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Barazim historik i kuqezinjve ndaj Danimarkes Barazim historik 1-1 i kombetares shqiptare ne Qemal Stafa ne ndeshjen e luajtur kunder kryesuesve te grupi tone, Danimarkes.</p> Ndeshja ka nisur me mire per nordiket te cilet ne pjesen e pare te takimit e kerkuan me shume golin, dhe per pak e gjeten ne minuten e 23 kur mbrojtesi Curri dhe portieri Ujkani nuk jane marre vesh mes tyre, por fatmiresisht per kuqezinjte, Rommendahl nuk ka arritur te perfitoje.</p> Me kalimin e minutave kombetarja jone ka nisur te reagoje ne disa raste me Salihin dhe Bogdanin por pa sukses.</p> Pikerisht ne momentin kur ne fushe skuadra shqiptare po zhvillonte nje loje me me shume grinte se danezet, te cilet megjithe rastet qe kishin ishin shume nervoze para portes, ne minuten e 40 nje dalje e gabuar e portierit Ujkani i ka hapur udhen topit te goditur me koke nga Bendter.</p> Me golin e pesuar 5 minuta deri ne fershellimin e gjyqtarit turk rezultati i ndeshjes nuk ka ndryshuar dhe pjesa e pare mbyllet 0-1 per danezet.</p> Me nisjen e pjeses se dyte te takimit kuqezinjte shfaqen me shume agresive ne kerkim te golit te barazimit. Pas disa aksioneve dhe krosimeve radhazi me ane te Dallkut dhe Skeles, ne minuten e 51-te skuadra jone gjen golin e barazimit me ane te Bogdanit i cili ka perfituar nga nje gabim i Sorensen qe nuk spastroi dot topin e goditur lehte nga Salihi brenda zones.</p> Ka qene pikerisht goli i Bogut ai qe i ka dhene zemer skuadres tone qe tregohet me agresive dhe ne minuten e 57-te nje goditje me koke e Dallkut qeth kendin e majte te portes daneze.</p> Ne minuten e 63-te serish tanet me nje goditje kendi per pak nuk gjejne golin, kete here ishte Curri ai qe godet me koke dhe topi kalon thuajse ne te njejten trajektore si topii goditur nga Dallku.</p> Danezet mundohen te kunderpergjigjen por serish mbeten kuqezinjte dominues ne fushen e lojes thuajse deri ne fund te takimit.</p> Minutat e fundit si dhe ato shtese (4) danezet perpiqen te gjejne golin e dyte me ane te disa perpjekjeve rradhazi por pas sukses.</p> Ndeshja mbyllet 1-1 duke sigluar barazimin e pare mes kombetares sone dhe asaj daneze pas tete takimeve zyrtare.</p> Ne ndeshjen e ardhshme me 14 tetor Shqiperia duhet te perballet serish me nje skuader nordike, kete radhe fqinjet e Danimarkes, Suedine.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4495. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4495
Boterori 2010, mbyllen ndeshjet e radhes Mbyllen ndeshjet e radhes per eliminatoret e boterorit Afrika e Jugut 2010. Rrezikon Franca pas barazimit me Serbine, fiton Itali e cila thuajse siguron kualifikimin.</p> Ne grupin e pare ku ben pjese edhe kombetarja jone Suedia fiton ndaj Maltes ne transferte me rezultatin e ngushte 1-0. Po me te njejtin rezultat fiton edhe Portugalia, edhe kjo ne transferte ndaj Hungarise duke mundur nje rival te drejperdrejte ne luften per kualifikim.Grupi kryesohet nga Danimarka me 18 pike, Suedia 15 Portugalia dhe Hungaria 13 pike, Shqiperia 7 dhe Malta 1 pike.</p> Ne grupin e katert Gjermania ka shkaterruar 4-0 Azebajxhanin ndersa Rusia ka fituar ne transferte 3-1 me Uellsin. Ne grup Gjermania ka 22 pike, Rusia 21 te ndjekura nga Finlanda me 14 pike.</p> Ne grupin e peste Spanja fiton ndaj Estonise me rezultatin 3-0, ndersa Turqia nuk ka mundur te fitoje ndaj Bosnjes ne transferte, ndeshja u mbyll 1-1. Grupi kryesohet nga Spanja me 24 pike ndjekur nga Bosnja me 16 pike dhe Turqia 12 pike.</p> Ne grupin e gjashte Anglia fiton ndaj Kroacise 5-1 ndersa Ukraina dhe Bjellorusia kane ndare nga nje pike. Grupi kryesohet nga Anglia me 24 pike e ndjekur nga Kroacia me 17 pike dhe Ukraina me 15 pike.</p> Ne grupin e shtate kryendeshja Serbi-France eshte mbyllur ne barazim 1-1, ndersa Rumania nuk mposhti dot Austrine. Grupi kryesohet nga Serbia me 19 pike e ndjekur nga Franca me 15 dhe Austria 11 pike.</p> Ne grupin e tete Italia mund Bullgarine me rezultatin 2-0, ndersa Mali i Zi me Qipron ndajne nga nje pike pas rezultatit 1-1. Grupi kryesohet nga Italia me 20 pike e ndjekur nga Irlanda me 16 dhe Bullgaria me 11 pike.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4492. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4492
