Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Me duket se te gjithe anti-amerikanet jane ne koma.Do kisha pas deshire te dija se:cfar po bente Kondra/Antares/Amar/e te tjere anti-amerikane ne momentin kur Bush fitoi zgjedhjet.Do kisha pas deshire gjithashtu te dija se:si e priten fitoren e Bushit keta zoterinj,a hengren buke ate dite(dhe ditet qe pasojne),a shkuan per konsulte tek ndonje psikiater etj etj etj :Mbasi tema tjeter m'u mbyll nga Hajduti i pulave,pasi mendimi i tij ishte qe ajo tema ishte njelloj me temen per /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gifro amerikanet,-gjepura,thjeshte inat/fanatizem/injorance/burokratizem/dhe preshin ne dore :tipsy: :tipsy: :smash:


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Dhe meqe ra llafi,Klinton ishte dikur narkotik i varur (me fal per termin)sepse drodhi nje cigare me perberes te ndaluar,apo shfrytezoi postin per nje dashnore ekstra /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Zog,Europa e bashkuar sigurisht qe mund te jete me e forte,po te prodhoje cokollata dhe pampers,dhe kjo i kalon te qenit e nje shteti social por jo potencial.


Pan ignoramus
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

A biem ndopak dakord qe perhere, sa here qe kembimi i dollarit amerikan ka pasur ulje ne tregun nderkombetar, zgjidhja ka qene "ta ngreme me nje lufte"?
Deri me sot ky fakt eshte pare nga shume si barometer per sinjalin "Lufte ne horizont".
Si perhere... ekonomia punon ne menyra misterioze.

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Fillimisht postuar nga Gurax:
[qb] A biem ndopak dakord qe perhere, sa here qe kembimi i dollarit amerikan ka pasur ulje ne tregun nderkombetar, zgjidhja ka qene "ta ngreme me nje lufte"?
Deri me sot ky fakt eshte pare nga shume si barometer per sinjalin "Lufte ne horizont".
Si perhere... ekonomia punon ne menyra misterioze.

It's called " MISUSE OF POWER "...(shperdorim fuqie)


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

lindja e mesme eshte nje mocal i qelbur qe ka nevoje per nje spastrim te fuqishem. i vetmi popull persembari atje eshte populli kurd, qe ka qene i shtypur perhere nga "vellezerit" myslimane suni dhe shiit.

amerika duhet te veje ne siri, qe te pakten ti hapet horizonti nje demokracie te brishte si ajo e libanit.


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Shume shpejt Turqia do ti tregoje vendin "atij populli per se mbari" dhe kesaj here jo ne Turqi po ne Irak. Muajt e ardhshem komanda turke ka plane te dergoje nja 40 000 trupa ne veri te Irakut. Dhe jane 40 000 ushtare te vertete e jo si plehrat Janki qe per te vrare nje snajper ne nje pallat therresin sume ajrore me bomba 500 paund dhe topa 155mm.
Falluja eshte rrafshuar se plehrat Janki kane frike te luftojne dhe kane perdorur aviacionin e tanket ne qytet!
Sipas konventave nderkombetare kjo perben krim lufte!


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Fillimisht postuar nga antares:
[qb] Shume shpejt Turqia do ti tregoje vendin "atij populli per se mbari" dhe kesaj here jo ne Turqi po ne Irak. Muajt e ardhshem komanda turke ka plane te dergoje nja 40 000 trupa ne veri te Irakut. Dhe jane 40 000 ushtare te vertete e jo si plehrat Janki qe per te vrare nje snajper ne nje pallat therresin sume ajrore me bomba 500 paund dhe topa 155mm.
Falluja eshte rrafshuar se plehrat Janki kane frike te luftojne dhe kane perdorur aviacionin e tanket ne qytet!
Sipas konventave nderkombetare kjo perben krim lufte! [/qb]
a me tregon te lutem pse urren kaq shume nje popull.e kur them nje popull eshte populli amerikan pastaj sot kerkohet pak dimplomaci apo jo?SHBA kane bere qe e gjithe bota,perfshire edhe europa jone,ti drejtojne syte nga ata.sistemi i zhvillimit amerikan eshte ai qe funksinon me drejte,jo ai arab komunist apo kinez.mendohu pak para se te flisni brockulla,hajt se nuk kam me durim te flas me ty :mad:


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Kur zoteria nuk paska durim te flase ca me pak ka te lexoje prandaj "va fa'n culo" great1! Shko andej nga e ndjen vehten me mire ne dhenie keshillash per aborte apo brockulla adoleshentesh! Duket qarte qe ke qelluar ne vend te gabuar or tej!
Shpjegimet i do para buke apo pas buke?


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

atehere je rrush.nuk po vazhdojme te ofendohemi ketu.hapim nje teme tjeter.o idiot si mund te shash ameriken,trap.a e din se cdo thote ai term apo jo?po te kem mundesi te marr e te coj ne siberi,do shohim si gjendesh me ato miqte e tu.


