E pranoj qe eshte disi jashte nomenklatures se Tarantinos nje emer personazhi si 'ventilatori'. Tarantino i ka me delikate emrat e personazheve:
Esmeralda Villalobos (What's your name? - Butch. - What does it mean? - I am american honey, our names don't mean shit)
Butch (dito!)
Pumpkin dhe Honey-Bunny, etc.
Por nderkohe, ajo qe une kam ndermendje tani dhe qe mu kujtua qe nga THHGTTG pak me lart, pjesa e plote, eshte kjo:
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The Vogon poem
"Ode To A Small Lump Of Green Putty I Found In My Armpit One Midsummer Morning", a poem by Grunthos the Flatulent, is considered the second worst poem in the entire Galaxy.
Putty. Putty. Putty.
Green Putty - Grutty Peen.
Grarmpitutty - Morning!
Pridsummer - Grorning Utty!
Discovery..... Oh.
Putty?..... Armpit?
Armpit..... Putty.
Not even a particularly
Nice shade of green.
As I lick my armpit and shall agree,
That this putty is very well green.
During a reading of the poem, 4 of his audience died of internal hemorrhaging and the president of the Mid-Galactic Art Nobbling Councel survived by gnawing one of his own legs off. Grunthos was reported to have been "disappointed" by the poem's reception.
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