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Sex In The Office For those of you who thought sex and the office were mutually exclusive, it may come as a shock to learn that a certain level of sexual vibration is present, on and off, sometimes more and sometimes less, in just about every office. These days, there is probably more rather than less sexual vibration as more women have assumed positions of responsibility in the workplace.</p> Much of the time, the sexual overtones are no one’s fault , they just occur whenever men and women are thrown together in intimate surroundings, and short of family life few surroundings are so intimate as those of the office “family”</p> Banter Certain offices, or rather those who work in them, seem to invite sexual banter. If it is harmless, and if you feel comfortable participating, go ahead. Realize, though, that such innocent banter cab easily escalate, so keep it on a light level. This kind of banter is no more serious than frivolous joking about any other subject.</p> One woman i know reports on a method of dealing with the banter that works especially well for her. When a colleague who obviously had a bit of a crash on her repeatedly and flirtatiously asked her out for an after work drink, she responded by saying, “I have wanted you for a long time. Why don’t you leave your wife and run away with me?” Her banter, outrageous as it was, also conveyed a serious message, which was that she was aware of his ulterior motive in inviting her. It also served to remind him that she knew, and he should remember, that he had a wife.</p> Saying NO Sometimes the banter turns into a more direct invitation that must be dealt with in a more direct fashion. Since the invitation usually comes from a man, it must be dealt with by a woman.</p> In such situations, i think the direct response is the most effective and, in the long run the kindest. And throwing in a little flattery helps. If you are dating one, you can always say, “I really find you very attractive, but I’m involved with someone right now.” if you are not dating someone, it may not be wise to claim you are since you will the have to keep up the pretense at work. Your colleague is also constantly around and capable of checking to see how your affairs is going.</p> A better response if you are not involved with someone at the present time and have no wish to see a colleague romantically is to say honestly, “I find you very attractive, but i don’t go out with people i work with.” It is a little cliche to offer friendship when someone is lusting after you, but in many instances. a work colleague does become a good friend once he or she finds out there is no chance for anything else.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=162. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=162
Benefits Of Exercising During Pregnancy In the beginning i was uncertain and needed additional information to decide whether exercise during pregnancy was a good idea, a bad idea, or didn’t make any difference at all. On the other hand, physical activity was such an integral part of life that was difficult to understand how it could be harmful to something as important as the reproductive process. On the other hand, it was equally difficult to understand why things like a sudden marked increase in temperature or a 50 percent decrease in blood flow to the womb would not harm the developing baby.</p> Because there were many theoretical concerns, little factual knowledge, and a growing number of women exercising vigorously during pregnancy, i decided to analyze the information from the first 10 women who wanted to participate in our survey. During very early pregnancy, their heart rates suddenly went sky high, both at rest and during exercise. It was so early and dramatic that it alarmed several of the women, but it turned out to be simply an early, previously unrecognized sign of healthy pregnancy. Later in pregnancy the heart rates of these women during exercise come back down. By late pregnancy, it was hard for most women to get their exercise heart rates up to the levels recorded before pregnancy, even though their workloads were the same or higher. Energy requirements during exercise also decreased, indicating that their metabolic efficiency were much lower at rest and during exercise. Finally during pregnancy, their blood sugar levels fell during and after exercise, which was the reverse of what happened before they became pregnant.</p> These unexpected and dramatic changes were exciting because they meant that understanding the effects of exercise on the course and out come the pregnancy might be straightforward. It looked as if many functional changes induced by the hormonal signanls of pregnancy had modified various aspects of the exercise response in a manner that would protect the unborn baby. It also appeared that exercise induced cardiovascular and metabolic training effects enhanced the functional chenges of pregnancy in a manner that was also protective. Although this train of thought proved to be naive, it did provide a vital element of early understanding.</p> Indeed, once the basic principles underlying the physiocological interaction between regular exercise and pregancy are understood, it is easy to design and appropriate, individualized exercise regimen for any healthy woman who is either considering pregnancy or already pregnant.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2968. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2968
