Vdekja e idealizmit

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

loja normale--shume gure,dy lojtare
loja-jete--çdo gur nje lojtar

me qarte se kaq...

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

/pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif une them te njejten gje qe thua ti...e ti s'kupton /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif


Forumium praecox
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

E adhuroj lojen e Shahut! Eshte e vetmja loje qe ka rregulla te qarte dhe qe i jep mundesi te fitoj atij qe mendon me thelle! Nuk duhet te nxitohesh si ne jeten reale... nuk duhet te kesh frike, por vetem te mendosh ... ne rekurs ...


Primus registratum
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
te mendosh ... ne rekurs ...

[/ QUOTE ]
Une mendoj pra jam.


Still here
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Ngutja eshte fillimi i humbjes.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ngutja eshte dhe fillim i fitimit!

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

Ka raste ne te cilat duhet te mendohesh mire para se te veprosh e ka raste kur,po u mendove shume,humb nje shans,nje mundesi.Varet!


Primus registratum
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

Asnjehere nuk dihet, prandaj thuhet se "po ndermerr nje risk". Nje gje ama eshte gjithmone e sigurte, ajo shprehja anglisht: "No guts, no glory"


Grupi i të çmëndurve!
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

edhe une e vendos me ty /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

According to the sky and stars and moon and sun I am idealistic. Am I? /pf/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif

I am still unable to realize what it means. In my way of understanding it, I am not. Is there any other way?

Is idealism relative? Or is it a fixed entity? Is it born? Or have I (if ever) learned it? Do I have the innate predisposition to learn idealism and not something else?

Is my idealism same to yours? If not, what is there in common to call us both idealistic?

Why is an acquarian and not another sign idealistic?

Why am I according to the sky and moon and stars and sun something I cannot understand?


Forumium maestatis
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

You are, but it is not your fault. Rand says, it's Kant's fault, he convinced people that altruism exists, that it is a value and that we should embrace it.

It is exactly Rand's point. You don't know what it is because it does not exist. There exists only a romantic remembrance of what it should be, thus everyone can give you a different definition. You yourself can give us several definitions.
The last two sentences answer to your third question: yes! It is relative! Although some people speak of absolute values, which in the end of the day should be reduced to a single one: there is only objective truth. It is not innate, you learnt it in the most subtle of ways, by using everyday speech, which is full of axioms that tell you about the ideal and that you should look for it.
No, it is not the same as mine, it can never be. They call us both idealistic, because as the Zodiac both of our idealisms are so broad and general that we can make ourselves fit in that vague definition of the idealist human being.

Aquarians are idealistic because they (according to the Zodiak) are the sign of the future. They live with their head in the future, they long for progress and development and for fairness. These things are considered as idealistic, because most people justify themselves and refuse to do it, in particular they step on fairness and pretend you don't get hurt, because in the end of the day, being human means being weak, and to be honest and fair is a heroic deed of some sort of ideal future human being, which currently does not exist, or according to conservatives: did exist in the past but it is presently either extint or an endangered species.

Because you are taking the long way to yourself. You don't need to go that far to look inside you and understand yourself. Maybe you go that way, because for you it is most important what others think of you.
This is wrong, if you ask me. Stop thinking of what they think! Stop thinking of what they feel! Stop and look at your innerself. You will realize that you are a very beautiful person (although very does not make sense in front of beautiful, because it is a maximizing adjective) and that there is in you so much, that you exceed any possible image of ideal, because you are not a walking image, you are a human being with an essence. So rare, it makes it a gift beyond the understanding of the masses, beyond even the understanding of the ideal man (in the sense of the human being)!

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

The real problem, my problem, is that I cannot cohabit with something, a trait in this case, which belongs to me but I do not understand what and why and how it is. My interest in continuously thinking what others think of me, what others feel and how they percieve me, is in fact a pure and human interest in getting to know 'me' from all the possible human perspectives. It is a possibility I offer to myself in order to improve it. So, it is always 'me' at the end! Is this an idealistic goal? If yes, why do you call it idealistic and not desperate need for perfectionism?


Primus registratum
Re: Vdekja e idealizmit

Nese me lejon te 'fus hundet' (pa te keq...) tek ky muhabeti, do te thoja, ngaqe me ka qelluar ta mendoj keto dite, qe problemi se ç'mendojne te tjeret per ty, me duket pak tipike per shqiptaret. E shoh ndonjehere tek vetja, edhe pse mundohem perhere ta minimizoj (gje qe me kohen realizohet), dhe goxha tek shqipo te tjere.

mua me duket 'idealiste' (ose me e thene troç fare 'me rrejt veten') te mendosh se keshtu permirson veten, por ne te vertet eshte efekt i nje miksi ndjenjash/karakteristikash te personit, si pasiguria, narcizizmi-ego 'pa-baze', qe po ta mendosh jane kontradiktore ne te njejtin person.

p.s. pa te keq eee, se mos ma marresh per ters.