Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Cfare lidhje ka midis IQ (Treguesit te inteligjences) dhe kandidatit per President?

Stupid people love Bush

New study shows correlation between decline of IQ and rise of GOP

"Stupid people love Bush" new study proves According to the prestigious Southern California think tank, The Gluton Group, stupid people prefer President George W Bush over Senator John Kerry by a 4-to-1 margin. As Chief Resident Dr. Louis Friend characterized the results of the research, "the less intelligent you are, the more you like Bush." This landmark study, conducted over a 5 month period, involved 2400 likely voters bridging all economic stratas in the 17 states generally considered up for grabs on November 2nd. Participants were tested for intelligence, then asked to fill out a 12 page series of questions involving the Presidential candidates with results released earlier this week.

The consensus: the higher the IQ, the less people trust Bush and respect the job his administration has done. The lower the IQ, the more people admire his steadfastness. "It was pretty much a slam dunk. There's no nice way to say this. Dumb people like him. They think his unwavering nature is a positive personality trait. They even venerate him for never admitting mistakes, even when he's wrong. On the other hand, smart people think he's a lying bully. I mean, c'mon, you have a deserter accusing a decorated veteran of treason. Who's going to buy that besides stupid people?"

Preliminary results:
IQ Above 140: Kerry 80%, Bush 20%.
120-140: Kerry 65%, Bush 35%.
100-120: Kerry 54%, Bush 46%.
80-100: Bush 54%, Kerry 46%.
60-80: Bush 60%, Kerry 15%, Dale Earnhardt Jr. 25%.

Apparently Bush's good-evil, black-white philosophy resonates on an inverse relationship with higher education, whereas it became evident over the period of analysis that John Kerry's nuanced arguments are only understood by people who paid attention in any class above the 5th grade.

Doctor Friend elaborated: "It has to do with intellectual curiosity. Folks see Bush in front of a stream talking about the environment and they assume he's in favor of it, even though if you read his legislation, I'd be surprised to hear him endorse shade. This also explains why Bush gets away with pretending he doesn't know how the Senate works, allowing him to call Kerry a flip-flopper."

Friend released evidence that this type of disconnect exists across the board: education, foreign policy, the economy, post 9-11 security response and State Dinner entertainment choices. Also discovered was a direct correlation between the number of preset Country Western stations on car radios and Bush's approval rating. Dr. Friend attributes this phenomena to the simplicity inherent in the messages indigenous to both. Classical music listeners were preponderantly Kerry supporters, but surprisingly, on heavy metal, the two split down the middle.

Spotting a trend, Friend cautioned, "Because of the deterioration in public education, larger and larger segments of the population are creeping downward IQ-wise, cementing the hold Republicans have on the electorate." However, if the election were held today, Bush would hold a lead of 52-48 in the popular vote, but would be virtually tied in the Electoral College, which Bush supporters argue against because the word College angers them. When contacted, a Kerry spokesman just chuckled. No Bush spokesperson was made available for comment. It was also found that Ralph Nader supporters were the brightest of all political proponents tested, but Dr. Friend dismissed them as "too smart for their own good."


Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Konservatorët janë ata që zhvillojnë botën?
Konservatorët janë ata që sjellin të mirën?

Lir, besoj se edhe vetë e shef gomarllikun që ke shkrujt.
Konservatorët janë pjesa më e rrezikshme e shoqërisë pasi ata janë gati për çdo gjë vetëm që të mos i hikë siguria e fituar që në fëmijëri. Konservatorë nuk janë vetëm amerikanët, janë edhe myslimanët. Bëj pra krahasimin tani dhe shikojë që ekstremistët e krishterë e hebrej akuzojnë për ekstremizëm islamik!

Më jep një rast ti i quto kur një (1) konservator ka shpikur 1 gjë të re!


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Konservatorët janë pjesa më e rrezikshme e shoqërisë pasi ata janë gati për çdo gjë vetëm që të mos i hikë siguria e fituar që në fëmijëri.
Hajde perkufizim, hajde! Me siguri ky duhet te jete perkufizimi i shtypit kanadez :lol: .

Ja perkufizimi qe i ben webster:

a: one who adheres to traditional methods or views b: a cautious or discreet person.

Oh, harrova, ky perkufizim i websterit do jete "conspiracy" e qeverise amerikane, apo jo?


