Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Me duket se te gjithe anti-amerikanet jane ne koma.Do kisha pas deshire te dija se:cfar po bente Kondra/Antares/Amar/e te tjere anti-amerikane ne momentin kur Bush fitoi zgjedhjet.Do kisha pas deshire gjithashtu te dija se:si e priten fitoren e Bushit keta zoterinj,a hengren buke ate dite(dhe ditet qe pasojne),a shkuan per konsulte tek ndonje psikiater etj etj etj :Mbasi tema tjeter m'u mbyll nga Hajduti i pulave,pasi mendimi i tij ishte qe ajo tema ishte njelloj me temen per /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gifro amerikanet,-gjepura,thjeshte inat/fanatizem/injorance/burokratizem/dhe preshin ne dore :tipsy: :tipsy: :smash:


Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Ana Blue, atë kam shkruar edhe unë. Ti e din që ky fakt është i shkruar edhe në përkujtimoren e viktimave të holokaustit? Por kjo nuk i bën më të mirë politikanët çifutë apo lobin e tyre në SH.B.A :shrug:

Për referenca mbi ç'bëri Kanadaja për Kosovarët;
Kanadaja për Kosovën


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Nese amerikanet jane duke luftuar ne irak per ta promovuar demokracine kjo per mua ok. por une dyshoj se ata jane duke ndihmuar Izraelin vetem qe te forcohet edhe me shume. E shihni se qka bene Izraeli ne Palestine se si ja merr per çdo dite token palestinezeve dhe se si i pushton ata edhe me shume. Palestinezet duhet me çdo kusht ta mbrojne vendin e tyre por duhet t'i lene anash sulmet kamikaze terroriste dhe jo te vrasin femije te pafajshme.

Sot izraeli nderton mur dhe neser kur te zgjohen nga gjumi palestinezet e shohin se vetem muri i shtepise i ndan nga Izraeli.

a e dini se çfare armatimi ka USA a jo a veq po folni mi qef vetes, ajo heret a vone do ta demokratizoje boten. E le ma muslimanet qe s'kane "mut" n'bo.. Kina ani qfar force ka e sun i bon sen USA e le ma muslimanet.


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Fillimisht postuar nga Kondrapedali
Tek e fundit Izraelit i takonte të bënte më shumë për një komb që e ka mbështetur gjithmonë dhe e ka ndihmuar sa herë që i është dhënë rasti. Megjithatë, faleminderit Izrael!
Megjithate ti drejtohesh me emrin arabo-turkoshak "cifut". Falenderimi me i mire do ishte te i quaje "hebre". Atehere do kishte kuptim me te plote falenderimi yt.

Fillimisht postuar nga Kondrapedali
Në vende të tjera çifutët kanë ruajtur identitetin e tyre se kanë qenë të persekutuar, po në Shqipëri përse?
Robert Jakov Shvarc ishte studiuesi me i mire gjuhes shqipe keto 20 vjetet e fundit, ai eshte hebre. Une e kam gjyshin hebre, gjyshen shqiptare, e me rradhe... edhe e ruaj identitetin. Mirenjohja e Shvarz per shqiptaret eshte puna e tij monumentale per gjuhen shqipe edhe perkthimet voluminoze te tijat nga literatura boterrore ne shqip.

Jam shqiptar vete, ne dite te keqija i jam gjendur kombit shqiptar i pari ne rradhe. Miku i mire njihet gjithmone ne dite te keqija. Nuk e harroj kurre.

Mos harroni ate qe i madhi Kadare ka thene per fene Islame tek shqiptaret. Eshte nje fatkeqesi qe i ka ndodhur kombit shqiptar.


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

E keni pare faqen www.muslimforbush.com? Arabet kane agjenden e tyre. Agjenda e shqiptareve eshte ceshtja kombetare. "Miqte myslymane arabe" punuan kunder shqiptareve. Mbajeni mend se kane punuar disa here kunder shqiptareve.

Holdbrook eshte hebre. Ne agjenden e Holdbrook (do ishte sekretari i ardhshem nese do fitonte Kerry) ishte PAVARSIA E KOSOVES. Fitoi Bushi miku i petro-dollarit arabo-sheik.

