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Tablet stable from Dell </p> From Dell comes first tablet computer dedicated for use in harsh working conditions and brings with him 12.1 inches screen of multi-touch.</p> After this strange beautiful name Dell Latitude XT2 XFR hiding a powerful computer. It is about a TABLET which comes with 12.1 inches screen with multi-touch can be packaged in a very stable Lodge.</p> Computer is dedicated for users who work in difficult weather conditions. The manufacturer says its resistance to rain, pollution, vibration, extreme temperatures and decreased by one meter height.</p> </p> Specifications include Core 2 Duo SU9600 processor of 1.6m MHz, to be able to integrate up to 5 gigabytes DDR3 RAM, and for storage of data can be resolved classical disk of 160 GB or 128 GB SSD it. Integrated graphics is the Intel GMA 4500MHD has signs of finger reader, GPS and camera web design.</p> Tabletit initial price in market is 3600 U.S. dollars, while sold with new operating system Windows 7 Microsoft company.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1199. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1199
New mobile from Samsung S5560 If you still have not heard of Samsung S5560, it is the fact that neither model is not yet official. However, have leaked pictures and details of this model. Apart from the touch sensitive screen, the model has WiFi but not 3G.</p> Suppose that Samsung has been delayed to create a model with the touch sensitive screen, because the market demand for them is becoming the largest, while Wi-Fi is on the top of the list of applications of these models. However, Samsung has also integrated camera of five Megapixels.</p> Recently, Samsung has been busy with new models released every month, but this model is not such a case. It is assumed that this model could be selling out in stores in November, although France has already been shown in some stores offer online.</p> Samsung S5560 according to its final models like Jet and Corby. The touch screen significantly in three inches with WQVGA resolution, a 5 Megapixel photoaparat LED flash, micro SD card access and 3.5 millimeters for audio. Despite the lack of 3G access, this model supports Wi-Fi.</p> Hopefully Samsung S5560 is a response to the model Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, which has come to be a smart phone too powerful. Stated price of 300 euros is pretty mild for this model, but assumed they would soon fall to 200 euros, which is suitable for.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=1203. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=1203
Rrezikon vdekjen sa here qe qan Nje vajze britanike dy vjecare rrezikon vdekjen sa here qe qan. </p> Sipas Daily Mail, vogelushja eshte prekur nga nje semundje e rralle e cila vetem me nje te qare te vetme shkakton krize epileptike qe te con deri ne vdekje.</p> Vajzes i eshte diagnostikuar patologjia gjashte muaj me pare dhe nga atehere prinderit bejne gjithcka qe femija e tyre te mos qaje.</p> Nje lot i vetem mund ti kushtoje jeten.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.kuriozitete.net/?p=871. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.kuriozitete.net/?p=871
Vdekja eshte shume afer Kete jane foto reale te shkrepura ne natyre me kafshe te ndryshme.Mos mendoni se ka Photoshop,por thjesht natyra eshte e eger sepse ndjek zinxhirin ushqimor.</p> </p> </p> </p> </p> Artikuj qe mund tju interesojne:</p> XBOX 360 Extrem Lamborghini Gallardo [pa Photoshop] “Ringjallet” Albert Einstein AlbPC NoteBook Concept Çmenduria quhet “Apple” Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://albpc.com/?p=1455. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://albpc.com/?p=1455
How to Make Money Online With Website Flipping What does flipping a website mean? Website flipping is one of the ways some experienced website makers, make money online. The concept is pretty simple. You make a website, then you sell it, hence the word flipping. Although this is an industry that requires some experience already, as it involves creating on the spot websites with good domain names, it serves to be one of the ways to make money online; if, of course, you know how to do it efficiently. The only downfall of website flipping is that there are some start up costs.</p> Requirements for Website Flipping</p> * Knowledge on how to transfer files and domains over to a new buyer * A web host to host all the websites * Expenses on the domain names/yr</p> How to Make Money Online With Website Flipping</p> There are many resources on the web where you can go to sell websites instantly. Here are a few resources you can go to, to get involved in the market and get a glimpse of what websites are in demand and what kinds of websites sells.