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How To Make Your Woman Happy    Never take your partner for granted, always let her know that you love and value the relationship with her.</p> -  Conversation is another important step. Try to listen to what she says, her concerns and desires. Show support    by noding your head and by other  physical expressions. Make her believe that you are interested in everything    she says. Probing conversation and sharing your daily events with each other will create a very pleasant atmosphere    for her.</p> -  Don’t forget that little things count too.Think quite often of a single rose or a small bag of sweets as a symbolic    sign of your love for her.</p> -  Show sensitivity towards her moods. Women are more sensitive by nature than men so always consider her    feelings and try to change her mood by evoking laughter and sometimes why not making silly gestures.</p> -  Try to take interest in her interests. For example if she enjoys going out for a walk or loves to visit new places    than never say “no”, go with her. If she tries to cook than show some interest and be a little help around the kitchen.</p> -  Once you have the woman of your dreams make everything you can to keep things interesting. Always try for new    adventures, trips, and integrate various ways of enjoying for both of you.</p> -  Don’t forget that women rely on their family background so be considerate to her relatives.</p>    Always use Person.al free online dating to find your soul mate.</p> http://person.al/news/view/20/</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=129. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=129
Use It Or Lose It Few health problems trouble a man like those that make him question his very maleness. And impotence the inability to achieve or maintain an erotic is one of them. Here are some home remedies against impotence:</p>  </p> Use it or lose it Erections bring large amount of oxygenated blood into the penis. As you get older, these do not occur as often and, consequently, there is oxygen deprivation. As a result, all that smooth muscle becomes progressively replaced with scar tissues. Those penises that are involved in sexual intercourse will probably retain their tone over a longer period of time. If you are already having trouble maintaining an erection, you may improve your performance by placing a rubber band around the base of your penis just before intercourse. The rubber band helps close off veins that are supposed to clamp shut after you become sexually excited and your penis is engorged with blood. Just dont put the rubber band on too tighly or forget to remove it after sex. The rubber band should be snug, but no tight.</p>  </p> Calcium Every medical student knows that calcium is needed to cause muscular contraction and that it plays some role in potency. Most experts say calcium supplementation of up to 2,500 milligrams daily is safe. Doses above this are not recommended. You can also get calcium from milk, yogurt and green leafy vegetables.</p>  </p> Food and drink give a lift Several foods shop up in our patients recommendations for putting an end to impotence. In fact, several factors, including food, can determine whether you are likely to suffer from impotence. Those factors that induce or hasten the occurrence of vascular disease, like high blood pressure, type A personality, obesity, lack of exercise, high cholesterol, cigarette smoking and family history, all those known cardiac risk factors are the same risk factors that produce early impotence. The penis is a vascular structure, erection is a vascular phenomenon and those things that retard the occurrence of cardiovascular disease will also retard the occurrence of impotence. The world vascular refers to anything having to do with blood vessels.</p>  </p> That means doing things like eating a low fat diet, getting regular exercise and quiting smoking can help the impotence. A glass or two of a drink containing alcohol can calm the performance anxiety that leads to impotence among some. But encouraging words and kind acts from a supportive partner have as much or more effect. A man state of mind and a womans contribution to that state of mind can make a big difference.</p> http://person.al/news/view/22/</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=124. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=124
