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Dating Tips for Men Dating Tips for Men</p> This article is to address men’s concerns, to include them, to dispel any tensions between the sexes.</p> How to tell if she is interested</p> She is interested in you if: 1. She gives you her phone number if you ask her for it. 2. She declines to take your phone number or business card, but is willing  to give you hers if you ask for it. 3. She says “yes” to a Saturday night date if you ask by Wednesday. 4. She says “I would love to but I can’t,” if you call too late in the week or she is truly busy. 5. She seems to have fun on the date, laughs, lets you kiss her good night. Maybe you’re not sure if she’ll marry you one day, but you definitely get the sense that she’ll probably see you again. 6. She doesn’t call you back all the time, but when you get her in, she’s happy te hear from you. 7. She doesn’t stay on the phone for too long- but when she gets off she is always nice about it. She is not interested in you if: 1. She says “no” when you ask for her number or offer her yours. 2. She says “no” when you ask her to dance at a party. 3. She says”no” or “I don’t think so” when you ask her out early in the week for Saturday night-several weeks in a row. 4. She never returns your calls, ever! 5. She says,”I don’t feel a spark” or “I’m not interested” or “please don’t call me again.”</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=182. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=182
Treatment of Cancer by Chemotherapy The ideal Treatment of Cancer by Chemotherapy would be some compound that selectively destroys  malignant cell but is completely harmless to all normal cells. In the worldwide search for such compound, current thinking is understandably influenced by the spectacular successes of antibacterial chemotherapy. Taking the sulfonamides and penicillin as example, we have substances that exploit explicit metabolic differences between bacterial and mammalian cells, and as result are fatal to many bacteria in minute concentrations and harmless to the human in massive concentrations, apart from the few rare individuals who develop sensitivity reactions.</p> All of  chemotherapy progress is based upon the exploitation of some inherent metabolic difference between the bacterial foreign invader cells and the cells of the chemotherapy are responsible for much confusion in cancer chemotherapy research. Fundamentally, cancers cells are not foreign invaders.</p> Progress in cancer chemotherapy was first based on the assumption that cancer cells divide at a greater rate than normal cells. Thus it was argued that any chemical poison that would preferentially destroy dividing cells would have a greater deterrent effect upon cancer cells than on the allegedly quiescent cells of the host. Almost every chemotherapeutic compound so far discovered acts in this non specific manner, by interfering with the processes of cells division and multiplication.</p> With a better understanding, we now see that the use of cytotoxic cancer chemotheraupetic agents can still be justified in such situations because of the greater recovery potential of the normal cells.</p> The drugs used against cancer may be conveniently grouped into several classes. Mustard gas and nitrogen mustard are in the class of alkylating agents. They have the power of attaching themselves or transferring an alkali group to other molecules, in particular to the units in the DNA  of the cells. The anti metabolites are substances closely similar to some substances that is necessary for growth and reproduction, such as a vitamin. An anti metabolite works by combining with an enzyme or other protein in the same way as does the vitamin or other important molecule, and then not carrying out the vital function, while blocking the vitamin from access.  The mitotic inhibitors prevent mitosis, the process in which the chromosomes in the cell duplicate themselves and then the pairs separate, in order that one set may remain in each of the two daughter cells that are formed when the cells divides.</p> There are also some anti cancers drugs that have not been assigned to these classes. These drugs are extremely potent poisons, and must be used with very great care and judgment.