Show Up Even If You Dont Feel like It Some women are lucky. They marry their high school or college sweetheart at twenty-two and never have to deal with dating again. But what if that’s not your story and the only man in your life is your dry cleaner?  You had some relationships in the past but they didn’t work out because you didn’t know what to do.</p> There are many women in your situation. They simply never meet men. Years go by without a Saturday night date. They spent New Year’s Eve with girlfriends, Chinese take out, or a rented video. If this is you, realize that you may not meet Mr. Right naturally and that you therefore must take social actions immediately even if you don’t want to. Obviously, you can’t do The rules if there are no men in your life. Don’t despair – instead, focus on doing something -anything – to increase your chances of meeting men. A good rule to start is to carry out one social action per week, no matter what! Here are some suggestions:</p> Plan to go to a singles party this weekend, get involved in a church, social event, do charity work or work on a political campaign where you might meet men, book a trip to Club Med, place a personal ad, join a dating service, take a share in ski house, summer beach house, play tennis, jog around the park in your neighborhood, anything! You don’t have to dance well, or jog very far. You just have to plan these activities, show up, do your best, and smile.</p> Perhaps you are thinking,”But I don’t have anyone to go with”. Then you must go alone! Of course, it would be great to have friends to go with, but if you don’t have one, thar’s no excuse to sit at home. Many women we know actually pushed themselves to go alone to a party or social affair when they absolutely didn’t want to go, and those were the very nights they met their husbands.</p> If you keep waiting for someone to go with, a convenient ride to the event, or perfect weather, you might never go. How serious are you about meeting someone if you won’t go by yourself? Sometimes it’s actually better to go alone because you’re on your own time schedule and some men might find you easier to approach.</p> Besides, you must learn to accept that, as an adult, you can’t always rely on a friend to do things with. There are many tasks in life that have to be done alone, such as going on job interviews or going to the dentist. Sometimes you have to think about social activities as work – you have to do them regardless of how you feel.</p> Motivating yourself to get off the couch, dress, put on makeup, and show up won’t be easy, but it must be done. Don’t think,” But I’m not comfortable” at this or that. Go anyway!</p> We know it’s not always comfortable to be single in social gatherings, but then again, many things we tell you are not always comfortable. You’re also probably worrying that the kind of men you’re attracted to won’t come up to you, or that you’ll be frustrated because you can’t approach them since you’re too busy. You may not feel that you will have a good time and that you might have had more fun reading a book in bed, but you’ll never meet anyone that way, so you have to go!</p> Even if you don’t meet Mr.Right, going out-whether it be to an “in” restaurant, museum, party-is good for you. It’s a chance to meet new people, broaden your horizons, learn to be at ease in crowds. Tell a friend that you’re going to take one social action this week and make sure you stick to it!</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=176. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=176
Janet konfirmon ndarjen nga Dupri Janet Jackson ka konfirmuar se është ndarë nga i dashuri i saj prej kohësh Jermaine Dupri, dy muaj pasi dolën në sipërfaqe spekulimet për ndarjen e tyre.Dupri mungoi në ceremoninë e varrimit të vëllait të Janet, Michael Jackon, dhe kjo i nxiti faqet e thashethemeve të spekulojnë se ata i kanë dhënë fund lidhjes së tyre shtatëvjeçare.</p> Këngëtarja e hitit All For You thotë se nuk është më në lidhje me Dupri, mirëpo përkundër statusit të saj single, ajo dëshiron të ketë fëmijë, madje edhe do të adaptojë.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=164. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=164
Hatcher: Gjërat që do ti bëj para se të vdes Aktorja Teri Hatcher ka një listë me gjërat që dëshiron ti bëjë para se të vdesë.Ylli i serialit Desperate Housewives aktualisht është duke u përgatitur që të marrë pjesë në një maratonë, e cila është njëra nga shumë gjërat në listën e dëshirave të Hatcher.</p> Dëshiroj të mësohem të luaj disa këngë me kitarë dhe dëshiroj të mësohem të bëj disa vallëzime nga trajnuesit e ‘Dancing with the Stars’…, thotë 44-vjeçarja për dëshirat që presin për tu realizuar.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=158. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=158