Michael Jackson do të fitojë më së shumti para në 2010 Ekspertët parashikojnë se këngëtari i ndjerë Michael Jackson do të jetë ylli që do të fitojë më së shumti para në vitin 2010.</p> Pas vdekjes së tij më 25 qershor të këtij viti, Mbreti i muzikës pop është kthyer në top-listat botërore , ndërkohë që ekzekutuesit e pronës së tij planifikojnë të lansojnë një dokumentar, një koncert të drejtpërdrejtë dhe një DVD. </p> Nëse realizohen këto, Jackson do të jetë emri që do të fitojë më shumë nga yjet botërore në vitin që vjen.</p> Pas tij, si fitimtarë të mëdhenj konsiderohen Cristiano Ronaldo, Lady Gaga, Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, David dhe Victoria Beckham, Lewis Hamilton, Robert Pattinson, Elvis Presley dhe Britney Spears.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=777. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=777
Emmy mohon lidhjen me Valton Krasniqin Emmy, këngëtarja e cila me anë të performancave provokuese ka arritur të kryesojë titujt e thashethemeve, thotë se ajo nuk ka asgjë me këngëtarin Valton Krasniqi.</p> Kënga që e bëri më të njohur ishte dueti i saj me Valton Krasniqin, Rastësisht u pamë, bashkëpunim ky që solli shumë thashetheme për një lidhje të mundshme me këtë këngëtar. </p> Valtonin e kam koleg, mik dhe vëlla, asgjë më tepër, është shprehur Emmy në një intervistë për SH2.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=773. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=773
Brad Pitt ndërton shtëpi për minjtë Fanatizmi në arkitekturë i Brad Pitt ka bërë që ai të shpenzoj 70 000 dollarë për të ndërtuar një shtëpi për minjtë e tij të vegjël. </p> Aktori i kategorisë së rëndë në Hollywood ka qenë i fascinuar nga dizajni dhe ka konstruktuar dhe personalisht ka shikuar këtë projekt që gjendet në një pasuri të patundshme franceze. </p> Ajo ka mure të tuneleve, kolona dhe platforma të cilat i bëjnë mijtë që të ndiejnë në çdo detal për këtë parazitë të planetit.</p> Në vitin 2005, aktori i filmit Inglourious Basterds, ka punuar me arkitektin e njohur Frank Gehry të cilët krijuan edhe një ndër veprat më të njohura të arkitekturës në botë.</p> Brad po ashtu ka dizajnuar dhe zhvilluar një arkitekturë të një shtëpie buzë bregdetit në Hove, në Sussex-in Lindorë, edhe pse ajo nuk është ndërtuar.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=770. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=770
Nje termet i madh trondit Shqiperine Nje termet me fuqi 7 balle me epiqender fshatin Gjorice ne juglindje te Peshkopise eshte regjistruar mbremjen e kaluar.</p> Lekundja e pare, qe eshte regjistruar ne oren 23.49 te mbremjes se kaluar, ka zgjatur 15 sekonda, ndersa eshte shoqeruar edhe me 59 te tjera me intensitet me te vogel.</p> Nuk ka njoftime per te lenduar, nderkohe informacionet e para flasin per deme te medha ne fshatrat e komunave Luzni dhe Muhur te Peshkopise.Po ashtu demtime shtepish jane regjistruar ne Bulqize, ne fshatrat Shupenz, Ostren, Zergan dhe Golloborde. Ne keto fshatra eshte nderprere edhe energjia elektrike.</p> Ekspertet e Institutit te Sizmiologjise bene te ditur se ne Tirane dhe Durres lekundjet jane ndjere deri ne 5.4 balle.</p> Pas lekundjeve te termetit, kapiteneria e Durresit urdheroi kthimin ne port te peshkarexhave te dala ne det, ndersa ky fenomen nuk perben ndonje problem per tragetet e medha.</p> Lekundjet e termetit u ndjene edhe ne Berat, Elbasan, Kavaje dhe Shkoder.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4454. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.webshqip.com/new/?p=4454
Jessica Simpson modelon në një sfilatë në Paris Jessica Simpson është paraqitur në një pistë mode në Paris në cilësinë e modeles sfiluese. </p> Këngëtarja ishte ftuar personalisht të paraqitet si modele mysafire nga disenjatori turk Ozlem Suer, raporton OK. Simpson kishte veshur një fustan të gjatë deri në dysheme me take me ngjyrë krem dhe të zezë për të shtuar gjatësinë e saj. Ajo modeloi për koleksionin e Suer duke mbajtur një grim të lehtë dhe me një model flokësh të kthyer nga prapa.</p> Simpson aktualisht është duke punuar në shoun e saj të ardhshëm, The Price Of Beauty.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=764. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=764