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Nuk thashe qe del gje nga ai perkufizim Kondra, aq me teper per ty patjeter qe s'do dali gje, por thjesht e permenda sa per ta ditur, meqe shume njerez mund te mos e dine perkufizimin e sakte, dhe marrin ate tendin si te tille.


Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Këtu e ke gabim. Nga ai përkufizim del se një konservator nuk mund të përparojë në asgjë pasi ai është i ngulur në traditë dhe është skeptik ndaj ndryshimit. Ndryshimi dhe e reja janë armiqtë e konservatorit (edhe "terrorizmi" këto kohët e fundit /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif ).


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Këtu e ke gabim. Nga ai përkufizim del se një konservator nuk mund të përparojë në asgjë pasi ai është i ngulur në traditë dhe është skeptik ndaj ndryshimit. Ndryshimi dhe e reja janë armiqtë e konservatorit (edhe "terrorizmi" këto kohët e fundit ).
Nice try! Aty nuk thuhet per cfare ndryshimi behet fjale, dhe padyshim s'e ka fjalen per ndryshimet ne fushen e shkences. Nqs ky ndryshim nenkupton perkufizimet e reja te marteses si "bashkim i dy qenieve", ky eshte degradim, jo perparim.

Le te te kujtoj Kondra, se jane kafshet ato qe sillen verdalle e riprodhojne pa patur nevoje per lidhje me nje partner te caktuar, per te mos permendur se njerezit sot, ne "kulmin e evolucionit" ja kane kaluar edhe kafsheve ne kete fushe me lidhje komplet kunder natyres dhe llogjikes. Nuk ke nevoje te besosh Biblen te kuptosh, qe cdo gje ne natyre funksionon mashkull-femer, jo mashkull-mashkull, dhe jo femer-femer.


Elektriciteti eshte + dhe -,
Magnetizmi eshte + dhe -.

Te kundertat terhiqen, te njejtat shtyhen. Keshtu funksionon natyra.

Prandaj ndryshime te tilla si ato qe mund te nenkuptosh ti qe konservatoret jane "Kondra" :lol: ruajne shoqerine nga perfundimi ne kafsheri.

Nqs ti je "kondra" /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif ketyre ideve dhe te tille njerez te duken prapanike sepse kane vlera morale ne jetet e tyre, atehere o burra, bej si te duash, dhe do te shohesh ne fund kuptimin e kundert te fjales evolucion.


Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Truth, ç'ka të bëjë përparimi me perversitetin? :confused: Ku e ke dëgjuar ti se të jesh përparimtar do të thotë të jesh homoseksual? Truth, thuaj të vërtetën e jo idetë e tua.
Për sa i përket atyre çështjeve të martesës etj. sqarohen në tema të tjera.

Konservatorët, ta thashë, quajnë të keqe çdo gjë që nuk bëhet sipas asaj që është e thënë, e shkruar, sipas asaj që është bërë gjithmonë. Po të ishin gjith njerëzit konsrvatorë, sot do ishim akoma pa zjarr (nëse do të ishim)! Pra këta janë pjesa e popullsisë amerikane që ka votuar raujtjen e traditave të tyre dhe të kishës së tyre të shenjtë :tipsy: .


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Truth, ç'ka të bëjë përparimi me perversitetin? Ku e ke dëgjuar ti se të jesh përparimtar do të thotë të jesh homoseksual? Truth, thuaj të vërtetën e jo idetë e tua.
Epo kush tha qe te jesh konservator je kundra perparimit? Kujt perparimi e ke fjalen ti? Sepse konservatoret jane per ruajten e tradites ne ceshtje te tilla morale, dhe ti po i sulmon ata qe mendojne ashtu, prandaj une te solla ate shembull qe te solla, qe te kuptosh pak cfare po thua.

Konservatorët, ta thashë, quajnë të keqe çdo gjë që nuk bëhet sipas asaj që është e thënë, e shkruar, sipas asaj që është bërë gjithmonë.
CDO GJE? Cilat jane keto gjera pra, na i thuaj konkretisht, dhe na thuaj cfare demi sjellin keto. Me fakte te lutem!

