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Kaloj, kaloj Vajza mëkatët kur të kujtoj Me lot në sy unë po vajtoj Jo po vajtoj Jo, jo s’besova se bon mahi Gjithmonë mendova se um don</p> Si nuk pate pak gjynah Ti prej meje me u nda Si nuk pate pak gjynah Ti prej meje me u nda</p> Ref. Kaloj, kaloj moj edhe ky vit Pa ty kaluan shumë natë e ditë Kaloj, kaloj moj edhe ky vit Pa ty kaluan shumë natë e ditë</p> Ndoshta shërohem tuj pi raki Se s’kaloj kjo jetë pa ty Kjo jetë pa ty Ndoshta harroj princeshë moj Atë ditë të zezë Si më dole e pabesë</p> Si ka ndodhur si në prrallë Me magji na paskan nda Si ka ndodhur si në prrallë Me magji na paskan nda</p> Ref. Kaloj, kaloj moj edhe ky vit Pa ty kaluan shumë natë e ditë Kaloj, kaloj moj edhe ky vit Pa ty kaluan shumë natë e ditë</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/?p=4429. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/?p=4429
Gjithkund të kërkoj Si të kam dashur E din i madhi Zot Si t’kam dashuruar dje Të dua edhe sot Se pa ty unë mbeta Se di çfarë ka ngjarë Mu errësua jeta Shpirti më është ndarë</p> Gjitmonë unë në ty mendoj Pse ike ti se kuptoj</p> Kaluan shumë vite Unë ende të kujtoj Vallë pse asnjëherë Loti nuk pushoi Gjithkah të kërkoj Dhe vetën e mallkoj Por çfarë i bëra Zotit Që pa ty t’jetoj</p> Gjitmonë unë në ty mendoj Pse ike ti se kuptoj</p> Ref. 2x Pse më le n’vetmi Pse të dua vetëm ty Pse nuk mundem t’harroj Sa të dashuroj</p> Si të kam dashur E din i madhi Zot Si t’kam dashuruar dje Të dua edhe sot Se pa ty unë mbeta Se di çfarë ka ngjarë Mu errësua jeta Shpirti më është ndarë</p> Gjitmonë unë në ty mendoj Pse ike ti se kuptoj</p> Ref. 2x Pse më le n’vetmi Pse të dua vetëm ty Pse nuk mundem t’harroj Sa të dashuroj</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/?p=4427. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.tekste-shqip.com/?p=4427
Hazbia, djali i pestë i Michael Jackson Në lajmin e kaluar kemi treguar se sapo është zbuluar edhe djali i pestë i Michael Jackson dhe në këtë lajm po ju sjellim më shumë se kush është Hazbia.</p> Hazbia jeton në Maqitev. Është i pashëm dhe zeshkan (cilësi të trashëguara nga i ati) si dhe ka dëshirë të këndoj rep. Ndjek klasën e nëntë dhe është nxënës mesatar. Kohëve të fundit ka zbuluar dashurinë e tij (gjëra të zakonshme për moshen e tij) që quhet Xhylshene. </p> Hazbia është rritur me mendimin se babai i tij kishte qenë një partizan heroik i cili ka vdekur në një betejë historike me një zhabë. Sa i përket karrieres së tij si repist ai deri më tani numëron 4 këngë të shkruara që të gjitha diss-a për 50Cent, Eminem, Unikkatil dhe Tingulli i 3nt.</p> Hazbia është ende i tronditur për lajmin që ka marrë dhe nuk pranon të flas me askënd mirpo na ka premtuar se posa të qetësohet pak nga kjo ngjarje tronditese (nuk është dhe aq lehtë që pas 15 vjetësh të marrësh vesh se ke baba Michaels Jackson) do të na jap intervistë mbi jetën e tij që nga fëmijëria e deri në ditë kur morri vesh të vërteten se ishte fëmija i Michael Jackson.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.trillime.com/?p=338. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.trillime.com/?p=338
MSI presents X-Slim X610 laptop 15.6 inch  laptop from MSI company than Intel processors now can be bought with the company’s processors AMD Athlon Neo. </p> MSI laptop officially presented with the name X-Slim X610. Thickness of the computer is two and a half centimeters, while weighing about two kilograms.</p> Laptop platform based on AMD’s Athlon processor Neo thanks to which spends up to 60% less energy than similar laptops with. It is also ECO Working integrated manner which allows adjustment of expenditure under which work is performed by computer.</p> It is 15.6 inch integrated screen resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels and LED lighting of the background, while the graphics is the ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4330 with 512 MB memory. Laptop comes with 2 or 4 GB of RAM, the disk in the capacity of 320, 500 or 640 GB instead of DVD’s on offer is Blu-ray. In the standard way, laptop comes equipped with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, camera web design, memory card reader and HDMI access.</p> The price of the laptop was not known, but the European market is expected to be around 700 euros.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=810. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=810
From now on MySpace relates Twitter Popularity every day of the largest social network and service is mikroblogs Twitter as can be expected also attracts the attention of major players in this part of the market. One of the pioneering social networks from MySpace now enables synchronization with Twitter. </p> As the official blog states in Sharon Nguyen, one of the directors in Tabor of MySpace, the social network from now enables its users to automatically publication status messages from MySpace to Twitter, while the process may be used by another. This new opportunity of MySpace is realized with technology “open authenticity” OAuth, which have decided to use this social network tabor.</p> Unfortunately, synchronization of data between the two services mentioned now only applies to users in the U.S. and do not know if it will become possible for users in the rest of the world.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=813. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=813