</p> The possible cost of the treatment also needs some consideration, to subject the patient and his family to a treatment that has little promise of success and that costs them thousands or tens of dollars may only increase the burden of their suffering. What is near criminal is treating for treatment’s sake, and both patients and many doctors may share the responsibility for such an action. Patients beg for a treatment, and doctors feel an obligation to provide it, even though it may be obvious that the treatment does more harm than good. It should be kept in mind, when a decision is being made, that the natural protective mechanism of the body, when they are given the opportunity to function most effectively, may retard and just very occasionally overcome the disease. A great disadvantage of chemotherapy is that the chemotherapeutic agents seriously damage the body’s natural protective mechanism</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://curepages.com/?p=2989. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://curepages.com/?p=2989
Një mbrëmje shumë e veçantë e Adelina Thaçit Më daten 25 shtator, këngëtarja Adelina Thaçi do të jetë e pranishme në mbrëmjen shqiptaro-amerikane në SHBA, ku do të jenë të pranishëm fytyra të politikës, aktivistë dhe artistë nga Kosova dhe Shqipëria, të cilët në praninë e miqve amerikanë përmes mirënjohjeve do të falënderojnë njerëzit që bënë historinë.</p> Do të jetë një mbrëmje shqiptaro-amerikane në të cilën do të ndahen çmime për disa njerëz që kanë punuar për Kosovën, njëri nga ata do të jetë edhe Martii Ahtisaari, tregon Adelina për Infopress.</p> Në këtë mbrëmje nuk do të mungojnë edhe këngëtarët nga trojet shqiptare, të cilët do të këndojnë këngë nga repertorët e tyre, ndërsa një prej tyre është edhe Adelina Thaçi. </p> Do të prezantohem live, por nuk e di se cilat do të jenë këngët që do ti këndoj.</p> Gjithsesi do të jenë disa nga këngët e mia më të mira, ndonëse ende nuk më kanë prezantuar programin me të cilin do të prezantohem atje, shton këngëtarja.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=845. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=845
Inva Mula do vendosë jashtë gjykatës për kujdestarinë e djalit Në seancën e djeshme gjyqësore të procesit gjyqësor të ndarjes së çiftit Pirro Çako dhe Inva Mula, avokatët e këtyre të fundit i kanë kërkuar Gjykatës së Shkallës së Parë në kryeqytet, konkretisht gjyqtares Elona Gjoka, që t’u japë një muaj kohë për të zgjidhur mes tyre se kush do të marrë përsipër kujdestarinë e djalit.</p> </p> Ka qenë avokatja e këngëtarit Çako që i ka propozuar avokates së sopranos Mula, që klientët e tyre të zgjidhin mes vete se kush do të ushtrojë përgjegjësinë prindërore ndaj djalit të tyre. </p> “Me propozim të avokates së Pirro Çakos, u kërkua të shtyhet seanca gjyqësore për një afat njëmujor, për t’i lënë kohë çiftit mes vete të zgjidhin se kush do të mbajë djalin dhe përgjegjësinë prindëror që do të kenë karshi fëmijës. Kjo kërkesë u pranua nga gjykata, e cila caktoi datën 5 tetor, ora 10:00 për vazhdimin e seancës gjyqësore, ku do të shprehen për kujdestarinë e djalit të tyre,” – thanë burimet nga gjykata.</p> Pas këtij propozimi, avokati i sopranos Mula kërkoi kohë të fliste me klientin e tij, ku dhe do të japë mendimin për kujdestarinë e djalit, që mendohet se sopranoja nuk dëshiron që djali i tyre të mbetet me babanë Pirro Çako.</p> Pritet që në ditët në vazhdim të bëhet një konsultë mes avokatëve të çiftit për të vendosur se kush do të mbajë djalin dhe përgjegjësitë prindërore që i takojnë secilit deri në moshën 18-vjeçare. Në seancën e radhës, pritet që të parashtrohet edhe vendimi i marrë i çiftit, se kush do të kujdeset deri në moshën 18-vjeçare për djalin e tyre.</p> Pranë Gjykatës së Shkallës së Parë, që nga fundi i muajt prill po shqyrtohet kërkesëpadia e bërë nga sopranoja Inva Mula për ndarjen me bashkëshortin e saj Pirro Çako. Deri pasditen e djeshme, janë shqyrtuar tetë seanca gjyqësore, por pa arritur një përfundim për ndarjen mes tyre dhe pasurisë së ngritur gjatë martesës disavjeçare.</p> Kërkesëpadinë, sopranoja Mula e ka argumentuar me faktin se ata jetonin larg njëri-tjetrit dhe se “marrëdhënia e tyre nuk kishte më kuptim”. Ndërkohë, në media të ndryshme janë botuar rrethana të një lidhjeje të sopranos shqiptare me famë botërore, me biznesmenin kosovarë, Et’hem Ramadani. /shekulli/</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=848. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=848
Angelina Jolie kunder Megan Fox Angelina Jolie kunder Megan Fox: dy aktoret jane ne gare per rolin e Barbarella, ne filmin e ri te filmin.</p> “Kjo eshte hera e pare qe Angie e Megan gjenden balle per balle njera-tjetres per te njejtin rol. Angie eshte ne presion te madh”, thote nje burim prane aktoreve.</p> Ndoshta Angie e di qe me te rejat, jane me te favorizuara ne marrjen e roleve.</p> Si do te shkoje kjo pune? Dhe te mendosh qe me pare Megan Fox ka deklaruar se Jolie ishte idhulli i saj!</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=853. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=853
Janet: Nuk arrij ta besoj qe Jacko ka vdekur Kane kaluar me shume se dy muaj nga vdekja e Michael Jackson por motra e tij, Janet Jackson nuk arrin ende ta besoje qe ai eshte larguar pergjithmone. </p> Ne nje interviste, e para qe pas tragjedise, Janet rrefen se shpesh here flet sikur Michael te jete ende ne jete. E kam me te vertete te veshtire te besoj qe ai iku, shton Janet ne nje interviste per “Harper’s Bazaar”.</p> Ajo thote se po kalon nje nga periudhat me te keqija te jetes, e izoluar nga bota dhe e vetmuar. Jo te gjithe jane prej guri. U izolova nga bota per te mos vuajtur.</p> Madje kam pyetur edhe kushinierin tim: Cfare ka ndryshuar Obama? Sepse nuk kam lexuar asnje gazete prej kohesh, shton motra e Jacko.</p> Takimi i saj me Michael daton nje muaj para vdekjes se kengetarit, ne 14 maj. U defryem shume ate dite, por u degjuam edhe gjate diteve te ardhshme, kujton Janet.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=840. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=840
Paris Hilton në fjalorin e Oxford-it Pasanikja Paris Hilton më në fund ka folur diçka me vlerë pasi ajo është futur me një citat në fjalorin e Oxford-it. </p> Trashëgimtarja bionde ka fituar një vend me këshillën e saj shokuese: Vishuni bukur kudo që shkoni – jeta është shumë e shkurtër për ta komplikuar atë.</p> Paris (28) e njohur më shumë si vajzë rrugaçe që shkon në diskoteka dhe aspak e mençur është renditur pranë oratorëve të mëdhenj siç janë Winston Churchil dhe Oskar Wilde.</p> Thomas Jefferson është pjesë e këtij fjalori më thënien: Themelimi i bankave është më i rrezikshëm së sa ai i trupave e armatosura.</p> Citime dhe deklarata të reja në fjalor janë 20 000 që janë futur në edicionin e ri të fjalorit që kushton 50 euro. </p> Aty janë përfshirë edhe fjalime të Presidentit Obama, shkencëtarit Stephen Hawking dhe xhazistit Humphrey Lyttelton.</p> Përpiluesit madje në të kanë futur edhe citate të reja nga filozofi kinez Konfuqi, i cili ka jetuar 2000 vite më parë.</p> Redaktorja e fjalorit Elizabeth Knowles ka thënë:</p> Thëniet e vjetra kanë kuptim aktual.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=835. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=835
Treatment Of Cancer By Radiotherapy Radiation therapy or radiotherapy is the second most valuable member of cancer treatments. Used alone it can cure a variety of tumors, and used as an adjunct to surgery or to chemotherapy in can improve the chances of cure for many more. The side effects are rarely overwhelming severe and can be controlled by competent doctoring. It is true that some common tumors, such as cancers of the stomach colon, are virtually unaffected by radiotherapy, but this fact serves to emphasize its value in the treatment of cancers at many other sites.</p> The effect of radiotherapy on tissues is mainly to damage and destroy dividing cells. There is also another affect, which may be almost as important in the treatment of cancer. This is to damage the ground substance of the whole field for the tumor cells hat have survived the initial assault.</p> Because many tumor cells are dividing at a higher rate than the cells of the normal tissues, the radiation inflicts more damage on the tumor than in the normal tissues. Also, the more rapidly proliferating, the more anaplastic, and the more indifferently the tumor, the more likely will it be to respond to radiation. It seems paradoxical that it is  the most malignant tumors that respond best to radiotherapy treatment. Slowly growing tumors respond poorly to radiotherapy, they are said to be radiation resistant. To inflict sufficient radiation damage on such a tumor would result in intolerable damage to the normal tissues.</p> Radiotherapy may be employed in certain situations as the only form of treatment, or as an adjunct to surgery, given either preoperatively, to shrink the main tumor and to limit the spreading tendency of peripheral cells. or post operatively, to mop up any tumor cells left behind at surgery, or it may be used in combination with chemotheraupic regimes. It may be radical, with use of high doses in the hope of effecting a cure, or palliative, with use of smaller doses given to achieve some symptoms relief.</p> The general side effects of radiation therapy depend upon the volume of the tissue that is irradiated. They will be completely absent in, for example, treatment of a smaller cancer of the lip, but may be quite disabling in radiation treatment of cancer of the breast, where we are also forced to expose to radiation the underlying lung and rib cage, right through to the shoulder blade.</p> These effects comprise feelings of lassitude and very often nausea, sometimes proceeding to vomiting, they gradually disappear when the course of radiotherapy is terminated.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://curepages.com/?p=2985. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://curepages.com/?p=2985
Choriocarcinoma And Teratoma Choriocarcinoma The rate tumor choriocarcioma is unique in that it consist of cells of one individual growing and disseminating in the body of another. In every pregnancy, cells of embryonic origin from a placenta which locally invades the lining of the maternal uterus to obtain supply for the developing fetus.</p> In some rare circumstances following a normal delivery, but far more commonly after the spontaneous abortion of a grossly deformed fetus, some of these embryonic plancetal cells remain and assume all the characteristics of an independent highly aggressive tumor. Tumors of this sort are confined to females of child bearing age with a recent history of pregnancy. Such a tumor can be diagnosed by a specific urine hormone test, and today is almost always curable by appropriate chemotherapy.</p> Teratoma Teratomas are tumors of varying grades of malignancy that contain an admixture of multiple tissues in various grades of differentiation. Thus a relatively benign teratoma of the ovary may contain such surprising structures as recognizable teeth, hair, skin, and miniscule bones, whereas a more malignant teratoma of. Such a bizarre appearance has led to the suggestion that a teratoma is a suppressed twin growing within the tissues of the survivor. Teratomas, however, are not confined to infancy and childhood and have a predilection for occurring in either the ovary or the testis, so that it is likely  that they represent malignant degeneration arising in germ cells. Their symptoms and management depend upon anatomical site and degree of cellular differentiation.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://curepages.com/?p=2978. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://curepages.com/?p=2978
Treatment Of Cancer By Surgery The most common initial treatment of cancer is surgery. For many cancer patients surgery is the best primary treatment. If the tumor is still localized, the only effective treatment is to remove it. Even the malignant growth has already spread beyond the limits of surgical resection, removal of the main tumor may still result in cure by ridding the body of the main tumor burden, leaving the body’s immune systems to mop up or constrain any malignant cells that have already escaped. Finally, even in totally incurable situations surgery may be of some value for the relief of distressing symptoms.</p> The type of surgery to be performed depends upon the anatomical site of the tumor, its size and the extend of local spread, and the technical problems of reconstruction and repair.