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Unë duhet Unë duhet disi me jetu Me qesh nëpër lot Duhet t’jem e fortë Mos t’thehem dot</p> Unë duhet krejt m’i përballu Se ti problemeve i ik Me gjithë forcë Mos me u fik</p> (2x) Une duhet me u përmbajt Une duhet as mos me qajt Kur thu ti Fajet vet i ki</p> Ref. T’jem e bukur kur jam e thyer Të vazhdoj duke gënjyer Duhet me duru Ata me lujt me mu E tash duhet pa ty me jetu E shkatërruar duhet t’lëkundem Duhet me t’harru Por nuk e di a mundem</p> Unë duhet disi me jetu Me qesh nëpër lot Duhet t’jem e fortë Mos t’thehem dot</p> Unë duhet krejt m’i përballu Se ti problemeve i ik Me gjithë forcë Mos me u fik</p> (2x) Une duhet me u përmbajt Une duhet as mos me qajt Kur thu ti Fajet vet i ki</p> Ref. 2x T’jem e bukur kur jam e thyer Të vazhdoj duke gënjyer Duhet me duru Ata me lujt me mu E tash duhet pa ty me jetu E shkatërruar duhet t’lëkundem Duhet me t’harru Por nuk e di a mundem</p> E tash duhet</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/une-duhet. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/une-duhet
Shko Shko jeto pa dashuri Lotët e vajzërisë Tjerët le t’mi fshinë Shko udhëto pa mu Si krejt shoktë e tu Rrugëve t’Gjermanisë</p> Mos thuj se ktu s’ka jetë Këtu i forti mbetë Ty s’të vjen keq për mua Do t’jem veç një më shumë Që në net pa gjumë Lusim t’ktheheni</p> Ref. Shko, vetëm shko Mos më kujto me lot në sy Kurrë mos e harro Të kam dasht vetëm ty Shko, vetëm shko Për mua vinë net pa gjumë Kurrë mos e harro Se një vajzë të deshti shumë</p> Shko jeto pa dashuri Lotët e vajzërisë Tjerët le t’mi fshinë Shko udhëto pa mu Si krejt shoktë e tu Rrugëve t’Gjermanisë</p> Mos thuj se ktu s’ka jetë Këtu i forti mbetë S’të vjen keq për mua Do t’jem veç një më shumë Që në net pa gjumë Lusim t’ktheheni</p> Ref. Shko, vetëm shko Mos më kujto me lot në sy Kurrë mos e harro Të kam dasht vetëm ty Shko, vetëm shko Për mua vinë net pa gjumë Kurrë mos e harro Se një vajzë të deshti shumë</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/shko-4. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/shko-4
Sajzeza (Dhe Elita 5)</p> Elita 5: Sajzezo, o moj sajlaro Sajzezo, o moj sajlaro O si më dogje mu hallën o O si më dogje mu hallën o</p> Adelina: E nuk e dogja unë se jam delie o Nuk e dogja unë se jam delie o E dogji qaj djal me alltie o E dogji qaj djal me alltie o</p> Elita 5: Sajzezo, o moj sajlaro Sajzezo, o moj sajlaro O si mw dogje katambin o O si mw dogje katambin o</p> Adelina: Nuk e dogja unë se jam çikë pare o Nuk e dogja unë se jam çikë pare o E dogji qaj djal me cigare o E dogji qaj djal me cigare o</p> Elita 5: Sajzezo, moj si flutur o Sajzezo, moj si flutur o Hajt maje fjalën moj e bukur o Hajt maje fjalën moj e bukur o</p> Adelina: Fjalën sun ta jap Djalo fjalën sun ta jap Fjalën sun ta jap Djalo fjalën sun ta jap Jam shumë e re Djalo prit të rritem pak Jam shumë e re Djalo prit të rritem pak</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/sajzeza. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/sajzeza
Ske ku shkon Sa ngadalë mendoj E sa shpejt jetën e jetoj Të gjithë botën e kaloj Udhëtoj edhe shikoj</p> Herë jam keq e herë jam mirë E asnjëherë nuk jam e lirë Gjithmonë përreth këta zinxhir Vërtet n’dashni qenka vështirë</p> Ref. Mos më shti inat Se nuk po të shkon Djalo s’po ta don Zemra po më flet Ajo nuk mendon Thotë se ti më don Edhe ti e din E din për mu Zemra ime t’don E kur Zoti Shpirtrat i bashkon Djalo s’ke ku shkon</p> Mendo pak për mu Sa jam e lumtur kur të du Mundohu pakëz për të mirë Të jesh i keq nuk është vështirë</p> Pse më bëhesh që s’më don Qenke i dobët kur aktron E unë e di i imi je O merrëm se që ku më ke</p> Ref. Mos më shti inat Se nuk po të shkon Djalo s’po ta don Zemra po më flet Ajo nuk mendon Thotë se ti më don Edhe ti e din E din për mu Zemra ime t’don E kur Zoti Shpirtrat i bashkon Djalo s’ke ku shkon</p> Sa ngadalë mendoj E sa shpejt jetën e jetoj Të gjithë botën e kaloj Udhëtoj edhe shikoj</p> Herë jam keq e herë jam mirë E asnjëherë nuk jam e lirë Gjithmonë përreth këta zinxhir Vërtet n’dashni qenka vështirë</p> Ref. Mos më shti inat Se nuk po të shkon Djalo s’po ta don Zemra po më flet Ajo nuk mendon Thotë se ti më don Edhe ti e din E din për mu Zemra ime t’don E kur Zoti Shpirtrat i bashkon Djalo s’ke ku shkon</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/ske-ku-shkon. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/ske-ku-shkon
