I remember as a child being taught that Americans were a moral people. Our moral superiority was the reason we had won two world wars, and why the rest of the world looked to us to establish the standards in human rights. Even the United Nations supposedly took their cues from the US in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
How far we have fallen.
The United States Government now admits having invaded Iraq under false pretexts. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. Iraq was not supporting Al Qaeda. Indeed Al Qaeda appears to be a manufactured front group for the Mossad.
Yet the supposedly moral American people do not speak out, do not denounce the leaders and media who lied to start a war.
President Bush willfully engaged in fraud to activate the Congressional Authorization for the use of force in Iraq. The Authorization required President Bush to prove Iraq was in violation of United Nations Resolutions by being in posession of banned weapons of mass destruction, and that proof be provided that Iraq was connected to the events of 9-11. Clearly, Bush had no proof of either claim. The US Government now openly admits there was no connection from Iraq to 9-11, and that Iraq had in fact complied with the United Nations by destroying all of its banned weapons. President Bush lied to the US Congress.
Yet the supposedly moral Congress does not speak out against the President who lied to them, who abused their trust, and exceeded his lawful authority. And the supposedly moral American people do not speak out against the Congress that has shirked its responsibility as check and balance on the Executive Branch.
Vote fraud is rampant. Even before the elections, scandal after scandal over fraudulent registration, disenfranchisement, and rigged voting equipment surface.
Yet the supposedly moral American people do not speak out, do not demand verifiable elections, do not refuse to obey and support politicians who cannot prove the honesty and accuracy of the elections by which they claim authority.
A foreign spy ring is discovered inside the very Pentagon office from which flowed the now exposed lies that tricked this nation into war in the Mideast. The White House orders the investigation halted.
Yet the supposedly moral American people do not speak out, do not demand arrests and expulsion of the spies, or that said spies be hunted down to the last, to wrest control of this nation back to the people of this nation.
The United States tortures prisoners. The excuse was the necessity to find Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. But now we know there were no weapons of mass destrution, and that the US Government has been torturing innocent people.
Yet the supposedly moral American people do not speak out, do not denounce the leaders and media who justified and excused the torture of innocents.
What is shocking and amazing isn't what our nation's leaders have turned this nation into, but the silence of most Americans willing to tolerate it, to go along, to stay silent, to cling to the lies, indeed to see their neighbors' children go off to die in war. America is no longer a moral nation. We do not build, we do not lead, we do not set the standard. Obeisence to the government has turned our people from a nation of innovators and builders to a nation of clerks and accountants, sorting buttons and looking under each others' seat cushions for loose change, burying our noses into forms and documents and receipts such that we may not have to look at the horror that this nation has become around us.
I will be honest; I did expect the release of the Duelfer Report, admitting there never were any Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, to produce at least some degree of outrage among the supposedly moral American people. Instead, there was barely a whisper. And I am very dissapointed in Americans for that. This nation is lost, for the people are lost.
History will visit a harsh judgement on Americans of the 21st Century, and sadly, most Americans will deserve it.