</p> The really significant improvements in the treatment of cancer during the last thirty years have come from advances in surgery, the development of need techniques, and especially from improved methods of anesthesia the availability of antibiotics to control post-operative infections, better blood transfusion services, and a better understanding and practice of procedures of intensive care. These broad advances have enabled surgeons to undertake with confidence extensive resections in stage 3 cancers patients that could not have been contemplated a quarter of a century ago. By enabling more and more such patients to survive the immediate post operative period after cancer resection, they give a better chance of long term survival. It is ironic that the significant improvements in cancer survival compared to thirty years ago owe very little to research on cancer itself.</p> Bigger surgery, however, does not mean better surgery, and a technical triumph for the surgeon and his team may be a disaster for the patient. Evaulatig the real worth of an extensive operating procedure should be based on the subsequent quality of life of the patient rather than just on the prolongation of his survival.</p> The fact that bigger surgery is not necessarily better surgery is well illustrated by the current dilemma facing surgeons in the treatment of the most common of all cancers among women, cancer of the breast. For many years the standard treatment has been the operation of radical mastectomy that was pioneered by William Halsted, around the turn of the century. The operations originally devised consisted of removing the entire breast with a large circle of skin overlying the tumor, removing the two underlying main chest wall muscles leading to the shoulder, with careful dissection of these structures from the ribcage, and the careful and meticulous surgical dissection and removal of all the lymph nodes in the axial. This was an extensive and very mutilating procedure, leaving the woman not only without a breast but also with a deep depression where the underlying muscles had been removed, an ugly scar, and almost always a permanent brawny swelling of the arm because of the surgical interference with its lymphatic drainage’s.</p> Over the years, the operation was slightly modified by the removal of less skin and sometimes less muscle, but the basic extend of the resection remained much the same.</p> A recent study of the problem of the treatment of breast cancer reached the following conclusions:</p> 1. Radical mastectomy is equivalent in terms of survival experience to simple mastectomy plus postoperative radiotherapy. 2. For patients without clinical evidence of involved nodes, local removal of the tumor plus radiotherapy appears to be equivalent in terms of survival experience to radical mastectomy. 3. Postoperative radiotherapy seems, however, too fer little benefit and may be detrimental for some patients.</p> So, surgical intervention is effective, at least at some stages, against cancer of the breast, stomach, smalland large intestines, bladder, uterus, kidney, testis, ovary, brain, bone, and muscle. Wile surgery, if possible, must always remain the first line of treatment for cancer, a rather conservative approach may often be justified. There are probably few indications now, exept for the relief of particularly distressing symptoms, for the type of very extensive anatomical dissections that modern techniques of anesthesia resuscitation have made possible.</p> For many cancer patients surgery is the best primary treatment.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://curepages.com/?p=2982. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://curepages.com/?p=2982
Xhaketat vjeshte-dimer 2009-2010 Gardërobat e femrave do të marrin një pamje të fortë e femërore për këtë dimër.</p> Ti hedhim nje shikim xhaketave te dimrit 2010, protagonistet e verteta te ketij sezoni, ku fokusohet vemendja e stilisteve per kete sezon vjeshte-dimer 2009-2010. </p> </p> Me pak fjale nje mode retro kjo e ketij viti, qe merr inspirim nga e gjithe historia e modes se kaluar duke filluar qe nga vitet 50′ e ketej.</p> </p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=831. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=831
