Re: Aparatet fotografik dixhital
Ishte pak e cuditshme te zbuloja pasi shkrova keto postimet me lart se edhe Steve nga "Steve's Digicamereas" i vendos shume afer njera tjetres.
Deshiroj te di edhe mendimet e disave prej jush mbi kete model. Drini ty si te duket?
Cmimi lekundet midis $ 330 - $400
The DiMAGE Z2 and the Olympus C-750 Ultra Zoom, both are 10x and 4.0 megapixel.
Me pelqen gjithashtu ndertimi futurist i Z2. Ata qe e perdorin gjithmone theksojne se eshte nj nga kamerat me te kollajta per tu perdorur, ndersa Minolta mburret se eshte kamera me fokusimin me te shpejte dhe te zgjuar qe egziston. pra ndihmon per ato mementet e vecanta qe kalojne shpejt. Per sa i takon filmit, Z2 eshte e vetmja qe ofron mundesine te xhirosh 800X600, pra me ekran te plote per ata qe zgjedhin 800X600 si display settings.
DiMAGE Z2 Features:
10x Mega-zoom (38-380mm coverage) with high-speed autofocus and Super Macro
4.0 megapixel imager for images up to 2272 x 1704 pixels
1.5-inch color LCD with 113,000 pixels
Color eyelevel viewfinder with 98% coverage
Ultra High Speed 1280x960 capture at 10fps
Program AE with Shift, Aperture priority, Shutter priority and Manual exposure modes
Shutter speeds from 15 seconds to 1/1000 in Shutter priority and Manual exposures modes
Digital Program modes: portrait, sports, night portrait and sunset
Multi-segment, center-weighted and spot metering modes
640x480 and 320x240 motion video at 30fps with audio, length limited only by SD card capacity
World's first 800x600 SVGA motion video at 15fps with audio
Automatic noise-reduction for one second or longer exposures
5 white-balance settings including custom settings
Digital Effects Control for contrast and sharpness
Color modes: Natural, Vivid, B&W, Sepia
ISO Sensitivity: Auto, 50, 100, 200, and 400 equivalents
Flash shoe for Minolta external speedlights
Playback/QuickView with histogram feature
Data imprinting that records date, time and descriptive information on an image.
Powered by four standard AA type batteries
USB connectivity for Windows and Mac OSX
PictBridge, Exif Print, and Epson PRINT Image Matching II compatible