Pan ignoramus
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Aren't you great, great1 /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif E ke lexuar ndonjehere per cfare eshte tema dhe bisedat ne te, apo shyqyr qe ngre flamurin maje oxhakut, edhe pse kokeposhte?

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Bujrum Orosh! Hajde merru pak me kete "qenjen" qe ka humbur rrugen ketu, coje perdore te rubrikat e adoleshenteve se do ja krise se qarit dhe vjen Duti pastaj! Pastaj flasim si zakonisht!


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Antares,qe te mos hap teme tjeter po te pyes:si ka mundesi qe te gjithe shqiptaret qe gjinden ne Kanada jane anti-amerikane(mos me thuaj qe sjeni antiamerikane,por anti Bush :tipsy: ).Mua me shkon mendja ne disa shkaqe:inat/zili,ndjenja e superioritetit,etj etj,mos eshte Kanadaja vendi ku jane mbledhur te gjithe kundra-amerikanet???
Tani na i bere Turqit ushtare te forte :tipsy: ,me cfare metodash kane luftuar Turqit kunder Kurdeve??e di ti??Kurdet nje mut jane,sipas dijeve te mija ketu ne Evrope,Kurdet jane rraca me e dhjere ne Bote!!!Por kjo nuk do te thote qe Turqit jane me te mire,biles sipas historianeve Turqit rrjedhin pikerisht prej rraces Kurde!! :tipsy:


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Une thirra Oroshin e me erdhi Guraxi nga Bunkeri! Po jo more mik se behemi tre dhe na iken fare nga forumi kaqoli ne fjale! Ai ka qejf te jete ne qender te vemendjes po jo kaq de!


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

o kaqol nuk me shkon mendja te rri ne qender te vemendjes.thjesht me kuriozon fakti se pse ju,ju ose shume prej jush urrejne cdo gje qe amerika ndermerr.vetem kaq.dua te mbush cektesine tuaj t'ju ndihmoj.edhe ate shokun tend me siper(gurax).eshte debat,le te behet debat.pse fryhesh kot.kazaket e shqiperise!


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Tunxh bir! Se pari para se te mbushesh cektesine tone meso te shkruash ne nivel pertej klases se dyte. Se pari fjalia fillon me germe te madhe. Pas pikes kemi fjali tjeter qe ....... fillon perseri me germe te madhe. Nuk thuhet "me kuriozon" po me ben kurioz fakti apo dicka tjeter (sintaksa italiane eshte per italishten). Me do te shkruajme italisht na lajmero po kam frike se nga menyra si shkruan shqipen...........
Keqtrajtimi qe i ben ti gjuhes tende edhte pak a shume si clirimi qe i bene Jankite Fallujes!
Mund te fillosh me kengen e abetares!


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

non c'e problema ti posso accontentare.ej lascia i bla bla bla e pensa a cosa significa il tuo cinismo.se non amiri un' popolo non bisogna ofendere.e non mi dire come si scrive.fo per farti capire prima,se no, tu ti stanchi ad aspettare.allora fallujano!
si scrive eshte jo edhte?????


Pan ignoramus
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Great1 Great1. Nese ka ndonje pike qe ti e konsideron te vlefshme per te permendur, perpara revanshit qe te klasifikosh te tjeret ne grupet "NE" dhe "ATA", do te ishte mire te mendoheshe edhe nje here per pyetjen me siper se per se po flitet. Per muzike? Per kinematografi? Per nivele arsimimi? Per aftesi dheniesh opinioni, perfshi dhe njohurite perkatese per t'i mbeshtetur? Per aftesi rekrutimi emigrantesh dhe mbylljen e njerit sy per ata qe punojne ne te zeze dhe tejshfrytezojne, ne te mire te vetvetes sigurisht, vizat e dhena per shkollim? Per sistemin ligjor? Per fuqine ushtarake? Per aftesite diplomatike?

Prandaj edhe nje here... lexo dhe posto me pas duke menduar, jo duke ngrene fara luledielli.

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Ja pse i admiroj kaq shume amerikanet, lexo dhe firmen time (fjalet e Oskar Wilde).

A disaster, made in the USA
November 15, 2004

How long will it take for us to realise what we have done to Iraq, asks Robert Manne.

Last week, as the ferocious battle for Fallujah began, the neo-conservative "scholar", Robert Kagan, paid a triumphal visit to Australia. Kagan was received by the Prime Minister. An edited version of the lecture he delivered was published in five newspapers. He was interviewed, respectfully, by almost every serious public affairs program on the ABC. Unhappily there was in all this virtually no discussion of the pivotal role Kagan had played in the origin of the invasion of Iraq.

Kagan is one of the more prominent of the group of neo-conservatives who came together in the mid-1990s in a bid to change the direction of US foreign policy. In 1996, Kagan co-authored with William Kristol, in the journal Foreign Affairs, a neo-Reaganite manifesto calling for the worldwide imposition of American ideals through the deployment of overwhelming US force. In 1998, he was a signatory on a letter to President Bill Clinton calling for the immediate overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

As soon as September 11 occurred, Kagan and Kristol began to put the case for the immediate invasion of Iraq in increasingly strident editorials in the influential Rupert Murdoch-financed Weekly Standard. They argued that Saddam was certainly involved in 9/11. They called him "the world's most dangerous dictator" and claimed that he was on the verge of producing a nuclear bomb.