</p> * Flippa * Digital Point</p> Take note of what type of websites, webmasters are looking to buy. Like for instance, acne based websites are coming and going pretty good at the moment. [WTB] is short for Waiting to Buy. Take note of [WTB] posts as they are buyers who are looking for certain types of websites. Targeting these type of opportunities are great to make a quick buck.</p> How to Start Web Flipping</p> Web flipping is a really simple process that after the first time and a bit of practicing, it becomes a really easy routine to make money. It is as simple as picking out a niche and really finding the right web template for the theme of the website, and just literally trying to make the website look complete to entice web buyers to buy. The concept is rather simple but what is the most hardest process of it all, is really looking for that right domain name. Because if you could find a good domain that has potential, that can already double up your website value twice over.</p> How to Find Good Domain Names</p> There are two types of domain names. Domains for the purpose of branding, for being memorable like Google for example, or good 1-2 worded keyword stuffed domains for the purpose of ranking in the search engines. In most cases, domains that are 1-2 worded are preferred as they are more easier to remember. The more likely case scenario is to go for the more memorable domain as most of the time, the 1-2 keyword stuffed domain is already taken and website flipping is really all about how quick you can come up with a domain that has potential and selling it for the best price. Picking out good domain names is a practice you need to master in order to really profit time wise, from website flipping. Making website flipping lucrative, requires some practice.</p> How to Make a Site Look Complete</p> Your number 1 goal when website flipping is trying to convey buyers that a website has potential by making your website look complete. Content is the number 1 thing that makes a site complete because without content, a website holds no purpose. So writing one or two unique fully blown posts to convince website buyers, overall can be a great strategy to convince buyers that this is the real deal. Remember. What people see and like, they buy. Website flipping is really all about understanding the trends and delivering appealing websites in regards to the trends. If you got that down, your bound to make plenty of sales with the crowd hungry website buyers looking to establish themselves somewhere. All it takes is just a little bit of practice.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.albpixel.com/?p=370. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.albpixel.com/?p=370
Në moshen 11-vjeçare bëhët nënë Kordeza ishte duke u martuar me te fejuarin e saj, 19-vjecarin Jeliazko Dimitrov, kur nuk eshte ndjere mire.Ne nje moshe vetem 11-vjecare eshte bere nene e nje femije, pikerisht ne diten e marteses.</p> Kordeza, bullgarja qe jeton ne Sliven, 300 km larg Sofjes, ishte duke u martuar me te fejuarin e saj, 19-vjecarin Jeliazko Dimitrov, kur nuk eshte ndjere mire dhe u dergua ne spital, ku solli ne jete Violeten, femijen qe peshon 2 kg e gjysme. </p> Festime te medha kane shoqeruar lindjen, ne nje zone ku eshte normalitet te shihen vajza 13-vjecare qe behen nena: vetem qyteti i Silven ka regjistruar vitin e kaluar plot 177 raste te ngjashme.</p> Kordeza eshte gjithsesi nena me e re, me 11 vjecet e saj, teksa Jeliazko rrezikon 6 vjet burg per shkak se ka kryer marredhenie seksuale me nje minorene. Historia e treguar nga revista britanike News of the World ka bere xhiron e botes. Kordeza e ka njohur Jeliazkon ne nje zone te Sliven, kur djaloshi e shpetoi nga nje grup djemsh qe e ngacmonin. Nga atehere lindi dashuria qe u finalizua me martese. </p> Dua qe vajza ime te mesoje te lexoje dhe te shkruaje, sepse une nuk e kam pasur mundesine ka deklaruar nena e re -. Lindi e famshme dhe do te doja qe te mbetej e famshme edhe ne te ardhmen, pse jo, si nje mjeke qe shpeton shume jete.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.kuriozitete.net/?p=867. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.kuriozitete.net/?p=867
