Kerry vs. Bush


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Re: Kerry vs. Bush

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Re: Kerry vs. Bush

Nuk durohet dot me ai njeri.
I want his face off my TV screen! I don't like any of them.
Mbase Nader sepse eshte munduar me shume all these years /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


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Re: Kerry vs. Bush

George, God here ...

President Bush has words with the Almighty

Terry Jones
Friday October 22, 2004

"This is God here ..."
"Hi, God. What can I do for you?"
"I want you to stop this Iraq thing, George."
"But you told me to do it, God!"
"No I didn't, George ..."
"But you did! You spoke to me through Karl, Rumsey and **** and all those other really clever guys!"
"How did you know it was me talking, George?"
"Instinct, God. I just knew it!"
"Do you really think I'd want you to unleash all this horror and bloodshed on another lot of human beings?"
"But they're Muslims! They don't believe in You, God!"
"But, George, they do believe in me. Jews, Christians and Moslems all worship the same Me! Didn't you do comparative theology at school, George?"
"No, of course not! You think I'm some sort of peace-waving dope-headed liberal faggot-lover, God?"
"No, of course not, George, but I expect you to know something about the people you're bombing."
"Oh, come on! I know it's right to bomb those oily rag-heads until there's not one left to wipe a wrench on!"
"How do you know that, George?"
"Cause You tell me that's what I should do, God."
"George, I do not tell you to do that!"
"But I hear You, God! You speak to me! You tell me what to do! You tell me what is Right and what is Wrong! That's why I don't need to listen to any soft-baked, mealy-mouthed liberal Kerry-pickers!"
"George, you're deluding yourself."
"God! How can you say that? I got some of the most powerful people on this planet down on their knees every day in the White House just a-praying to You! Now are you gonna tell me You ain't listening? Because if You ain't listening, God, that's Your problem - not mine!"
"George, of course I'm listening - it's you who is not listening to Me!"
"And I'll tell you why! 'Cause You ain't addressing me right."
"What d'you mean, you jumped-up little Ivy League draft-dodger?"
"If you're so 'omniscient', God, you oughta know that you gotta go through Karl Rove, John Ashcroft, Rumsey and **** ... those fellas know what they're talking about! I can't listen to just any deity who can pick up the phone!"
"But, I'm God, George!"
"Does Karl say you are?"
"But why do you believe Karl?"
"Because my gut tells me he's right!"
"Listen, you ignorant little pinch-eyed Billy Graham convert! Can't you get it into your head that I'm God and I'm telling you to stop all this 'pre-emptive strike' nonsense! Stop destroying Iraq! Stop supporting that monster Sharon! Stop picking a fight with the only other human beings on the planet that believe in Me! You're leading the world into unbelievable chaos and horror!"
"That's enough, God! That's just the sort of defeatist crap that I won't allow in the White House! Get out of here!"
"I cannot believe I'm hearing this, George."
"Well you better start believing, God, because this is the new reality. Don'tcha know that a recent Gallup poll shows that 42% of Americans identify themselves as 'born again'? That cuts across Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, white and black! This is a real political power base, God, and you'd better believe it!"
"Look, all I'm asking is for you to show a little compassion to your fellow human beings!"
"I'm not going to debate this with you, God! You're beginning to sound like you belong to the reality-based community!"
"What the hell does that mean?"
"Well by the 'reality-based community', we mean people who believe that solutions emerge from their judicious study of discernible reality." "Sounds fair enough..."
"But, as one of my advisors told Ron Suskind of the Wall Street Journal: 'The reality-based community is not the way the world really works any more. We're an empire now and, when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality - judiciously, as you will - we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do'."
"You don't give a damn, George?"
"I mean You speak through me, God, not the other way round! Is that clear?"
"Yes, Mr President."