Williams dhe Minogue më të dëshiruarit e fansave Robbie Williams e ka mposhtur rivalin e tij Liam Gallagher duke u votuar si këngëtari me të cilin shumica e njerëzve do të dëshironin që të ngecnin në një ishull të vetmuar.</p> Këngëtari i hitit Feel, i cili ka një hasmëri me këngëtarin e grupit Oasis qe një kohë të gjatë, ka kryesuar një sondazh, si mashkulli më argëtues me të cilin dëshirojnë të qëndrojnë njerëzit.</p> Legjenda e Beatlesave, Sir Paul MCCartney, zuri vendin e dytë, ndërsa Mick Jagger, zuri vendin e tretë. Eminem dhe Gallagher mbyllën top-pesëshin. </p> Këngëtarja australiane Kylie Minogue kryeson listën e femrave, ndërsa anëtarja e grupit Girls Aloud, Cheryl Cole, ishte femra e dytë më e dëshiruar.</p> Vendin e tretë e zuri Leona Lewis, ndërsa të katërtin dhe të pestin e zunë Madonna dhe Lady Gaga, respektivisht.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=826. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=826
Hefner kerkon divorcin nga gruaja Pas 11 vitesh te ndare, themeluesi e Playboy, 83-vjecari Hugh Hefner, ka paraqitur kerkesen per divorc nga gruaja Kimberly Conrad, 47 vjec, me te cilen u martua ne vitin 1989. </p> Sipas faqes online te “People”, Hefner ka hedhur hapin perfundimtar, pasi ish-gruaja ka kerkuar pjese nga shitja e nje prej shtepive.</p> Ne mars, themeluesi i perandorise se lepurusheve vuri ne shitje 28 milione dollare rezidencen e tij ne Holmby Hills. </p> Ne lindje te Los Angeles, vila 700 metra katrore eshte blere vetem per 18 milione dollare nga nje klient anonim.</p> Hefner ka reduktuar ne 20 mije dollare, kuoten qe merr Conrad cdo muaj per rritjen e dy femijeve te ciftit, te cilet prej mese 10 vjetesh jetojne me te emen.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=823. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=823
Turqia censuron Justin Timberlake Autoriteti televiziv turk ka censuruar videon me te fundit te Justin Timberlake, Love Sex Magic. </p> Lajmin e ben te ditur gazeta e perditshme Millyiet qe thekson se mijera adoleshente ne Turqi nuk do kene mundesi ta shikojne as ne Yotube kete video ne te cilen Timberlake ka bashkepunuar me kengetaren Ciara.</p> Sipas autoritetit, videoja permban doza te ndaluara kercimi qe mund te rezultojne te demshme per femijet dhe te rinjte.</p> Ne nje prej skenave me kengetaren Ciara, Timberlake e provokon ate me disa veprime intime.</p> Nderkohe, disa televizione te vogla ne Turqi e kane kundershtuar kete vendim, duke e cilesuar si anakronik.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=819. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=819
Berisha publikon emrat e qeverise se re Kryeministri i vendit, Sali Berisha ka paraqitur ne nje konference per shtyp emrat e kabinetit te ri qeveritar. </p> Gjate fjalimit te kryeministrit, spikasin emrat e qeverise se kaluar, por ne dikastere te tjera.</p> Keshtu, sipas Berishes, i cili u dekretua sot si kryeminister nga presidenti Topi, ekzekutivi do te kete kete perberje:</p> Zevendeskryeminister dhe minister i Jashtem Ilir Meta, minister i Drejtesise Bujar Nishani, minister i Financave Ridvan Bode, minister i Brendshem Lulzim Basha, minister i Bujqesise Genc Ruli, minister i Mbrojtjes Arben Imami, minister i Ekonomise Dritan Prifti, minister i Transporteve Sokol Olldashi, minister i Arsimit Myqerem Tafaj, minister i Punes dhe Ceshtjeve Sociale Spiro Ksera, minister i Mjedisit Fatmir Mediu, minister i Shendetesise Petrit Vasili, i Turizmit, Kultures, Rinise dhe Sporteve Ferdinand Xhaferri, minister i Shtetit dhe Marredhenieve me Parlamentin Genc Pollo dhe ministre e Integrimit Majlinda Bregu.</p> Gjate fjalimit te tij Berisha ka falenderuar edhe bashkepunetoret e tij qe nuk jane me ne qeveri si Lufter Xhuvelin, Jemin Gjanen, Gazmend Oketen, etj.</p> Jam perpjekur te bej perzgjedhjen me te mire, por kur e ke te veshtire per shkak te personaliteteve te shumta qe kane hyre kete vit ne Parlament, nuk mund te them se kam gjetur qeverine e persosur, por ajo do te jape kontributin e saj per nje Shqiperi evropiane, eshte shprehur Berisha.</p> Kryeministri ka saktesuar me tej se keto emerime do ti shkojne neser per dekretim presidentit te Republikes Bamir Topi.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4499. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4499