Fejohet Kate Hudson? Aktorja Kate Hudson është parë duke mbajtur një unazë fejese për të nxitur spekulime se është fejuar me të dashurin e saj, bejsbollistin, Alex Rodriguez.Në një ndeshje të New York Yankees, ku luan i dashur i saj, ylli i filmit Bride Wars është parë teksa kishte një unazë diamanti në gisht, dhe gazetarët nuk kanë hezituar të spekulojnë se aktorja po përgatitet për tu martuar me Rodriguez.</p> Muajin e kaluar është thënë se Hudson dëshiron të ketë fëmijë me 34-vjeçarin Rodriguez, ndërsa tani thuhet se martesa është e mundshme para se të ndodhë kjo.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=155. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=155
Rourke kërkon grua në Angli Mickey Rourke është duke kërkuar dashuri në Londër, ai është i vendosur që ta gjejë një grua angleze.Që nga shkurorëzimi me Carre Otis në vitin 1998, Rourke ka preferuar të qëndrojë vetëm me qenin e tij. Mirëpo, ai tani i është kthyer skenës së lidhjeve dhe është duke kërkuar një femër, ndërsa ka vendosur që kërkimin ta fillojë në Britani të Madhe.</p> Jam duke kërkuar një nuse angleze. Po kërkoj një shtëpi këtu. Më nevojitet një ring për të boksuar dhe një palestër komplete. Londra është si shtëpia ime e dytë, ka thënë aktori.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=151. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=151
Moss largohet nga GQ Awards Supermodelja britanike Kate Moss është larguar nga ceremonia GQ Men of The Year Awards, pasi që nikoqiri i mbrëmjes ishte tallur në dëm të saj.Bukuroshja ishte shfaqur në ceremoninë e përvitshme në Londër për të prezantuar çmimin Woman Of The Year, për miken e saj Lily Allen.</p> Gjatë prezantimit të saj, Moss kishte folur shpejt dhe kishte pranuar se është tmerrësisht e keqe në gjëra të këtilla, para se tia dorëzonte çmimin këngëtares së hitit Smile.</p> Veprimi i Moss, ishte shfrytëzuar për tallje nga nikoqiri i mbrëmjes, aktori irlandez James Nesbitt, ndërsa modelja ishte ndier e ofenduar nga fjalët e tij, ashtu që e ka marrë të dashurin e saj Jamie Hince dhe është larguar nga evenimenti duke thënë se asnjëherë nuk do të vinte më në këtë ceremoni të ndarjes së çmimeve.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=147. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=147
Lindsay këshilltare e modës </p> Lindsay Lohan ka siguruar një punë të rëndësishme në industrinë e modës- ajo është emëruar këshilltare e stilit për shtëpinë franceze të modës “Emanuel Ungaro”.</p> Caktimi i saj në rolin e këshilltares artistike vjen menjëherë pasi bosët e kompanisë e shkarkuan dizajnerin kryesor Esteban Cortazar, i cili kishte qenë kundër që aktorja e filmit Mean Girls të përfshihej në kompani.</p> Të qenit në pozitën ku unë punoj me shtëpinë e modës në Paris, tejkalon çdo epitet tjetër, është shprehur Lindsay për WWD.com.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=143. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=143
The Embryonal Tumors Embryonal tumors are a rare group of rapidly growing highly malignant tumors that afflict infants and your children and that are thought to have arisen from some slight fault in embryonic development leaving just one, or at the most a few, developing cells independent of the usual regulatory restraints.</p> Many such tumors are already present at birth. Representative examples of such tumors are the nephroblastomas so called wilms tumors of the kidney, retinoblastomas of the eyes, medulloblastomas of the brain, neuroblastomas of the sympathetic nervous system, primitive rhabdomyosarcoma of the pelvic organs, hepatoblastomas of the liver, and a few more. All such embryonal growths are characterized by their precocious age incidence and by their tendency towards rapid growth and extreme invasiness, although as everywhere in cancer variants can occur, with some examples exhibiting slower growth and with clinical recognition delayed until late childhood.</p> Treatment in all such situations is extremely difficult, but combinations of radiotherapy and chemotherapy with surgical excision where possible have sometimes been successful.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://curepages.com/?p=2974. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://curepages.com/?p=2974
Cancers of the Lympthatic System The lymphatic system comprises the body wide system of lymphatic draining into innumerable lymph nodes, and the richest source of lymphocytes of all, the spleen. This whole system is actively engaged in protection against cancer, and in passing it might be of interest to note that metastases hardly ever occur in the spleen in spite of its generous blood supply. Some constituent cells of the lymphoid system, however, may themselves become malignant. Such lymphoid malignancies may be of all grades of aggressiveness, ranging from the almost benign follicular lymphoma at one end of the scale, through lymphosarcoma and hodking’d disease, to the reticulum cell sarcoma at the other. Because of the extensive ramifications of the lymphatic forming cells even under normal circumstances, such form of malignancy, with the exception of the most benign, tend to spread widely and rapidly throughout the body, and occasionally to spill over into the bloodstream, where they are identified as either acute or chronic lymphatic leukemia.</p> Benign follicular lymphoma presents itself as a painless enlargement of one lymph gland or a closely related group of lymph nodes, and microscopic examination shows that the cell pattern and lymph node architecture are still reasonably well preserved. It can be by simply existing the enlarged glands.</p> Until a comparatively short time aog, all other varieties of these lymphoid cancers were uniformly fatal in a matter of months or years, depending upon the grade of malignancy. Today, thanks to the combine use of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, a very significant proportion of patients with these disease can be cured.</p> In many patients the cause of lymphatic cancers is unknown. There is a suggestion that an infectious agent may be at work, because cases tend to occur in clusters in precise geographical locations down to certain street in certain towns, and because similar types of cancer can be produced in experimental animals by viruses.</p> There is also a greatly increased incidence of such disorders in people exposed to excessive high energy radiation, such as professional radiologists and dentists, the offspring of mothers having abdominal x-raysduring pregnancy, atom bomb survivors, workers in the nuclear industry, and also patients taking immunosuppressive drugs following organ translation.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2937. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2937
Cure Your Back Pain With Aerobic Exercise You will spend most of your exercise time engaged in aerobic activities. In fact, aerobic exercise demands a certain minimum time period at least twenty minutes per session, and preferably forty five minutes to an hour, repeated three of four times a week. The sustained nature of the activity is what raises your heart rate and gets your blood pumping as you burn oxygen. These effects give aerobic exercise its other well known name, cardiovascular activity. Indeed, the benefits of sustained activity for the heart and circulatory system have by now gained universal acceptance.</p> But for you, as a person with back trouble, aerobic exercise has another important value, sustained aerobic activities nourish the disks of your spine by increasing the blood supply to these unique tissues. Much back pain  emanates from the disks themselves, which contain abundantnerve endings. To treat your disks themselves, whether you are trying to protect them from deterioration or help them heal after injury, you do best to pursue aerobic exercise.</p> The strong relationship between cardiovascular exercise and the health of the spinal disks has implications for other lifestyle choices. You have probably heard at least a million times that smoking is bad for your heart and lungs. But the fact is, smoking damages the disks too, through its effect on the blood circulation. Nicotine and other components of cigarette smoke compromise the micro circulation the network of tiny blood vessels throughout the body that feed all the tissues, including the disks. Physician’s surveys have identified cigarette smoking as one of the major risk factors for back pain.</p> Among backache sufferers, smokers outnumber nonsmokers four to one. And in follow up studies of people who have undergone operations for the repair of herniated disks, cigarette smokers prove five times more likely to have a poor outcome than postoperative patients who don’t smoke.</p> Alcohol, like cigarette smoke, also constricts the blood vessels and can contribute to poor circulation around the disks. Moderate drinking in social situations probably contributes very little to disk degeneration, but alcohol abuse can aggravate back pain from this source.</p> You may feel immediate positive effects from aerobic exercise, in addition to backache relief. These could include increased energy during your waking hours, coupled with better sleep at night. You may find that you feel calmer during your aerobic activity period, and that you look forward to this time of day, at least in part, for the stress relief it brings. Over the long term, aerobic exercise will help you shed unwanted pounds, since such activity burns body fat and calories. Provided you don’t simultaneously your food intake, aerobic  exercise will gradually whittle away your excess weight.</p> Aerobic exercise tend to be every one’s favorites because they are intrinsically enjoyable, or can be made that way. Many of them can be done in the company of others, and therefore provide opportunities for pleasant social contacts. Wakings wins our vote for the best aerobic exercise, since it is safe and effective and can be done virtually anytime, anywhere, indoors or out.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2944. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2944
