Rr e Kavajes


Re: Rr e Kavajes

you know what I want?!
I just want a big romance,smthg different,I wanna change things!!
I just wanna be loved!! I want someone who makes me feel in heaven,someone who's never tired to give uncondicially LOVE!!!
at the same time I don't want all this!! I guess I'm ok with myself!!
te na falin moderatoret per anglishten e tepruar po kjo na erdhi me per mbare!

I love new york

Primus registratum
Re: Rr e Kavajes

pjesa e pare ishte ok (mgjth pak prrallore qe ne everyday cruel unfair life)nuk para ndodhin mgjth miracles have happened. sidoqofte deshira eshte konkrete.
pjesa e dyte, totally throw me off, permbys te paren deri diku dhe eshte e paqarte.
so clear a few things with yourself as to what you actually want and dont want.
mundohu to be withing a reality range.

moderatoret te na falin per gjuhen po qeka si mo kollaj kshu /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Re: Rr e Kavajes

that's what I want and which I truly don't believe it's gonna happen!!beside other usual dreams that's what crossed my mind in that moment or that's what I have in mind often!!
that I feel alone and I just want to smell (*för Guds skull!!*)the scent of a real man!!
sometimes I just get tired of all such dreams and think that it's ok with my life!(things go slow and I take it easy,life goes on..)

I love new york

Primus registratum
Re: Rr e Kavajes

well wanting to feel the taste of a man is no dream at all, aq me teper e parealizueshme.
it could happen any time and you know it.
the other thing is that this is not the only thing you want or how you want it, that's waht makes it a little more complicated but not imposible.
and yes, life does go on and that it a good thing becasue everyday is a new destiny


Re: Rr e Kavajes

same sh*t different day!!
hajt noten e mir :wave:
un po pres njehere sa te rritem

I love new york

Primus registratum
Re: Rr e Kavajes

:lol: :lol:
eh si eshte puna kur je i vogel mezi pret te rritesh, kur je i madh do te behesh i vogel ca here :shrug:
nejse, me e mira do behet :thumbsup:

sweet eda

Primus registratum
Re: Rr e Kavajes

paskeni pushtu chit-chatin ik me i tem e dil ke i tjeter vetem nikc-at e tuj shof, .........dallaverexhije te mdhoja jeni ene ju mo!!! :tipsy:


Forumium maestatis
Re: Rr e Kavajes

Fillimisht postuar nga HELEN OF TROY:
[qb] sa e cuditshme eshte jeta
para nja dy oresh po qanim e po rrudhnim turinjte tashi kendopjme e kercejme
isn't life amusing /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif :book: :wink: [/qb]
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes very amusing


Forumium maestatis
Re: Rr e Kavajes

O sa qef ju kam kshu kur e merrni shtruar me diskutime. Ktu jemi tek rruga e kavajes. E pse te mos diskutojme cfar eshte jeta apo vdekja, apo anej nga shqiperia qe po behet nami. Hajde ti bijme me politikes me koke. E pse jo? A eshte Kavaja street vetem per ne? Ne nuk do themi vetem mirmengjes dhe naten e mire ketu.

Meqe ra fjala MIRMENGJES te gjithve :wave: (ora 1 po ec se tani sa u zgjova).


Primus registratum
Re: Rr e Kavajes

E paske pas roncem mbreme I guess!!sorry qe po imitoj Helenen dhe Hotin,kryqezim gjuhesh :tipsy:
Pershendetje Xander :wave:
Edhe te tjereve qe nuk jane :wave:

sweet eda

Primus registratum
Re: Rr e Kavajes

edhe une, erdha nga puna u lva, rashe ne gjume ne 1 e 30, sot jam ngritur qe ne 5 te mengjesit..dhe do punoj gjithe diten, u pa puna po i rrokullis nja 2 kafe para se te dal


Primus registratum
Re: Rr e Kavajes

Mire qe me kujtove punen,se te ishte per mua :sleep:
Po iki te punoj,befshi qef o miq!!
:wave: :wave: :wave:

it's me

Primus registratum
Re: Rr e Kavajes

edhe une erdha po spaska kembe njeriu. Ja kane mbathur te gjithe per plazh e per qef si duket /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Re: Rr e Kavajes

qe i zeft majasilli ejvalla!! pah sa dite e merzitshme! /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif