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The Treatment of Cancer Despite the expenditure of more than 10 billion dollars on cancer research, there has been little change in the mortality of most kinds of cancer. The fraction of deaths caused by cancer remains as large as before, and the amount of suffering cancer patients may actually have increased, because some of the forms of treatment that have become popular cause the patient increased misery.</p> It is realistic to recognize that a diagnosis of cancer is often a death sentence, but not always, and not necessarily an immediate one. Some cancers patients recover completely, either because the treatment has been timely and effective or because the patient has experienced what is called spontaneous regression. The so called spontaneous regression probably are in fact not really spontaneous, but rather the result of some change in the nutrition or environment of the patient that stimulates his natural protective mechanism to such an extend as to permit them to overpower the renegade cells. But even if the disease is not overcome it may be possible to extend the time between the date of diagnosis and the date of the death, and, much more important, to ensure that the person with cancer spends this intervening time not as an invalid but as an active and reasonably healthy human. We believe that the main objective of cancer treatment should be to give the patient a long, useful, comfortable, contented, productive, and satisfying life.</p> The kinds of cancer treatment available are:</p> - Surgery - Radiotherapy - Chemotherapy - Hormone Therapy - Imunotherapy - General Supportive Measures - Supplemental Ascorbate</p> It is important that the particular treatment or combination of treatments that is decided on be tailored to the needs of the individual, that is, the patient should be treated, not the disease. The comfort of the patient and his own wishes should always be considered when a decision about treatment is being made.</p> The first point to note is that for many of the common forms of cancer the cause is already known and in some instances the cancer could be prevented and in other at least reduced. The second point to note is that for the majority of established cancers surgical excision of the growth within limits of spread still offers the best prospects of cure, but that because of various anatomical considerations surgical removal is often technically impossible.</p> Cancer chemotherapy is of very real value in the treatment of some leukemia’s and related malignancies of the lymphoid system and in the management of some other forms of malignancy characterized by very rapid growth rates, but is of very limited value elsewhere. Improvement in the scope and effected of chemotherapy will undoubtedly occur, but the time scale is likely to be long and it seems probable that the vast majority of the common cancers of adulthood and old age will remain stubbornly resistant to this form of therapeutic approach. Radiotherapy is of excellent value as an adjunct to surgery in many situations, in association with chemotherapy in some other, and used alone can be quite curative in such quite different clinical problems as superficial skin cancers and deeply invasive cancers of the bladder.</p> While these are all very real therapeutic achievements, thay are hardly grounds for complacency. It has been roughly estimated that in an average large general hospital dealing will all sorts of cancer presenting for the first time at all stages of the illness, it is possible by conventional methods to cure one third such  patients, and that another third are clearly incurable at the time of the diagnosis, leaving a ,idle third who might appear to be cured by the timely application of appropriate treatment, but who later relapse with untreatable recurrence of their disease and then die. A success rate of nine one on three is fairly dismal record in the management of any disease, and especially in the managment of the disease with such high incidence as cancer. Often the chances of cure can be increased by early diagnosis, but even then there is no guarentee of success.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2959. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2959
Tumors Of The Brain Tumors of the brain may be benign or malignant, and because of the rigid containment of the skull they cause equal havoc by brain compression. There are two main tumor types, Meningiomas, arising from the membranes covering the brain and Gliomas , arising from the brain cells. There are many varieties of latter, such as astrocytomas, oligodendrocytomas, and medulloblastomas, classified according to primary cell type.</p> For our purpose it is sufficient to note that all these varieties of intacranial tumors may be relatively benign, slow growing, and well encapsulated and, therefore, if other anatomical considerations permit, suitable for clean surgical removal with minimal damage to brain structure, or highly malignant and diffusely infiltrate with little prospect of any neurosurgical success. However, like every other form of cancer, these highly malignant tumors respond well to radiotherapy, which can offer considerable palliation and even the occasional cure.</p> Brain tumors can occur at any age, but have a peak incidence in children up to the age 10 and again in the fifth decade of life. Their causation has often been related to previous head injury but the evidence for this is extremely tenuous. The symptoms  are increasing headache and interference with some specific brain function, depending upon the anatomical site.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2964. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2964