Bush njohu Maqedonine, kot gezohemi ne se u terbuan greket. Cfare fitojme neve nga njohja e Maqedonise si Maqedoni? Qe ajo toke eshte maqedonase? Po gezohemi me luge bosh.

Ne keto momente, fati i ceshtjes shqiptare, eshte i lidhur me kombin izraelit. Jane dy kombe nuk jane kane punuar me hile njeri tjetrit asnjehere.


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Ja nje nga arsyet pse i dua amerikanet dhe padronet e tyre cifute!

A Letter from Iraq.
by Abdul Razaq Al-Sulaimaniyah

Hello everyone. I've just discovered this site, and to be frank, I am dissapointed at the level of verbal hostilies directed here towards my American liberators.
I am a 30 year old Iraqi working as a translator for the Coalition Forces. The liberation of Iraq from Saddam Hussein is undoubtedly the best thing that ever happened to me. My hometown was heavily bombed during the initial phase of the war and our house was destroyed completely. Finally, my chance to live away from my parents.

After the liberation of Baghdad, I went to one of the american bases and got a job as a translator through a friend. Completed my basic course and sent to the field with the troops. Made a lot of new american friends. Most of the troops on the front lines are hispanics and blacks though. I was actually surprise about this. After all, we've been hearing a lot of arab propaganda that it was the jews that are coming after us. Funny people, these jews. You see a lot of them in the corridors of power in Capitol Hill and Pentagon, calling for war and bloodshed and yet, you see none of them in the actual battlefield. Mmmm, I wonder why.
And also, I was told that a lot of these hispanics are not even US citizens. Now this completely baffles me. This is too much for my arab mind to take.You mean the ones fighting for US ideologies and concept of democracy and liberty are actually Mexicans and South Americans? One of my mexican friend explained to me this way; " The shortest route to LA is through Baghdad". Now I am completely lost.

Enough of politics. I was actually enjoying my time with my american friends. They explained to me a lot about american culture and way of life, which is far superior from our arab culture. You see, the americans have been fine tuning their civilisation for almost 200 years now. While arab civilisation has only existed for more than 2000 years. In the area which is know as Iraq today, there used to be a metropolis downrodden with culture, commerce and research. The area which is also known as "The cradle of civilisation" is so backward that people are actually studying astronomy and discovering the concept of atoms, and other forms of witchcraft. While the ancient people of Iraq is languishing in despair, in the area known North America today, was already light years ahead.It was so advanced that you don't need humans to do things. All you need was a few thousand buffaloes running around aimlessly in the field, grazing and shitting occasionally.

I was also informed about the finer things in life that the americans will bring to the rest of the arab world. Fine cuisine for example; slap a piece of greasy meat between 2 piece of bread and sell them at every street corner and soon you will have world dominance. Charge 8 dollars for a cup of coffee, give it a fancy name, and sell it at every street corner and soon you will have world dominance. Introduce a sport that only the Americans play and call it the WORLD series. American TV and movies I heard, is good for the mind. Hollywood films, I was told, always, without fail, potray arabs and muslim in a positive light. Endless sitcom about funny jewish families, funny jewish couples and funny jewish teenagers will give you a clear and accurate insight of typical american life. All you need is a few million viewers staring mindlessly at the screen, eating and shitting occasionally.

Now some of may argue that some of the values and methods use by the US are not compatible with arabs and muslim value. This dilemma is already discussed and addressed in the book " The Collision of Civilization" by Shamuel (Potty) Wiener. Considered a bible for think-tanks in Washington, Pentagon, Wall Street and Hollywood; Wiener explained that the fundamental difference between arab muslim world and the western world is that;

i) Muslim laws and traditions abhors and prohibits the practice of sticking/inserting objects into one's anus. (other than for medical purposes)
ii) Western (Judeo-Christianity) civilization embraces with glee, the practice of sticking/inserting objects into one's anus; with or without reason.

The author also emphasised that the west has also made the creative leap (paradigm shift of sorts) of not only accepting the practice of anal penetration, but also oral penetration afterwards. Meaning : stick it inside your anus, pull it out and then stick it inside your mouth. Also known in Hollywood circles as ATM (*** to mouth) and in Wall Street - job interview.

