Re: Vdekja
Shenim: Nese perton t'i lexosh te gjitha, pasi e kuptoj vete qe ka shkuar shume i gjate si postim, merr vetem pjeset qe kam shkruar une edhe pse citimet i kam lexuar vete para se t'i postoj e s'i kam marr qorrazi copy/paste.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Shiko ti perseri vazhdon te ngaterrosh kekun me byrekun. Ne rastin konkret ngaterron "filozofine" me "shkencen". Filozofia (megjithese eshte shkence) mbeshtetet ne HIPOTEZA, SUPOZIME dhe ka edhe doza te medha SUBJEKTIVITETI. Nqs do fillonim me filozofi une duhet te isha pronar i 500 zezakeve dhe nja 300 sllaveve dhe duhej te kisha vrare te pakten nja 2000 hebrenj, meqe jam shqiptar dhe "pasardhes i denje i rraces ariane". Te siguroj qe nuk kam bere dhe jam i lumtur qe nuk kam plotesuar asnje nga keto "te drejtat" e "rraces ariane". Ne te njejten kohe sipas ndonje filozofie bota duhet te ishte nje vend pa kufij nen Diktaturen e Proletariatit dhe njerezit do ishin ose punetore dhe fshatare te lumtur ose "imperialiste dhe revizoiniste" ne Siberi.
Persa i perket asja thenies se Darvinit me vjen keq qe propaganda (ne kuptimin e saj me te keq) anti-darviniste ka arritur kulmin. Dhe nuk kete "flamur" e kane tundur shume te tjere. Qe nga Vatikani (i cili vazhdon te njejten rruge me metoda te tjera se sot s`i perdor dot turrat e drunjve) e deri tek Amerika qe ne disa shtete e ka ndaluar mesimin ne shkolla te Teorise se Evolucionit se "prish edukimin moral" te femijeve(biles ne Australi nje mesues u denua se u tha nxenesve: Nuk ekziston Babagjyshi i Vitit te Ri).
Nuk e kam problem qe ti apo shume te tjere jane kundra. Biles ketu qendron ndryshimi midis fese dhe shkences. Ne shkence ti ose BINDESH (pra perdor llogjiken ne baze te fakteve) ose NUK bindesh (perseri duke perdorur faktet dhe llogjiken tende) kurse Feja kerkon BESIM (pra bindje APRIORI) por kur SHPIF (qofte edhe padashje) trillime te tipit "Shkenca ka hedhur poshte Darvinin" nuk eshte ndonje gje e vogel. Ti thua qe nuk ekzistojne "fosilet e ndermjeteme" ne nje kohe qe per mijera lloje ekzistojne (ajo qe nuk eshte gjetur eshte pikerisht "hallka" midis njeriut dhe majmunit) dhe me vjen keq qe ti nuk paske degjuar ndonj
ehere fjalet PALEONTOLOGJI...ANTROPOLOGJI...dhe BIOLOGJI...qe "palcen" e tyre e permban pikerisht libri "Prejardhja e llojeve".
Persa i perket asaj thenies se Darvinit vazhdon "zanati" i shtremberimit dhe abuzimit. Darvini ka pranuar qe "ndoshta te gjitha llojet kane ardhur nga nje lloj i vetem i cili me pas eshte zhvilluar ne shume "dege te ndryshme" (e thashe ne esence me fjalet e mia) dhe kjo eshte edhe sot nje hipoteze e forte ne rrethet shkencore. E njejta gje vazhdon edhe me "rastesine". Me "rastesi" nuk nenkupohet (sic propogandohet sot gjeresisht) qe nje dite te bukur me hënë na lindi jeta papritur e pakujtuar. "Rastesia" nenkupton qe pa ndonje QELLIM TE LARTE diku ne nje planet te humbur te nje sistemi diellor te humbur te nje galaktike te humbur mes mijera mega-galaktikave...u krijuan KUSHTET per te lindur jeta (ashtu sikurse une dhe ti qe te lindnim duhej te plotesoheshin qe varg kushtesh qe nga seksi mes mamit dhe babit pikerisht ne momentin e ovulacionit te vezeve te mamit). Dhe jo ashtu si do ta peraqesesh ti si nje "rrufe ne qiell te hapur" apo si nje "diell ne mes te furtunes".
Por pyetjes sime i dredhove bukur. Une nuk vura ne dyshim ekzistencem e Zotit. As fuqite dhe aftesite e tij. Nuk vura ne dyshim as qe Bibla/Kurani (apo cfare te duash ti) jane Libra te Shenjte. Keto i mora te mireqena. une bera tjeter pyetje: Si je kaq i sigurte qe Zoti do t`i mbaje premtimet ne nje kohe qe te vetmet burime informacioni qe kemi per Zotin vijne nga....ZOTI. Dhe ne nje kohe qe ti nuk MUND dhe nuk DUHET t`i GJYKOSH keto informacione. Dhe per me teper nuk ke te drejte as te mos i pranosh (sic ben ti lirisht me teorite shkencore) sepse perndryshe perfundon ne FERR. Dhe kjo quhet DIKTATURE. Liria kaq e propoganduar nga feja arrin kulmin e ironise dhe patetizmit.