Samsung N130 and N140 </p> Two very similar netbook from 10.1 inches from Samsung come with standard equipment and the battery duration mbimesatare.</p> Samsung has introduced two new netbook in its line. It is about N130 and N140 models.</p> The two models have screens with a diagonal of 10.1 inches, processor 1.6 GHz Intel Atom, one gigabytes working memory, 160 gigabytes of disk classic, camera web design and graphics of the Intel GMA 950.</p> </p> The difference between the two models is 1.5 watt loudspeakers to the N140 model instead of from 1 watt to N130 which also lacks Bluetooth. The duration of the battery to remove N140 is stated in less than 11 hours, while in model N130 is seven hours.</p> European market price is 320 euros for N130, N140 until the avancuari costs 380 euros.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=644. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=644
Downloaded teen million Opera 10 for one week </p> Norwegian browser Opera in its 10th version is in order of those that ultimately are presented in the market, while its numerous opportunities have led to record number of discharges, which, according to official claims the company, during the first week of presentation is downloaded ten million times.</p> “Although the appearance of any new version of the largest record number of downloads, Opera, version of 10 has exceeded all our expectations,” said Jon von Tetzchner, CEO of Opera Software company. “The main reason for this and see which option Turbo We have integrated the Opera “, he added.</p> In simple option Turbo Opera browser is a form which allows compression of network traffic by 80 percent, with which users gain experience faster during Internet browsing content.</p> That will help this new version of Opera company to have participation in the browser market, remains to be seen. According to some data, turnout Opera currently holds only 2.1 percent and is listed in the fifth most used browser.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=632. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=632
LG prepares Android mobile </p> In Berlin these days is precisely the international electronics fair held spending Berlin IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin). In verse of many innovations in this exhibition is presented as the first device from LG’s Tabor of which will use the company’s Android operating system Google.</p> German magazine Chip.de team has managed to launch their own hands handset LG Etna, the first device that uses this company Androidin.</p> Full technical details of LG Etnas currently remain unknown, but from those who have been released into arrangements that mobile is slippery and full keyboard, the screen that has three inçësh, fotoaparat five Megapixel, Bluetooth and USB, and of course, use Android.</p> The device known as the German market will be presented in December of this year, while placing her other world markets is not known.</p> www.lgmobile.com</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=628. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=628
OLED screens come </p> According to the research company iSupply, sales of OLED screens will increase to eight times more within the next four years.</p> Although currently sold ‘only’ about 30 million, iSupply predicts that by 2013 the market for OLED screens will be eight times larger and will be around 240 million per year. This prognosis, however, comes with a condition, manufacturers have shifted from passive to active matrix in these screens so that they are acceptable to users.</p> Although the first OLED screens could display only one or two colors, a new generation of these screens, which are mainly used in mobile phones or other hand equipment is able to display full spectrum of colors, while on the contrary are in economic terms energy than LCD screens classic and provide vivid colors and better contrast.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=624. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=624
ThinkPad Keyboards </p> At the request of the customer company has released for sale Lenovo keyboard based on what the ThinkPad T400 laptop.</p> Lenovo has started to sell an interesting and unusual keyboard designed according to customer desires and demands. Lenovo ThinkPad USB Keyboard is exactly what the name speaks, keyboard almost identical to that of T400 laptop.</p> </p> During the design company has respected the wishes of users and provide a sense as the T400 keypad, but left-in touchpad, and the wireless version with numerical keys.</p> Keyboard contains two openings for fluid flow which can by empty randomly, while Lenovo further states that there is wireless version, depending on the interest of buyers. The price of this keyboard in the company’s online store costs 59 dollars.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=619. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=619