Fejohet Katy Perry? Ylli i muzikës pop, Katy Perry, ka nxitur spekulimet se ajo do të martohet me të dashurin e saj Travis McCoy, pasi është parë duke mbajtur një unazë diamanti në gishtin e unazës.</p> Dyshja u ndanë në dhjetor të vitit të kaluar, pas një zënke rreth orarit të turneut të këngëtares, por u ribashkuan disa muaj më pas.</p> Tash duket se ata e kanë çuar lidhjen e tyre në një nivel tjetër, pasi Perry është parë duke mbajtur një unazë të shkëlqyeshme në dorën e majtë.</p> Edhe më herët është spekuluar për fejesë mes tyre, por dyshja mohuan thashethemet.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=759. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=759
Termeti trondit Shqiperine Nje termet me fuqi 7 balle me epiqender fshatin Gjonc ne juglindje te Peshkopise eshte regjistruar mbremjen e kaluar. Lekundja e pare, qe eshte regjistruar ne oren 23.49 te mbremjes se kaluar, ka zgjatur 15 sekonda, ndersa eshte shoqeruar edhe me 59 te tjera me intensitet me te vogel. Nuk ka njoftime per te lenduar, nderkohe informacionet e para flasin per deme te medha ne fshatrat e komunave Luzni dhe Muhur te Peshkopise.Po ashtu demtime shtepish jane regjistruar ne Bulqize, ne fshatrat Shupenz, Ostren, Zergan dhe Golloborde. Ne keto fshatra eshte nderprere edhe energjia elektrike. Ekspertet e Institutit te Sizmiologjise bene te ditur se ne Tirane dhe Durres lekundjet jane ndjere deri ne 5.4 balle. Pas lekundjeve te termetit, kapiteneria e Durresit urdheroi kthimin ne port te peshkarexhave te dala ne det, ndersa ky fenomen nuk perben ndonje problem per tragetet e medha. Lekundjet e termetit u ndjene edhe ne Berat, Elbasan, Kavaje dhe Shkoder. http://lajme.shqiperia.com/media/artikull/iden/303745/titulli/Termeti-trondit-Shqiperine
Back Pain in Sports People Back pain in sports people is dealt with pretty much in the same way as back pain in non-sporting person: Use it or Lose it but don’t ever Abuse  it! If you are generally fit you should cope with injury better and recover faster, unless your sport or training is contributing to your back problems.</p> To speed up your recovery it is essential for you to consult a good chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist, preferably one with an interest in sports. This will help to establish the exact diagnosis and whether there is something you are doing to contribute to the problem – through your sport or otherwise. Your training can be modified to work around this problem.</p> Although it’s terrible to be the bringer of bad news, it may be that your therapist advise you to take a break from your training or sport. He is doing this for your own good in the long run. If you do not allow an injury to recover fully now it may never resolve completely and could hamper your performance forever. If you’re not satisfied with the diagnosis and management plan, then seek a second opinion. Follow your therapist’s advice closely; do not make the mistake of doing more of a given exercise than prescribed, on the basis that if three of something is good for you then 30 of it must be ten times better!</p> In terms of the diagnosis of your problem – this is no different to any other person: it may be called a ’sports injury’ but this merely means you did it while participating in sport. Your anatomy is the same as someone who does not participate in sport: you have exactly the same tissues.</p> It is the only management of your problem and you that may be different to that of a non-sporting person. Each person’s management is slightly different, because we are all different to one another, and all demand different things of our bodies.</p> In sport there are some very obvious ways to damage your back:</p> 1. Fast bowling in cricket – the left side of the spine is under great pressure in a right armed bowler as he uses this side to decelerate repidly. 2. Golf can lead to over-rotation of the spine. 3. Squash and badminton require fast twisting, turning and bending movements. 4. Horse riding commonly results in chronic low back strain. 5. Weight training increases the load on your lower back considerably. 6. Physical contact in sport adds to the risk of damaging your back. In sport you are asking more of your body than in most everyday activities, so you must train for this appropriately. This means working on your flexibility and endurance and, for sports such as wrestling, judo and rugby, your sheer strength also. Sports people should be more aware that in preparing for a particular sport you need to pay attention to total fitness. Any weakness will be exposed- a boxer with a big right hook still needs very good abdominal muscles to absorb the punches he will undoubtedly recieve.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2956. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2956