Po të ishin gjith njerëzit konsrvatorë, sot do ishim akoma pa zjarr (nëse do të ishim)!
A sa gjynah qe je /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif Kondra! I tere botkuptimi yt per te kaluaren eshte formuar nga librat me piktura te Darvinit! "Brainwashing" eshte nje gje e rrezikshme, megjithese padyshim ti mendon te njejten gje per mua :lol:


Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Ah harrova që për ty njeriu është krijuar siç e shohim sot, me njohuritë që ka sot (apo këtë nuk e mbron dot më) dhe me traditat që ka sot.
Lum si unë që besoj në mitologjinë greke e ti në atë hebre (se mos na thotë gjë Pastë hijen e vet) :angel:


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Ah harrova që për ty njeriu është krijuar siç e shohim sot, me njohuritë që ka sot (apo këtë nuk e mbron dot më) dhe me traditat që ka sot.
Jo, njeriu nuk u krijua me njohurite qe ka sot, ato i mesoi dhe ja la brezave pasardhese, por ama nuk u krijua idiot, dhe nuk erdhi nga nje shkemb apo ndonje majmun, pavaresisht nga perngjasja fizike e disave qe e besojne ate teori /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Lum si unë që besoj në mitologjinë greke e ti në atë hebre (se mos na thotë gjë Pastë hijen e vet)
Te pakten mitologjia greke dihet qe eshte falso, as ata vete nuk pretendojne te jete e vertete, sa per ate hebreje thjesht nga urrejtja qe njerezit kane per te, te tregon se ka dicka aty, ne te kundert njerezit s'do i urrenin aq shume. Njerezit nuk urrejne perrallat dhe nuk behen kamikaze kunder idhujve greke, prandaj shikoje edhe nje here ate "mitologjine" hebreje :wave:


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Kondra,ne temat e tjera flitni per nje "imoralitet dhe degjenerim" qe e ka kap boten keto vitet e fundit(ndoshta jo ti,por shum te tjere flasin per kete).A nuk ju shkon ndopak ne mendje qe vitet e fundit ne te gjithe Evropen kane qeverisur Social-Demokratet dhe "jeshilet"???Atehere ne dalim ne perfundimin qe:vlerat morale dhe njerezore me shume se kushdo tjeter i mbron dhe i ruan Konservatorizmi!!!Nuk diskutohet qe edhe Konservatoret kane te metat e tyre.Partite socialdemokratike dhe te majtet jane mbushur plot me pederasta/imorale/burokrate etj(shih kundershtimin qe iu be Butigliones ne Parlamentin Evropian).Une mendoj qe po te vazhdojne edhe 10 vjet te udheheqin Social-majtistet ne Evrope,kjo e fundit ka marre fund!!!


Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Orosh. qeveria duhet të ketë tendencë të përmbajë popullin kur ky ështË tepër liberal, po në SH.B.A ç'duhet të përmbajë qeveria kur edhe ajo edhe populli janë konservatorë? Njëri nga të dy duhet të jetë liberal plako! Përveç francezëve (një pjese) cili popull tjetër europian është aq liberal sa thua ti? Mos shiko pakicat plako por shiko tabanin. Homoseksualët kanë egzistuar edhe më parë (ashtu si në Shqipëri) dhe ndofta lënia e lirë e tyre mund të çojë në uljen e homoseksualitetit më vonë :shrug: .

Por nejse, ideja ime është që kur një popull konservator voton një qeveri konservatore bëhet m... mullar. Për më tepër që në SH.B.A pjesa më konservatore duket t'i përkasë edhe pjesës më pak intelektuale.


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Cuditem kur degjoj nga nje gjysmak se Mitologjia Greke na qenka nje gje fallco!
Kush je ti more liliput te gjykosh keshtu veresie per mitologjite? Deri ku te paska vajtur megallomania! Ke ndermend te themelosh ndonje fe (religjion) gje neser apo pasneser? Cmendinat jane mbushur me njerez qe e kujtojne vehten Bonaparti apo Ceazri po ky u'a kaloka te gjitheve!
Ja nje artikull shume interesant qe shpjegon shkaqet e agresivitetit, "moralitetit", hipokrizuse dhe konesrvatorizmit tek anglo-saksonet!

Where does Anglo-Saxons aggressive behaviour come from ?