Pse Windows 7 ? Windows 7 eshte Windows Vista “i perfunduar”,eshte cfare duhet te kishte qene Vista,eshte Vista qe ne shpresonim se do ishte,por nuk ndodhi keshtu,ndoshta per shkak te marketingut qe ben Microsoft,ndoshta per arsye te tjera,gjithsesi Windows 7 eshte dukshem me i shpejte se Vista,me stabel dhe bootohet akoma me shpejte,ndryshe nga Vista qe ishte i ngadalte,harxhonte mjaft RAM dhe besoj i ka ndodh te gjitheve se donte shume kohe te fikej ndonjehere.Njef akoma me shume drivera,por dhe ata qe si ka tashme i gjen online nese karta e rrjetit eshte e instaluar.Gjithashtu harxhon me pak energji pasi optimizon punen qe ben procesori,rrit dhe eficencen e baterise ne laptopa.</p> Madje perdoruesit e Windows Xp qe deri dje nuk donin te kalonin ne Vista per shkak te paqendrueshmerise,ben nje kalim drastik duke tejkaluar nje sistem (Visten) dhe instaluan Windows 7,kjo eshte per te ardhur keq qe nje gjigand i informatikes si Microsoft te lejoje vetes nje gabim te tille sic ishte Vista.</p> Nese e keni instaluar Windows 7,ndani eksperiencen tuaj me ne.</p> Artikuj qe mund tju interesojne:</p> XBOX 360 Extrem iPhone Killer ? Lamborghini Gallardo [pa Photoshop] Çmenduria quhet “Apple” Robotat qe puthen “pa pike turpi” Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://albpc.com/?p=1449. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://albpc.com/?p=1449
Peshkaqeni i tmerrshëm Bruce buzëqësh Filmi i animuar Ne kerkim te Nemo-s, peshkaqeni i tmerrshem Bruce buzeqeshte teksa kercenonte prete e tij. E njejta gje ka ndodhur edhe me nje zhytes i cili ka arritur te fotografoje nje peshkaqen qe ben te njejten buzeqeshje si personazhi i animuar.</p> Foto eshte realizuar nga Amos Nachoum, nje 59 vjecar, ekspert ne zhytjet qe kane si objektiv studimin nga afer te krijesave detare.</p> Takimi koke me koke me kafshen e gjate 4 metra ka ndodhur ne afersi te bregut meksikan te Guadalupe. </p> Fotoja te kujton personazhin Bruce ne filmin e 2003-shit te Pixar/Disney, ku peshkaqeni i bardhe me 202 dhembet e tij, kerkon te binde gjithnje veten se peshqit e tjere jane miqte dhe jo prete e tij.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.kuriozitete.net/?p=863. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.kuriozitete.net/?p=863
I ati shtyp vajzen Nje myslimane me origjine irakiane ka humbur jeten ne Los Angeles pasi eshte shtypur nga i ati sepse ishte bere shume perendimore. </p> Vajza Noor Faleh Almaleki ka nderruar jete ne spital pas plageve te marra me 20 tetor kur Faleh Hassan Almaleki e shtypi me makine ne nje parking ne Phoenix.</p> Autori i ngjarjes, i cili u arratis pas krimit te rende, eshte arrestuar per agresion ndaj te bijes, por prokuroria po studion per akuza te reja.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.kuriozitete.net/?p=859. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.kuriozitete.net/?p=859
Kandili fundos peshkarexhen Ky eshte kulmi te fundoset peshkarexha per shkak te kandileve.</p> Ne Japoni kur mjeti lundrues eshte mbytur nga pesha e kandilave te Nomuras, specie ekzemplare qe mund te peshojne deri ne 200 kilograme me nje diameter dy metra.</p> Sic raporton e perditshmja britanike “Daily Telegraph”, incidenti ndodhi kur ekuipazhi kerkoi te terhiqte ne bord rrjeten plot me kandila.</p> Nga pesha, peshkarexha u menjanua dhe peshkataret perfunduan ne det duke shpetuar vetem fale nderhyrjes se rojeve bregdetare.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.kuriozitete.net/?p=856. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.kuriozitete.net/?p=856
Hapet salloni i divorcit në France Ne këtë fundjave do të hapet për herë të parë në Paris, salloni i divorcit, ndarjes dhe vdekjes së një partneri.</p> Objektivi i sallonit është marrja e këshillave juridike dhe psikologjike.</p> Ndihmat mund të jenë tepër të rëndësishme për të nisur një jetë të re, ndryshe nga e para.</p> Sot në Francë, divorci është rritur ndjeshëm dhe 50 % e çifteve ndjekin këtë rrugë. </p> Një iniciativë e ngjashme është ndërmarrë në vitin 2007 në Vjenë. /tch/</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.kuriozitete.net/?p=853. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.kuriozitete.net/?p=853
Acquire delicious candies from online candy store Sugar Stand Sugar Stand is an online candy shop. Sugar Stand is one place where you can obtain all sorts of sweets and good eats under one roof. Candies are made up of intense solution of sugar in water in that flavors are added to give an extra taste.</p> They are situated in southern California and their storehouse contains many different brands such as Jelly Belly, Hersheys, Necco, Pop Rocks, Tootsie, PEZ, Wrigley, Wonka, and Chupa Chups. You just need to name the candy you wish to eat and you can easily get that as they have more 2000 sorts of candies with them. The best feature of Sugar Stand is that you can place your order online and you will get your favorite candy at your home. They have made shopping easy for you. Are you willing to purchase candies in a large quantity? Or you are thinking to purchase candies for marketing purposes? Sugar Stand can make you tension free as they offer variety of candies in large quantity to their customers at the cheapest price.