Shprehjet me te bukura filozofike!!


Locus omnem


dans ton coeur
Ndryshojn shume karakteret e njerezve por fytyra prap u ngelet e njejt ,arrijn të té buzqeshin prap edhe pse ua njeh mire buzqeshjen edhe kur e kane fallco...!


Locus omnem
Practicing the Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful techniques you can use to become a positive person and to ensure positive outcomes and better results in your life.
Your expectations become your own self-fulfilling prophesies. Whatever you expect, with confidence, seems to come into your life.

Since you can control your expectations, you should always expect the best. Expect to be successful. Expect to be popular when you meet new people. Expect to achieve great goals and create a wonderful life for yourself. When you constantly expect good things to happen, you will seldom be disappointed.

Make a pledge to only talk about positive things this week and see how your outlook will change!