Copeza mendimesh...

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Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Perfeksioni i disa tingujve te etur nga une.Ne sfond,asgje.
Erresire dhe vetem hijet e gishterinjeve jane ato qe perpiqem te shoh.Nje ze me kumbon thellesisht diky aty-ketu.Endem e padestinuar e verbuar drejt asaj qe i druhesha qe ne vogeli.Baristi vazhdon te luaje ne piano por une jam thuajse e pavemendshme."Cfare po mendon", -Asgje,them une.Ne te vertete nje bote e tere me shfaqet neper mend dhe neper cepa kerkoj te strukem.Jam vetem.Ashtu ndihem te pakten, me mire..Ne ndonje moment tjeter mbase do jem duke degjuar thjesht e vemendshme ndaj pjeses ne piano.Aktoresh fantastike femrat he!Gjini supreme.E kur guxuam e thame te verteten?! Ka humbur pastertia, turbullt shume i turbullt uji qe po pime..MA SHPIF,por me mire kam dhe frike te gjej.


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

... jane disa gjera qe predispozojne rrjedhen e ngjarjve ne jeten tone? A ndodh cdo gje per nje arsye apo tjetren ? Apo cdo veprim do te na sjelle ne te njejten perfundim ?
Largesia me e shkurter midis dy pikave eshte vertet vije e drejte po kjo s'perben te vetmin mundesi takimi midis ketyre dy pikave.


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Nuk me pelqen fare qe toka rrotullohet. Duke u rrotulluar keshtu prej sa e sa miliona vitesh, nje Zot e di ku kemi perfunduar. Ka mundesi qe Franca te jete andej nga Skandinavia, Shqiperia duhet te kete dale andej nga Afrika. Amerikanet, si Amerikanet, duhet te jene nga Marsi tani.
Hajde te kqen e optimizmit !
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

S’me ka marre hic malli per Shqiperine tone
Sot n’mengjes duke prit trenin e radhes
Cigarja Marlborogh e nje jevgu
Dridhej kalteronte, bente spirale
Me zor donte me m’kujtu lokalet e bllokut
Mua bashkeatdhetares

S’du me I kalu hic me mbremjet ne rruget e Tiranes
Ku s’me ka lejuar kush te beja ndonje marrezi
Pamvaresisht se ma kishte qejfi
S’me njohin hic portat e vjetra
Se ju a kane zene vendin portat e reja te Mumjes, Kauboit, Taivanit
Po une s’do tu a marr per keq
Do te eci rrugicave me gropa
Gropa te medha pusetash pa kapak
Per te cilat krahasime s’gjenden kollaj

S’me ka marre hic malli per Shqiperine tone
Per qiellin e zi plot smog dhe pluhur
Per vrapin e kanoceve bosh te coca coles dallgeve te Adriatikut
Per tranzistoret qe ne muzg si fishekzjarre shperthejne
Dhe lumenjte qe cdo sezon shirash qytetet mberthejne

Per katnaren qe me sillte qumeshtin
Tregun e gabit
Dhe fustanet turke
Malli s’me ka marre
Hic fare s’me ka marre
As per shqiptare



Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

u mendova gjate pasi lexova kete poezine me lart, shume gjera i ndjeja dhe une, shume mendime te saj ishin dhe te miat.Mi kish rrembyer valle nga mendja? Ku e gjeti sirtarin ne te cilin kisha fshehur keto mendime? Booooooo


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Dazed and confuzed , so manny things just for u ......

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

nuk kisha deshiruar asnjeher diçka kaq shume sa te me tmerronte frika e deshtimit. Them se frika eshte nxitese,por edhe te bllokon e s'te le te avancosh. che rottura!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

te qeshja a te qaja me pare
cte beja
ti ike dhe
nuk me le kohe te beja as indiferenten
nga dy metra ne nje meter
nga nje meter ne nje pike...
mos u tall tani, thirra
dhe koken e mbajta gjate
andej nga ike ti
doja te qeshja aq fort
qe ta degjoje per se largu...
per te qare do te kem kohe sonte ne darke...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

te themi dhe kete vit: wake me up, when september ends? por nese e bejme, atehere gjithe ato ndryshime qe do te vijne si rrjedhoje e levizjes se Saturnit ne shenjen e virgjereshes, do t'i humbas, apo do te humbas vetem te hequren osh te nje muaji qe mbart emocione kaq te forta.
Le te ngreme dolli me nga nje gote kos pra, e te kercejme nen tingujt e kenges...

I bleed it out.
Go, stop the show.
Choppy words and a sloppy flow.
Shotgun opera, lock and load,
Cock it back and then watch it go.
Mama help me, I've been cursed,
Death is rolling in every verse.
Candy paint on his brand new hearse.
Can't contain him, he knows he works.
F**k this hurts, I won't lie.
Doesn't matter how hard I try.

Half the words don't mean a thing,
And I know that I won't be satisfied.
So why, try ignoring him.
Make it a dirt dance floor again.
Say your prayers and stomp it out,
When they bring that chorus in.

I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Te kam larg dhe kam mall.Shoh fotografite e degjoj muziken tone me frike,sepse me duket sikur po i bej priten ndarjes.Ti me the qe urreje ndarjet,a thua se e jona ishte lamtumire.Me dridhet trupi kur kujtoj se si sti shkepusja syte me lot tek largoheshe me koken ulur nga aeroporti.Sot ne kte dite me shi,pas dites plot merzitje nuk pata dot mundesine te buzeqeshja as me ty.Ndihem keq edhe kam mall.Me duket e pamundur dita pa ty,me duket e jashtezakonshme.


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

1. per lipsen e embel /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/kiss.gif

2. edhe pak edhe pak...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: _Aurora_</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...tutto cio' che è profondo,ama la maschera. </div></div>

Cne qe me kishte shpetuar kjo? /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rolleyes.gif /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eusa_think.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Well, now that I think, I had a piece of thought over the "dream within a dream" thesis before reading Poe; well obvious in my naively complicated way, but insightful though. In seeing it again, I like the romantic disguise Poe gives to it, or maybe it's just that and I only interpret it as many would do. Poe can't give me an answer, as sure as death (yeah), but I still find myself wanting to understand whether I'm asleep in many situations. I just think this is a long dream (not in the romantic connotation though, but something else; I can't explain it to myself for the moment). True, at times I find myself running towards things that dissolve, but still can't get the essence of the dream. Probably I would want to have it as a food menu, with all the listed ingredients, although, it is my fear I wouldn't take pains to taste it, should one of the elements not be to my satisfaction. Probably I want the whole, not minding for its stages of creation and evolution; maybe the whole thing is accepting (the hardest, simplest and wisest), and this does not mean giving in, just the contrary of it therefore so complicated to perceive. I just see my balances are dynamic and hear they always are as such in reality, although my dream feeds on the illusion of their static nature and rigid back-up. I'm still meditating over my dream, over and over, and I guess it'll undergo many little quakes to have me reach acceptance of the sysmic nature of its own grounds.


Re: Copeza mendimesh...

...the death then of a beautiful woman is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world, and equally is it beyond doubt that the lips best suited for such topic are those of a bereaved lover.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Fair enough I guess, but we have to come to terms with what beautiful shall be and accordingly attach the respective knightly lips. Nevertheless, it remains poetry. Well, could it be that poetry is the scenery for them as characters to live?


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

in a footnote in Human Condition, H. Arendt speaks of love and the poets. She believes that we are deceived by poets, for whom love is vital to their own existence and to their art. What we are deceived of is the universality of love and the illusion that it is as common as 'romance'...
hi bubble person!
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