The Leukemia And Other Cancers Of The Blood Leukemia is a form of malignancy characterized by the appearance of enormous numbers of white blood cells in the circulating blood. There are two main forms of leukemia, according to the primary cell type. These are designed lymphatic and myeloid. Lymphatic leukemia arises, from a primary malignancy of the lymphatic system, and the circulating the blood contains an immerse number of lymphocytes, whereas myeloid leukemia arises from the leukecyte forming myeloid cells of the bone marrow and is characterized by an enormous preponderance of granulocytes in free circulation together with blast cells, which are primitive cells escaping from the marrow before maturation. Each category is further subdivided into acute and chronic, depending upon the degree of malignancy, with the acute varieties tending to be much more common in children but by no means confined to this age group.</p> The symptoms of leukemia are increasing lassitude, anemia, ease of bruising, susceptibility of infections, loss of weight, night sweats, splenic and often liver enlargment. The diagnosis can be established by a simple differential blood count. Today thanks to major advances in chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy, an increasing number of such patients can be cured, but such successful treatment requires special expertise and often special hospital facilities.</p> Polycythemia vera is a comparatively rare cancer of the bone marow cells responsible for red blood cell production. As a result of this disease circulating blood contains many more red blood cells than normal, leading to the characteristic florid plethoric appearance. Although malignant, the disease usually pursues a relatively benign course, with frequent survival for very many years. Some control can be achieved by regular venesection and the use of radioactive isotopes such as radio chromium, which selectively localize in bone and cause marow suppression.</p> Multiple myelomatosis is not a uncommon cancer of the plasma cells of the bone marow concerned with the production of immunoglobulins. It is more common in men than in women and tends to occur in the latter decades of life. The tumor cells produce an abnormal immunoglobulin that can be detected in the blood and, in many patients, in the urine. The illness may run a variable course but the usual picture is one of multiple expanding lesions of the skull and skeleton. Treatment, if required, is by chemotherapy.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2951. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2951
After The Date Are You Really In Love? Is it destiny, desire, or desperation? Is it love, lust, or location, location, location? Hoe do you know for sure if what you are feeling is the real deal ? Easy. These simple checklist will help you decide if it is a fabulous romance or a fatal attraction.</p> Checklist A</p> - You read the sport pages before the entertainment section.</p> - You develop a keen fascination for plant spores, or whatever else he is into, to the point of taking a class and boring yourself and your friends to tears.</p> - You offer to do his laundry for nothing in return.</p> - He ask you if you are outdoorsy and you buy an 800$ mountain bike.</p> - Your bad girl get pissed because you are not returning their phone calls.</p> - You volunteer to cook dinner for a bunch of guys and watch Monday Night Football, your new favorite show.</p> - You use the words soul mates seriously in a sentence.</p> - You don’t shove him out of bed when he snores like a snorting hog.</p> - You get king of excited when his dog humps your leg.</p> If you checked 6 or more, this isn’t dating, this is hell. If you checked 6 or fewer, you might still find your true love.</p> Checklist B</p> - You lose 10 pounds while eating five steak dinner a eek.</p> - You make your beloved pet sleep on the floor for the first night.</p> - You start buying beer.</p> - You don’t mind what you see when you look in his ear.</p> - You let him shave your legs.</p> - You add his number to your speed dial on all three of your phones.