Oh, dont breath a word!Fillimisht postuar nga Penelat e Gogut:
[qb] Mbasi hengri kulacin e ngrohte , Diku shkoi ne dhomen e gjumit.... /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Diku... :kiss: [/qb]
Kur s`te pelqen dicka , s`do te thote qe ajo eshte au-iu. Me sa di une , te gjithe kane te drejte te shkruajne ne nje teme Xingo, qofshin ato mendime qe kuptohen nga "Ju" ( elita)ose jo.Ndaj nese mendon se temave i ***** nona nga gjera te tilla, me mire fute edhe ket temen tek dhoma e moderatoreve.Fillimisht postuar nga Xingaro:
[qb] Ve re se kesaj teme,qe eshte nder te paktat per te cilen ruaj respekt ktu ne forum,jane duke ja ** nonen.Po e kthejne ne au-iu. [/qb]
Fillimisht postuar nga **** Darlington Delarge:
[qb]Oh, dont breath a word!Fillimisht postuar nga Penelat e Gogut:
[qb] Mbasi hengri kulacin e ngrohte , Diku shkoi ne dhomen e gjumit.... /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Diku... :kiss: [/qb]
Im not yet to be fooled by the lust and the wiles of a woman.
Truth is always best for my luckless love which I value it more than my own life.
So here I am, and whatever I have to suffer it cant be more than my chosen luck,
so strong is my destiny, no armoury can stay her way, save only the knife.
What, Whats this? What am I just in time to hear?
Whats this screaming bird?
Angry for it found its nest left empty and little ones gone?
Or, second thoughts may prove me wrong, for there is always someone ready to be lured by hope again?
Ah, Im so mercifully confused and who wouldnt?
I am confused because Im a man of trust and honour, whose love for you outshone the brightest of the stars. Confused because I believed like a child in everything you said to me and I loved you, as no other man can love the same. Confused because my way is to share my love, and yet, I am the guilty in your eyes that offends your soul. Confused because Im lost between love and insanity forever and this is a battle I can not win.
Ah, you bird go away...! [/qb]
A lot... /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gifFillimisht postuar nga **** Darlington Delarge:
[qb] Ve re se mali me malin nuk puqet. Penny, duket gje andej nga ty? Marrje! [/qb]
ve re se shuma ne katror e kateteve nuk eshte e barabart me katrorin e hipotenuzes por shuma e katroreve te kateteve eshte e barabart me katrorin e hipotenuzes.Fillimisht postuar nga **** Darlington Delarge:
[qb] Ve re se shuma ne katror e dy kateteve eshte e barabarte me hipotenuzen ne katror [/qb]
bofon...Fillimisht postuar nga BENG:
ve re se shuma ne katror e kateteve nuk eshte e barabart me katrorin e hipotenuzes por shuma e katroreve te kateteve eshte e barabart me katrorin e hipotenuzes.
vrojtim ishte edhe ky /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif [/QB]