Why some nations are extremely aggressive with such strong desire to conquer and to enforce their ?culture¬ or anti-culture on others? Where is this destructive will to power coming from?
Why some other nations, like China, practically never in the history showed such aggressive behaviour.
Can you imagine what sort of army China could build and how many foreign countries could have been conquered during many of its dynasties when technologically and culturally it was the strongest nation in the world at that time.
Well instead of doing this China did the opposite. They invested all their resources to build the greet wall and protect themselves from barbarian invasion to protect their thousand years culture and civilization.
Why could China decide to build their own civilization without conquering and imposing their culture to others?
Or another example in history. First Russian state was established with help of Scandinavians with agreement of Russian people to have first Russian Car as a Viking. In doing so The Car with other Vikings did not take advantage to conquer Russia, on the contrary, they adopted the common religion and culture and coexisted in piece and respect without any intention to enslave Russian population as for example Anglo-Saxons did with many other nations.
Why Scandinavian people managed to progress and mature as civilized and peaceful countries and societies and others did not?
On the other hand why Anglo-Saxon nations, always have had totally different behavior than Chinese and Scandinavians? Why today-s USA, instead of going around and spending money on killing people, does not save kids in Africa from dying of hunger and misery of poverty?

Well, it is not easy but, at least, let us try to find rational explanations and answers on those questions.

Brief history and character of Anglo-Saxon societies

As genetically cold, rational people, suffering from lack of emotion and compassion, English people always have been perfect ground for developing cruel and inhumane society in different forms through history.
As one isolated island without too much touch with the outside world, England culturally never was part of European continent.
Suppressed and occupied by Romans people in their British islands (for centuries considered as a deep Roman province where someone usually could be sent by the punishment ) lived isolated from the outside world, without having a chance to develop civilized spiritual and cultural life like continental part of Europe.
Charles Darwin could not accidentally appear in England where he established his theory of evolution which basic principle is that only the strongest and the most adaptable species can survive.
Although Darwin specifically explained that his theory strictly works in the animal world, the English found that the theory very well suited to them and happily applied it first on themself and later, forcefully on others in form of so called ? Social Darwinism ¬ and primitive capitalism, with modified Darwin-s conclusion that ?Only the strongest and the most adaptable species have right to survive¬.

This inhumane, uncivilized competitive environment adopted cruelty as a part of every day culture or anti-culture and life.
Later England became a society with strictly distinctive classes where upper class despised lower class and people of lower class had very little chance to improve their status, which more or less remained until today.
Early primitive capitalism brought even more cruelty when for example children as young as seven were forced to work in coal mines and were starved to death in doing so.
In Victorian period virtually the whole nation was trained as an army in order to conquer and enslave other peoples in the world.
At that period it was established practice of training children, at as early age as possible, to control and suppress their filings in order to become tough and emotionally untouchable as a part of building superior race ( similar as it happened later on in Germany ).
This practice remains to these days in the majority of Anglo-Saxon countries as common part of their ?education¬. The side effect of this training is that people at adult period of their life became creatures without emotion and compassion as individuals, which makes depression number one disease in Anglo-Saxon world.
Consequently because of their rational, culturally and spiritually unimaginative nature Anglo-Saxon people always suffered from lack of moral and ethical values.
So inhumane society in such circumstances produced enormous number of criminals, very frustrated and extremely aggressive people who could not see any other hope in their life except to commit crime, for many of them, simply to survive.
To get rid of so large number of criminals England decided to a rational and radical step sending them as convicts to America, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
In order to keep their frustration under control English allowed their convicts carry out the largest genocide in the history of the world by killing about 40 million American Indians, uncounted number of Australian Aborigines and New Zealand Maoris.
In order to satisfy their greed and ambitions and to keep their convict population under control English came up to an greater idea of reinventing slavery, when rest of civilized world forgot it as a social concept long time ago. They enslaved millions people in Africa and brought them to America that thy can be raped, killed and abused as much as Anglo convicts wanted to do so. This, we would say in today-s term ?mental treatment¬, was successful for a while. But unfortunately in the meantime, the English lost their power and had to leave America because of convict uprising.
Very shortly after this black slaves gained freedom.
Later on large number of Jewish people colonized America converting Anglo-Saxons in Jewish religion, ?Golden Calf¬ or as Jesus Christ called it ?To serve Mammon¬, that worships gold, materialistic values, profits and so on.
This religion together with capitalism has brought a very powerful new Empire as a combination of aggressive Anglo-Saxon rationalism and Jewish pragmatism, that has been terrorizing the world till now.
Genetically motivated convicts desire for enslaving and killing others, now, turned on people outside of USA.
First target were neighbouring counters like Porte Rico, then Cuba, Mexico but shortly they expended their predatory ambitions attacking Korea, China then again Cuba, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Serbia, Somalia and again Iraq
And finally, recently, Russian borders have been surrounded by NATO troops.