The pair waxed lyrical about President George Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech, which represented, they hoped, the beginning of a new era in world history. They backed the case for the invasion on the basis of their certainty about the existence of Saddam's vast arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. They were probably the last people in the world to maintain the faith. As late as May this year the pair argued that even President Bush had been "intimidated by the new conventional wisdom that Saddam has done away with his WMD".

This melancholy record of war-mongering misjudgement did not prevent a national red carpet from being rolled out for Kagan.

For those who remain interested in understanding what actually has occurred since the US-led invasion of Iraq, three very important sources of information have recently appeared.

In late October, the results of a sophisticated American study of post-invasion deaths were published by the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet. For this study interviewers were sent to 33 randomly selected neighbourhoods across Iraq. Their questions concerned household deaths in the 15 months before, and the 18 months after, the invasion of Iraq.

One of the randomly selected towns was Fallujah. In the 30 houses where interviews took place more than 50 violent post-invasion deaths were reported to have occurred, mainly as a result of US air strikes. If Fallujah were included in the calculations, the post-invasion death toll was 2.5 times higher than in the pre-invasion period. If it were excluded, the toll was 1.5 times higher.

In the final calculation Fallujah was excluded. The study estimated that, even so, the most likely number of excess deaths caused by the US invasion was 98,000. Of these, some 60,000 were estimated to have been caused by post-invasion violence. Because the sample was small, the margin for error was acknowledged to be large. The figure of excess post-invasion deaths might be considerably lower than 98,000. Equally, it might be considerably higher.

The right-of-centre Economist magazine has praised the study unreservedly. The study has been unpersuasively dismissed, however, by the pro-war party on obviously political grounds.

The costs of the invasion cannot, of course, be calculated exclusively according to the numbers killed. In September 2004, an authoritative study of conditions of life in post-invasion Iraq was published by the non-partisan US think-tank, the Centre for Strategic and International Studies. CSIS surveyed 60 media outlets and 17 official public sources. It conducted hundreds of interviews across Iraq. In none of the areas studied - security, governance, the economy, the provision of services - has any significant progress been made. In most areas, since the invasion, the situation has grown worse.

Only a few of the findings can be outlined here. In Baghdad the current annual murder rate is 4500. Dozens of kidnappings take place every day. The dangers from crime and the insurgency are now so great that most Iraqis no longer feel safe even in their own neighbourhoods.

In all the major cities of Iraq electricity supply is far worse than before the invasion. The dangers from exposed sewerage are, however, probably even more serious. Water-borne disease is spreading; 60 per cent of Iraqis rely on rations, 50 per cent live beneath the poverty line.

Because of insecurity, by mid-2004 less than $500 million of the $18 billion reconstruction funds voted by the US Congress had been able to be spent. Iraqi public opinion has almost totally lost hope in the occupation forces.

In May 2004, 80 per cent of Iraqis had "no confidence at all" in their capacity to improve their security situation. While 90 per cent of Iraqis are keen to have free elections, the same percentage now yearn for the emergence of a political strongman who can take charge of the fearful chaos into the which the country has fallen since the Anglo-American forces arrived.

Over the past 18 months I must have read thousands of articles on post-invasion Iraq. Yet nothing I have read has captured the situation as vividly as a recently leaked private email sent by a young Wall Street Journal correspondent in Baghdad, Farnaz Fassihi, to her friends. Only a few sentences can be quoted here.

"I am house-bound . . . My most pressing concern every day is . . . to stay alive . . . Despite President Bush's rosy assessments Iraq remains a disaster . . . The Iraqi Government doesn't control most cities, there are several car bombs going off each day . . . The country's roads are becoming impassable . . . There are assassinations, kidnappings and beheadings . . . The 'situation' basically means a raging, barbaric civil war . . . Iraqis say that thanks to America they got freedom in exchange for security. Guess what? They say they'd take security over freedom any day . . . The genie of terrorism, chaos and mayhem has been unleashed onto this country as a result of America's mistakes, and it can't be put back in a bottle . . . I asked a 28-year-old engineer if he and his family would participate in the Iraqi elections . . . His response summed it all: 'Go and vote and risk being blown to pieces . . . or murdered for co-operating with the Americans . . . are you joking?'."

Meanwhile, in Australia, when one of the intellectual cheerleaders of this unutterable disaster pays us a visit, we hang on his every, foolish word. A nightmare, in which we are deeply implicated, has descended upon Iraq. How long will it take before we see what we have done?


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

perderisa kerkova shpjegime nga parafolesi,atehere doemos qe jam ne dijeni te temes.por kur sheh qe njerezit versulen e perdhosin dinjitetin e nje kombi te madh me shtyn kureshtja te di psene .per kete qe une iu drejtova juve.por duke qene nje i panjohur per ju(ashtu si edhe ju permua)po ndodh nje keqkuptim.i pari shan edhe keq,nejse.