shqipetaret e anglise


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Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Asylum children to face returns
By Dominic Casciani
BBC News Community affairs

The UK government is planning to return asylum seeker children without parents to Albania.
The trial scheme, which could start in weeks, may be extended to apply to children from other countries.

Children's charities have reacted with alarm, saying the policy amounts to forcible removal and may not guarantee the safety of those affected.

But the Home Office says it may be in the children's best interests if it reunites them with their communities.

9,000 arrivals

The pilot, included in the government's five-year immigration plan, aims to return unaccompanied asylum-seeking children from Albania who have failed in their asylum claims.

Unaccompanied asylum seeking children
3,445 under-17s assessed in 2003:
4% granted asylum
32% granted exceptional leave to remain
40% granted humanitarian protection
15% refused
Source: Home Office

Since 2002, at least 9,000 under-18s have arrived in the UK to seek asylum without other family members.
These children automatically become the responsibility of social services. Up to now, ministers have held back from final removal orders against unaccompanied children until after they are legally adults at 18.

At least a dozen Albanian-born teenagers are thought to have been identified for return, according to sources, although there is no public confirmation of numbers.

Those selected could either be returned to their families, should they be traced, or placed in the care of other Albanian authorities.

Separate negotiations to establish a family tracing and returns scheme are believed to be underway with another country.

'Forced removal'

Under the 1989 Children Act, public bodies have a duty to act in the "best interest" of a child in their care.

Laura Brownlees of Save the Children said there were grave concerns, not least because of the well-documented trafficking of children into crime and prostitution in Albania.

From what is so far known, we strongly oppose the scheme because the welfare and best interests of the child will not properly be taken into account
Andrew Hogg, Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture

"If children are going to be returned then there should be proper assessments and decisions on a case by case basis," she said.
"We do not think there are structures in place [to receive returning children in Albania].

'If these decisions are not in the best interests of the child, then that is a forced removal because the child will not have any choice in the final decision."

In its five-year immigration plan, announced on Tuesday, the government said it was addressing "the difficult issue" of returning unaccompanied asylum seeking children.

A spokesman for the Home Office said it was wholly wrong to suggest that the plan was to return children "and leave them to rot".

"We are developing a returns programme for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children whose asylum and humanitarian protection claims have been refused," said the spokesman.

"We have been exploring how we can establish reception and longer-term care arrangements in countries of origin and believe that it's possible to return children in a way that is in their best interests and is safe and sustainable.

"We do not believe that it is right, or in keeping with children's legislation, that children who can return should remain in the UK indefinitely separated from their families and communities."
The spokesman stressed the UK would abide by its international human rights obligations.

Only those children who could be provided with a carefully planned reintegration package would be returned, he said.

But Andrew Hogg, spokesman for the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, said ministers had so far failed to reassure agencies.

"From what is so far known, we strongly oppose the scheme because the welfare and best interests of the child will not properly be taken into account," said Mr Hogg.

"In Albania particularly there is no statutory child care or protection structure.

"The Medical Foundation has many serious concerns, including the assessment process for suitability for return, the degrading of best interests of the child principles and of child welfare, and the lack of safeguards in the chosen countries."

A spokesman for the Albanian embassy in London said it was the first it had heard of a scheme, but did not rule out that there had been an agreement between the two countries.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2005/02/09 01:58:15 GMT


Re: shqipetaret e anglise

A dini ndonjerin qe con mall me maune nga Anglia per ne Shqiperi :wave:


Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Fillimisht postuar nga FUNLOVINCRIMINAL:
Fillimisht postuar nga DUSHKU:
[qb] A dini ndonjerin qe con mall me maune nga Anglia per ne Shqiperi :wave: [/qb]
Mere ket numrin 02075611604 keta te sqarojne plako [/qb]
Thanks plako :wave:


Primus registratum
Re: shqipetaret e anglise


Kuvendi shqiptar ka ratifikuar marreveshjen mes qeverise shqiptare dhe asaj britanike, per kthimin e emigranteve te paligjshem shqiptare, qe jetojne ne Angli. Sipas dokumentit, Shqiperia do te ripranoje edhe shtetas jo shqiptare, por qe jane nisur prej saj ne Britanine e Madhe. Nga te dhenat jo zyrtare, ne vendet e Mbreterise se Bashkuar, jetojne te pakten 50 mije shqiptare, shumica mberritur gjate 10 viteve te fundit.

Artikullin e keni KETU


Primus registratum
Re: shqipetaret e anglise

ja keta ufot me lart e hapen thesin, kot fare, kush eshte ai qe con mall qe ketej nga anglia ne shqiperi sot, shoket po len lesht neper gomone duke u munduar ta nxjerrin nga shqiperia dhe jo ta kthejne prap atje, pasi dihet qe cmimi me i mire i mallit eshte gjithmon ne europen perendimore dhe sidomos ketu ne angli qe ke nje fitim te papare fare.


Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Fillimisht postuar nga most*wanted:
[qb] ja keta ufot me lart e hapen thesin, kot fare, kush eshte ai qe con mall qe ketej nga anglia ne shqiperi sot, shoket po len lesht neper gomone duke u munduar ta nxjerrin nga shqiperia dhe jo ta kthejne prap atje, pasi dihet qe cmimi me i mire i mallit eshte gjithmon ne europen perendimore dhe sidomos ketu ne angli qe ke nje fitim te papare fare. [/qb]
Si ore mendja vetem per keq te shkon,veje njecike ate trurin ne pune mer vlla se po te ishte per ate mall qe thua ti nuk pyesja ne kete forum por ne underworld.Kupto ne fillim cfare lexon


Primus registratum
Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Une jam me mendimin e nje shoku ketu Te gjithe mendojn se po te ikesh ne angli je yll fare po ja une ketu rreth 7 vjet dhe nuk kam marr dokumentat po qa shteti eshte ky more ky eshte me keq se nuk po din se qa po bon per vete .
I say hello to all albanian people here in uk hey
just relax we will get one day thos papers but you know when whene we will be 40s that is are time cos this motherfuckers english people think if they give us now they think we will take over england cos we albanian people do that really we do I think that for my self if I have the documents now i will take over this town were i'm now I still got all this english people under me I don't give a sh** who thay are cos they are a stupid for one bottel of beer they can do any thing for you .
Forever Albanian I'm prowd to be ALBANIAN .spek to you soon from birmingham .


Primus registratum
Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Une jam me mendimin e nje shoku ketu Te gjithe mendojn se po te ikesh ne angli je yll fare po ja une ketu rreth 7 vjet dhe nuk kam marr dokumentat po qa shteti eshte ky more ky eshte me keq se nuk po din se qa po bon per vete .
I say hello to all albanian people here in uk hey
just relax we will get one day thos papers but you know when whene we will be 40s that is are time cos this motherfuckers english people think if they give us now they think we will take over england cos we albanian people do that really we do I think that for my self if I have the documents now i will take over this town were i'm now I still got all this english people under me I don't give a sh** who thay are cos they are a stupid for one bottel of beer they can do any thing for you .
Forever Albanian I'm prowd to be ALBANIAN .spek to you soon from birmingham . :thumbsup:


Primus registratum
Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Keni punuar per keto 7 vite dhe nuk ju kane dhene dokumenta?

Mendoja se i merrje automatikisht pas 5 vjetesh pune.


Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Fillimisht postuar nga Triny:
[qb] Keni punuar per keto 7 vite dhe nuk ju kane dhene dokumenta?

Mendoja se i merrje automatikisht pas 5 vjetesh pune. [/qb]
Triny a mund te na shpjegosh me qarte si veprohet dhe nga e ke marre vesh kete te dhene te lutem.Te uroj shendet :wave:


Primus registratum
Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Po beja pak rolin e budallait.

Nuk mund te mendohet qe te merren dokumentat kur punohet me te zeze, jo per 7 por per 70 vjet, thjesht per faktin qe nuk je i njohur.

Nese ke dokumenta dhe pune, pas 5 vjetesh mund te aplikosh per leje qendrimi te perhereshme.

Tani eshte dhe ky ligji qe favorizon ata qe kane disa profesione te caktuara, dhe ku mund te aplikosh si person i kualifikuar.
Ka nje artikull diku me siper mbi kete, perndryshe shko tek websiti i Homeoffice.


Primus registratum
Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Kush di se ku mund te blihen biletat per spektaklin Portokalli qe do vije ne Londer??


Re: shqipetaret e anglise

A di ndonjeri si mund ta nxjerrim nje djale nga Anglia per ne Shqiperi ilegal sigurisht :lol: :thumbsup:


Primus registratum
Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Fillimisht postuar nga DEVIL-girl:
[qb] Kush di se ku mund te blihen biletat per spektaklin Portokalli qe do vije ne Londer?? [/qb]
Ta gje lali jot bileten ne rresht te pare po deshe oshte£30 dhe bohet ne 20 bedford way,logan hall wc1 (russell square tube stattion)
n.q.s do me kthe pergjigje :wave:


Primus registratum
Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Fillimisht postuar nga DEVIL-girl:
[qb] Kush di se ku mund te blihen biletat per spektaklin Portokalli qe do vije ne Londer?? [/qb]
Une nuk e kam ndermend me ardhur tek spektakli, me mire get e ticket to go to the Ministri of Sound, aty besoj qe vetem meshkuj (edhe femra over 40years old) do te kete tek Portokallia.


Primus registratum
Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Fillimisht postuar nga FUNLOVINCRIMINAL:
Fillimisht postuar nga DEVIL-girl:
[qb] Kush di se ku mund te blihen biletat per spektaklin Portokalli qe do vije ne Londer?? [/qb]
Ta gje lali jot bileten ne rresht te pare po deshe oshte£30 dhe bohet ne 20 bedford way,logan hall wc1 (russell square tube stattion)
n.q.s do me kthe pergjigje :wave: [/qb]
Faleminderit shume per informacionin. :thumbsup:


Primus registratum
Re: shqipetaret e anglise

Linje direkte me ne fund nga Londra ne Tirane (sa vite u deshen me i rene nga kina).

Fillon ne mars, dhe eshte nga gatwick.


Forumium maestatis
Re: shqipetaret e anglise

whats up yoooo?????

how much worse off ju la bank holiday /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ?

sa her isha betu mos me shku me ne brighton dhe prap atje perfundova. zhavorr dhe fish n chips vetem

sot per ju gjith sunlovers funseekers do jem ne Oasis swiming pool ne totenham crt rd

neser do jem ne park road pools andej nga crouch ends. ka nje pishin te bukur outdoors andej

mos me thoni se ishit ne karnival /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif