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ILuzione optike te pamundura Keto jane iluzione optike te pamundura.Eshte e veshtire ti perceptosh si objekte 2D dhe 3D,pasi realisht nuk mund te krijohen.Shikojini me vemendje :</p> </p> </p> </p> </p> Artikuj qe mund tju interesojne:</p> Vdekja eshte shume afer… XBOX 360 Extrem Lamborghini Gallardo [pa Photoshop] AlbPC NoteBook Concept Çmenduria quhet “Apple” Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://albpc.com/?p=1465. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://albpc.com/?p=1465
Facebook wins damages of 711 million dollars </p> In early spring online social network representatives have won the lawsuit against three spamerëve who had stolen user accounts and their orders were published. Now the court has brought californian its decision final.</p> Court in San Jose has established one of the convicts in the process, Sanford Wallace, who is known as “King of Spam”, which Facebookut have to pay 711 million dollars.</p> This is just a string of lawsuits in which spamers Facebook representatives have gained, the compensation is definitely not the biggest online network which has gained. In November last year by Adam Guerbueazi Facebook and the company “Atlantis Blue Capital” has won compensation of 873 million dollars.</p> As for the “King of Spam”, this is his second lawsuit lost to social networks. Last year he set the punishment of 234 million dollars in the process against him which had raised the MySpace network.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=1223. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=1223
Internet to big changes </p> Internet is expected to undergo one of the biggest changes for decades. It is about the adoption of electronic addresses of the pages not only with Latin letters.</p> President of Corporation for Assigned Names Internet addresses says it has more chance to vote today to allow Internet addresses written with letters such as those Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Greek, Hindu and Cyrillic.</p> Names of electronic addresses of pages are those that end with dot.com, dot.org the other. And apparently starting today they may be in languages other non-Latin.Also with special characters like ë.</p> From 1.6 billion Internet users worldwide, more than half use language that non Latin alphabets.</p> Internet experiments were strands in an American university in 1969, but only in the early 1990s, its use expanded beyond academic and research institutions, to the general public.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=1221. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=1221
The new 911 GT3 RS is still slower than Nissan GT-R </p> Although recently achieved in level Nurburgring Nordschleife are not any official indicator, however, are interesting be used as comparison.</p> Later applies rules that each vehicle is quickly if you pass 21 miles in less than eight minutes. Porsche has announced that their new vehicle serial 911 GT3 RS has done this for 7:33 minutes, which is impressive given, but weaker than that of the Nissan GT-R that this road has last for 7:27.</p> However, what is good knock to his GT3 RS fact that the model has reached this result with atmospheric engine of 450 horse power with the posterior axis, and not integral.</p> The media report issued by Porsche have stressed that the outcome would be better (7:30) if there were no circulation in Nurburgring during driving record.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=1215. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=1215
Comes and Motorola Droid </p> I filled the smart phone market with a member of this category. Motorola has introduced the device named Droid, and if no mistake, this is just the beginning of the series with the same name.</p> Motorola Droid contains all the features and plugins that could be needed an ardent user of a smart phone. Access to internet services is provided in a variety of ways. Droid has full keyboard in order to meet the needs of people who write soon, after that contains software platform as Android by Google, is enabling users to shop online and access applications, where you can download them.</p> As regards technical characteristics, the device dimensions are 11.6 x 6 x 1.27 centimeters, weighs 170 grams, has a full keyboard, 3.7 inches sensitive screen in touch with resolution of 480 x 854 pixels, 3.5-milimeters access for listeners, photoaparat of 5 Megapixel, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth GPS, while the integrated battery should provide 6.4 hours talk time or 11 hours on hold.</p> Also, Motorola Droid is the company’s first device that uses the new version of Android platform in version 2.0.</p> Currently Motorola Droid can be found only in the U.S. within the package of mobile phone operator Verizon. It is unknown whether to appear in any of our markets close.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=1212. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=1212
Firefox marks the 30 million new users </p> Slowly but sure Internet Explorer is losing its dominant position in the world of internet browser. At most risk are you so Mozilla Firefox.</p> Mozilla Corporation chief executive John Lilly in the publication of his service Twitter has written that during the last two months Firefox has increased to 30 million new users. Mozilla knows this information, because each copy of Firefox once in a 24 hour check out any The new browser version.</p> Method of calculating the new users is the number of submissions note within 24 hours, after which growth is multiplied by the number three to be included even those users who do not have that day enabled computer at all. This method is not one hundred percent sure, but according to Lilly, provides very approximate information about the real situation. Lilly alleges that because of the increase is so great students and students returning to school faculties and the fact that many of them buy new computers.</p> However, Internet Explorer is still king of the market with 65.71 percent turnout, while Firefox continuous increase so far has managed to capture 23.75 percent of the market.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=1209. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=1209
Palm Pixie in November </p> Second smart phone Palm with the operating system WebOS named Pixie sale comes in the middle of next month this year.</p> The exact date of commencement of sale is November 15, while mobile initially, as the model Pre, would be found to offer U.S. mobile operator Sprint.</p> The device is unlike Pre candybar design, the touch sensitive screen of 2.63 inches, QWERTY keyboard and integrated into the 8 GB internal memory. In the case of model Pixie, Palm has decided not to offer support for WiFi, but has decided to rear camera with resolution of two Megapixels.</p> Poor management has resulted in even lower price, which the United States with two-year contract is 99 dollars.</p> Right now it is not known when the mobile will be placed in the European market.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=1206. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=1206
Porsche ready to share the 911 platform with the Volkswagen? </p> Porsche is ready to share platforms with other brands of concern VAG has confirmed Porsche executive director Michael Mach, transmits Autocar car portal.</p> “Porsche should be a strong pillar within the VW group,” Mach said, adding that Synergy is just as important as independence. Director of Porsche Porsche has said there is nothing against sharing platform with Volkswagen including, but Panameras and that of the Boxster platform as well as the legendary 911 model.</p> Porsche is not only willing to share engines, because, as it claims Mach fundamental values for Porsche. In addition V6 engine which is located under the cover of the Cayenne model, all other engines have been developed within the Porsche.</p> It remains to be seen how fans will react to this innovation of Porsche.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1172. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1172
Again changes in Facebook </p> Online network for tracking Facebook again has decided to make changes in certain parts of this service. This time changes should be easier to bring information to find interesting.</p> Facebook during the weekend started with bringing some innovation in this service. Change has to do with the front page, which from now on can shfletohet in two ways – only popular news and status messages as well as absolutely all news Factor of the popularity of some news, photos published, status messages and similar information are determined by number of comments or mark “Like it” who have left your friends. “News directly” presents all the information published as has been the practice so far.</p> From now users on the front page of Facebook was presented some information about friends in this country which so far have usually visible as cronyism and favoritism users or groups of similar brands.</p> However, it is logical that a Facebooku with 300 million users worldwide and updates constantly advancing its services, but unlike the front changes, the latter seems to really fit users.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1175. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1175
Mamiya DM22 and DM28 DSLR </p> If you deal with professional photographs that even if you have money or abundant, Mamiya has developed two extremely photoaparats professional DSLR, Mamiya DM22 and DM28 models.</p> Fotoaparats coming from 22 Megapixel CMOS sensor (DM22) and 28 Megapixels (DM28), with 16 bit for true color pleasure.</p> In background is large LCD screen with dimensions of 6 x 7 cm. However, as we said, big problem is price, because to have to separate these devices must first fat: Mamiya DM22 costs 9995 dollars, 14,990 dollars while Mamiya DM28.</p> </p> Fotoaparats will be found on sale in November this year.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1178. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1178
LG X-Note R590 Even a laptop with Windows 7 operating system and processor of Intel Core I7 comes with screen of 15.6 inches.</p> LG has introduced laptop company named X-Note R590. Diagonal screen is 15.6 inches, resolution is 1600 x 900 pixels, while LED lighting has the background.</p> The processors alone offers models with Intel Core I7 – he 720QM as 1.6 GHz and 1.73 GHz 820QM. On offer are two or four gigabytes, working memory, disks of 320 or 500 gigabytes, and NVIDIA GeForce GT 230M graphics with a gigabytes memory In all versions sold with Windows 7 Home Premium.</p> Laptop is already on sale in the Korean market. He can be found in black and white.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1184. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1184
Google adds new features in Gmail </p> Recently Google has introduced several innovations which are implemented in its service for e-mail – Gmail.</p> Application named “Got The Wrong Bob?” helps users to cancel an order which certifies that it has sent incorrectly. If you happen to anyone to send e-mail which should not to see, the mistake you can set within a few seconds.</p> Application can be used only if an e-mail send to more addresses, by analyzing what and to whom sent. Gmail is locked in the possibility of automatic address recognition with the introduction of initial letters. Creator of this application is Josie Matthias.</p> Second application which Google has started to test Google Voice. This application helps guide people through voice communication with mobile phones.</p> Thanks to this service telephone number can be called with the expression of only one figure, voice messages are heard, and transcribed in shfletohen messages inboxin (ark) of your email.</p> Google Voice – Voicemail transcripts</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1186. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1186
Samsung 40-inch, thinnest LED TV in the world </p> Samsung has unveiled its new adutin terms of television equipment with LED lighting to background.</p> It is about 40 inches model which has a thickness of only 3.9 millimeters, which means that it is on the thin television equipment in the world.</p> It has a frequency of 120Hz screen, the screen supports Full HD or 1080p resolution. Percentage of contrast is excellent, 5000:1.</p> Right now there is information that when the market goes on as for his award.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1189. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1189
Nano with burning wheel Considering that it was the cheapest car in the world, was only a matter of time that when problems first appear. However, we have not expected so soon.</p> Newspaper “The Times of India” reports that the Nano car buyers have submitted the problem with the wheel which causes fire in it. Reasons for this are igniting electrical installations to electricity which causes heating of plastics, smoke and spontaneous ignition.</p> Two buyers have now returned to their vehicles Nano to the distributor who has overcome the problem without additional costs, while the third buyer has decided to address the police.</p> </p> Tata for now has decided not to withdraw Nano, but the Indian manufacturer, however, will do testing of new models before they submit them owners.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1192. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1192
Google Wave will have online shop applications </p> The company Google in a meeting in London has announced that its Wave service shop will have its additional applications, or App store.</p> Tool for communication in real time and exchange files, Google Wave, will have the option of integration through applications online store, as the highest priority applications mentioned buying those that are not based on the Internet.</p> According to store warnings will be similar to that used for Android applications as well as the Apple operating system, so in this way will share the benefit developers as well as Google.</p> Google Wave imposed a substitute for regular email and rich exchange between users.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1196. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.it-resources.org/?p=1196