Pergjigjju te lutem vetem ketyre dy pyetjeve:
1. Ku je ti kaq i sigurte qe do vesh ne Parajse kur ti te vetmin burim informacioni ke...ZOTIN?
2. Dhe kur ti nuk ke MUNDESI, dhe as te DREJTE qe t`i diskutosh ato qe thote Zoti (pra qe do vesh ne Parajse dhe
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Citimi qe permenda ishte thjesht nje arsyetim i dikujt dhe nuk pretendoja absolutisht qe te kalonte per fakt shkencor.
Me lart permende si ndryshimi ndermjet shkences dhe fese faktin qe shkencen mund t'a kundershtosh duke u bazuar mbi fakte ndersa feja kerkon bindje te verber, gje qe eshte dhe e vertete per disa fe(duke mos i njohur ne imtesi nuk mund te te jap shembuj konkrete dhe prova por jam pjeserisht dakort me ty deri ketu).
Feja Islame, te pakten per si me eshte shpjeguar mua, i lejon te gjitha dyshimet dhe pyetjet qe mund t'i lindin njeriut rreth edhe vete fese. Dicka qe "pretendon" se nuk permban kontradikta, eshte e vertet, dhe fjale e vete krijuesit nuk ka sesi te frikesohet nga pyetjet qe mund t'i lindin krijesave pasi nje nga vete qellimet e saj eshte t'i perjgigjet ketyre pyetjeve. Ky fakt perforcohet akoma me shume nga fakte te paraqitura dhe qe mund fare mire te verifikohesn nga vete krijesat, jane edhe verifikuar. Islami nxit besimin e mbeshtetur mbi llogjike dhe te bazuar ne fakte dhe jo APRIORI.
Une kam jetuar ne hene deri tani, dhe sinqerisht s'pata degjuar ndonjehere per ato fjalet e medha qe permende ti ca me lart, ndersa keto tipat qe po permnd une me poshte ndoshta dine dicka me shume se te dy ne.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Adam Sedgwick (1785-1873), a highly respected scientist, was one of the founders of geology as science in England. ...
Darwin did not attend Sedgwick's lectures. He got his basic knowledge of geology while accompanying Sedgwick on a three-week walking tour to North Wales. In matters of geology, Darwin was never a match for Sedgwick. This, and Sedgwick's superior power of mind, are evident from Darwin's letter to Hooker, dated 1870. Darwin complains in it, that Sedgwick took him to the museum, and that he had "not recovered from the exhaustion yet" after being "killed by a man of eighty-six" in this way.
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Ne nje leter derguar darvinit shprehet </font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
...I have read your book with more pain than pleasure. Parts of it I admired greatly, parts I laughed at till my sides were almost sore; other parts I read with absolute sorrow, because I think them utterly false and grievously mischievous. You have deserted—after a start in that tram-road of all solid physical truth—the true method of induction, and started us in machinery as wild, I think, as Bishop Wilkins's locomotive that was to sail with us to the moon. Many of your wide conclusions are based upon assumptions which can neither be proved nor disproved, why then express them in the language and arrangement of philosophical induction?
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vazhdon me pas.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
This I do affirm, that if the transmutation theory were proved true in the actual world, and we could hatch rats out of eggs of geese, it would still be difficult to account for the successive forms of organic life in the old world. They appear to me to give the lie to the theory of transmutation at every turn of the pages of Dame Nature's old book... On physical grounds, the transmutation theory is untrue, if we reason (as we ought to do) from the known to the unknown... Nor is there any proof, either ethnographical or physical, of the bestial origin of man.
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Vazhdojme me dike tjeter </font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Thomas Vernon Wollaston (1821-1878) is mentioned in chapters II, V, VI and XIII of Darwin's book, On the Origin of Species. Wollaston's scientific work on hundreds of species of beetles and insects inhabiting Madeira and fossil land-shells from the same region, is called "admirable" by Darwin and it is strongly relied on in his book.