25 Reasons Why Women Want To Call Men But Shouldnt! 25 Reasons Why Women Want To Call Men But Shouldn’t!</p> 1.      He didn’t call you. 2.     You think he lost your number. 3.     You think he thinks you are not interested. 4.     You have to tickets to a show. 5.     You need a date for a wedding. 6.     Your mother told you to call him. 7.     Your girlfriend said “Call him: 8.     Your brother said he’d be flattered if a girl called him. 9.     You can’t sleep well since he stopped calling. 10.   You want to ask him why he stopped calling. 11.    You want to get his recipe for chili. 13.   You can’t live without him. 14.   You want to ask him what it is about you he didn’t like. 15.   You want to know how he is doing. 16.   You want to wish him a Happy Birthday. 17.   Your phone number is unlisted now and you want to give him your new number. 18.   You are thinking about joining a convent and wanted his opinion. 19.   You want to know if the new women is thinner, prettier, smarter, better in bed, or more successful than you are. 20.  You are just calling to say “hi”. 21.   You are never home and you are hard to reach. 22.  Your answering machine is broken. 23. You are going to Paris. 24. You want to ask him one more time “Is it really over”. 25. He said “Call me”. 26. You miss his voice.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=156. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=156
If He Doesnt Call, He Is Not Interested. Period! We know this is hard to accept. We have heard it all every rationalization imaginable used to avoid having to confront this unpleasant truth, he said he was going to call at the end of the last date, but didn’t.  Now you are sure it is because you didn’t smile or talk enough, or you talked too much. You didn’t thank him for dinner. You ordered the most expensive dish and now he thinks you are after his money.</p> Or he hasn’t called because he is busy, or he is going through sometimes with his father or ex wife.</p> Business is rough and that’s why he hasn’t called. He thought you didn’t have a good time on the last date, so he didn’t call. He hasn’t called because he lost your number.</p> We can all come up qith 100 reasons why a man didn’t called. But the bottom line is, if he hasn’t called, he is not interested.</p> I am not saying he doesn’t like you or that you didn’t have a great date or that you are not on his mind sometimes, but if he hasn’t actually dialed your number, how interested can he be?</p> If you have to call him to remind him you exist, something is wrong. Then, if you pursue him and he ever marries you, you will have to remind him it is your birthday or your wedding anniversary or call him at work to get his attention. You might have to initiate sex and vacations. You will always have the one to call the travel agent because he may think about vacations, but he never gets around to calling. Things are the way they are! This is not the kind of relationship a girl want to get involved to.</p> So don’t waste your time analyzing what you may have done to discourage him from calling. Let it go. No matter what the reason, if he doesn’t call, it is next!</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=153. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=153
Turning Your Friend Into Boyfriend You have been friends for ages. Now, for whatever reason, you have decided he is the One. Can you turn a friend into a boyfriend? Only if he really likes you, but you or circumstances prevented the friendship from developing further.</p> How can you be sure he always like you as more than a friend if you are just been friends? There are certain things a friend does or says when he is drawn to you. The bottom line: When a man is attracted to you, he finds ways excuses to be near you.</p> When a friend wants to date you, he doesn’t talk about other women, even if he is dating someone else.He never seems to notice other women, even your very attractive friend. IF, in fact, he is attracted to other women, he tells everyone but you. Around you, the words will just not come out, they stick in his throat.</p> While he is private about his private life, he wants to know about yours and ask a lot of questions. He want to know the type of the guy you like to date and what you like to do on Saturday night. When a friend is really interested in you, he tries to be helpful. He offers to show you how to play tennis or how to work the computer. He might help you move your stuff from one apartment to another. He means more than he says. He tries to be cool around you, but he is really quite nervous.