</p> If you are looking for bulk candy, novelty candy, nostalgic candy, holiday candy or a simple guilty pleasure then Sugar Stand is a great place from where you can buy all these types of candies. Sugar Stand presents wholesale and bulk candy straightforwardly to your home. They offer jellybean, chocolate candy, sweet candy and sour candy to the candy lovers. If a person is suffering from diabetes problem then they provide sugar free candy for those people also.</p> Sugar Stand presents candy for various occasions. You can celebrate special occasion with delicious candies. They offer candies for almost all the occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fathers Day, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Easter, or Halloween. Candies bar buffet delicacy table is put jointly for the wedding function and divulge all through the evening.</p> You can gift a candy box to your loved ones at the time of some special announcements like new babys appearance with the birthday declaration candies. You can select a chocolate or bubblegum cigar to share with your loved ones.</p> Sugar Stand members make sure of quality and they ensure that every order is shipped in a timely and professional approach. Melt able candies are given extraordinary attention so that they reach your destination just as you anticipate they are ready to dissolve in your mouth and not in the box.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.albpixel.com/?p=365. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.albpixel.com/?p=365
How to use CPM networks for making money at home Have you ever heard about a technique where you will be making money even if none of your blog or website visitor click on an ad? Yes, its possible with CPM (CPM stands for Cost per Mille or cost per thousand impression on an Ad) ad networks. Some CPM network pays you $3 per CPM, some $5 per CPM and even $10 depending upon your website niche and the kind of ad you place on your website and the ad placement.</p> But to make some good amount of money with CPM ad networks, you need a website with thousands of impressions daily. With CPM advertising networks, we are going to get paid for every thousand impression for an ad. And the amount of money you will be able to make depends upon your website niche. Finance, health or travel websites seems to be making more amount of money compared to education and entertainment related websites per thousand impressions. CPM rates also varies with networks, ad format and ad placement.</p> If you are working with a popular CPM network, you will be able to make high amount of money per thousand impressions as they have access to large number of targeted advertisers. And when we place CPM ads at the top of our website and use big banner formats, we will be able to earn more with CPM ads. CPM networks share revenue earned in the 60:40 or 70:30 ration with the websites they partner with.</p> Suppose you have a website that gets 50,000 page views per month and you are getting $2 CPM, then you will be able to make $100 in a month time with that ad.</p> Here is the list of some of popular CPM advertising networks:</p> - Adbrite - Kontera - Casale Media - Burst Media - Value Click - Tribal Fusion - Right Media - Nuffnang - Click Booth - Vibrant Media - Double Click</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.albpixel.com/2009/11/how-to-use-cpm-networks-for-making-money-at-home/. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.albpixel.com/2009/11/how-to-use-cpm-networks-for-making-money-at-home/
How to make money selling text links on your website? Many webmasters and bloggers monetize their websites by selling text link ads with Nofollow or dofollow attributes. If we use dofollow tags for the sold links, we are having the risk of getting some kind of penalty from Google. And if we use nofollow attribute with the sold links, Google will not have any problem with that as in that case no page rank is actually passed.