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Ky me lart shprehet: </font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
...Besides, to make "nature" accomplish anything requiring intelligence and foresight, and other attributes of mind, is nothing more or less than to personify an abstraction, and must be regarded therefore as the highest degree unphilosophical. We believe it was Coleridge who first called attention to this fact, that to treat a mere abstraction as an efficient cause is simply absurd. But that this is the plain and undoubted tendency of our modern materialists, the following sentence, taken at random from the present volume, will certainly go far to corroborate: "As man can produce, and certainly has produced, a great result by this methodical and unconscious means of selection, what may not nature effect? Man can act only on external and visible characters: nature cares nothing for appearances, except in so far as they may be useful to any being. She can act on every internal organ, on every shade of constitutional difference, on the whole machinery of life. Man selects only for his own good; Nature only for that of the being which she tends. Every selected character is fully exercised by her; and the being is placed under well-suited conditions of life" ... But who is this "Nature", we have a right to ask, who has such tremendous power, and to whose efficiency such marvellous performances are ascribed? What are her image and attributes, when dragged from her wordy lurking-place? Is she aught but a pestilent abstraction, like dust cast into our eyes to obscure the workings of an Intelligent First Cause of all?
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Ja dhe nje tjeter </font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Richard Owen (1804-1892) was a comparative anatomist, vertebrate paleontologist and the most distinguished English zoologist of his time. ...
Owen was the leading comparative anatomist of his time, and gave us many of the terms still used in anatomy today. He published over 360 illustrated monographs on recent and fossil animals. ...
In a letter to J.D. Hooker, dated 1860, Darwin called himself "immeasurably inferior" to Owen as a naturalist.
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Edhe ky shprehet: </font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Darwin assumes that useful variations are reproduced in the offspring, and may be heightened in still further modified descendants of the species. This theory implies the fertility of the individuals during the process of transmutation. This is not the case:
But numerous instances, familiar to every zoologist, suggest an objection which seems fatal to the theory, since they show extreme peculiarities of structure and instinct in individuals that cannot transmit them, because they are doomed to perpetual sterility.
For example, the most important members of the hive are the neuters, or "non-breeding females", which collect the pollen on their peculiarly expanded thighs and honey in their peculiarly valvular crop or "honey-bag". In the family of ants, the sterile females are the workers, and their size differs greatly, some of them are three times longer than the others. The castrate bovine has longer horns than the male or female. But as Owen points out, "all these instances of exaggerated peculiarities of structure and instinct are manifested in individuals which never could have transmitted them."
[/ QUOTE ] dhe vazhdon </font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Darwin's use of the word "believe" is inadequate in the case of a scientific theory.
Now, on such a question as the origin of species, and in an express, formal, scientific treatise on the subject, the expression of a belief, where one looks for a demonstration, is simply provoking. We are not concerned in the author's beliefs or inclinations to believe. Belief is a state of mind short of actual knowledge.
Darwin's hypothesis requires an immense number of intermediate fossil forms, transitional links, which must have existed in the past. During Darwin's time, they were nowhere. He assured us, that they will come forth, but after 140 years we still cannot find them. This was expected by Owen, saying, "our only ground for prophesying of what may come, is by the analogy of what has come to light."
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Ne vazhdim nuk eshte aspak e njejta analogji mes kushteve qe duhen plotesuar per "lindjen" e nje njeriu dhe te atyre per "formimin"(pasi sipas Darvinit nuk mund te flasim per "krijim") e nje qenie te thjeshte qe detyrimisht duhet t'a quajme njeqelizore. Sipas kesja "rastesie", duke qene qe eshte e pamundur te jete "formuar" vetvetiu njeheresh gjate ketyre "kushteve" na duhet te pranojme qe pjeset e qelizes qe ishin formua para disa mijera vitesh, priten dhe disa mijera vite te tjera per t'u bashkuar, apo se molekulat qe ishin formuar si rrjedhoje e ketyre ndryshimeve te ndodhura para dias mijera vitesh u mblodhen prape dhe formuan ate qelizen e pare te famshme te darvinit krejt vetvetiu.
Ti e ben pyetjen se si mund t'i besoj asaj qe thote Zoti kur nuk kemi burime te tjera qe t'a vertetojne duke u nisur nga supozimi se une nuk mund te ve ne dyshim ate qe thuhet ne fe dhe qe ketu nisesh nga supozim i gabuar.
Une mund fare mire te ve ne dyshim ate qe me thuhet nese nuk me shpjegohet ne menyre qe llogjika ime t'a pranoje si te drejte, sidoqofte i pergjigjem pyetjeve "pa i bere bisht" kesaj here.
1. Une nuk e di nese do shkoj ne parajse, askush nuk m'a jep kete siguri.
2. Une kam MUNDESINE dhe te DREJTEN per te kerkuar arsyet e asaj qe me thuhet, pra te mund edhe te dyshoj.
Jo gjithca qe edhe vete shkenca e merr per te vertete eshte e provuar, mjafton si fakt "teoria e numrave natyrore", qe thote qe "numrat natyrore" jane bashkesi dhe element(termi italisht eshte "insieme"). Kjo teori nuk eshte vertetuar por meqe as nuk eshte hedhur poshte merret si e vertete(shkaku i vetem eshte zhvillimi i shkences), por nese vertetohet qe sjell paradoks mos harro se duhen rishkruar gjithe librat e matematikes.