Skam faj Nuk dua të jem më kështu Të ndjehem sikur e sëmurë Fjalën diqka ma ndërpren Atë që dua s’e them</p> Kam dashur të të harroj Po zemra nuk lejoi Mendjes s’i la vend E ti s’e di sa po më dhemb E ti s’e di sa po më dhemb</p> Ref. S’kam faj, s’kam guxu me besu S’kam faj, ty e veten kam lendu S’kam faj që të gjithë kanë xhelozu S’kam faj, o nuk kam faj që po të du</p> Nuk dua më që të vuaj Nëse do mos më duaj Unë me dashuri nuk luaj Tash jam unë ajo që do ta druaj</p> Ndoshta dukem shumë e fort Por një jetë më merr çdo lot E ti kurrë s’ke me dit Se sa ka qajt për ty ky shpirt Se sa ka qajt për ty ky shpirt</p> Ref. 2x S’kam faj, s’kam guxu me besu S’kam faj, ty e veten kam lendu S’kam faj që të gjithë kanë xhelozu S’kam faj, o nuk kam faj që po të du</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/skam-faj-2. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/skam-faj-2
Vetëm sonte Sa shpejt po ikën kjo natë E s’dua ta harroj E s’dua të mbaroj</p> Mos më le mu duar thatë Dua të përqafoj Dua të ledhatoj</p> Duart një Zemrat një Plus akrepat një mbi një</p> Ref. 2x Përreth neve dashuri Lumturi e pa kufi Nise këtë vit të mbarë Puthëm sonte në mesnatë</p> Sa shpejt po ikën kjo natë E s’dua ta harroj E s’dua të mbaroj</p> Mos më le mu duar thatë Dua të përqafoj Dua të ledhatoj</p> Duart një Zemrat një Plus akrepat një mbi një</p> Ref. 4x Përreth neve dashuri Lumturi e pa kufi Nise këtë vit të mbarë Puthëm sonte në mesnatë</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/vetem-sonte. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/vetem-sonte
Vetë më the të dua (Dhe Sabri Fejzullahu) </p> Adelina: (2x) Vetë më the të dua E tash m’ke harrua E tash m’ke harrua</p> Sabriu: (2x) Mua më harrove Tjetrin dashurove Tjetrin dashurove</p> Adelina: Kur t’piqet qershia Kujtoj lotë e mia Kujtoj lotë e mia Ta la amanete Mos më harro krejte Mos më harro krejte</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/vete-me-the-te-dua. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/uncategorized/vete-me-the-te-dua
Higher (Blero) Higher, higher, higher</p> Ref. (2x) I take you higher, higher, higher Unë jom n’top baby Une t’qoj n’top, n’top, n’top</p> Okay Mos ma hup munin zemër hajde fshima pluhnin Kallxoju shoqeve kush ju len përfundi It’s debaus baby fjala flet vet, vet Nëse te tjetri e blen te une sun e shet, shet</p> Shsh yeah baby baby let low Nije këtë sen qe po ta bjen Blero</p> E kom çekiçin kur du une ta rrehi, rexhi beat-in E kom edhe tripin kur du une ta boj edhe hitin Çka po don ma shumë Kerkond se ngoj ma shumë Edhe nëse xhelozon kerkon se don ma shumë Ti kerkon sukses zemër a jom une, une t’qoj Higher, higher Për ty suksesi ska fund</p> Ref. (2x) I take you higher, higher, higher Unë jom n’top baby Une t’qoj n’top, n’top, n’top</p> Une t’qoj high se jom fly Jom n’top se jom, se jom ai I kom ment lek I kom lekt n’xhep Jom biznesmen, jom boss, jom shmek, ou</p> Gjuj hite t’rona sa 1 ton Se jam, se jam një në dhjetë milion Qy qy edhe një hit Llake këtë club again pa qibrit</p> Playboy në club, i smuj sa herë vi n’club aty ku jom une dihet kush osht ma i madhi Sa herë vi unë vi ta kalli, kalli ej</p> Ref: (2x) I take you higher, higher, higher Unë jom n’top baby Une t’qoj n’top, n’top, n’top</p> (MC Kresha) Zemër Tavnik city’s finest, me t’shti mu ni the fliest Ta take you higher, higher, higher n’maje t’majës E bojm për trip, e bojm për lek E bojm për n’club, e bojm për rrek Dirty down south baby si mu kon black t’pëlqen hell yeah tc na yeah Muzikë plus art plus style barabartë freestyle jem Ma man jena shumë hot jena shumë in Represent from the street’s to the pen.</p> (Snupa) Kur unë jom n’top baby Kur je me mu je first lady The lady of the ladies baby Number one n’spot and this is I’m hot Si 12shi n’sahat jom on top Nat’ për nat’ i pitë drrasë Jom tip që sta rrasë Qasi që çdo femën ka qef me m’pasë Plot shkumë në një vaskë Pa neve smundesh si pa ajër We the sellers, we the buyers And that’s why we are the highest (show)</p> (Blero) Ref. (2x) I take you higher, higher, higher Unë jom n’top baby Une t’qoj n’top, n’top, n’top</p> Unë t’qoj high, se jom fly Jom n’top se jom, se jom ai.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/?p=4357. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/?p=4357
