Copeza mendimesh...

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Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

If it is me you're asking, the above had no relation with your thoughts, t'was totally isolated. As for the right answer, no context is appropriate and myself exceedes three sentences...unfortunately /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif .


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

nice of you, thanks but not any relation between the two posts. /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wave.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

what really sometimes work is just being convinced that things have for sure to work.
my best friend one day declared the most real thing that she could say and 'cause that was not the most beautiful thing to hear people were asking how could we still conserve our friendship,at that moment we were friends more than ever.
this time someone else use to support me and accept me as I'm,not that I consider myself the worst person in the world, but it is a nice feeling to turn next and see one of best friends.


Re: Copeza mendimesh...

La luce viaggia più veloce del suono, sarà per questo che molte persone appaiono brillanti finché non le senti parlare???


Forumium praecox
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

and thinking of the Love you never had, it is like thinking of nothing, because you can never have love.
Nothing can have Love. To have something is to posses it, and to possess something is to dominate it. Nothing dominates Love. If there is domination and possession, it is Love that dominates and possess us. is not the people! ...(looks) sad, but (seems) true!


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Diku lexova;
Do not wish it were easier, wish you were stayed with me all day.


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Hyren papritmas ne ate klub te erret ... e filluan me pije ... pastaj ju afrua njera ...kerkoi qe te bente nje kercim privat per te ... i ktheu syte nga tjetri .. qe i dha nje aprovim ... vajza e mori per dore dhe e coi ne nje vend privat ... aty afer ishin disa biznesmene qe po shijonin ca momente .... ... u ul ne nje nga kolltuqet .. fytyre i ishte bere flake ... vajza ju ul mbi preher dhe filloi ta prekte ngadale .. filloi ta bente te ndjehej special ... i beri disa pyetje siperfaqesore .. pastaj e kapi nga ..kraharori ... i uli pak bluzen dhe filloi te shikonte me admirim .. nicee ... pastaj ju afrua aq afer sa gati po e puthte ... let me see your tounge ? !!! .. ja tregoi ... aty filluan te luajne pak .. u have nice lips .... u too ... ca buzeqeshje te ngrohta ... dhe ca shikimi provokative ... pastaj ja vuri duart ... i can touch you .. but u cant touch me .... o my godddd ... creazyyy ... kenga mbaroi .. pastaj e mori per dore dhe u kthyen ne tavoline ... ajo i mori parate dhe u largua ... ata iken pastaj ... ishte trullosur rruges .. nuk i besohej vetja ... fut doren ne xhep .. dhe sheh nje numer telefoni ... lol ...


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Copeza mendimesh...? mooooooohhhhh

se di pse po me erdhi n'men nje epizot pak a shum ja 3 vjet para me komshijen e vllait qe me pak llaf kisha 1 vit qe e takoja kur kishte mund'si kuptohet

e martuar kjo me burrin n'burg... ishte pranvere nese s'gaboj, dheee nje nate vone kur po futesha ne Shtepi e shikoj te ulur tek shkallet erresire... si i trullos qe isha i futa llapen n'fyt e pa 1 e 2 me mer prej dore e me fut n'shpi

shkojm tek divani n'sallon e me fillon t'me boj nje pippa apo gojore si i thohet

skalojn as 5 min. kur vjen goca e vet pergjumesh (8 vjece) na shikon e sflet

serialin e dyte... dit tjeter


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

a lot of things happen in a short time span, sometimes more than in a lifetime span. Unfortunately, I've lost my muse, and she doesn't want to speak to the world again. She'd rather keep everything for herself, despite my pressure to make her thoughts public. I guess, inspiration comes only with certain kinds of love and pain, the rest is just recycled rubbish!!!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

ne fakt, muzeu ku dua te shkoj eshte disa km dhe nje kanal me larg...

hi hottie, long time no see. You as hot as always?! /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/kiss.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Pah, se kur do na bi rasti te vijm anej nga ana juj se di po ama dhe ne knej po kemi nevoj per frymzim se ne ket moment spo bo dermon insomnia.

p.s. spo te njof se kush je. Faji im e di mezi e gjeta shtegun prap ne AF /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

keto ditet e fundit mendimiet e shumta qe me kalojne ne koke me bejne te humb durimin, narmalitetin,qetesine. Idea eshte e bukur, romantike, e dlire por do shume mundim, ndoshta nuk e kisha parashikuar keshtu, ndoshta mungesa e dikujt qe te ndaja keto mendime ma ben akoma me te veshtire, do te doja qe motra ime te ishte ketu, te me jepte nje mendim, nje ide, thjesht te me degjonte apo te me shoqerone, ufaaaaaaaaaaaa...................


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Jam e lodhur , e lodhur , e lodhur , e lodhur , e lodhur , e lodhur , e LODHUR ..............


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

jeta ime eshte e bukur ... do ta krahasoja me nje nate ku une jam ne nje park lojnash .. dhe jam i vetmi femije aty qe luaj me cfare te dua ...




Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Sot eshte nje dite e bukur
Dielli shkelqen si te mos kish pune tjeter (se mos ka ndonje tjeter)
Njerezit verdallisen kot me kot (puna me e dashur ketu)
Bimet na mbyten gjithe naten me dioksid karboni
Thua prandaj s'do kem fjetur mire
Ky quhet crregullim psiko-fizik (CO2)
Truri ndjen peshen e kokes (hahahaha, aq sa eshte i shkreti)
Kohes i bihet shi
Mua me shikohet shi
Cadra ka ca dite qe eshte prishur (s'me reziston asgje per dreq)
Mendja ka kohe qe nuk sillet verdalle boshtit te vet (nuk i pelqen kufizimi)
Pushteti vendor po identifikon njerezit (kur une perpiqem te jetoj e qete me anonimatin tim)
Moskujtesa po ze pluhur e pakujtuar
Duhen bere punet e shtepise (o maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)


Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Every fear you feel is coming from you. All your thoughts of negativity are being created in your own mind. And because of that, you can be free of them. For it is you who ultimately decides where your mind will go and what it will hold. Your thoughts are not caused by anything outside of you. They are the result of the way you've chosen to respond to life. If your thoughts seem to be holding you prisoner, remember that those thoughts are of your own choosing. You can always, at any time, make a different choice.

Simply imagine being free of your fears, and suddenly that's precisely where you are. Fill your mind with positive, empowering thoughts and you'll quickly crowd out the thoughts that bring you down.
Reality is as it is, and you can choose to see it in any light you wish. Cast a positive light on life, and you'll connect yourself with real success.


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Eh.. sa kujtime ne kete forum. U be kohe qe nuk jemi ndeshur bashke... ndoshta per shkak te disa kujtimeve jo te kendeshme. Jeta nuk harron te te jape mesime...

Megjithate kemi dhe kujtime shume te bukura bashke... koha fund i fundit tregon se cfare ka vlere. /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
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