Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Cfare lidhje ka midis IQ (Treguesit te inteligjences) dhe kandidatit per President?

Stupid people love Bush

New study shows correlation between decline of IQ and rise of GOP

"Stupid people love Bush" new study proves According to the prestigious Southern California think tank, The Gluton Group, stupid people prefer President George W Bush over Senator John Kerry by a 4-to-1 margin. As Chief Resident Dr. Louis Friend characterized the results of the research, "the less intelligent you are, the more you like Bush." This landmark study, conducted over a 5 month period, involved 2400 likely voters bridging all economic stratas in the 17 states generally considered up for grabs on November 2nd. Participants were tested for intelligence, then asked to fill out a 12 page series of questions involving the Presidential candidates with results released earlier this week.

The consensus: the higher the IQ, the less people trust Bush and respect the job his administration has done. The lower the IQ, the more people admire his steadfastness. "It was pretty much a slam dunk. There's no nice way to say this. Dumb people like him. They think his unwavering nature is a positive personality trait. They even venerate him for never admitting mistakes, even when he's wrong. On the other hand, smart people think he's a lying bully. I mean, c'mon, you have a deserter accusing a decorated veteran of treason. Who's going to buy that besides stupid people?"

Preliminary results:
IQ Above 140: Kerry 80%, Bush 20%.
120-140: Kerry 65%, Bush 35%.
100-120: Kerry 54%, Bush 46%.
80-100: Bush 54%, Kerry 46%.
60-80: Bush 60%, Kerry 15%, Dale Earnhardt Jr. 25%.

Apparently Bush's good-evil, black-white philosophy resonates on an inverse relationship with higher education, whereas it became evident over the period of analysis that John Kerry's nuanced arguments are only understood by people who paid attention in any class above the 5th grade.

Doctor Friend elaborated: "It has to do with intellectual curiosity. Folks see Bush in front of a stream talking about the environment and they assume he's in favor of it, even though if you read his legislation, I'd be surprised to hear him endorse shade. This also explains why Bush gets away with pretending he doesn't know how the Senate works, allowing him to call Kerry a flip-flopper."

Friend released evidence that this type of disconnect exists across the board: education, foreign policy, the economy, post 9-11 security response and State Dinner entertainment choices. Also discovered was a direct correlation between the number of preset Country Western stations on car radios and Bush's approval rating. Dr. Friend attributes this phenomena to the simplicity inherent in the messages indigenous to both. Classical music listeners were preponderantly Kerry supporters, but surprisingly, on heavy metal, the two split down the middle.

Spotting a trend, Friend cautioned, "Because of the deterioration in public education, larger and larger segments of the population are creeping downward IQ-wise, cementing the hold Republicans have on the electorate." However, if the election were held today, Bush would hold a lead of 52-48 in the popular vote, but would be virtually tied in the Electoral College, which Bush supporters argue against because the word College angers them. When contacted, a Kerry spokesman just chuckled. No Bush spokesperson was made available for comment. It was also found that Ralph Nader supporters were the brightest of all political proponents tested, but Dr. Friend dismissed them as "too smart for their own good."


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Po ne Karaibe shkojne leckamanet se ata qe kane para shkojne ne Europe: France Itali Greqi etj


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Eh c'me je qep si Skenderbeu Turqve ti qenia "per te qare hallin". Po dhe me pushimet e mia do krruhesh mor i mjere?

Ne fund te Gushtit u ktheva nga 3 jave ne Italine e Veriut dhe Austri. Cokollate fare... Por tani eshte ftohte andej. Hawaii s'me la ndonje mbrese qe t'i vleje barra qerane e 12 oreve rruge, ne Meksike isha ne Mars, dhe ne Nentor-Dhjetor e bej nje quickie ne Karaibe.

Kondra - Patriotizmi jot eshte per t'u admiruar. Mua s'me merr njeri ne pune andej me keto idera dhe pordhe qe kam /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif . Megjithate, me thuaj ne vite si do te shkoje se fundja te gjithe koken aty e kemi. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

E ne semaforet e Europes kam degjuar qe merret deri 3000$/nata po puna eshte qe vetem nje pjese te vogel te lene! Ti duhet te jesh shume "puntore" deri sa arrin te besh nje jete te tille me kaq "levizje"
Sic do te te thoshte Kondra ketej te plasin brenda per ate zanatin tend.


Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Sic do te te thoshte Kondra ketej te plasin brenda per ate zanatin tend.
Do thoja më shumë "Ta plasin brenda....". /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Po filloi tani edhe debati mbi pushimet se ku mund t'i bëjmë? /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Eeee, s'iu ngeli gje tjeter tani qe iu vuri poshte dhe cupka dhe filluat te perdorni fjalorin e mashkullit ordiner shqiptar. Qenie inferiore qe as Kanadaja, as shkolla, as dreqi s'mund t'iu ftilloje dot.

Ma beni nj buzz kur te vini ketej nga SH B A se dhe paret ua marr edhe ua le me shkumb...


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

E mire de mire si kavaliere qe jemi nuk po i perdorim me keto.... Po ku e dija une i shkreti se ti qenke "cupke" (tani cupke eshte njecike vone per ty te te themi po nese), nga fjalokri ti nuk i lije gje mangut 109 apo Wolfit qe me pyeste mua a di se si behen femijet! Dhe une pasi pyeta lejlekun i thashe qe nuk jam dhe aq i sigurte dhe di vazhdoj te shoh Discovery Chanel per ta gjetur!
Per ate qe na vure poshte nuk e di po pyes Kondren po ai me thote qe ceshtja lart apo poshte eshte pak e ngatrruar (ceshtje teknike dhe pozicioni)!


Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Indulgence, thuhet me shkum....

Nga festat besoj se do ZBRES njëherë në New York tek tezja. Po qe se je afër mund të më çosh koordinatat dhe shohim e bëjmë /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .
Megjithatë nuk është nevoja ta degjenerojmë muhabetin /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif .


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Kondre! Do konrtibuoj dhe une financiarisht, qe kur ta takosh te te bjere me shume se 10 min. Paret mi kthe kur te te ndodhen pa interes!


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Afer, afer... I'm so excited..., mezi po pres /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Fillimisht postuar nga antares:
[qb] Kondre! Do konrtibuoj dhe une financiarisht, qe kur ta takosh te te bjere me shume se 10 min. Paret mi kthe kur te te ndodhen pa interes! [/qb]
Kësaj i them mbështetje unë. Ç'bëhet në emër të maskilizmit /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Pan ignoramus
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Nje sec nje sec... po flitet per elektoratin e Bush... Indulgence voted BUSH ? :eek:

Po ju te dy paskeni qene mashtrusa more!

/pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Indulgjenca nuk votoi Gurax ne une "fshatit buken ia ha, qumeshtin ia pi po djemte nuk ia marr per dhendure" (Zonja nga Qyteti, apo je shume i vockel ti t'a mbash mend)


Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Fillimisht postuar nga INDULGENCE:
[qb] Indulgjenca nuk votoi Gurax ne une "fshatit buken ia ha, qumeshtin ia pi po djemte nuk ia marr per dhendure" (Zonja nga Qyteti, apo je shume i vockel ti t'a mbash mend)
/pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif [/qb]
Prandaj fitoi Bushi se nuk votoi Indulgenca /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif !
bravo Indulgence, sot e tregove veten se je e denjë për Green Card e madje edhe për nënshtetësinë shqiptare :tipsy:


Pan ignoramus
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Indulgenca, se c'ben me dhenduret ate s'ka c'me duhet mua. Me teper se kaq ben dem! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Ne Armiqland e di ti rregullin: "A ndigjon si kakarisin pulat... or bajraktar!" /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Si qe ajo puna e pulave more Gurax? Ne cfare filmi ( "A ndigjon si kakarisin pulat... or bajraktar!") se nuk po me kujtohet!


Pan ignoramus
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Lol Antares. Titulli ekzakt ne fakt as mua s'me kujtohet, /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif ... Harapi i Shkodres, ne kullen e bajraktarit... Lokja ben nje koment negativ per bajraktarin dhe Harapi i thote bajraktarit shprehjen e mesiperme.

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Ndoshta eshte te Toka Jone se aty ka Loke! pra Tuc Maku i mallkuar, armik i popullit dhe i partise.....


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

Guraxi! "Dhenduret" e mi jane kandidatet per president, n.q.se. s'e ke marre dor vesh. M.gj.se jam nje vocal, opinionated, non-idealistic, eligible to vote gal (or ***** ), nuk e gjeta me vend te kontrtuboja ne zgjedhjen e dhendrit, that's all I was saying...

Ate punen e pulave nuk e mora vesh mire... Jam une pak "e trashe" apo eshte thjesht nje koment seksist?


Primus registratum
Re: Elektorati i Bushit, te jete e vertete?

po i kemi xhela prej kanadaje..qe zbresin nga kwebeku (katuni) ne NYC (qyteti), ose qe rrine ne Tirane (maja e olimpit).
ndersa viktima zvarranike antares, identifikohet vetem me shitin, dmth xhamine. me falni, po mua xhamite me ngjajne me nje mullar shitiii.