So, what does this have got anything to do with Abu Ghraib? you might ask. Well nothing and everything, depending on your school of thought.
For the american troops involved in the 'so called' torture of Iraqi prisoner, it was a result of years of "mental conditioning" of growing up in farms, living in abject poverty, where the only form of entertainment usually involves animal livestocks and farm equipment. In a western culture where it is already permissible to insert things up your *** , added with the boredom of guard duty, the troops have fallen prey to a mental disorder known as "analingitis" - the tendency to insert things into other people anus. Whether the troops later insert the object into their own mouth or into the victim's, is still a mystery to this day. Lynddie England was not available for comment.

That all from me for now. From the front lines in iraq. Can't wait to get back on patrol with the guys and get showered with (IED) flowers by my fellow iraqis.

Abdul Razaq Al-Sulaimaniyah


Forumium maestatis
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Meqe doli llafi ke hebrejt ateher duhet te bejme dallimin e te qenit 'anti-hebre' dhe te qenit 'anti-Sharon'. Eshte e njejta gje si te jesh 'anti-Bush' qe nuk do te thote 'anti-amerikan'.

Hebrenjt jane nje nga popujt me te vjeter dhe me te zgjuarit ne Bote. Ata kan vuajtuar gjate gjithe historis se tyre dhe ne te njejten kohe i kane dhane Botes koka te medha, e kane ndihmuar ne zhvillimin e perparimin e saj. Prandaj edhe duhen rrespektuar!

Ashtu sic kan arabet ekstremistet islamist kane edhe hebrejt ekstremistet cifute. Jane keta ekstremist te cillet nxisin urrejtje dhe luftera. Krijimi i Izraelit ne 1947, padrejtesia qe ju be palestinezve dhe politikat lufte nxitese kan qene ato qe e kan cuar situaten ne gjendjen e soteme.

Myslymanet dhe hebrejt kan jetuar gjithmone se bashku pa pasur tensjone, dhe po te shikohet ne boten arabe gjithmone do gjeni nje pakice hebreje qe jeton pa patur asnje lloj problemi me shumicen myslymane. Une per vete kam mbetur i habitur kur kam degjuar qe ka hebrej ne Afganistan, Iran e vende te tjera 'extremiste' islamike.

Ne duhet te ndjehemi krenar qe ne nje kohe kur Europa mbar ndihmonte holokostin gjerman, qe kishte per qellim zhdukjen e hebrejve, ne i ndihmuam e shpetuam. Dhe kjo u be pamvarsisht nga besimet fetare, qofshin myslymanet, qofshin katoliket ose ortodokset te gjithe vepruan njesoj.


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

You see, the americans have been fine tuning their civilisation for almost 200 years now. While arab civilisation has only existed for more than 2000 years. In the area which is know as Iraq today, there used to be a metropolis downrodden with culture, commerce and research.
Pse nuk iken ne Egjypt po rri neper vendet me judenj edhe kristiane kur nuk te pelqejne keto metropolet ku je?

Jeni i ftuar ne vendet me judenj edhe kristiane?

Ne fakt nje Sirian spiunoi per vellezerit e tij islame. U be komplet nga koka deri tek kembet spiun. SHBA e paguante 160,000 dollare ne vit.

Dogji veten para 1 jave afer Shtepise se Bardhe sepse e kishin refuzuar per green card.

"Une te tradhetoj fene time, te spiunoj per vellezerit e mi nen Islam edhe SHBA mos me japi green-card. Te rrezikoj jeten time, te familjes edhe njerezve te mi?" ne nje leter kishte lene supervizorit te tij ne CIA para se te digjte veten.

Antares kot rri ne vendet tona. Do jesh me nder te vesh ne Afganistan. Atje e ke vendin tend, nderin tend. Atje do gjesh vetveten. Jo tek ne.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

"Une te tradhetoj fene time, te spiunoj per vellezerit e mi nen Islam edhe SHBA mos me japi green-card. Te rrezikoj jeten time, te familjes edhe njerezve te mi?" ne nje leter kishte lene supervizorit te tij ne CIA para se te digjte veten.

