Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Cfare lidhje ka midis IQ (Treguesit te inteligjences) dhe kandidatit per President?

Stupid people love Bush

New study shows correlation between decline of IQ and rise of GOP

"Stupid people love Bush" new study proves According to the prestigious Southern California think tank, The Gluton Group, stupid people prefer President George W Bush over Senator John Kerry by a 4-to-1 margin. As Chief Resident Dr. Louis Friend characterized the results of the research, "the less intelligent you are, the more you like Bush." This landmark study, conducted over a 5 month period, involved 2400 likely voters bridging all economic stratas in the 17 states generally considered up for grabs on November 2nd. Participants were tested for intelligence, then asked to fill out a 12 page series of questions involving the Presidential candidates with results released earlier this week.

The consensus: the higher the IQ, the less people trust Bush and respect the job his administration has done. The lower the IQ, the more people admire his steadfastness. "It was pretty much a slam dunk. There's no nice way to say this. Dumb people like him. They think his unwavering nature is a positive personality trait. They even venerate him for never admitting mistakes, even when he's wrong. On the other hand, smart people think he's a lying bully. I mean, c'mon, you have a deserter accusing a decorated veteran of treason. Who's going to buy that besides stupid people?"

Preliminary results:
IQ Above 140: Kerry 80%, Bush 20%.
120-140: Kerry 65%, Bush 35%.
100-120: Kerry 54%, Bush 46%.
80-100: Bush 54%, Kerry 46%.
60-80: Bush 60%, Kerry 15%, Dale Earnhardt Jr. 25%.

Apparently Bush's good-evil, black-white philosophy resonates on an inverse relationship with higher education, whereas it became evident over the period of analysis that John Kerry's nuanced arguments are only understood by people who paid attention in any class above the 5th grade.

Doctor Friend elaborated: "It has to do with intellectual curiosity. Folks see Bush in front of a stream talking about the environment and they assume he's in favor of it, even though if you read his legislation, I'd be surprised to hear him endorse shade. This also explains why Bush gets away with pretending he doesn't know how the Senate works, allowing him to call Kerry a flip-flopper."

Friend released evidence that this type of disconnect exists across the board: education, foreign policy, the economy, post 9-11 security response and State Dinner entertainment choices. Also discovered was a direct correlation between the number of preset Country Western stations on car radios and Bush's approval rating. Dr. Friend attributes this phenomena to the simplicity inherent in the messages indigenous to both. Classical music listeners were preponderantly Kerry supporters, but surprisingly, on heavy metal, the two split down the middle.

Spotting a trend, Friend cautioned, "Because of the deterioration in public education, larger and larger segments of the population are creeping downward IQ-wise, cementing the hold Republicans have on the electorate." However, if the election were held today, Bush would hold a lead of 52-48 in the popular vote, but would be virtually tied in the Electoral College, which Bush supporters argue against because the word College angers them. When contacted, a Kerry spokesman just chuckled. No Bush spokesperson was made available for comment. It was also found that Ralph Nader supporters were the brightest of all political proponents tested, but Dr. Friend dismissed them as "too smart for their own good."


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Nuk ke nevoje te perdridhesh si krimbi ne maje te grepit more mik, po thuaj thjesht a beson apo jo ne ato 8 pikat e meperparshme? E ke kot qe perpiqesh te besh sofizma se me mua nuk te ecin! Shqiptaret nuk ka nevoje ti shaj se i ka share Perendia! Ja ta zeme se E. Hoxha ishte nje menxyre aksidentale dhe e pamerituar per Shqiperine, po per Nano halabakun c'te thuash? Atehete (ky nuk eshte forum per ceshtje shqiptare) i vetmi konkluzion eshte "sipas kokes festen".
Per Sadamin mund te them se e di mire se me intrigat e kujt u vu ne pushtet, pse u vu ne pushtet etj, gjithashtu qe Iraku nen sundimin e tij ishte vendo Arab me shendetsine, arsimin e kulturen me te zhvilluar! Ishte vend ku feja ishte e ndare nga shteti dhe ku Bini (gogoli qe tremb amerikanet si puna jote) ishte denuar me vdekje! Ashtu si dhe Sadami ishte nje nga armiqte me te betuar te Binit (si i pafe qe ishte).
Sa per kurdet (meqe ti kujton se mu pre barku per myslimanet mua), pak u ka bere do te thoja se keta maskarenj jane gati po aq te ndyre dhe te neveritshem sa cifutet dhe shqiptaret e kategorise sate!
Diagnoza mbetet po ajo, ndersa per terapine do te sugjeroja shtimin e elektroshokeve.......
Reagimet e tua te metejshme do te na ndricojne edhe per ecurine e terapise qe duhet ndjekur!


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Nuk ke nevoje te perdridhesh si krimbi ne maje te grepit more mik, po thuaj thjesht a beson apo jo ne ato 8 pikat e meperparshme? E ke kot qe perpiqesh te besh sofizma se me mua nuk te ecin!
I pergjigjem une te gjithave po deshe ti, meqe e paske aq peng, por s'e kuptoj pse? Ti po perpiqesh me te mbushesh mendjen mua se cfare besoj, apo t'i mbushesh menden vetes tende se cfare mendoj une? Ti i citove ato me siguri sikur une i besoja, keshtu qe me nje pacient te tille, qe i eshte mbushur mendja se e di mire cfare besojne te tjeret, c'vlere ka te te them une tani se cfare besoj per ato 8 pika?

Shqiptaret nuk ka nevoje ti shaj se i ka share Perendia!
Ah, ashtu e? Dmth, nuk u shaka nje popull qe e "ka share Perendia"? Dmth, amerikanet qe i shan, i dilka qe i ka bekuar Perendia? Mos valle do te thuash kete? Ngado qe t'i biesh i humbur del Antares, keshtu qe mati mire fjalet qe thua.

Ja ta zeme se E. Hoxha ishte nje menxyre aksidentale dhe e pamerituar per Shqiperine, po per Nano halabakun c'te thuash?
Une nuk te pyeta per Hoxhen kundrejt Nanos, te pyeta per qeverine kundrejt popullit. Apo mos do te thuash se i gjithe populli shqiptar eshte hajdut, i korruptuar, imoral, diktator? Ku e hallin, thuaje troc?

