Vdekja e idealizmit


Forumium maestatis
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

Pyetja e fundit per sot: A do te ishit dakort per nje shoqeri ku te pranohej prostitucioni si nje profesional normal dhe jo si nje gje e keqe apo mendoni se shoqeria do te imponoje disa vlera morale dhe ideale te vetat?

Urdhero?! Si the? Vlera te veta morale? Ideale?
Jo moj shpirt, i vetmi ideal dhe vlere qe dua t'i imponoj kesaj shoqerie te torturuar eshte respektimi i te gjitheve ne menyre te barabarte, pavaresisht nga...!!!



Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

Dakord,keshtu paguajne taksat,nuk keqtrajtohen dhe leket i mbajne vete.Ah,dhe jane te kontrolluara per semundjet seksualisht te transmetushme.

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

Ka patur ndonjehere ideale apo vetem njerez me ideale?

Po qe keshtu,njoh dike qe do hequr qafe e te biem rehat njehere e mire nga idealet!


Forumium praecox
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

As far as Phaedrus knew, that question has never been succesfully answered. What occurred instead has been a general abandonment of all social moral codes with a "represive society" use as a scapegoat to explain any and every kind of crime. 20th century intellectuals noted that Victorians believed all little children where born in sin and needed strict discipline to remove them from this condition. The 20th century intellectuals called this rubbish. The whole idea of sin has no objective reality. Sin is simply a violation of a set of arbitrary social rules which little children can hardly expect to be aware of, let alone obey. ... (anyway) ... the scientific test should be not be: Does society aprove or disaprove? - the test should be "Is it rational or irratinal".

Idealism! Just a dynamic pattern!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

only if you are saying idealism is purity or absence of sin...

Phil 101?