Primus registratum
Re: Kerry vs. Bush

"Listen, you ignorant little pinch-eyed Billy Graham convert! Can't you get it into your head that I'm God and I'm telling you to stop all this 'pre-emptive strike' nonsense! Stop destroying Iraq! Stop supporting that monster Sharon! Stop picking a fight with the only other human beings on the planet that believe in Me! You're leading the world into unbelievable chaos and horror!"
smart but funny article :lol: :lol: :lol:


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kerry vs. Bush


Bush po falet ne kishe... edhe pak ore nga zgjedhjet, sondazhet flasin per nje barazi absolute dhe luhatje shume te vogla midis dy kandidateve.
Si pjesa me e madhe e europianeve bej tifo per senatorin Kerry pasi besoj se do ndrydhen shume ceshtje me ardhjen e tij ne shtepine e bardhe.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kerry vs. Bush

2 Nentor, sot vendoset se kush do te drejtoje Shtetet e Bashkuara per kater vitet e ardhshme ndermjet Presidentit Bush dhe Senatorit Kerry.


Primus registratum
Re: Kerry vs. Bush

Asnje fjale ketu. Tek une po dridhet gjithe kampusi. E marte dreqi budallallikun amerikan. Rrofte New England! /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Re: Kerry vs. Bush

Tiscali news-behet fjale qe bush eshte shume me perpara Kerry-t..Sa e vertet do jete?


Primus registratum
Re: Kerry vs. Bush

4.5milione vota me shume se Kerry ne shkalle kombetare, ndersa me votat elektorale (keto jane ato qe emerojne presidentin) 269 me 226. Bush po fiton.

Ti pijne lengun kosovaret pavaresise tani. 150ushtare serbe jane ne Afganistan

Te fala nga senatori serb Vojanovic i Ohio..


Primus registratum
Re: Kerry vs. Bush

Fillimisht postuar nga Shadow of Self:
Ti pijne lengun kosovaret pavaresise tani. 150ushtare serbe jane ne Afganistan

Te fala nga senatori serb Vojanovic i Ohio.. [/qb]
Per Kosoven nuk ka anje rruge zgjidhje,tjeter pervec se pamvarsise.
Kosova mund ti kaloj Serbise,vetem pasi te kene vdekur 2 milion shqiptaret e atjeshem.
Kete e di Bushi dhe Europa.

Amerika vetem do urrehet nga Serbet. Ju lene apo nuk ju lene Kosoven. Bombat mbi Beograd nuk i harrojne dot,ashtu si nuk i harrojne dot Gjermanet bombat mbi Berlin.

Shqiptaret e shohin Ameriken si shpetimtar.

Perse ateher duhet Amerika te humb dashurine e 6 milion shqiptareve, kur e ka te sigurte urrejtjen e 7 milion serbeve???

Mos flit budallalliqe.Se pastaj do filloj te dyshoj,qe nuk je cifut. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Kerry vs. Bush

:mad: hajde te durojm 4 vjet luft te tjera,bush s'ka bere asgje per ameriken keto 4 vjet qe ishte,por vetem ka ndenjur ne karrige.


Re: Kerry vs. Bush

You know son?this country is going streight to hell!!
american beauty..

per fat te keq pas bishtit te tij jane lidh te gjithe shtetet europiane,gjithe bota... /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Kerry vs. Bush

Shteti i Ohio ka 20 vota elektorale. Kush fiton Ohio fiton presidencen. Duhen 270! Ne Ohio diferenca eshte 140 mije vota per Bush ndersa provisional ballots jane 170 mije. Kerry duhet te fitoje 155 mije nga keto vota te fitoje Ohio (e pamundur).

Bush 254 vota
Kerry 252 vota

Morri fund. Amerika eshte mbushur me injorante emigrante gjate gjitha koherave. Emigrantet myslymane kane votuar per Bush. Kane qejf te shikojne Falluja si ka qene ne epoken e Adamit.


Re: Kerry vs. Bush

Ejj po s'ke cfare ti thuash!!qenka me te vertet nji politikan i zoti a jo ai trapi sic e quajne te gjithe..
Pas gjithe asaj corbe qe gatoi dhe vazhdon te gatuaj,arrin dhe fiton bindshem...s'mund te behet fjale per manipulim...apo jo?


Primus registratum
Re: Kerry vs. Bush

Ju thashe une qe ata gomere gomarin do rizgjedhin! Mire tu behet, shikoni kur ti bjere Iranit tani!
Vetem se kesaj rradhe ka per te pasur me shume qyfyre se ne Irak! Dhe Europa do shtoje perpjekjet centrifugale.