

Forumium maestatis
Re: vrojtime

Why do ppl invade privacy?... If I don't do it to you what gives u the right to do it to me?.. ehh... :rolleyes: gjeja me e shemtuar qe me ndodh shpesh here ... but its ENDING! ... :mad:

PS: ( no personal )


Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime




Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime

Thash po bej nje vizite nga Albforumi.
Me aq pak sa pash: eshte mire kur viziton here pas here nje kopesht si ky. /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Valoris scriptorum
Re: vrojtime

It's just a temporary Demand Shock /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

It will be offset soon /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: vrojtime

Pse na vret kaq shume e verteta.pse njerezit vuajne kur e degjojne.Lindi genjeshtra qe te na beje te ndihemi me mire?do doja te mos e kisha marre vesh kurre...por ja qe ndodhi.ke duam ne te vertete te degjojme per te qene te sinqerte.....?


Forumium maestatis
Re: vrojtime

dy pyetje kam une:
si je?
ku je?


nga bulevardi i endrrave te thyera (tuj hec mbi levozhga veze)


Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime

Tra hapa para ne mendime...dy mbrapa ne realitet.
Perseri ne udhekryq, dhe se kam idene cfare vjen me pas.
Re: vrojtime

Some people chose stupidity, even when they are not ignorant on a subject matter, the way some make a "fashion statement" wearing something utterly unfashionable.


Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime

People talk about evolution, we have evolved they say, we have evolved they yell.
Look at the giraffe, its neck used to be short be it couldn't eat anymore the lowly leaves so it evolved its neck in order to eat the leaves on the high tree.
Well, I said, wouldn’t it be easier for the giraffe to evolve its taste into eating the leaves down low rather than prolonging its neck by a dozen feet?

Part 2

People talk about evolution, we have evolved they said, we as human have evolved; we’re not the same we used to be.
Well I said how come we haven’t evolved enough to escape the very two things we hate, getting old, and death? As far as I can tell, people still get old and still die since the days of...yesteryear.


Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime

Ndonjehere pyes veten se nga i vjen mendjemadhesia/arroganca disa njerezve, pastaj stakoj trunin, ne rast te kundert do me kalonte koha me humor te keq kur nuk ja vlen fare!

Però, che palle, dopo un certo tempo si diventa anche noiosi, no?