Samsung: Five Megapixels for Mobile Samsunghas announced the development of CMOS sensor with resolution of five Megapixel dedicated for integration into high-class mobile phones. </p> His sign is S5K4EA Criterion, until it comes to an SOC device which combines CMOS sensor with processor which can process video 1.080p 30 files per second.</p> Sensor is also equipped with technology EES (Enhanced Energy Steering) to make high-quality files, supports auto-focus and Xenon flash. Samples of the first sensor will be sold to manufacturers of mobile phones, while Samsung mass production will begin during the first quarter of next year. It is expected that this year worldwide will total 98 million sold phones with sensors from five Megapixel resolution, while by 2012 this figure should increase to 660 million.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=816. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=816
New USB memory from TakeMS TakeMS has presented new models of USB memory in its line MEM-Drive. USB memory by company TakeMS come in three versions – Trendy, the Smooth Move, with maximum capacity of 16 gigabytes. </p> MEM-Drive Trendy is dedicated to carrying around the neck, according to the manufacturer claims it comes to modern lodge with color illustration Titan and serpentine.</p> Second model, MEM-Drive Move comes in and brings metal hut with USB Connector withdrawal. While, MEM-Drive Smooth with five grams total weight will come in three color combination.</p> Prices have not yet been made known, while all the memories will come with software Carry it Easy + Plus whose value is 25 euros, order by TakeMS.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=819. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=819
Web camera transmits video with HD resolution Soon we’re at version 3.0 and USB is perfectly logical to expect that products will support data transfer speeds on the new. Point Gray Company presents the first camera of its kind web camera.</p> USB 3.0 is the version presented in public in September 2007, but commercial products will only appear next year. Camera first web design that supports USB 3.0 standard ven by Company workshop Point Gray.</p> As is possible to expect, it comes only for the prototype of the product, but the specifics of the camera are impressive. Due to support for USB 3.0 (maximum speed of 4.8 Gbit / s) cameras and web design is capable of carrying photographs pakompresuar resolution 1920 x 1080 pixels, and 60 fps.</p> The warnings, Gray Point prototype camera should be found in the market at the end of this year.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=822. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=822
Application by Nokia for the blind World renowned manufacturer of mobile phones Nokia, in collaboration with the University of Tampere and the Finnish Association of the blind and persons with impaired vision, has introduced an experimental version of the application for phones which can use the blind. </p> Nokia Braille Reader application works in background on Symbian operating system, until activated with the receipt of SMS message. When users of SMS message arrives, the pressure in the upper right corner of the screen which is activated through vibration reader “reads” the message, letter for letter.</p> In every moment user by leaving the finger from the screen can stop reading.</p> The company Nokia emphasize that software testing is still going, so seek the opinion of users for its functionality and possible updates.</p> The application was dedicated to all Nokia devices that work with the fifth</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=825. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=825
Fiat 500 With 265 Hp If you think Ferrari is Tributo is “the crazyest” version from  The Fiat 500, you are deceived. </p> German automobile house “Hamann” has presented its version Fiatit small. It has 265 horse power and a luftaraku view of the road. The 1.4 engine with gasoline have been issued litërsh remove less than 265 horse power with rotation moment of 5.630/min and 348 Nm with 4.200/min.</p> Performance are not currently published, but it is clear that small Fiati could be extended to vehicles more powerful and more expensive. Besides Hamann engine has changed almost completely the other components of the vehicle.</p> Hamann will publish specifications and prices after the vehicle which is being held these in Frankfurt, Germany.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=828. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=828