Krejt hajvan Kush osht aj tipi që del me 16 shok n’bel R e b e l, udhëheq si Rebel Që si han kari për qka ki bo, a kush je Që jeton n’Amerikë po është shqipe deri n’dhe T’qimtë e nanes e urrejn t’njejten koh adhurojnë Rrospat e dojnë, mashkujt idollizojnë Se e ka fal nana ni hajvan t’smutë n’kry Që dreqin e ka kqyr n’sy edhe e ka pshty Bile luftë i ka shpall, si kërset për njeri t’gjall Që thot gjoma ti ni njeri që se lyp ni plum n’ball Që s’mërzitet se sa t’madhe e ki ble alltinë Që rrencav e bulashav ja qet rrenat në ledinë Që sundon, që zotron, okupon e likvidon T’qimve t’nanes ju kallxon se padyshim ju rrxon Asllan, Azgan me zemër krejt luan Që kari nuk i han se e ka fal Zoti hajvan </p> Ref. 2x M’ka fal Zoti krejt hajvan M’fal nënë e di që lujta menve Po rri me do mangupa, ma trentit pi trentve Asi që rrehin gjin, prejn gjin, vrajn gjin I shoh nanat e gjaksav, ato tash veq po kajshin </p> Unë jom mut njeri, po edhe patriot Se qashtu na u kan bo plot patriota sot Që n’ftyrë mirë t’bojnë, t’dojnë e t’lavdojnë E si ta kthejn shpinen ta qijn nanen t’sakatojnë Apet ton i kena t’zezat tona, ska tomel pa mazë Qata që i thirr ti njerz, une shkurt i thirri shtazë Që kan dal e kan ikë, e jon zgidh pi shtalles Mos harro ka dallim shumë pi t’trentit e budalles Se e di qa po thu edhe qa po t’sillet n’mene Po thu ku karin e nanes po m’bin n’men tona k’to sene E pse po foli shumë, pse po boj armiq palidhje Po hajt se nuk ka lidhje, se unë e kom ni zgjidhje Jom poet, gjaknxeht, plot me kreativitet I inspirum n’jetën e vet, t’shet realitet E k’ta le t’urrejnë se punë tjetër nuk kan Veq mu kari nuk um han se m’ka fal Zoti hajvan </p> Ref. 2x M’ka fal Zoti krejt hajvan M’fal nënë e di që lujta menve Po rri me do mangupa, ma trentit pi trentve Asi që rrehin gjin, prejn gjin, vrajn gjin I shoh nanat e gjaksav, ato tash veq po kajshin </p> A mos nive për atë klyshin që ëndrrojke mu bo mbret? E mas ni kallabllak problemeve e arriti qëllimin e vet E jeta jem osht qashtu diqka prej fundit në maje Venin që m’takon dost me kërkon se ndaj Emri jem Viktor simbolizon fitore A thu pse bre nanën gjithçka po m’shkon për dore? Noshta se kom gjak drenicak nëpër vena Unë s’jom 2pac, zezak, unë jom shqipe me dy krena Unë jom zani i çdo shqipe prej Presheve n’Çamëri Fjalt që s’dinë mi nxerr pi goje unë i thom për ty Edhe pse plot t’qim nane dojn me m’myt, nime me m’vra Kthena une shpejt mos ta ninë kari o vlla E e shohim kon e vran e kon e pushkaton E e sheh qysh Rrebeli vdekjen e sfidon Se i kom thon Engjullit tem kom me t’bo mu mburr oj nanë E di që ty po t’dhem se m’ka fal Zoti krejt hajvan </p> Ref. 2x M’ka fal Zoti krejt hajvan M’fal nënë e di që lujta menve Po rri me do mangupa, ma trentit pi trentve Asi që rrehin gjin, prejn gjin, vrajn gjin I shoh nanat e gjaksav, ato tash veq po kajshi</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/?p=4355. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/?p=4355
Mos trazo plagën e vjetër Qenke gjarpër, helm i zi Si premtove në dashuri Dojshe zemrën me ma marr U largove hiq pa fjalë Dojshe zemrën me ma marr U largove hiq pa fjalë </p> Ref. Mos trazo plagën e vjetër Flej rahat tash duj një tjetër Mos trazo plagën në zemër Shko tash dashuro një tjetër Mos trazo plagën në zemër Shko tash dashuro një tjetër </p> Dojshe me ba avanturë Por përditë harrove kur Zemra dashuron një tjetër Harrove dashninë e vjetër Zemra dashuron një tjetër Harrove dashninë e vjetër</p> Ref. 4x Mos trazo plagën e vjetër Flej rahat tash duj një tjetër Mos trazo plagën në zemër Shko tash dashuro një tjetër </p> O s’di çka ndodh me mua Se kam ra në hall Se kam ra në hall O s’muj ta harroj kurr Dashurinë e parë Dashurinë e parë </p> O kur isha me ty u ndjesha i lumtur U ndjesha i lumtur O smuj ta besoj moj Se tash të kam humbur Se tash të kam humbur </p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/?p=4353. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/?p=4353
Women Are Attracted To Poweful And Successful Men It is sad perhaps but true that a man who is less “successful”. Statistics show that less successful men have less sex, marry less attractive women, and get less “love” than men who are more successful.  While men pick women for traits such as physical attractiveness, many women consider being a “good provider” the most important characteristic in a husband.</p> This fact is certainly not meant to hurt  the less successful man, it is simply another fact of life with a long history behind it. Historically, women have been regarded as either their father’s property of their husband’s. In many societies women were so clearly seen as property that a father was free to give his daughter in marriage to whatever husband he chose. In our society the tradition of a father “giving the bride away” is a reminder of this time when marriage was viewed as a transfer of property from one owner to another.