</p> When a male friend is not interested in you romantically, he behaves quite differently. He is calm, rational, meter of fact. You can take everything he does and says at face value. He ask you for advice about dating other women because he really wants your advice! He is not secretly in love with you or bringing it up to get closer to you. He talks freely about liking other women. If he likes you only as a friend, there is nothing you can do about becoming his girlfriend. Don’t try to convince him by having a heart to heart talk about your feelings because it will probably put a strain on your friendship.</p> Now to get him to like you since you can’t but for your self esteem. Don’t call him. When he calls, get off the phone in ten minutes. Don’t play therapist when he talks about his girlfriend problems. More important, try to meet other men. You are better off forcing yourself to go social events to meet your possible husband than forcing yourself on this friend. But if you think he may be interested in you, you can casually mention that you are having boyfriends problems, not seeing your boyfriend anymore or that you are not dating anyone. See how he reacts. If he is interested, he will ask you out.</p> Don’t talk to him like a friend but be light, feminine and mysterious. Don’t tell him all your problems. Don’t start pursuing him with callsm, notes, text and dinner invitations, just be yourself. LET THE TIME WORK FOR YOU. Good Luck!!!</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=150. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=150
The new Ford C-Max: More power, more economical Ford has published several photos of the next generation of model C-Max, on the eve of the vehicles fair in Frankfurt, Germany.</p> The appearance of the vehicle was created under the concept Iosis Max, while the model continues ‘philosophy’ of a compact car but with many functions.sure i do</p> C-Max new will be built in the new platform Ford C, which will be the basis of architecture for new generation Focus the end of 2010.</p> </p> Ford has not revealed all the details, but it is known that C-Max for 2011 will be well equipped new engine 1.6 liters EcoBoost four-cylinder, which means that there will be turbo-charger and direct burning in order the creation of more horses and less spending power.</p> </p> The sale will be out in the second half of next year.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=614. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=614
Electronic reader with two screens from Asus While the whole world is whir for Apple and its TABLET computer which will be presented or not, the company Asus has decided to take matters into their own hands and to present its vision how should such a device appears . That means an electronic reader with two screens and with price to very free in market.</p> It is best achieved when combined cheap price and innovation, and such is just something the company Asus prepares us. The first electronic reader two screens, should cost only £ 100, that would make even one of the readers on the free market.</p> For specifics now know very little, but presumed that Asus will be able to present the more expensive version of the device which would support the third generation (3G) and greater space for storage of data.</p> This electronic reader should be presented to the market by the end of this year.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=609. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=609
Fejohet Kaltrina Selimi Kaltrina Selimi bënë një hap përpara në jetën e saj sentimentale.</p> Ajo ka kurorëzuar lidhjen me fejesë me Driton Stubllën nga Gjilani, i cili jeton dhe punon në Londër.</p> Për Express, Kaltrina ka bërë të ditur se fejesa ka ndodhur më 4 shtator, në ditëlindjen e saj, përderisa ishin për pushime në bregdetin e Turqisë. Më 4 shtator kur ishte ditëlindja ime, Dritoni më dhuroi unazën e fejesës, ka deklaruar Kaltrina, duke shtuar se nuk ka qenë e planifikuar që kjo të ndodhte të paktën në këtë kohë.</p> Kaltrina lidhjen e saj e pati bërë publike kohë më parë në emisionin Express.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=800. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=800
Tërmet 7 ballë në Dibër. Banorët në panik kalojnë natën jashtë Një tërmet i fuqishëm me epiqedër 19 km larg Peshkopisë është regjistruar mbrëmë. Tërmeti është ndjerë në disa qytete të Shqipërisë. Banorët e komunës Gjoricë, Shupenzë, janë detyruar të kalojnë natën jashtë në panik. Lëkundjet, ndonëse me intensitet më të vogël janë ndjerë gjithë natën ndërsa frika dhe i ftohti u ka përcjellë mornicat në palc. Në këto foto, janë anëtarë të një familjeje nga fshati Gjoricë, të cilët si të gjithë bashkëfshatarët e tyre janë detyruar të kalojnë natën jashtë. Një e moshuar tund djepin ku po fle gjumë njëri nga dy fëmijët e mitur të familjes. Banorët ndjekin të shqetësuar gjatë natës tv NEWS24 për të rejat e fundit mbi tërmetin i cili i dëmtoi dhe banesat e tyre. Tv NEWS 24 ishte i vetmi tv i cili nisi transmetimin maratonë mbi ngjarjen që në orët e para të mëngjesit.</p> </p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4476. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4476
Bertan Asllani - Ta Kesh Parasysh Bertan Asllani - Ta Kesh Parasysh </p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4473. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4473