Back Pain In Pregnancy This is a common problem not surprisingly? Think about it over a a matter of months a woman gains roughly 2 stone in weight, most of it around the belly, her posture changes dramatically and her ligaments start to slacken in order to prepare for birth.</p> The change in posture alone can result in stressed being passed to tissues such as muscles and ligaments, which are not used to this amount of strain. Consequently, these tissues protest pain! In the last few months a woman’s pelvis is preparing for the birth process, the ligaments slacken and allow more movement in the sacro iliac joints and at the pubic symphysis. This makes these joints more prone to being strained, which can be very sore, making getting around very difficult. The best advice in this situation is to get off to see a chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist, who, apart from easing the situation for you, will give you advice on the bringing process as well if you ask for it!</p> Getting comfortable in bed can be quite difficult. Generally you will not be able to lie on your front. Lying on your back could be very uncomfortable due to the weight of the baby lying on your bladder and other abdominal contents. So, most women end up lying on their sides. In this position, you may find it helpful to have a pillow between your knees to keep the pelvis level, and a thin pillow underneath your belly to stop yourself from rolling forwards with the weight of the baby.</p> The golden rule holds true for pregnant women as well use it or lose it but don’t ever Abuse it! You should continue to take exercise within the limits of your discomfort, it it hurts don’t do it! On the other hand, if you just sit or lie around waiting for your baby to appear, your muscles will waste and your joints seize up making delivery that much harder, and you will not recover from the birth as quickly. So, be sensible, don’t tire yourself out, but don’t tire your chair out either. Again, if in doubt, speak to your chiropractor, oesteopath or physiotherapist.</p> There is often controversy over how much you should work your abdominal muscles. If your abdominal muscles are well exercises during pregnancy they should not tire as quickly during delivery as they would if you do not exercise at all. Very few women suffer from over development of their abdominal muscles! Remember that they will have a lot of work to do during delivery almost certainly more than ever before, so you should prepare for this. Do abdominal strengthening exercise on the toilet.</p> Do not make mistake of believing that all pain in your lower back, pelvis or legs due to the baby pushing on something. If the pain is not relieved by changing position and getting the baby to shift around then consult a chiropractor, oesteopath or physiotherapist.</p> Fist time parents are particularly st risk of low back pain as they are suddenly doing more bending, lifting and carrying. The ideal would be to go into training for parenthood. Perhaps emotionally as well as physically!</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2948. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2948
The Leukemia And Other Cancers Of The Blood Leukemia is a form of malignancy characterized by the appearance of enormous numbers of white blood cells in the circulating blood. There are two main forms of leukemia, according to the primary cell type. These are designed lymphatic and myeloid. Lymphatic leukemia arises, from a primary malignancy of the lymphatic system, and the circulating the blood contains an immerse number of lymphocytes, whereas myeloid leukemia arises from the leukecyte forming myeloid cells of the bone marrow and is characterized by an enormous preponderance of granulocytes in free circulation together with blast cells, which are primitive cells escaping from the marrow before maturation. Each category is further subdivided into acute and chronic, depending upon the degree of malignancy, with the acute varieties tending to be much more common in children but by no means confined to this age group.