</p> Throughout history every generation has produced women who were unwilling to live by the male rules and who tried to live on their own. During most of history, however, the male rules have prevented most women from doing this with any real success.</p> In the past, men might be politicians or merchants or sailors or soldiers, but women remained women and the caretakers of home, hearth, and children, A women’s only chance to increase her power or prominence was through a man. As a result, male power became synonymous with optimum survival, wealth, and importance.</p> Since women had to attain all of their status and power through men, it seems logical and inevitable that they developed a taste for powerful men and tried to choose their mates accordingly.</p> Of course, in very recent times some of this has changed. Women are no longer considered property and are permitted to be independent. More and more women choose to support themselves and live their lives on a  more equal basis. But even so, a successful male partner can make a women’s life and the lives of her children much easier. Therefore, women still value successful men, and being a good provider is still the number one trait most women look for in a husband.</p> The only problem is that men by and large still do the proposing, and so women must rely on their ability to attract a man if they hope to attain the most suitable husband.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=343. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=343
Women Want To Love And To Be Loved Apart from nurturing, there is hardly a trait more universal among women than their desire to love and be loved.</p> This is dues in part to women’s strong predisposition to nurture and to that fact that they have been raised by their mothers to express and receive closeness both physically through touching , holding, and cuddling and emotionally through sharing feelings, activities, and thoughts.</p> Love combines the physical and emotional nurturing into one, creating a bonding and blending with the beloved other whom most women value above nearly everything else in their lives.</p> Unlike men, who have been forced to develop an armor of separation and distance and an emotional anesthetic, women have  had to develop neither. Instead, women remain open to love and closeness because they have never had to lose their emotional identification and  attachment to their mothers, as boys are forced to do. They don’t have to learn to anesthetize their emotions against the retching experience of detaching from mother or in preparation for war, as do boys. Instead a girl is permitted to retain, in essence, a psychological umbilical cord that encourages her to seek and give love her whole life long.</p> Girl babies retain and develop this attachment by sharing in their mother’s activities from a very early age. It is common, for instance, for a little girl to be Mommy’s little helper, mimicking her mother’s activities and, as she grows older, taking on more and more of a mothering role.</p> This lifelong connection creates in women a basic security, a powerful drive to bond and merge, and the drive to love and be loved in return remains with a woman more deeply than for a man. And it is this deep security and ability to give care, love, and nurture that plays such a large role in attracting men to women. She is the bridge to love and intimacy that for so much of history has been closed to him by his need to be ready for combat.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=339. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=339
Stealing Someones Lover All too often, I come across young men and women who are having affairs with married people. They claim that they never knew he or she was married until late in the relationship. Never mind the fact that they always had to meet in roadside motel rooms, that home phone number were never exchanged, and every sound made her jump out of bed screaming, “He is here to kill us both?” My young friends insist that they were ignorant of this deplorable fact.</p> I argue that their ignorance is just too convenient to be believed. They are at fault for not making sure everything was “kosher” abut their partner before they jamped in the sack. Amazingly, I usually discovered that they never asked the simple question, “Are you married?” and instead just blithely carried on the relationship, hoping for the best.</p> If you are romantically involved with a person who is married, or who is in a serious relationship already, you have stolen them away from their partner. If you never paused to verify that they were unatached, you are guilty of negligence. It is that simple.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=336. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=336