Une te thashe, qe nuk urrehet nje popull (sic urren ti amerikanet) sepse s'te pelqen politika e qeverise, dhe s'te takon ty te flasesh ashtu sic flet per njerezit e thjeshte ("jankit" qe mesa duket te dilkan ne enderr cdo nate).

Per Sadamin mund te them se e di mire se me intrigat e kujt u vu ne pushtet, pse u vu ne pushtet etj, gjithashtu qe Iraku nen sundimin e tij ishte vendo Arab me shendetsine, arsimin e kulturen me te zhvilluar!...Sa per kurdet (meqe ti kujton se mu pre barku per myslimanet mua), pak u ka bere do te thoja se keta maskarenj jane gati po aq te ndyre dhe te neveritshem sa cifutet dhe shqiptaret e kategorise sate!
Si shpjegohet qe i dike mire intrigat e fshehta ti per Sadamin se kush dhe pse e solli ne pushtet, po nuk ditke ato qe beri hapur duke masakruar popullin e tij. Ku jeton ti mor njeri? A merr informacion ti? A nuk ke pare ti c'beri Sadami? Ti e quan Enverin menxyre, a s'e ke pare ti qe Sadami e trajtoi popullin e tij 100 here me keq sesa Enveri? Ti qenke specie e vecante. Une nuk fola vetem per Kurdet, apo Iraninanet, fola per vete Irakenet, nuk e di ti c'i ka punuar Sadami atyre? Si eshte puna, e ka Kanadaja me sy te mire, dhe s'jua tregon se cfare ka bere?

Diagnoza mbetet po ajo, ndersa per terapine do te sugjeroja shtimin e elektroshokeve.......
Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Antares, ajo qe the ti nuk quhet diagnoze xhan, vetem nese po flet ndonje gjuhe tjeter pervec shqipes, une besoj ta shpjegova.


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Diagnoza mbetet po ajo: psikoze maniakale dhe obsesione rekurente!
Se si e shohin Irakenet Sadamin mund te provohej nese Sadami do merrte pjese ne zgjedhje, jo me pak se 60% e irakeneve e duan prapsh!
Puna e "jankive" eshte e thjeshte: ata e votuan me vullnet te lire!
Ja se c'mendon nje amerikan per zgjedhjet: (dhe apstaj me thuaj qe une jam ekstremist antiamerikan)!
The eXile Solution to Middle America

By Mark Ames

I've been tracking the Left's reaction to Bush's horrifying election romp, and what's clear to me is that nothing has been learned. Nothing has been learned because no one on the Left is being honest. Their reactions range from bitching about the elections allegedly being stolen -- well duh! what'd you idiots expect from the Republicans?! -- to grotesque, clumsy soul-searching in the form of how Democrats need to get spiritual, get in touch with Middle American "values," or how the Democratic party either needs to move to the center, or the flip-side to this idiocy, move farther to the Left...that coastalites need start going to church more often in order to learn the ways of the savages, to be less secular-humanist, to shop less, to connect with Middle America, to understand Middle America, to allow Middle America to be Middle America, to suck Middle America's hemorrhoid-bejeweled *** and tickle Middle America's balls... What they don't have the guts to admit, once and for all, is that THE PROBLEM IS MIDDLE AMERICA. Stop blaming the victim, folks. The problem with the idiocy and lunacy are the idiots and lunatics, not their mugging victims.

Now that we've come out and said it, it's time to act. We at the eXile are here to solve problems. Middle America is the problem, and the eXile has the solution. It's a little extreme, and you folks will have to briefly suspend your little liberal-humanist consciences in order to get on board with us, but we think it's the only solution that'll work.

Gas them. Gas every red state that voted for Bush. Gas them all, and gas them now. And if that sounds a little too 1940s for you, then fine, nuke the fuckers. Nukes have come a long way since 1945, so much so that they're not even 1940s anymore. It's just that gassing them sounds so much more appropriate.

The awful reality is that George W. Bush won by 4 million votes. No, the awful reality is that he got any votes at all -- but he did. It doesn't matter if Bush stole 10,000 votes in this shitty Ohio county and 4,000 votes in that incest-ridden Deliverance county there -- he won the popular vote. He won a mandate. He won -- get it? Bush won! They voted for him, the stupid ******* suckers, after he gave them four years of the most shocking warp-speed national decline since Franz Josef abdicated. There is nothing normal or sane about what these Americans did. There is no way to spin that. It's just nauseating, sphincter-twisting, horrifyingly stupid and evil. So the coastal elite -- and we are an elite, thank god (what moron wouldn't want to be part of the elite? "Hey, I'm not elite, I'm akshully jus' a fuckin' stupid piece of shit chump who gits used by the elite, 'n by gum that's how's I likes it!") -- and the Democrats and everyone with a brain should stop flogging themselves or falsely localizing blame on a clique of evil Republican operatives who manipulated Middle America, and put the blame where the blame lies -- on the 59,000,000 fucks who voted to destroy America. And don't just blame those 59,000,000 fucks, but blame their families, their friends, their dogs and cats, their furniture, and everything they ever touched, smelled, peed on, or otherwise left DNA samples in. They all have to go. Every last one of 'em. We don't like the thought of all that collateral damage that nuking or gassing Middle America would bring, but...aw shit, who are we foolin' here? We LOVE the thought of all that collateral damage, we DREAM about it! We're sorry for the 30-40 percent who voted blue in the red states -- just like we're sorry about Dresden and Hamburg, and lose sleep over it every night. That is to say, if you stay there, you're no longer innocent. Collateral damage in Fallujah is depressing -- but collateral damage in Alabama, a giant welfare queen state sucking from the libera

l pro-Kerry states' tax dollars? A few Trident II's oughtta turn 'Bama into a Crimson Tide of Manhattan Chowder. M'm-m'm tasty!

The Left knows that this is the only way to rectify the electoral problem and save America, but cannot come to grips with this because so much of Leftism's humanist philosophy presupposes human goodness. The Left believes that the Masses of people are inherently Good, that they want to do what's Right for themselves and for each other. This presupposition is the Left's hugest blind spot.

