dropped their free line (I was just paying for RHN access) I have been contemplating going to Debian for my servers and suse for desktops or some other scenario. Debian packages and apt-get were primary reasons for considering that distro as my next platform. I dont want to say I am scared off by this but it does remind me that I have to put more thought into how to deal with these things. I had simply trusted RHN and the PGP signing of their RPMs, which may have been a little foolish.
I do have to say that I am still happier with Debian broadcasting this incident as loudly as possible rather than the corporate tactic of hushing it up (I know of a few companys that have done just that). Thanks for the open honesty Debian!

d) apt-secure [] uses strong cryptographic methods to verify the authenticity of packages in the archive. It may be the default apt-get for sarge, depending on man-power issues.

e) ...thousands of linuxers flocked to Netcraft website to check whether was running on IIS. /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

f) Yes Debian's machines run Debian, this breakin wasn't anything to do with the software installed upon the box, as it was due to a password compromise.
If anything it's more embaressing that somebody lost their password than that the software wasn't up to date.

g) "I noticed that nowhere did they mention just *how* they were compromised."

They will when it's known. They felt it more important to announce what's going on immediately than to wait until there were details to announce. Part of Debian's social contract is "we will not hide problems"; this announcement and those that will follow as more is known demonstrate this policy in action.

h) All three of my Linux boxes run Debian; this latest security breach will not change that.
However, I hope this type of incident tempers the often-strident elitism of the free software camp. My faith in Debian continues because they caught this problem and openly announced it; my concern is that the lack of consequences will make people assume that this was a false alarm or unimportant incident.
Free software suffers from "victory disease" -- an assumption that, based on past success, future success is guaranteed. Because free software has proven reliable and secure, the concensus seems to be that it will always be so.
Pride comes before the fall, as they say. Attempted infiltrations of the Linux source code control system and breaches of security at Debian suggest that we need to be cautiously optimistic, not naively myopic.

"Did I ever tell you..."


Pan ignoramus

The cause of the recent Debian Project server compromise has been published by the Debian security team: 'Forensics revealed a burneye encrypted exploit. Robert van der Meulen managed to decrypt the binary which revealed a kernel exploit. Study of the exploit by the RedHat and SuSE kernel and security teams quickly revealed that the exploit used an integer overflow in the brk system call. Using this bug it is possible for a userland program to trick the kernel into giving access to the full kernel address space. This issue has been fixed in 2.4.23. This problem was found in September by Andrew Morton, but unfortunately that was too late for
the 2.4.22 kernel release.
This bug has been fixed in kernel version 2.4.23 for the 2.4 tree and 2.6.0-test6 kernel tree. For Debian it has been fixed in version 2.4.18-12 of the kernel source packages, version 2.4.18-14 of the i386 kernel images and version 2.4.18-11 of the alpha kernel images. Thus, the Linux kernel compromise was not Debian specific.

Complete silence can scare more than a bold scream and roar.


Primus registratum

Ene thoni shyqyr qe morrim vesh i cik anglisht se perndryshe do e myllsha direkt kte faqen vetem me llafe anglisht.
Po shkruni mer cuna nga i llafe ene ne shqip per gjith injorantet e tjere qe anglisht dine pak ose fare.
And respect for all... Por mbi te gjitha rrespekt mbi te gjithe edhe pse shkruajta ne fund.