Bipolar Disorder Treatment Perhaps the toughest thing to accept about having Bipolar Disorder is that the treatment is going to be a lifetime affair. Almost everyone who has had one manic episode is destined to have additional manic and depressive episodes and prevention of future episodes is at least important as the active treatment of the current episode. The biggest mistake you can make is to go off your medication once you start feeling better. Relapses are bad not only because of the direct trouble they cause but because the more episodes you have, the harder is ti treat each nee episode and the easier it is to have a future episode and to develop rapid cycling.</p> Between one half and two thirds of patients with bipolar disorder abuse drugs usually depressants like alcohol or stimulants like cocaine or amphetamines. The depressants are used to help the person calm down. The stimulants are used in one of four contexts to pull the person out of a depression as part of the reckless pleasure seeking that is characteristic of a manic episode, to counteract drug side effects, or to mimic the missed endogenous highs previously caused by the episodes. Any treatment effort to prevent Bipolar Disorder must pay close attention to these substances use tendencies and make every effort to deal with them</p> Having Bipolar Disorder means that your brain is already set in too tight a trip wire. Taking any substances that further reduces the calls and stability of the brain’s call membranes and receptors systems will likely wreck the calm and stability of your mood and your life. This can occur in two ways through the direct effect of the drug itself on the brain or as a secondary effect if the drug reduces the regularity of your sleep pattern. Bipolar Disorder is a cyclical condition that is closely related to basic body rhythm. Your sleep changes when you have a manic episodes, but changes in sleep can also cause an episode. Although caffeine may not have the direct effect of causing manic episodes, it can cause them directly by promoting sleep deprivation.</p> Taking mood stabilizers on a daily basis for many years is essential to keep recurrences to a minimum and to increase the changes of a good long-term course. Some people with Bipolar Diorder have three to gourd episodes in an entire life. Other will have literally hundreds of them. The difference probably has something to do with the natural course of the illness, but it is even more influenced by how gracefully you adjust to it.  If you respect the treatment regimen, the illness can ruin your life or end it, Responding well to Bipolar Disorder requires some combination of findings just the right medication and making lifestyle changes that will reduce the risk of relapse.</p> Unfortunately staying on the medication is easier said than done. Many people experiences annoying side effects, or miss the “highs” of the manic episodes, or begin to question the need for daily medication to prevent something that is “old story”.</p> The treatment of an acute manic episode often involves hospitalization because of psychosis, suicidal risk, or aggressive behavior, or to avoid the consequences of impassivity and poor judgment, You are living in a speed ed up world and are unlikely to take the therapist or the treatment very seriously. It feels as if you are a fast moving hummingbird surrounded by slow moving turtles.</p> Patients in an acute manic episode always need medication to calm down. Mood stabilizers like Lithium, Depakote, Tegretol, both to control the acute episode and to prevent future recurrences.</p> The other medications prescribed as mood stabilizers are usually as anticonvulsants to control seizeres. Depakote, Tegretol, and Klonopin have been prescribed to treat Bipolar Disorder. Depakote is especially wel tolerated and is most indicated especially for mixed mania and rapid cycling. Because mood stabilizers often take several weeks to reach their maximum effect, many patients also need other medicines to reduces acute insomia, agitation, or psychotic symptoms. Antipsychotics or sedatives may be helpful.