The hardcore Christians, and the Republicans who use them, have a massive advantage over secular humanists because they know and believe that man is an evil, base creature. They see his baseness everywhere, particularly if he is enjoying himself. Evangelical Christian philosophy is based on a simple hatred of man, hatred of life, hatred of pleasure, and hatred of everything beautiful on this planet, especially animals and forests. Earth to them is a wretched test, a dreadful obstacle on the path to Heaven; only money is good, not for the sake of enjoying money, but because the wealth, and the goods wealth buys, is a sign that they have been Blessed; the more sand niggers, endangered mammals, forests, property, and earthly culture they destroy on the path to wealth, the better chance there is getting to Jesus Christ's kingdom later on. They want to go to heaven, yet they want to live until they're 100 because longevity is proof that Jesus has blessed them (also they want to draw Social Security and leave nothing for succeeding generations, all the while lecturing their grandchildren about the sin of taking handouts). They are infinitely greedy, and like the petty misers they are, they do not enjoy a single thing they possess, and hate those who do. But they're even worse than misers -- they're misers who barely get by, misers with overdrawn credit, misers who constantly vote for harder work and less pay. They're misers who make it harder and harder for themselves to mise, as it were. The stupidest misers man has ever known.

Middle American Christians not only hate man and life, but most of all, they hate America. In fact, no one hates America more than the hardcore Evangelical Christians, which is to say, the South and Midwest. Their hatred of New England liberals is a thinly disguised hatred of America's heart and soul, since it was in New England that America was founded; their hatred of California is a hatred of what America has become, a hatred of American culture and power, since modern American culture and technology are produced in California. Their hatred of Hollywood is the same hatred of Hollywood you find in any resentful Third World country. Middle Americans hate California and the Northeast because those are America; the South and Midwest, on the other hand, are merely a kind of Third World within America, a large free-trade zone full of gullible consumers and cheap land and labor, and they know it. They are what holds America back from progress. They are the East Germany that West Germans had to absorb, and are constantly paying the price for. They are America's Sunni Triangle, full of hate and fanaticism and destruction. They are fit for little more than cannon fodder in the armed forces and as non-union manual labor capable of assembling Japanese or German cars without making a fuss. In short, they're gullible fools. Which brings me to the next question: Who the **** ever decided that these pieces of shit deserved the right to vote?

Bush II has done everything to destroy America in record time. Bush II is our Nikolai II and Wilhelm II rolled into one bumbling, violent dumbshit. Thanks to him, the mighty American empire is disintegrating before our eyes -- no wonder Putin, the Iranian mullahs and bin Laden wanted to see Bush II re-anointed. No president in history has accomplished so much destruction so quickly -- the destruction of the American armed forces, the destruction of the economy and the dollar, a record deficit ensuring our decline for decades, a huge redistribution of wealth from the middle-classes to the rich thereby ensuring social tension for decades, and encouraging the kind of cult superstition and ignorance that has made places like Iran and Saudi Arabia the beacons of cultural and technological innovation they are today. Disaster, you think? Wrong. It's perfect, if you're a Middle American who hates America with all of the passion -- in fact, with the very identical passion as his Islamic fundamentalist counterparts. Just look at the evidence: bin Laden has said that his two-pronged strategy to destroy America is aimed at both drawing it into a quagmire in the Middle East and bankrupting it. Middle America voted back the president who has done exactly that -- drag America into a quagmire, and bankrupted its finances, causing its currency to plummet by 60% since Bush took office. They hate America, and they want it destroyed, and we need to stop them now. Not by seceding, not by hand-wringing, not by getting to understand them, but by gassing them. Or nuking them. Or both, just to be sure. Followed by a thorough salting.

Since I'm running out of space here, I'm just going to lay out a few salient points which I hope will help ease you into the mindset which says, "Yup, you're right Ames, as much as it pains me to say it, we need to gas 'em all, and gas 'em ay-ess-ay-pee":

Myth #1: The South and Midwest are more "spiritual" than the secular coastal states. You have to really not have lived there -- I don't mean spend time there, but I mean live there with the awful feeling in your gut that you're stuck there forever -- to believe that the Middle Americans are somehow more spiritual than coastalites. They're every bit as grotesquely consumer-driven, bargain-obsessed and materialistic as their coastal counterparts, only they don't question their consumerism because their brand of religion obviates the need to question it. Outsiders mistake their lack of self-analysis for something deeper, when in fact it's the purest expression of ignorance and shallowness. Middle Americans live for malls, Ford F-350 gas-guzzling dump trucks, and hair products. The only difference between their grotesque materialism and ours is that THEY HAVE NO ******* TASTE. I lived in Texas and in Kentucky; I grew up in the suburbs of San Jose, and lived in the elitist strongholds of Berkeley, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston and New York. So I have a little perspective on this. Here is what I can say about people in the South and Midwest, or the shit-kicking San Jose of my youth. THEY'RE NOT SPIRITUAL, THEY'RE JUST ******* IDIOTS. They can barely walk upright. They should be put in cages and injected with experimental vaccines, not given the right to vote. They're ignorant ******* morons whose brains are just crying out for someone to wash them with the most vicious, spiteful message you can throw at them. You cannot appeal to their better instincts because they have no better instincts. They don't think. They don't analyze. They simply buy, sell, consume, and listen to right-wing talk radio, and a few times a week, they hear some closet case in a powder blue suit and his hair molded tighter than a cat's *** feed them more and more hate and fear in the name of Jesus Christ. They are hooked on fear and hatred, and they cannot stand the thought of h

elping niggers or outsiders. No one in the world -- not in supposedly-savage Africa, not in the Balkans or Caucuses, not in the sub-continent or the tropics -- is as essentially mean-spirited as Middle Americans. Their stupidity, meanness and materialism is only bolstered, not tempered, by the religion that gives them their so-called "spirituality."