</p> The symptoms of leukemia are increasing lassitude, anemia, ease of bruising, susceptibility of infections, loss of weight, night sweats, splenic and often liver enlargment. The diagnosis can be established by a simple differential blood count. Today thanks to major advances in chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy, an increasing number of such patients can be cured, but such successful treatment requires special expertise and often special hospital facilities.</p> Polycythemia vera is a comparatively rare cancer of the bone marow cells responsible for red blood cell production. As a result of this disease circulating blood contains many more red blood cells than normal, leading to the characteristic florid plethoric appearance. Although malignant, the disease usually pursues a relatively benign course, with frequent survival for very many years. Some control can be achieved by regular venesection and the use of radioactive isotopes such as radio chromium, which selectively localize in bone and cause marow suppression.</p> Multiple myelomatosis is not a uncommon cancer of the plasma cells of the bone marow concerned with the production of immunoglobulins. It is more common in men than in women and tends to occur in the latter decades of life. The tumor cells produce an abnormal immunoglobulin that can be detected in the blood and, in many patients, in the urine. The illness may run a variable course but the usual picture is one of multiple expanding lesions of the skull and skeleton. Treatment, if required, is by chemotherapy.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2951. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2951
Back Pain in Sports People Back pain in sports people is dealt with pretty much in the same way as back pain in non-sporting person: Use it or Lose it but don’t ever Abuse  it! If you are generally fit you should cope with injury better and recover faster, unless your sport or training is contributing to your back problems.</p> To speed up your recovery it is essential for you to consult a good chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist, preferably one with an interest in sports. This will help to establish the exact diagnosis and whether there is something you are doing to contribute to the problem – through your sport or otherwise. Your training can be modified to work around this problem.</p> Although it’s terrible to be the bringer of bad news, it may be that your therapist advise you to take a break from your training or sport. He is doing this for your own good in the long run. If you do not allow an injury to recover fully now it may never resolve completely and could hamper your performance forever. If you’re not satisfied with the diagnosis and management plan, then seek a second opinion. Follow your therapist’s advice closely; do not make the mistake of doing more of a given exercise than prescribed, on the basis that if three of something is good for you then 30 of it must be ten times better!</p> In terms of the diagnosis of your problem – this is no different to any other person: it may be called a ’sports injury’ but this merely means you did it while participating in sport. Your anatomy is the same as someone who does not participate in sport: you have exactly the same tissues.</p> It is the only management of your problem and you that may be different to that of a non-sporting person. Each person’s management is slightly different, because we are all different to one another, and all demand different things of our bodies.</p> In sport there are some very obvious ways to damage your back:</p> 1. Fast bowling in cricket – the left side of the spine is under great pressure in a right armed bowler as he uses this side to decelerate repidly. 2. Golf can lead to over-rotation of the spine. 3. Squash and badminton require fast twisting, turning and bending movements. 4. Horse riding commonly results in chronic low back strain. 5. Weight training increases the load on your lower back considerably. 6. Physical contact in sport adds to the risk of damaging your back. In sport you are asking more of your body than in most everyday activities, so you must train for this appropriately. This means working on your flexibility and endurance and, for sports such as wrestling, judo and rugby, your sheer strength also. Sports people should be more aware that in preparing for a particular sport you need to pay attention to total fitness. Any weakness will be exposed- a boxer with a big right hook still needs very good abdominal muscles to absorb the punches he will undoubtedly recieve.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2956. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2956