Australia has practically remained until today as a British colony (Governor General as a Queen-s representative has power to sack Australian prime minister what happened in 70-s with at that time prime minister Goth Whitlam) where British managed to keep majority convict Anglo-Saxon population under control manly allowing them to abuse and kill native aboriginal population as much as they want. Similar happened in Canada and New Zealand.
Also the fact that those countries have been less under pragmatic Jewish influence made them a bit less aggressive towards others than Americans has been.


Main reason for arrogance

The main reason for ongoing arrogant behaviour of Anglo-Saxon people can be found in their cultural isolation and lack of respect for the rest of the world. In such circumstances they did not have chance to compare themselves with civilized nations (and to learn from them), building unfounded impression about their superiority.

Lack of culture and creativity

Partly because of their cold rational materialistic nature they were unable to develop their spiritual life as a predisposition for unique culture and spirituality.
As a result of this they have always been focused on training rather than on education.
By doing this, creative ability to develop civilized society was reduced to minimum.
Why for example English are culturally very conservative? The answer is very simple:
Someone who does not have creative energy to produce something unique and new sticks to something that is already there.

Aggressive nature and desire for conquering others (or extreme will to power )

Acceptance of dogmatic humanism, social Darwinism with cruel competitive capitalistic environment in function of self-purpose strictly materialistic lives, without genuine sense of compassion of individuals and convict ancestral past produced frustrated spiritually and culturally poor, selfish, aggressive, self destructive and barbaric society like Roman Empire was.
This societies wants to export its primitive and destructive values without respect for other human beings around the world.
The most obvious example is exportation of false Christian teachings in form of materialistic and humanistic ?Kingdom on Earth¬ principles ( From Catholicism , Protestantism to comical modern sects) to the rest of the world. As Robert Hughes put it: ?They want to teach old civilizations about culture¬.

Lack of morality

As the great Russian writer Dostoyevsky said: ? If God is dead everything is permitted¬.
After demonizing and spreading lies against Iraq as a pretext for bombing Baghdad, a New York Times reporter was asked ? Do you think that is moral to misled the people and not tell the truth¬ replied:
?I am not paid to be moral, I am paid to do my job¬.

Yes just to do the job, but what are the purpose and consequences, for all of us, in doing this job without any morals??
Probably to go back to the caves.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Ne fakt, nuk eshte e vertete se pjesa konservatore ne USA eshte pjesa me pak intelektuale, perkundrazi, intelektualet dhe shtresa e larte e shoqerise eshte ajo qe edukon femijet ne shkolla private dhe jeton ne qytetet e shtrenjta qe jane shume familjare dhe te sigurta ndersa cthurrja ne perqindje te larte eshte ne familjet e varfera, familje me nje prind dhe qe jetojne ne zonat e varfera ku kercet droga sheshit. Vertet qe amerikanet ne pergjithese mbahen me konservator se europianet.


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Cuditem kur degjoj nga nje gjysmak se Mitologjia Greke na qenka nje gje fallco!
Kush je ti more liliput te gjykosh keshtu veresie per mitologjite? Deri ku te paska vajtur megallomania! Ke ndermend te themelosh ndonje fe (religjion) gje neser apo pasneser? Cmendinat jane mbushur me njerez qe e kujtojne vehten Bonaparti apo Ceazri po ky u'a kaloka te gjitheve!
Hajde tru, hajde! Kush qenka ai qe e beson mitologjine greke per te vertete? Beson ti Zeusin, e zotat e tjere greke? Me thuaj nje histori nga mitologjia greke qe qenka e vertete? Edhe greket vete s'i besojne ato perralla, na del ti tani dhe na thua se kjo qenka fyerje e madhe! Cfare viti kujton ti se jetojme ne?