The 30 phones with Windows Mobile by the end of the year From 15 companies factories by the end of the year should appear on the market and over 30 new models of mobile operating system equipped with Windows Mobile 6.5. </p> According to DigiTimes technological portal until the end of the market should be well presented 30 new phones this system. Among the 15 producers mentioned the HTC, Acer, Samsung, LG, Sony Ericsson, Toshiba and HP.</p> It is expected that the first mobile phone with Windows Mobile 6.5 will be presented to the market on October 6. Also, some models who are released on Windows Mobile 6.1 shall be updated on the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=832. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=832
Nintendo Wii cheaper During this weekend, Nintendo aims to loosen  prices of Wii games for 50 dollars, in order to follow competition.</p> New Wii price should be 50 dollars less and cost 200 dollars, while this step comes as a result of pressure every day greater and aggressive steps to competition.</p> Sony with the introduction of the PS3 recently Slim has also released konzolës prices to 300 dollars, while the same amount should be shared with the Microsoft Xbox 360 disk of 120 gigabytes.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=835. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=835
Smart Phone from Mircrosoft </p> It seems that the giant software company Microsoft wants to be included in the race for the best phone wise. Conceptual picture presented were two devices, of which one competitor seems very Palm Pre</p> These files and some details of the project has revealed known technological blog Gizmodo. According Gizmodos, Microsoft is taking place these devices in cooperation with Sharp company, while the first two devices from the series have names of Pure Turtle Working Group.</p> Details for these devices now are completely unknown, but assumed that both these phones will be able to support Zune and services have their own online stores with relevant applications.</p> Right now, the market price and appearance can only be assumed.</p> Share this on del.icio.usShare this on RedditDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponBuzz up!Share this on TechnoratiTweet This!Share this on BlinklistShare this on FacebookPost this to MySpaceSubscribe to the comments for this post?Share this on LinkedinSeed this on NewsvineShare this on FriendFeedPost this on DiigoShare this on Mixx Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=838. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=838
VIDEO: Milan zhgënjen sërish Milani ka zhgenjyer serish ne ndeshjen e javes se gjashte te Serise A, duke barazuar ne San Siro 0-0 ndaj Barit. Loje e dobet e skuadres se Leonardos, qe vazhdon te mos gjeje fitoren dhe ne fund ka marre vetem vershellimat e tifozerise se saj. Nderkohe, skuadra bareze ka vene shpesh here ne veshtiresi Milanin, duke shkuar shume prane fitores, por portieri Storari nuk ka lejuar golin ne porten e tij.</p> Pas ketij barazimi, Milani ka humbur mundesine me te mire per te ngushtuar diferencen me Inter dhe Juventus. Ky i fundit nuk shkoi me shume se barazimi 1-1 ne fushen e tij kunder Bolonjes. Skuadra e drejtuar nga Ciro Ferrara, kaloi e para ne avantazh fale golit te Trezege ne minuten e 24-rt. Edhe pas epersise, bardhezinjte kishin te tjera mundesi per te mbyllur ndeshjen, por nuk arriten te shenonin, duke i dhene mundesi skuadres mike te barazonte rezultatin ne minuten e 93-te.</p> Adailton ishte autori i golit qe do ti vidhte Juventusit fitoren ne kete jave te Serise A. Edhe Lacio vazhdon te regjistroje rezultate zhgenjyese. Skuadra bardhekalter ka barazuar ne Olimpiko 1-1 kunder Palermos. Ka qene skuadra mike ajo qe ka kaluar e para ne avantazh fale golit te Kavanit ne minuten e 75-te. Gjithsesi, Lacio do te barazonte rezultatin me Zarate gjashte minuta nga fundi i ndeshjes, duke marre nje pike ne fushen e saj.</p> </p> </p> </p> </p> </p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.shqipmedia.com/?p=23210. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.shqipmedia.com/?p=23210
Sanderlendi i Canës nuk ndalet, fiton bindshëm Lorik Cana zhvilloi nje ndeshje tjeter pozitive me fanellen e Sanderlendit. Kosovari ishte nje nder me te miret ne fushe, ne nje tjeter fitore te cuditshme te skuadres se tij, ne Premier Lige. Sanderlendi mundi 5-2, ekipin e Eolvesit. Loja dhe rezultatet e fundit te ekipit ku Cana eshte kapiten, jane percjelle me emocione, aq sa interesi i tifozeve te Sanderlendit, sipas medieve angleze, sa vjen dhe shtohetper te ndjekur ekipin e tyre. Sanderlend e nisi miren ndeshjen dhe shenoi dy gola, por barazimi i miqve ishte i perkohshem. Ne fund te ndeshjes vendasit rriten presionin dhe shenuan tre gola te tjere duke thelluar diferencen dhe permiresuar statistikat ne klasifikim. Si ne cdo ndeshje te kaluar, Cana edhe ndaj Uolves ka luajtur nje rol te rendesishem, duke bere paraqitjen me te mire mes kuqezinjve, qe luajne ne skuadra te ndryshme te Evropes. Skuadra e Canes ka shenuar dy fitore te tjera, me rezultatin 4-1 dhe kjo eshte e treta ne fillim te Premier Liges.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.shqipmedia.com/?p=23205. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.shqipmedia.com/?p=23205