Benefits Of Exercising During Pregnancy In the beginning i was uncertain and needed additional information to decide whether exercise during pregnancy was a good idea, a bad idea, or didn’t make any difference at all. On the other hand, physical activity was such an integral part of life that was difficult to understand how it could be harmful to something as important as the reproductive process. On the other hand, it was equally difficult to understand why things like a sudden marked increase in temperature or a 50 percent decrease in blood flow to the womb would not harm the developing baby.</p> Because there were many theoretical concerns, little factual knowledge, and a growing number of women exercising vigorously during pregnancy, i decided to analyze the information from the first 10 women who wanted to participate in our survey. During very early pregnancy, their heart rates suddenly went sky high, both at rest and during exercise. It was so early and dramatic that it alarmed several of the women, but it turned out to be simply an early, previously unrecognized sign of healthy pregnancy. Later in pregnancy the heart rates of these women during exercise come back down. By late pregnancy, it was hard for most women to get their exercise heart rates up to the levels recorded before pregnancy, even though their workloads were the same or higher. Energy requirements during exercise also decreased, indicating that their metabolic efficiency were much lower at rest and during exercise. Finally during pregnancy, their blood sugar levels fell during and after exercise, which was the reverse of what happened before they became pregnant.</p> These unexpected and dramatic changes were exciting because they meant that understanding the effects of exercise on the course and out come the pregnancy might be straightforward. It looked as if many functional changes induced by the hormonal signanls of pregnancy had modified various aspects of the exercise response in a manner that would protect the unborn baby. It also appeared that exercise induced cardiovascular and metabolic training effects enhanced the functional chenges of pregnancy in a manner that was also protective. Although this train of thought proved to be naive, it did provide a vital element of early understanding.</p> Indeed, once the basic principles underlying the physiocological interaction between regular exercise and pregancy are understood, it is easy to design and appropriate, individualized exercise regimen for any healthy woman who is either considering pregnancy or already pregnant.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2968. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2968
this is health test this is a health tets for permalinks medic, health care, medical, doctor, treatment</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://curepages.com/?p=2972. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://curepages.com/?p=2972
Topi dekreton Berishën kryeministër, pritet qeveria e re Presidenti i Republikës, Bamir Topi ka dekretuar pak më parë kryeministrin e vendit, Sali Berisha. Përmes një dekreti, kreu i shtetit Bamir Topi, në mbështetje të nenit 93 dhe 96, pika 1 të Kushtetutës së Shqipërisë, me propozim shumicës parlamentare, ka dekretuar Sali Berishën, Kryeministër të Republikës së Shqipërisë. Dekreti hyn në fuqi menjëherë.</p> Dekretimi vjen pak kohë pasi Partia Demokratike nëpërmjet sekretarit organizativ paraqiti pranë Presidentit të Republikës Bamir Topi një shkrese zyrtare për mandatimin e Berishës si kryeministër. Vetëm pas këtij hapi, kreu i ekzekutivit do të paraqesë listën e ministrave të rinj dhe do t’ia propozojë për votim Kuvendit bashkë me programin qeverisës. Në bazë të Kushtetutës, Presidenti i Republikës, në fillim të legjislaturës, emëron Kryeministrin me propozim të partisë ose koalicionit të partive, që ka shumicën e vendeve në Kuvend. Më pas, Kryeministri i emëruar duhet të miratohet nga Kuvendi brenda 10 ditëve. Lista e ministrave të rinj do të jetë një tjetër kompetence e Kryeministrit Sali Berisha, i cili, sipas burimeve, është në përfundim të tij. Pas propozimit të listës, ministri emërohet nga Presidenti i Republikës, brenda 7 ditëve.</p> Ndërsa dekreti i Presidentit shqyrtohet brenda 10 ditëve nga Kuvendi. Prej ditësh, Kryeministri Berisha është përfshirë në një proces negociatash të vazhdueshme për formimin e qeverisë së re.</p> Pas përfundimit të negociatave me Lëvizjen Socialiste për Integrim, Kryeministri Berisha po negocion gjatë me të vetët, me qëllim ruajtjen e ekuilibrave brenda partisë. Si asnjëherë tjetër, ashtu siç e ka pranuar edhe ai vete në daljet publike, lista e re e qeverisë ka qenë e vështirë për të, për shkak edhe të përfshirjes ë LSI-së, e cila deri para zgjedhjeve ishte e paparashikuar për bashkëqeverisje.</p> Berisha pritet të përfundojë qeverinë vetëm brenda dy ditëve, ndërkohe që nga kjo përbërje, padyshim pritet që të shfaqen edhe pakënaqësi, të cilat Kryeministri Berisha do t’i justifikojë me faktin se nuk ka vend për të gjithë.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4489. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4489