</p> Making money by selling text links is quite easy as we have to simply add the sold text link details in our website sidebar, header or footer where we want them to be placed. We can sell links directly or use text link selling networks like text link ads, TNX or Linkworth to sell our links. On these networks, you get lots of advertisers in different product categories willing to place their ads on your website if its popular. Still, you will be able to grab some advertisers for your website even if you dont have a big website. I even noticed some website owners are able to earn $200 to $300 per month selling links because they have a website Good page rank and no real traffic. So we have a chance of making big money on these text link marketplaces if we have a website with good page rank (5 or 6), Alexa ranking and good design and some real traffic from search engines. Here is the list of some of popular text link marketplace where we can make money by selling/buying links on our websites:</p> 1. Text link Ads: this is the biggest marketplace on internet for buying and selling links. They have lots of popular industry blogs submitted in their marketplace and big list of advertisers as well. They have wide range of categories where publishers can submit their websites. Currently text link ads is accepting websites and blogs having good link popularity, Alexa ranking and page rank should be 4 or more. Click here to learn making money with text link ads 2. TNX: is another marketplace where we can buy and sell links. TNX is the ultimate choice for both the publishers and advertisers as both of them benefit from it. Publishers get benefit from it in the form of points by selling text links on their websites and advertisers get benefit by collecting some useful links for their websites which ultimately help them achieve good search engine rankings and thus more business. Click here to learn more about earning money with TNX 3. Linkworth: Offer wide range of money making opportunities to bloggers and website owners in the form of text links, banners and linkpost ads, pay per click ads, contextual ads etc. Click here to check all money making opportunities available with Linkworth</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.albpixel.com/?p=361. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.albpixel.com/?p=361
Enhance your skills with computer training videos Today anyone who wishes to learn anything at all for any reason can do so by the help of computer training videos that have emerged as a revolutionary way of teaching. These days many employers are now using them as a way to teach their employees the skills required for taking their companies to the next level.</p> If you interested in learning new computer skills then selfstudysource.com could be the right place for you. It provides you a range computer training videos that will help you to stay ahead in todays competitive market. A number of computer training videos including all major IT certification tracks, training for networking, programming, network security, web development and Microsoft Office programs are available at self study source. They also offer a number of self-paced MCSE training videos, offering a true MCSE boot camp style of learning for fast and effective results. Some of the training videos for CompTIA CBT training are as follows:</p> A+ Certification: The CompTIA A+ certification is important for people entering computer support field and it can also be a qualifying factor in hiring process. This I an information-packed training package that delivers high-quality instruction in the form of multi-media CDs. In fact, the A+ training CD even features full-motion video training sessions led by industry experts.</p> Linux+: This is an incredible training package designed for self-study. The Linux+ CBT contains interactive components, demonstrations, labs, and practice exam simulators that facilitate you to learn by seeing and doing.</p> Network+: This package is a complete learning solution designed to prepare you for certification in networking. The Network+ CBT follows the exam objectives so you are on the right track for success.</p> Security+: The Security+ training video CD provides the best of technology based instruction in a format that delivers excellent results.</p> Server+: This computer training video is a trendy option for candidates seeking the CompTIA credential. It is a comprehensive, multi-media learning program that will get all the great benefits that computer based training offers.</p> Besides then above mentioned computer based training videos, self study source also provides a range of network security training videos, Microsoft Office training videos and Cisco CBT Training Videos.</p> Since technological possibilities are increasing every single day, businesses must keep up with all the advancements in order to compete with one another and therefore these computer training videos would prove highly beneficial for every employer as well as employee who wishes to stand competent in this world.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.albpixel.com/2009/11/enhance-your-skills-with-computer-training-videos/. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.albpixel.com/2009/11/enhance-your-skills-with-computer-training-videos/