Re: vrojtime
Fillimisht postuar nga Lara Croft:
Sa keq qe nuk shetis dot se edhe emrin do ta kisha padiskutim Ana, njesoj si ato personazhet mbeshtjelle fort me shall dhe me nje vel trishtimi te bukur nen peshen e reve dhe te gjetheve te lagura. [/qb]
Te kujtohet njehere te kerkova tekstin e nje kenge te Dalaras? C'ma kujtove tani, me sa duket Ana't qenka kudo te njejta, te bukura, delikate te trishta qofte ne romanet e nje shkrimtari shqiptar, qofte ne kenget e nje greku, qofte ne filmat e nje francezi.
Don't give up, Anna.
Fight the years.
My Anna, with the different habits,
the different movements.
You had very good manners.
It was obvious that you belonged to another world.
But, you always tried your best
not to show off.
You did not scorn poverty
but it did not particularly fascinate you.
Everything about you was different.
Your room with the rare objects,
your letters, your presents...
For sure, you had a better taste than mine!
You were coming to find me.
My bed, your bosom....
Anna, little loose lady.
And underneath the windows the wet road,
the sound of the train, the dusk.
And my room, Anna,
hanging in the air,
like an orange.
Don't give up, Anna.
Where would you be now?
Who knows how you get by...
where would you be now?
Oh! How can you endure it?
Without having what you love
and without loving what you have...