Palm Pixi paraqitet zyrtarisht Pas thashethemeve disamuajshe, Palm ka vendosur që edhe zyrtarisht të paraqes telefonin e radhës të mençur të bazuar në platformën e tyre webOS, nën emrin Palm Pixi.Sikur edhe tek paraardhësi i tij Pre, Palm as tek kjo pajisje nuk ka hequr dorë nga tastiera e plotë fizike QWERTY. Trupi i pajisjes ka formë pllake, derisa brenda tij do të gjenden 8 GB hapësirë për ruajtjen e të dhënave, fotoaparat me rezolucion prej dy 2 megapikselash, ekran me diagonale prej 2.63 inçësh me rezolucion 320 x 400 piksela, mirëpo fatkeqësisht nuk ka mbështetje edhe për WiFi.</p> Mu sikur edhe tek modeli Pre, edhe Pixi do të ketë sistemin operativ webOS i cili në prezantimin e parë na ka lënë përshtypje të mëdha për mundësitë që ofron, mirëpo përgjigjja e programuesve zhvillimor dhe numri i vogël i aplikacioneve për pajisjen bukur shumë e kanë ulur entuziazmin tonë krahasuar me platformat tjera siç janë Android e iPhone.</p> Çmimi i pajisjes sigurisht do të jetë më i ulët krahasuar me modelin Pre, i cili kohë më parë është liruar në 150 dollarë.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=128. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=128
Martohet Christina Milian Christina Milian dhe producenti muzikor The-Dream kanë lidhur kurorë të premten në Las Vegas.</p> Këngëtarja 27-vjeçare dhe ylli i muzikës rep, u martuan në një ceremoni në Vegas në mes të natës së të premtes, me Christina që kishte veshur një fustan të marrë me qira në vlerën e 200 dollarëve dhe The-Dream që veshte një komplet të dhuruar 100 dollarësh.</p> Asnjë detaj nuk është dhënë në lidhje me ceremoninë.Dyshja zbuluan që në muajin korrik se do të martoheshin.</p> Kjo është martesa e dytë për The-Dream, i cili ka një vajzë katërvjeçare, Navy Talia, dhe dy djem binjakë me ish-gruan Nivea.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=816. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=816
Briatore- Gregoraci presin femijen e pare? Flavio Briatore nuk i ka punet mire me skuderine Renault per shkak te hetimit te FIA-s qe mund ta pezulloje, por nuk mund te thuhet e njejta gje per jeten e tij private. </p> </p> Flavio dhe bashkeshortja e tij, Elisabetta Gregoraci nuk jane aspak ne krize sic perflitej kohet e fundit.</p> Sipas revistes Chi, cifti pret nje femije. Bukuroshja kalabreze qe u martua me menaxherin e Renault ne 14 qershor, ka zbuluar barkun gjate pushimeve ne Sardenje dhe linjat e kane tradhetuar.</p> Cifti nuk e pohuar por as mohuar kete lajm.</p> Kohet e fundit ishte folur per nje krize te thelle mes ciftit, por asgje nuk eshte e vertete pasi Briatore dhe Gregoraci kane treguar kohet e fundit se jane te pandashem nga njeri-tjetri.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=811. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=811
Aniston: Vazhdoj te jem romantike Jennifer Aniston beson ende tek dashuria dhe romanca.</p> Vazhdoj te jem romantike. Mendoj se eshte e rendesishme qe te kesh nje marredhenie te ngushte qe perfundon nga nje lidhje romantike ne nje miqesi, eshte shprehur ish-aktorja e Friends.</p> Duhet gjithmone te jesh e qarte ne fund dhe te dish se perse filloi dhe perse mbaroi lidhja. Duhet qe ne jeten tende te levizesh paster deri ne fazen tjeter, shtoi Aniston.</p> Ajo deklaroi se marredheniet e saj te fundit mund te kene deshtuar per shkak te mungeses se komunikimit.</p> Nje marredhenie e mire lidhet me bashkepunimin. Kjo eshte menyra per te shkuar ne nje marredhenie. Mendoj se partneret duhet te flasin me njeri-tjetrin, tha Aniston.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=805. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=805
Aniston: Vazhdoj te jem romantike Jennifer Aniston beson ende tek dashuria dhe romanca.</p> Vazhdoj te jem romantike. Mendoj se eshte e rendesishme qe te kesh nje marredhenie te ngushte qe perfundon nga nje lidhje romantike ne nje miqesi, eshte shprehur ish-aktorja e Friends.</p> Duhet gjithmone te jesh e qarte ne fund dhe te dish se perse filloi dhe perse mbaroi lidhja. Duhet qe ne jeten tende te levizesh paster deri ne fazen tjeter, shtoi Aniston.</p> Ajo deklaroi se marredheniet e saj te fundit mund te kene deshtuar per shkak te mungeses se komunikimit.</p> Nje marredhenie e mire lidhet me bashkepunimin. Kjo eshte menyra per te shkuar ne nje marredhenie. Mendoj se partneret duhet te flasin me njeri-tjetrin, tha Aniston.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=805. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=805