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Ndoshta jemi keqkuptuar! Po nga ana tjeter duhet te dish se mitologjia nuk e ka te nevojshme te operoje me te verteta, ajo nuk eshte traktat inxhinierie...... (prandaj thuhet p.sh. "ky eshte mit").
Kur ti the ishte fallco une e mora se po i mohoje rendesine ne qyteterimin boteror..... Po ti e paske pasur argumentin fare feminor - Zeusi leshonte rrufe apo jo, Herkuli - ishte i forte apo jo......
Ketu te jap te drejte, po keto gjera nuk i diskutojne me as 6-7 vjecaret e fillores.....


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Ndoshta jemi keqkuptuar! Po nga ana tjeter duhet te dish se mitologjia nuk e ka te nevojshme te operoje me te verteta, ajo nuk eshte traktat inxhinierie...... (prandaj thuhet p.sh. "ky eshte mit").
Kur ti the ishte fallco une e mora se po i mohoje rendesine ne qyteterimin boteror..... Po ti e paske pasur argumentin fare feminor - Zeusi leshonte rrufe apo jo, Herkuli - ishte i forte apo jo......
Epo do ishte mire te lexoje njehere ate qe u thane dhe kontekstin ne te cilin u thane, perpara se te flisje ne ate menyre.

Ketu te jap te drejte, po keto gjera nuk i diskutojne me as 6-7 vjecaret e fillores.....
Ashtu eshte, s'i diskutojne 6-7 vjecaret e fillores, por fatkeqesisht ka 6-7 vjecare te universitetit dhe Kanadase qe i besojne ato perralla, ose ne mos ato, te ngjashme me ato /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Sa per mite ato i beson ti me ata kaqolet Janki qe admiron aq shume (dhe votuan per nje Kriminel Lufte), p.sh.
1- Qeveria mendon per te miren e kombit
2- Qeveria thote gjithmone te verteten
3- Amerikanet jane popull i zgjedhur (pak a shume si cifutet)
4- Armiqte tane na kane inat se ne (Jankite) jemi "me te bukrit e katunit"
5- Bim Ladeni nje dite te bukur lexoi Kushtetuten Janki, i shkoi caji shtrember dhe i xhindosur tha "Te bien Kullat"!
6- 19 arabe zbatuan urdherin e Binit
7- Terrorizmi eshte shume i rrezikshem dhe duhet ti shpallim lufte boterore (pa cka se 100 here me shume Janki jane vrare nga kafshimi i qenve se sa nga terrorizmi!)
8- Cdo gje e mire per Izra-hellin eshte e mire dhe per ameriken!
etj etj etj
Jam i sigurte se ti trutha... i beson te gjitha keto.....
Diagnoza: te dergohet sa me pare ne Klinikat e Pajisura vecanerisht per tu marre me te tille subjekte me diagnoza te renda maniakale, si dhe obsesione te rrezikshme per veten dhe ambientin rrethues!
Paxil, Zoloft, Ritaline e terapi elektrike (elektroshok)!


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Jam i sigurte se ti trutha... i beson te gjitha keto.....
Po dale o Antares, dale! Ti po deshe te dish cfare besoj une, me pyet, pse halucinacionon kot! Ti mesa duket vuan nga paranoimi nga qeverite, kryesisht ajo amerikane dhe cifute!

Po pse more, kush te jep ty te drejten te flasesh ashtu per amerikanet, pse s'i pelqeke qeverine? Po qeveria shqiptare, mos qenka me e mire? Pse nuk i shan shqiptaret? Ti s'ke thene nje gjysem llafi deri tani kunder qeverise se Sadamit? Po pse jo? A nuk i vrau dhe gazoi ai "vellezerit muslimane"? Ty qe te dhimbsen jetet e njerezve, pse nuk ke folur kunder atij, qe i trajtoi njerezit e tij me keq sesa Hitleri cifutet?

Diagnoza: te dergohet sa me pare ne Klinikat e Pajisura vecanerisht per tu marre me te tille subjekte me diagnoza te renda maniakale, si dhe obsesione te rrezikshme per veten dhe ambientin rrethues!
Diagnoza: te dergohet... ??? Hajde, tru hajde? Qe kur qenka diagnoza e ndonje gjeje "te dergohet"?! Po kura kush eshte, cmendia? Bo, c'te paska bere i ftohti i Kandase ty...! Po c'do besh ti deri sa te mbaroje dimri more?

Paxil, Zoloft, Ritaline e terapi elektrike (elektroshok)!
Ah, PO, PO... Une po vrisja mendjen...! Mire qe s'na e tregove vete ti se ne cfare ilacesh je...!