Myth #2: Middle Americans are "real Americans." Right. They barely even resemble human beings, with their grotesque front-butts, their cottage-cheese fat-packs and the way they squeal every time a true American from the Northeast or the West Coast appears on the airwaves -- airwaves created, controlled and beamed at them from the humanoid coastal enclaves. Middle Americans are not just stupid and ignorant, they are hideously ugly, so repulsive to behold that even body lice acquire a kind of pathos when placed next to (or on top of or inside of) them. Homo Flores, the little hobbit humanoids they recently discovered in Indonesia, has more of a claim to being a modern human than the degenerate sacks of shit who populate Bush Country. At the very least Homo Flores looks more human. Put it this way: in any bar in the world, a Homo Flores woman would get laid long before an Alabama beast would even qualify for a mercy-bang. If you could build a snowman out of artery plaque, then you would behold a typical Middle American. This evolutionary degeneracy is no accident. Consider how Middle Americans evolved. In America 200 years ago, those who could not succeed in the financial/cultural/power center in the Northeast trekked westward. Thus from the start they were already losers, but of the losers the strongest ones at least made it to the West Coast, the most beautiful land in America and perhaps the world. Those who stayed behind -- were the shit of the shit, the shit that stuck to the tip of America's *** and forgot to wipe. There are people who have lived for generations in Missouri, in Tennessee, in Kentucky and Texas, and who never saw the need, or had the nerve, to move to the West Coast, the end of the race. They couldn't go on. They were priced out genetically, brain-capacity-wise, and physically. As for the South -- these are the only Anglo-Saxons ever to get their asses kicked in warfare, surrender and be colonized...in other words, they are the special olympiads of the Anglo-Saxon race -- and they lost even that. Like hagfish sliming on the ocean floor, these Middle Americans, these losers several times over, remained in their hot, flat, ugly, humid, tornado-magnet shitholes, generation after generation, squatting on the only real estate in America that has not appreciated in value since the Battle of Midway because no other sucker is sucker-y enough to want to buy them out...and there's millions and millions of acres of this sucker real-estate that these bigoted, physically repulsive, monkey-brained fools cling to as if their spiritual salvation depended on it. The fact is, they're right not to emigrate to the West -- if they tried moving to a Blue State, they'd be on welfare faster than you can say "Applebee's." Why move there for welfare when you can just stay in your shitty red state and get welfare with every other pile of artery plaque. Which brings me to:

Myth #3: Middle Americans hate Big Government. The truth is that Middle Americans are Welfare Queens. White, bigoted, ignorant welfare queens. The statistics don't lie. North Dakota, which voted for Bush 63%-36%, takes in $2.03 for every dollar it pays into the federal budget, making it first among states. New Mexico just switched to Bush 50%-49%, seeing as he did such a bang-up job, and not coincidentally they're the second biggest welfare queens, skimming $1.89 for every dollar they fork over. After that, well, you can guess: Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Alaska, all welfare queen states. And don't be fooled into thinking this money goes to local minorities -- that gig ended years ago. These federal funds go to white projects -- subsidizing tobacco, big farming subsidies, bogus construction projects, bridges, roads, and every other big government project that the fat white welfare queen bigots can squeeze out of the liberal elitists. Even the few Middle Americans who "work," that is those who join the military, still have to be paid by the same "big government" they hate, even long after they retire. Middle Americans are the deficit, folks. And which states pay more into the federal budget in order to subsidize the Bush-voting welfare queens? Yup: eight of the top 10 states who pay more than they receive voted for Kerry. Massachusetts, for example, receives just $0.79 for every dollar it gives to Bush's little government, while California and New York get just $0.81 back for each dollar they pay in. Stop paying them, you're thinking, and that'll teach 'em? Don't be a fool. Gas em, and they'll learn. Gas is the only language these baloneyheads understand.

Myth #4: Middle Americans voted for Bush because they share his values. Wrong again. They voted AGAINST Kerry because he looks and talks like an outsider. These people hate outsiders. They shoot outsiders who come onto their property. Bush has the same stupid, beady-eyed look as the rest of the red state inbreds. There is a certain pride to his ignorance that sets their trigger-fingers at ease, even though Bush has been robbing them blind, every time they invite him in for a beer, for four straight years, and now another four a-comin'. You can literally kill their kin -- as Bush has been doing to their sons and daughters in Iraq -- and they'll still support you, so long as you've got that stupid beady-eyed look. The main thing is hatred of outsiders. That's it. Nothing deep, no riddle at all, no issue of values or spirituality. Remember that scene in Easy Rider, where the hicks shoot the hippies for looking like hippies? "They talk about loving freedom, but when they see someone who's actually free, they want to destroy him." That's pretty much what the hicks just did to all of America on November 2nd. Let's not whitewash what this election was about. It was about racism, bigotry and Fascism. In fact the South and Midwest, taken as a "nation," are the last and only Fascist state left in the white world, an incompetent and vulgar Fascism, without brains and without uniforms. Many of them are openly proud of this fact. They voted for a doomed war, against progress, against modernity and against culture. They are driven by envy and cult superstition and hate. And they want to slaughter other people to make up for the fact that they cannot produce anything of value, that they are nothing but welfare queens and cheap labor whose only consolations is that they aren't niggers, queers, spics, or...well, they don't openly hate Jews so much anymore, but their newfound bizarre embrace of Israel and Jews is every bit as sick as their former anti-Semitism.

Now some of you may have a problem with the gas-them-all theory, because most Middle Americans are quite nice when you meet them in person. Nicer, in fact, than city folk in the Blue States. If they saw you bleeding on the side of the road, they'd help nurse you back to health rather than run you over like in the LA or New York. But as Ash would say, "It's a trick." These people want to swallow your soul, quite literally.

The fact is that if these people ran America, it would have been like Bolivia, just a shitty Third World country with a resentful local population and a few big unfinished public works projects sitting idle. Middle America only exists because of the coastal states. The rest of the country provides nothing but cheap labor and farm land. But now, thanks to genetic engineering and cheap Chinese labor, we don't need you fucks anymore. So it's off to heaven with you. Fire up the crop dusters and prepare the Trident-IIs for launching, blue America. With the eXile solution, the world is about to become a better, safer, and leaner place.


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Diagnoza mbetet po ajo: psikoze maniakale dhe obsesione rekurente!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Se si e shohin Irakenet Sadamin mund te provohej nese Sadami do merrte pjese ne zgjedhje, jo me pak se 60% e irakeneve e duan prapsh!
Ti qenke gjynah fare! Ti me siguri do jesh ndonje viktime e testeve te qeverise Kanadeze per efektet e indoktrinit arab nen kontrollin e rrepte te medias anti-amerikane.

Ja se c'mendon nje amerikan per zgjedhjet: (dhe apstaj me thuaj qe une jam ekstremist antiamerikan)!
Ja c'mendon nje amerikan per zgjedhjet? Kush po flet per zgjedhjet o njeri? Pastaj, kujt i rreh se cfare mendoka ky, kur ty nuk te rreth se cfare menduan mbi 50 milion njerez? Pse duhet ne te harxhojme nje sekond me vemendje ndaj ketij idioti qe citon ti, kur ti s'i kushton vemendje vullnetit te 50 milion njerezve?