Ky veprim eshte teper anti-amerikan. Cfare shembulli i eshte dhene Sirjaneve te tjere qe do te donin te bashkpunonin me amerikanet? Duke i refuzuar ketij Sirjani 'green card'-in Amerika ka ushqyer propaganden anti-amerikane...


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

ahrab, lere dhe ti b*then per nje green card se shpellaret vetem ate rruge kane. po nuk ta dhane, digje veten dhe ti....


Primus registratum
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Fillimisht nga LR
Ky veprim eshte teper anti-amerikan. Cfare shembulli i eshte dhene Sirjaneve te tjere qe do te donin te bashkpunonin me amerikanet? Duke i refuzuar ketij Sirjani 'green card'-in Amerika ka ushqyer propaganden anti-amerikane...
Kjo do ishte e vertete nese do ishte e vertete. Ai e ka green card. Propagande.

Permendja e Green Card kilometra afer Bushit ishte per propagande arabet te tjere (mundesisht ata ne SHBA) te mos bashkepunojne me amerikanet. A nuk po behet e njejta gje ne Irak tani?

Ai e ka green card. Dikush nuk eshte interesuar arabet te mos bashkepunojne me amerikanet kunder terrorizmit. Sot gjeten te ekzekutuar 12 ushtare irakene ne Mosul. Terrorizmi eshte kriminalitet por ne te njeten kohe eshte edhe propagande me dhune.

Gazetaret i fryjne gjerat. Ai ishte vetem nje perkthyes.



Pan ignoramus
Re: Ku jane Anti-Amerikanet!!

Anti-amerikane (emri i temes ky) jane dhe ne amerike.

Citate me poshte nga diskutime te tyre:


Everything after the initial invasion has been a total cockup, so my guess is this will be too. Seriously. We've been fed this "we just have to round this corner then it's smooth sailing" line for about two years now. First it was Baghdad. Then it was the capture of Hussein. Then Fallujah. Then the handover. Then Fallujah again. Now elections. When the elections fail to quell the violence, the Bush administration will hold out some new goal.

I think it might have worked. If they'd tried to stop looting, if they had put in twice as many troops, if they had been more in tune with the culture and less inclined to use heavy artillery in urban areas, if they hadn't disbanded the Iraqi army... if they'd just listened to Colin Powell. But it's too late for that.

We're going to be fighting the insurgency for a few years to come, losing a couple thousand more troops. If we're lucky. If we're not, the whole place will break down into a civil war. Meanwhile, Iran is busy developing nuclear weapons because they know we've got our hands too full to do anything about it. ******* brilliant. Then there's a new CIA report out saying that America's global dominance status is going down the tubes. This is in part due to the rise of India and China as regional powers, but also due to the fact that we're getting our asses kicked in Iraq. Meanwhile, a bunch of Americans will get drunk on beer and yell and scream about a bunch of overpaid steroid abusers chasing around a small stuffed leather object while dressed in overly tight spandex. God I loathe Americans.


Where the hell is everyone getting the idea that the "insurgents" are the same thing as the "foreign fighters" in Iraq? An "insurgency" (otherwise known as a rebellion, or a resistance) is when the people of a country rise up against whoever or whatever is claiming to be the "legitimate" authority over the country. Most of the Iraqi insurgents are Iraqis (Moqtada al-Sadr's al-Mahdi Army, Shi`a Iraqis; the Fullujah uprising, Sunni Iraqis) who recognize the Americans as invaders, the Allawi government as American quislings, and are rebelling against it. There're a few high-profile foreigners (heh, besides the Americans and British) in the country such as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of Tawhid w'al-Jihad, the group carrying out most of the beheadings, who are making the rest of the insurgents look bad, but by-and-large the insurgency is home-grown.

If someone invaded your country, don't you think the people would rise up and resist; conduct an "insurrection"? You think the Iraqis won't resist simply because you think your invasion was a Good Thing?

Someone said: The terrorists are responsible for more deaths than the US Military over the last two years!

According to a report in the British medical journal Lancet (not exactly some "leftist" or "anti-American" source), the Americans have killed 100,000+ civilian Iraqis during the invasion. This number doesn't even include Iraqi soldiers. "Terrorists" have killed more? I'd like to see these numbers.