Lindë fëmija me dy koka dhe një zemër </p> Nje femije me dy koke dhe nje zemer te vetme ka lindur ne ditet e fundit ne lokalitetin e Kiaukmese, ne Mianmar.</p> Lajmin e ben te ditur nje e perjavshme lokale, e cila sqaron se femija eshte i prekur nga nje patologji e rralle dhe ka vetem 25% mundesi per te mbijetuar.</p> Behet fjale per nje rast te rralle, pasi ne trupin e vogelushit ndodhen dy binjake me koka te vecanta, por qe kane organe te perbashketa.</p> Sipas eksperteve te shendetesise, nje rast i tille mund te verifikohet vetem nje here ne 80 mije te lindur.</p> Nje rast shume i ngjashem u regjistrua ne fund te korrikut ne Filipine, ku lindi nje vajze me dy koka, por qe ndryshe nga vogelushi kishte edhe dy zemra.</p> </p> Burimi : www.tiranachat.net</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=126. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=126
Gjen 100 mijë euro dhe i kthen </p> Nje aksion i mire qe cudit. Yvon Woterghem, nje tregtar i ri i nje dyqani ne Meurchin, ne veri te Frances, ka gjetur ne kosh plehrash 100 mije euro dhe i ka kthyer.</p> Parate ndodheshin ne nje kuti biskotash dhe mund te jene hedhur pa dashur ne mbeturina.</p> Pronaret jane nje cift pleqsh qe me shumen, ndoshta donin te paguanin qerane e azilit.</p> Vajza e ciftit eshte cuditur duke deklaruar se i detyrohet te riut nje mirenjohje shume te madhe.</p> </p> Burimi : www.tiranachat.com</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=124. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=124
Hidhet nga kati i 8-te, vret një kalimtar </p> Nje grua ne Spanje eshte hedhur nga kati i tete, por bashke me veten, ne boten e pertejme ka marre edhe nje person tjeter.</p> Ngjarja tragji-komike ndodhi ne Viladekans prane Barcelones ku ukrainasja 50 vjecare eshte hedhur nga pallati, duke rene mbi nje kalimtar. 50 vjecarja nuk ka vdekur menjehere por gjate rruges per ne spital ajo nuk ka rezistuar dot.</p> Te gjitha detajet e kesaj tragjedie i publikon gazeta El Mundo ne edicionin online. Sipas te dhenave spitalore, edhe personi i vdekur ne trotuar nuk ka nderruar menjehere jete. Mjeket kane bere gjithcka per ta mbajtur ne jete, por goditja qe ai kishte marre, ishte shume e rende.</p> </p> Burimi : www.tiranachat.net</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=122. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=122
Njeriu Merimange ngjitë kullen e Malajzisë </p> Alpinisti francez i njohur ndryshe si njeriu merimange per ngjitjet e tij spektakolare, ka ngjitur nje nga ndertesat me te larta te botes, ne Malajzi, ne tentativen e tij te trete.</p> Deshmitaret treguan se 47-vjecarit Alain Robert iu deshen me shume se dy ore per te arritur ne majen e kulles se dyte 88 kateshe te Petronas Towers.</p> Robert ka ngjitur ndertesat me te larta te botes pa perdorur mjete sigurie, por shume here eshte arrestuar nga policia.</p> Njeriu merimange e filloi ngjitjen e 452 metrave pasi kaloi pa u vene re nga agjentet e sigurise dhe arriti ne maje ne 07:30 me oren lokale.</p> Me te arritur atje, ai shpalosi nje flamur te Malajzise dhe ngriti duart lart ne shenje fitoreje.</p> Ai u ngjit duke perdorur vetem duart e tij dhe arriti ne maje aq shpejt saqe personeli i sigurise nuk e vuri re, ka deklaruar nje kameraman i mediave lokale.</p> </p> Burimi : www.tiranachat.net</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=119. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://hulumto.blog.al/?p=119
Blind Date Etiquette Some people find blind dates unbearably awkward, and others enjoy them. Some blind dates, admittedly, are unbearably awkward, while others are quite enjoyable.</p> Behavior on a blind date should be no different than that on any other date. Even if you know at first glance that this person is all wrong for you, kindness dictates you behave graciously. After all, it is not your date’s fault that the two of you are a mismatch. The ultimate in rude behaviour is to ditch a blind date in the middle of an evening or even to avoid speeding time with your date. You accepted the invitation to go in this date, and you have no choice but to be kind to the person even he or she have five heads and bright orange eyes.</p> What you need to do and what is actually unkind is to pretend that this is someone you want to see again. At the end of the evening , if the person expresses an interest in seeing you again, consider this one of those occasions when a white lie is needed to let someone off gently. Say, you are very busy, you are going to be traveling a lot, or that you are recuperating from a broken heart and do not think you can handle a relationship right now, anything that lets the other person know he or she will not be seeing you again. Even if the person does not ask about seeing you again, do not end the evening with a false promise to call. If your date persist, you may be forced to be a little franker and simply say, “I can tell you are a fine person, but i don’t think we are right for each other”</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=168. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=168