Une kujtova se ti ishte pak "odd", po ti qenke specie unikale fare. Po te ishte gjalle Darvini, me siguri do t'i kishe ngaterruar fare tabelen e evolucionit!


Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Truth, pse e largon muhabetin nga tema? Po flitet për specien që votoi Bushin. Po qe se do të dish për Irakun e Sadamin ka shumë informacione dhe shumica e tyre janë në kundërshtim me indoktrinimin që ti ke pësuar (në rastin tënd është auto-indoktrinim).
Ti e din Truth se cila është e veçanta e një konservatori? Ti e din se si ai reagon ndaj rreziqeve? E di ti si ai reagon ndaj ndryshimeve?
Nuk besoj se e din megjithatë po të lej mundësinë të mendohesh apo të gjesh ndonjë material.

P.S. Sadami erdhi në pushtet me ndihmën e C.I.A pasi bëri një grusht shteti për të përmbysur presidentin aktual të Irakut edhe ky i fundit i vënë nga C.I.A. Problemi me Aliun (ish presidentin e Irakut) ishte se ky i ktheu krahët SH.B.A dhe u përpoq sipas mënyrës së tij të përparonte Irakun. Kjo nuk i vinte për shtat SH.B.A e cila nuk kërkonte një Irak (aleat) të zhvilluar por një gomar të cilin mund ta ngarkoje me barrën që doje. Edhe po të ishte e rëndë barra s'kishte problem sepse gomari shumë shumë do ngordhi e do blejmë tjetër.
Kështu pra u ngjit Sadami në pushtet si beniamini i SH.B.A. Ky u tërhoq nga hunda për kohë të gjatë nga SH.B.A në shkëmbim të dhënies së dorës së lirë për të reklamuar territoret që i përkisnin Irakut, ose të paktën ajo u la të kuptohej. Kështu nën këtë pretekst u bë lufta me Iranin e shtyrë edhe nga SH.B.A të cilat së bashku me BRSS luanin shah me njëri-tjetrin duke përdorur për gurë Irakun e Iranin. Iraku me këtë rast përparoi shumë në fushën ushtarake pasi gëzoi mbështetjen e fuqisë më të madhe në botë. Atij ju hap rruga edhe për të sulmuar Kuvajtin por ndërkohë reformat e ndërrmarra prej tij si dhe zhvillimi i madh i vendit nga pasuritë përrallore të tij hynë në konflikt me aleatin gomar që kërkonin SH.B.A. Atëherë pushtimi i Kuvajtit u lejua nga SH.B.A dhe njëkohësisht u dënua prej tyre. U lejua në fshehtësi me Irakun dhe u dënua publikisht. Kjo i dha një arsye SH.B.A të shtypnin dhe të rrëzonin Sadamin. Lufta e gjirit u mjaftua me "çlirimin" e Kuvajtit për arsye shpenzimesh dhe ju mëshua më fort mundësisë së një atentati ndaj Sadamit. Shumë atentate dështuan dhe së fundi SH.B.A nuk mund të qëndronte pa reaguar pas 12 vjet pritje. Pas 12 vjet sanksionesh edhe detyra e SH.B.A ishte lehtësuar shumë për një ndërhyrje ushtarake. Megjithatë edhe pse të vuajtur nga një diktator, edhe pse të rrënuar për 12 vjet, irakenët janë sot më shumë se kurrë anti-amerikanë e jo anti-Sadam.

Kjo pra është e vërteta mbi Sadamin dhe Irakun dhe këtë të vërtetë e gjen në çdo libër historie të fundit mbi Irakun (jo të gjithë librat e historisë në SH.B.A e thonë këtë).

Kërkoj ndjesë për zgjatjen jashtë teme por shërben mendoj për sqarimin e disa pikave të diskutimit.


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Kondre! Tobe Staf Kurullah! T permend libra? Nuk turperohesh, e cna duhen librat ne kur ne e zbulojme boten me CNN e Fox?
Ashtu si junk-food ka shndreruar trupat e jankive (derra per dhjame), ashtu dhe foxi e cnn kane shndrruar mendjet e jankive!
Lexoje po pate kohe ate postimin tim "pse anglo saxonet jane agresive" eshte shume interesant (jo cdo gje qendron sigurisht), jam shkrire gazit kur e lexova!


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?


Du me t,thone qe nuk duhet te barazosh KONSERVATORIZMIN me te KEQEN, (pranej permenda Anglezet "konservatore" te zhvillum dhe Islamiket "konservatore" te prapambetur).

E mira dhe e keqja ndodhet ne te dy kategorite konservatore dhe perparimtare.

psh; perparimtare ishin edhe HIPIT e viteve 70-te qe u shkerdhejshin njoni me tjetrin , moter e vlla, none e bir.


Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Fillimisht postuar nga LIR111:
[qb] Kondrapedal

Du me t,thone qe nuk duhet te barazosh KONSERVATORIZMIN me te KEQEN, (pranej permenda Anglezet "konservatore" te zhvillum dhe Islamiket "konservatore" te prapambetur).

E mira dhe e keqja ndodhet ne te dy kategorite konservatore dhe perparimtare.

psh; perparimtare ishin edhe HIPIT e viteve 70-te qe u shkerdhejshin njoni me tjetrin , moter e vlla, none e bir. [/qb]
Lir111, mos ngatarro konservatorizmin me fondamentalizmin dhe liberalizmin me degjenerimin.
Sigurisht ajo që thua ti është e vërtetë (edhe unë e kam thënë dhe e mbroj këtë) pasi liberalizmi pa konservatorizëm kalon në degjenerim total ashtu si edhe konservatorizmi pa liberalizëm kalon deri në skllavëri.
Problemi qëndron se ku mbështetet liberalizmi apo konservatorizmi. Dhe në këtë rast mua më duket se konservatorët amerikanë më ngjajnë më shumë me fondamentalistë të etur për hakmarrje (ndofta për frikën që ndiejnë amerikanët) sesa me konservatorë të cilët para se të hedhin hapin duhet të masin nja 100 herë!


