Re: Kerry vs. Bush
Hmmmmm! Pikerisht une kete thosha pak me pare, nje njeri normal nuk ka kaq kohe ne USA te merret me forumin dhe te paraqise keto brockulla qe degjojme nga UV109. Doni te flasim per realitetin? Ja nje cope, jepni mendim po deshet, apo ky qe e ka shkruar eshte amerikan antiamerikan, se propaganda idote janki kohet e fundit ka gatuar termin "Forcat antiIrakene" qe e te vertete jane irakenet qe kundershtojne pushtimin e atdheut te tyre. P.Sh imagjinoni Shqiperine te pushtuar nga Serbia dhe Serbet me qeverine kukull ne Tirane do te quanin te gjithe ata qe do rezistonin me arme si shqiptare antishqiptare apo: Forcat antishqiptare vendosen nje mine kundertanke ne rrugen kombetare Fier Vlore dhe hodhen ne ere 3 serbe ky eshte nje veprim i perseritur antishqiptar! he cdo thoshit po te degjonit nje propagande te tille pas funeralit te femijeve dhe prinderve tuaj vrasjen e tecilit Serbet dhe qeveria kukull e Tiranes e quan si je aksion te sukseshem kunder shqiptareve antishqiptare ne Tirane?
Ja dhe artikulli:
From Mary Sparrowdancer
Bush and his father have been mainly about one thing - "intelligence."
It is, perhaps, ironic that this "intelligence" matter is being delivered to us now by someone who is being described by a growing number of observers as, "The Village Idiot."
Let there be no mistake about it (read my lips) - the strange, strange, "Patriot Act," is all about the promotion of "government intelligence." The "war on drugs," as well as "the war on terrorism," are all about the strange, strange promotion of government intelligence.
People need to understand what "government intelligence" means.
It means government spying and government empowerment at the loss of the individual privacy that belongs to the citizens for whom the government is SUPPOSED to be working.
It also means windfall profits for corporations when citizens can be charged with yet more crimes, have their freedom and property taken away from them and then be incarcerated, or have them forcefully medicated.
We now have another "intelligence" matter apparently being suggested, and this one will ensure ongoing windfall profits for the pharmaceutical corporations that are running this country: forced mental examinations.
People need to understand that "mental examinations" are not like physical examinations. Physical examinations are primarily objective measurements. Mental examinations, however, are primarily based upon subjective interpretation. In the wrong hands, it's anyone's ball game.
Incarceration is a major, profiteering industry in the US. The corporations
growing rich on people being imprisoned are looking with increasing greed upon children, and no one seems to be understanding it, yet.
Prosecutors have been granted strange, strange license to magically wave their wands and change children into adults so that the children might receive the harshest and lengthiest of penalties - life. Children are the healthiest of the population, and therefore, the cheapest inmates to keep.
Remember, children have no voice. They have no vote. Having them "turned into adults" so that they might receive the harshest of all sentences - when they have no voice - is worse than draconian.
The Bush family and their friends need to release the world from their bloody strangle-hold. They need to release us from their corporate greed and the corporate wars that demand: more wars,
the taking of human rights, the taking of children's lives, the taking of our health, the taking of our peace of mind, the taking of our privacy and our civil liberties - and the destruction of last shreds of democracy on Earth.
Enough is enough.
This world needs compassion and wisdom in its leaders, and we need those qualities