</p> Patients with Bipolar I Disorder ofetn need acute treatment for the severe depressive episodes that are an integral part of the condition. The treatment of depresion is the same in Bipolar Disroder as it is for Major Depresive Diorder except for two issues. First, mood stabilizers must always accompany the use of antidepressant  medication to reduce the risk of the person switching from depression a manic episode or developing rapid cycling. Everyone on antidepressant should be asking. “Do i have a bipolar depression?” and ”Is my antidepressant making me worse?” To avoide rapid cycling, antidepresant should be used more sparingly and tapered more rapidly than they are in the treatment of Major Depressive Dirorder. Since antidepressant medication is essential for the treatment of the sevee depressive episodes in Bipolar Disored, clinicans must walk a fine line between enough of them to treat the depression while avoiding unnecessary exposure that may Bipolar Disorder worse.</p> Psychotherapy and lifestyle changes are also essential to the successful long term managment of Bipolar Disorder. Accept that this is a tough illness, but one you can live with and contol. Work with the doctor to fond the right medicines that balances effectiviness with minimal side effects. Don’t use drugs or alcohol. It is simply not work the risks. Sleep regularly no allnighters, no frequent jat lagging, and keep caffeine to a minimum. Don’ take on too much stress or load your plate with too many activiets.</p> Keep your family involved , get them educated about thediorder, and make the allies, not adversaries in learning to manage it. When you are well, work with them to develop advance directives for what should be done if you become sick again. Planning for the future is best done when you have full insight and good judgement. And join a support group. Bipolar Disorder is tough to life with, but very manageable if you take it seriously.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://curepages.com/?p=3108. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://curepages.com/?p=3108
Hypomania Hypomania is like a manic episode with the volume turned way down. The DSM-4 boundary between mania and hypomania depends on whether the evaluated mood results in serious adverse consequences like hospitalization, dangerous behavior, being fired from a job, getting arrested, wrecking a marriage, or running a relationship. The most common pattern in Bipolar disorder is for the depressive episodes to be immediately preceded by, or to be followed by, a hypomanic episode.</p> Hypomania would seem to offer many of the positive aspects of an elevated mood without the serious negatives of mania. You are uncharacteristically self confident and self assured without crossing the line into reckless grandiosity. Speech is speed up as a compared to baseline, but not to the point where two way conversations become impossible. A greatly increased activity level translates into greater productivity at work, school, or home rather than the exhaustion or agitation accompany mania.</p> Hypomania also  its serious downsides and is a clear signal that Bipolar disorder may lurk down the road. Although you feel just fine, other may find you obnoxious because you are so wired. Your judgement may be impaired what seemed like a fantastic business deal or a very creative short story turns out to be a bust or a waste of time or much worse. Hypomanic episodes often include hair trigger irritability, with runs of days in which you are consistently impatient and get into arguments over every little frustration. You may get into first fight. This is usually accompanied by sleeplessness and hyperactivity.</p> Worst of all are the inevitable lows. People tend to crash from hypomania in a fashion that resembles a hangover after a stimulant high and may sometimes progress to a full blown depression. Perhaps most troubling is that some people come to crave the hypomanic episodes and may even stop taking mood stabilizing medication in order to encourage them to emerge. This can lead to an extremely rocky and unstable course.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://curepages.com/?p=3105. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://curepages.com/?p=3105