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Pupupu ca urrejtje....edhe per cfare :rolleyes: se s bini dakort per boten ...goxha burra!!!! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Duhet filluar te besohet thenia qe kur grate te sundojne, nuk do kete me luftra /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Me siguri qe do kthenim Botem ne nje Beauty Salon /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Fillimisht postuar nga AnaBlue:
[qb] Duhet filluar te besohet thenia qe kur grate te sundojne, nuk do kete me luftra /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif [/qb]
Ndofta s'do kishte luftra po do kishte kushedi sa aksidente /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif . Kështu që po aty do dilnim.
Pastaj s'ke dëgjuar për Amazonat ti? Un për vete s'du me ra n'dor të tyne :tipsy: megjithse parashikohet një jetë e shkurtër por tepër intensive /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Deserters: We Won't Go To Iraq

(CBS news) The Pentagon says more than 5,500 servicemen have deserted since the war started in Iraq.

60 Minutes Wednesday found several of these deserters who left the Army or Marine Corps rather than go to Iraq. Like a generation of deserters before them, they fled to Canada.

What do these men, who have violated orders and oaths, have to say for themselves? They told Correspondent Scott Pelley that conscience, not cowardice, made them American deserters.

"I was a warrior. You know? I always have been. I’ve always felt that way -- that if there are people who can’t defend themselves, it’s my responsibility to do that," says Pfc. Dan Felushko, 24.

It was Felushko's responsibility to ship out with the Marines to Kuwait in Jan. 2003 to prepare for the invasion of Iraq. Instead, he slipped out of Camp Pendleton, Calif., and deployed himself to Canada.

"I didn’t want, you know, 'Died deluded in Iraq' over my gravestone," says Felushko. "If I'd gone, personally, because of the things that I believed, it would have felt wrong. Because I saw it as wrong, if I died there or killed somebody there, that would have been more wrong."

He told Pelley it wasn't fighting that bothered him. In fact, he says he started basic training just weeks after al Qaeda attacked New York and Washington –- and he was prepared to get even for Sept. 11 in Afghanistan.

But Felushko says he didn't see a connection between the attack on America and Saddam Hussein.

"(What) it basically comes down to, is it my right to choose between what I think is right and what I think is wrong?" asks Felushko. "And nobody should make me sign away my ability to choose between right and wrong."

But Felushko had signed a contract to be with the U.S. Marine Corps. "It's a devil's contract if you look at it that way," he says.

How does he feel about being in Toronto while other Marines are dying in Fallujah, Najaf and Ramadi?

"It makes me struggle with doubt, you know, about my decision," says Felushko.

What does he say to the families of the American troops who have died in Iraq?

"I honor their dead. Maybe they think that my presence dishonors their dead. But they made a choice the same as I made a choice," says Felushko. "My big problem is that, if they made that choice for anything other than they believed in it, then that's wrong. Right? And the government has to be held responsible for those deaths, because they didn’t give them an option."

Felushko’s father is Canadian, so he has dual citizenship, and he can legally stay in Canada. But it’s not that easy for other American deserters.

Canadian law has changed since the Vietnam era. Back then, an estimated 55,000 Americans deserted to Canada or dodged the draft. And in those days, Canada simply welcomed them.

But today’s American deserters, such as Brandon Hughey, will need to convince a Canadian immigration board that they are refugees.

Hughey volunteered for the Army to get money for college. He graduated from high school in San Angelo, Texas, just two months after the president declared war in Iraq.

What did he think about the case for going to war? "I felt it was necessary if they did have these weapons, and they could end up in our cities and threaten our safety," says Hughey. "I was supportive. At first, I didn't think to question it."

He says at first, he was willing to die "to make America safe." And while Hughey was in basic training, he didn't get much news. But when he left basic training, he started following the latest information from Iraq.

"I found out, basically, that they found no weapons of mass destruction. They were beginning to come out and say it's not likely that we will find any -- and the claim that they made about ties to al Qaeda was coming up short, to say the least," says Hughey. "It made me angry, because I felt our lives were being thrown away as soldiers, basically."

When Hughey got orders for Iraq, he searched the Internet and found Vietnam era war resisters willing to show him the way north. In fact, they were willing to drive him there, and a Canadian television news camera went along.

Hughey had an invitation to stay with a Quaker couple that helped Americans avoid the draft during Vietnam. From Fort Hood, Texas, to St. Catherine's in Ontario, Canada, Hughey crossed the border, duty free.

Pelley read letters about Hughey's desertion that were sent to the editor of a San Antonio newspaper.

"It makes me sad to know that there's that much hate in the country," says Hughey. "Before I joined the Army, I would have thought the same way. Anyone who said no to a war, I would have thought them a traitor and a coward. So, in that essence, I'm thankful for this experience, because it has opened my eyes and it has taught me not to take things on the surface."

However, he adds: "I have to say that my image of my country always being the good guy, and always fighting for just causes, has been shattered."

Hughey, and other deserters, will be represented before the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board by Toronto lawyer Jeffry House.

His clients will have to prove that, if they are returned to the United States, they wouldn't just be prosecuted for what they did -– they would be also be persecuted. How will House make that claim?

"People should have a right to say, 'I'm not fighting in that war. That's an illegal war. There's illegal stuff going on the ground. I'm not going,'" says House. "And anyone who says soldiers should go to jail if they don't fight in an illegal war is persecuting them."

And it’s something House has experience with. In 1969, he graduated from the University of Wisconsin, got drafted, and spent the rest of his life in Canada.

House's legal strategy will focus on his contention that President Bush is not complying with international law. But how will he defend volunteers who signed a contract?

"The United States is supposed to comply with treaty obligations like the U.N. charter, but they don’t," says House. "When the president isn’t complying with the Geneva Accords or with the U.N. charter, are we saying, 'Only the soldier who signed up when he was 17 -- that guy has to strictly comply with contract? The president, he doesn’t have to?' I don’t think so. I don’t think that is fair."

The first deserter to face the Canadian refugee board is likely to be Spc. Jeremy Hinzman of Rapid City, S.D. He joined the military in Jan. 2001, and was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne.

He wanted a career in the military, but over time, he decided he couldn’t take a life. "I was walking to chow hall with my unit, and we were yelling, 'Train to kill, kill we will,' over and over again," recalls Hinzman. "I kind of snuck a peek around me and saw all my colleagues getting red in the face and hoarse yelling -- and at that point a light went off in my head and I said, 'You know, I made the wrong career decision.'"