</p> - You forget to pay your bills, even though you have the money.</p> - You think men who burp and fart are suddenly kind of cute.</p> - You actually want to meet his mother.</p> - You agree to attend a wrestling match, as a one time deal only.</p> - Your orgasms are effortless.</p> If you checked more than 6, you are on the right track but make him work harder for your love! If you checked 5 or fewer, keep trying you may need a bigger dating pool. If all of the above apply, you are a big winner! It is the jackpot true love.  Congratulations.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=117. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=117
The Man Translator It is tempting to think all you problems will go away once you start dating and get into a relationship. But the truth is, your old problems don’t go away you get new ones! When it comes to tackling a communication gap, remember that knowledge is power. As long as you read between the lines, you will stay in the driver’s seat.</p>            What he says – What he means</p> I really get into talking about my feelings. (I’talk about feelings if it gets me into your pants.)  </p> Im’ not very close to my family (Will you be my mommy?)  </p> Ikea rocks! (I have got huge student loans.)  </p> I go out with my buddies at least once a week. (I am dating other women.)  </p> I love lingerie (Can i try yours?)  </p> I talk to my parents every day. (Are you sodependent too?)  </p> I am not looking for a serious relationship right now. (Wanna do it?)  </p> I don’t believe in sex before marriage. (I think i’m gay, but humor me for a few months, okey?)  </p> I would love for you to meet my mother on our second date. (I still want you for booty calls.)  </p> I still really value you as a friend. (I still want you for booty calls.)  </p> My career has always been my top priority. (I have a two inch penis.)  </p> The sexiest thing about you is your mind. (You are not that attractive but i’ll still sleep with you.)  </p> I wouk out a lot. (I really love my body! Can i show you?)  </p> This is so special! Let’s keep it between us. (I would be totally humiliated if anyone knew we were dating.)  </p> She has nothing to do with us. (I don’t even think about you when i sleep with her.)  </p> My pagesRis the best way to reach me. (I’m married.)  </p> I think we should slow things down for a while. (Oh shit, I’m falling in love) Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=114. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=114
Manjola Nallbani, çmim për kontribut në muzikën ballkanike Manjola Nallbani është shpërblyer me çmimin për kontribut në muzikën ballkanike në Festivalin Ndërkombëtar të Ohrit me këngën Shprehje e vjetër, me tekst të Avni Qahilit, muzikë të Lupqko Mirkovskit dhe orkestrim të Edmond Zhulalit. </p> Kënga është një baladë e jashtëzakonshme, me shpërthime dhe melodi që të rrëqeth. Këta komponentë dhe vetë talenti i Manjolës kanë bërë që kënga në shqip të pëlqehet e të duartrokitet.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=755. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=755
A është Cucinotta vetëm një kopje e keqe e Bellucci-t?! Maria Grazia Cucinotta, aktorja italiane e cila në Festivalin e sivjetmë të filmit në Venecia, ka tërhequr vëmendjen më të madhe të gazetarëve dhe fotografëve.</p> Duke pozuar në plazhin ekzotik, një numër i madh i fotoobjektivëve e kishte rrethuar aktoren 41-vjeçare dhe në këtë gjë ajo ishte kënaqur plotësisht. Maria Cucinotta po ashtu është gjendur edhe në cakun e mediave italiane, por edhe të disa mediave të huaja që e kanë krahasuar atë me Monica Bellucci-n. </p> Derisa disa thonë gjë ngjashmëria në mes të këtyre dy italianeve është shumë e madhe, të tjerët mendojnë që ajo në të vërtetë është vetëm një kopje e keqe e të mrekullueshmes Monica-s, femrës pas së cilës ‘çmenden’ po thuajse të gjithë meshkujt në këtë planet.</p> </p> Edhe pse Maria Grazia është gati 4 vjet më e re se 44-vjeçarja Monica, shumë kanë komentuar se ajo duket shumë më e vjetër dhe se Monica është shumë më shumë e bukur dhe ‘e re’. Por, aktorja 41-vjeçare kur nuk është marrë me këto deklarata aspak të favorshme për të dhe më kokë lart e refuzon që të komentojë akuzat se po e kopjon Monica Bellucci-n.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=745. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=745