But Hinzman said he didn’t want to get out of the Army: "I had signed a contract for four years. I was totally willing to fulfill it. Just not in combat arms jobs."

While at Fort Bragg, Hinzman says he filled out the forms for conscientious objector status, which would let him stay in the Army in a non-combat job.

While he waited for a decision, he went to Afghanistan and worked in a kitchen. But later, the Army told him he didn’t qualify as a conscientious objector, and he was ordered to fight in Iraq.

Hinzman decided to take his family to Canada, where he’s been living off savings accumulated while he was in the military.

Wasn't he supposed to follow orders? "I was told in basic training that, if I'm given an illegal or immoral order, it is my duty to disobey it," says Hinzman. "And I feel that invading and occupying Iraq is an illegal and immoral thing to do."

"But you can't have an Army of free-thinkers," says Pelley. "You wouldn't have an Army."

"No, you wouldn't. I think there are times when militaries or countries act in a collectively wrong way," says Hinzman. "I mean, the obvious example was during World War II. Sure, Saddam Hussein was a really bad guy. I mean, he ranks up there with the bad ones. But was he a threat to the United States?

Still, isn't it worth fighting to free the people of Iraq? "Whether a country lives under freedom or tyranny or whatever else, that's the collective responsibility of the people of that country," says Hinzman.
Hinzman and the other American deserters have become celebrities of sorts in the Canadian anti-war movement.

Only a few of the reported 5,500 deserters are in Canada, but House says he's getting more calls from nervous soldiers all the time.

Wouldn't the right and honorable thing for deserters to do be to go back to the United States, and turn themselves in to the Army?

"Why would that be honorable?" asks House. "(Deserters signed a contract) to defend the Constitution of the United States, not take part in offensive, pre-emptive wars. I don't think you should be punished for doing the right thing. What benefit is there to being a martyr? I don’t see any."

Hinzman began his hearing before the Canadian Immigration and Refugee board last Monday. But there's no telling when he'll find out if he'll be allowed to stay in Canada -- or be sent back to the United States to face the consequences.
The maximum penalty for deserting in wartime is death. But it's more typical for a soldier to draw a sentence of five years or less for deserting in wartime.


Demetrio Scutari

Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Është më të vërtetë i neveritshëm t'i quash "budallenj" milionë njerëz vetëm sepse nuk votojnë si të pëlqen teje... nga ana tjetër, kështu mendojnë shumë "demokratë" amerikanë, të cilët, nëse vazhdojnë kështu, nuk do të shohin më Shtepinë e Bardhe të paktën për 100 vitet e ardhshme...

Demetrio Scutari

Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Sa i përket Oscar Wildes, nëse mendonte atë për Amerikë, do të thotë se ishte njëri ndër budallenjtë më të mëdhenj të historisë...


Pan ignoramus
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

George Galloway, i cili nga shume komentohet si demaskuesi i luftes famekeqe te Irakut pikerisht ne zemer te senatit amerikan, ne nje interviste eshte shprehur keshtu lidhur me procesin zgjedhor dhe elektoratin:

[Thom Hartmann] Mr. Galloway, you called for a police inquiry into ballot fraud and ghost voting in Bethnal Green and Bow. In America, now, we just have this, just recently released, Congressman John Conyers went to Ohio and held hearings, 13 or 12 members of Congress, several weeks of hearings under oath, and determined that there was considerable election fraud in this last election where George Bush became president. And of course we know now that, in fact it was first reported on the BBC - Americans didn't know it but, but folks in the UK knew - within weeks of the 2000 election, that George Bush's brother Jeb and Kathleen Harris in Florida had conspired to remove the names of thousands of legally registered, tens of thousands of legally registered African Americans - largely Democratic voters - from the rolls there in Florida. What do you think is the solution to making elections, both in the United States and the United Kingdom, and around the world for that matter, open, fair and accurate?

[George Galloway] Well, you know, we're used to sending observers to third world countries and former banana republics to observe their elections. But the British election recently, and your election just a little more distantly, and the one in 2000 for that matter, really, if they had been observed by third world observers would have been declared bogus and deeply flawed.

Your president stole the presidency in Florida using his brother and his brother's close friends to cheat the people of the United States out of their freely elected president who was undoubtedly Al Gore. Even if you only counted the votes that actually made it through the hoops in order to be cast, the president was really Al Gore. And in Ohio, and I've read the stuff that Congressman Conyers is doing and I commend it, it's clear enough on the face of it that there was substantial fraud in that state and thus delivering the Electoral College vote for president Bush.

In our country, the government have vastly inflated the number of people voting by post which, as the courts have found, is wide open to electoral fraud, and electoral fraud there has been. I don't need to deal with the allegations, which are in their thousands. I can just deal with the cases that have already been dealt with. Six new Labour councillors were struck off and thrown out of the council in Birmingham, which is Britain's second city, having been caught red-handed in a room around a table at the dead of night, at midnight, with thousands, and I mean thousands, of other people's ballot papers that they were happily filling in, and they are now facing criminal prosecution as a result. Another new Labour councillor in the town of Blackburn, where the Foreign Secretary Jack Straw represents, and he was a close associate of Jack Straw, and he was a 65 or 67 year old man, has just been sent to prison for three and a half years for having been caught red-handed doing exactly the same thing.

When you add the thousands of allegations that there now are of voter fraud in the last election then I've called for the police to move in en masse, because we are heading down the road towards a kind of corruption that we never thought we'd see. Perhaps it's an innate sense of democratic superiority on our part. We use to think that that kind of ballot-rigging and voter fraud was something that happened in other countries, not in the mother of democracies, Great Britain.


Disa pjese te tjera te shkeputura prej tij:

Bagram Air Base is exactly the same kind of place (Guantanamo Bay). Abu Ghraib prison, well we perhaps, on a family show, shouldn't probe too deeply into the disgusting obscenities that were going on there. And, it turns out, that where the United States itself is not prepared to physically torture people, it merely subcontracts out the task; sending people to the likes of Uzbekistan and Egypt and other prison states where less squeamish governments will torture people for the United States and give the U.S. the testimony they get as a result.
In the international system that we have there's no chance of the likes of Henry Kissinger, for example, the greatest living war criminal in the world today with the blood of millions of people in Vietnam and Cambodia and Laos and Chile and East Timor or in many other places on his hands. He will never appear in a court or be behind bars. That's for the tin pot tyrants, the tiny tyrants like Milosevic; they get sent there. The big tyrants never face justice.
[Thom Hartman] . . we know now that, in fact it was first reported on the BBC - Americans didn't know it but, but folks in the UK knew - within weeks of the 2000 election, that George Bush's brother Jeb and Kathleen Harris in Florida had conspired to remove the names of thousands of legally registered, tens of thousands of legally registered African Americans - largely Democratic voters - from the rolls there in Florida.

[George Galloway] .... when we privatized the cleaning services in hospitals, we immediately passed on to companies a duty not primarily to keep the hospitals clean, but primarily to make a profit for their shareholders. The result has been an explosion, a veritable explosion, in re-infection rates; so-called MRSA which is a kind of super bug mutant, which is actually killing 10,000 people a year in Britain.
So I say to the people of the United States that the rest of the world is falling out of love with privatization. Some things are too important to be left to the private sector.

We say here that if you fall down in the United States, the ambulance man must feel for your wallet before he feels for your pulse.


Une mendoj se eshte mjaft informativ leximi i plote i intervistes, qe mund te gjehet ketu .

Lexim te mbare.


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Kritikat e Xhorxh Bushit ndaj raportit te ‘Amnesti International’

Pas publikimit te raportit vjetor te ‘Amnesty Internatinal’, ne lidhje me burgun Guantanamo, presidenti amerikan Bush e cilesoi kete si lojra fjalesh. Ne nje konferenc shtypi ne Shtepin e Bardhe, Bush theksoi se e ka studjuar raportine e Amnesti International, dhe e cilesoi kete raport te pakuptimt dhe te pabazuar. Javen e kaluar ‘A. I.’,e cilesoi burgun ne Guantanamo si turpin e epokes moderne. Kjo organizat e krahasoi kete burg me burgjet e e Stalinit ne Siberi, ku ekzekutoheshin qindra mijra opozitar te pushtetit. Ekspertet politik jane te mendimit se krahasimi qe behet mes Guantanamose dhe burgjeve te stalinit, eshte nje goditje e rende ndaj imazhit te SHBA-ve ne opinionin publik nderkombetare. Per kete arsye Xhorxh Bush, ne nje fjalim te paprecedent e cilesoi raportin e ‘A.I.’ si lojera fjalesh. Por reagimi i ashper i Bushit dhe i shefit te shtabit te pergjithshem te ushtrise amerikane gjeneralit Richard Mayers, deshmon per realitetin trondites ne Guantanamo dhe ne burgjet tjera amerikane si Abu Gurejb. Gjate tre viteve te fundit jane mbledhur fakte dhe deshmi te pakontestueshme per shkeljen e te drejtave te njeriut, turturimin dhe vrasjen e te burgosurve ne burgjet amerikane ne Irak, Afganistan dhe Guantanamo. Ngjashmeria e sjelljeve c’njerezore te forcave amerikane ne burgjet ne Irak, Afganistan dhe Guntanamo, deshmojne se qeveria amerikane e ka bere sistematike sjelljen c’njerezore ndaj te burgosurve. Per skandalin ne Abu Gurejb, u akuazun vetem nje numer i vogel i ushtareve amerikan, por, faktet tregojne se aktet e tyre monstruoze kane qene pasoje e direktivave te dhena nga organet me te larta te sigurimit dhe drejtesise amerikane. Per kete arsye, qeveria e Bushit kerkon imunitetin e ushtarakeve amerikan perballe gjykates penale nderkombetare per te justifikuar dhe mbrojtur krimet e forcave amerikane ne mbare boten. Intensiteti dhe shtrirja e krimeve amerikane ne burgjet ne Abu Gurejb dhe Guantanamo kane qene te tilla saqe, edhe ‘A.I.’ nuk ka mundur te qendroje neglizhente. Tashme qeveria amerikane po denohet nga po ate organizata te cilat per shume vite kane sherbyer si vegla presioni te qeverise amerikane per vendet tjera. Kjo deshmon edhe nje here per trendotjen e pozites politike te SHBA-se ne opinionin publik nderkohe dhe ne bashkesine nderkombtare.


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Fillimisht postuar nga arun
Tashme qeveria amerikane po denohet nga po ate organizata te cilat per shume vite kane sherbyer si vegla presioni te qeverise amerikane per vendet tjera.
Dje thonin se keta ishin agjente te CIA's. Kete po e thua edhe ti duke i quajtur vegla. Lekuren mund ta nderrosh por zemren jo. Ata kane thene hapur per diktaturat te ketyre vendet edhe jane treguar te ndershem me boten sic po i tregojne botes sot me ndershmeri per politikat e Bushit.

Njerez me zemer te zeze thurrin teorira konspiracioni. Ata qe imagjinojne teorira konspiracioni jane ata qe i thurrin ne realitet ato.

Njerezit kane pasur fatin e keq te vriten ne Irak si agjente amerikane etj. fale teorive dashakeqe te ketyre njerezve. Populli dele beson. Ujku qimen e nderron zakonin nuk e harron.


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Kur fillon del kallaji ciraku duhet te beje sikur i bertet ustait qe budallenjte qe sapo kane filluan te kuptojne dicka te thone: Sa budallenj paskemi qene qe cirakun e konsideruam si vegel te ustait!
Kjo eshte nje manover (e zgjuar) e AI per te mos i dale boja teresisht.
Jankive nuk u prishet ndonje gje e madhe se e kane siguruar vendin e parafundit ne bote per sa i perket percmimit dhe urrejtjes!
Ti cifut a e di se kush eshte i vetmi shtet pak me i urryer se sa Jankistani?
Po e gjete ke 5 shekele prej meje!


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Fillimisht postuar nga antares
Ti cifut a e di se kush eshte i vetmi shtet pak me i urryer se sa Jankistani?
Nese ti nuk ofendon "cifut" atehere ke per te ofenduar nje nje kuran,nje kulture ate tenden nga ke ardhur. Nuk ke shpikur vete fjalet ofenduese "cifut edhe kaurr" por eshte edukate e marre nga familja,kusherinj.

Po te ofendosh eshte kulture edhe besueshmeri. Cfare ka tjeter kultura jote?