Forumium maestatis
Me te qara dhe vajtime nuk zgjidhen problemet. Duke jetuar jasht e duke preferuar tja vesh fajin per kete tragjedi 'injorances' qe mbizotron ne Shqiperi, tregon injorance dhe dobesi. Askush nuk mund ta di me mire se ce dinin viktimat se c'ishte ajo force qe i shtyu te vinin jeten ne rrezik e te lenin vendin, shtepit dhe familjet e tyre.
Problemi yne si komb eshte se perbehemi nga 10% te fort dhe nga 90% frikacak. Cdo kush mund te na shkeli me kembe, mund te na vjedhi, mund te na leri pa drita, mund te na leri pa uje, mund te na rrahi. Enveri na njihte mire po keshtu na njohin shume mire edhe politikanet tane sot se bashku me Europen.
C'fare mund te bejme ne pervecse te derdhim lot? Duhet te ngrem zerin! Duhet ti tregojm me gisht ata qe jane fajtoret per kete tragjedi!
Mua me habiti fakti qe per nje penallti qe ju refuzua padrejtesisht ekipit tone kombetar gjat ndeshjes me Zviceren ju cuan peticjone te pafundme FIFAs, kurse per jetet e humbura preferojm te qajm.
Hajde pra ata qe jane mire ne gjuhe e qe marin vesh nga politika dhe dipllomacia le te formulojn nje peticjon te drejtuar parlamentit dhe personalisht parlamenterave Europjan. Sa me shume firma te mblidhen, sa me shume presjon te behet nga diaspora, aq me shume do kemi mundsi te shprehim dhimbjen tone. Ky do ishte i vetmi nderim kuptimplot qe mund ti behej viktimave te kesaj tragjedie, dhe pse jo, mbase do shpetoj edhe ato viktimat e ardheshme.
Une po e nis si draft, cdo koment ose permirsim eshte mese i mirepritur:
Another tragedy happened on Europe’s door, how long you will continue to close your eyes?
Hello …,
The 10th of January 2004, just some days after the New Year celebration, 21 Albanian people died on a desperate effort to find a better life, to have a better and happier year than the previous one.
We are writing to you in order to make you aware of what happen, what the situation is, and to require your help and reaction in order to avoid future tragedies like this.
More than 30 people, woman, man and children, tried early in the morning, January 2004 the 10th, to clandestinely cross the sadly famous Otranto channel. And 21 of them died, drown on the see, and joining their number to the hundred of previous victims.
As you may now Albania is a small and poor country. We have common borders with two of CE members, Greece and Italy. In spite of that, often, Albanian people pay with their life their trip to Europe. Our politicians are incompetent and corrupted. Our country is in prey of traffickers, organized crime dealers and poverty.
Our powerless government and our isolation is one of the factors that help these criminal organizations to flourish. The poverty of Albanian people is exploited and their life is a part of their game.
We require your help to apply the Human Rights for Albanian people. We require your help for allowing us to travel freely as human beings, as Europeans!
Only this can take away from these criminal organizations their ‘lives market’. Only this will allow Albanian people to find their pride. Albanian people are forced to travel and live clandestinely, and this profits to criminal organizations.
We hope our voice will be heard, and we hope the justice will be made.
Regards ….
Me te qara dhe vajtime nuk zgjidhen problemet. Duke jetuar jasht e duke preferuar tja vesh fajin per kete tragjedi 'injorances' qe mbizotron ne Shqiperi, tregon injorance dhe dobesi. Askush nuk mund ta di me mire se ce dinin viktimat se c'ishte ajo force qe i shtyu te vinin jeten ne rrezik e te lenin vendin, shtepit dhe familjet e tyre.
Problemi yne si komb eshte se perbehemi nga 10% te fort dhe nga 90% frikacak. Cdo kush mund te na shkeli me kembe, mund te na vjedhi, mund te na leri pa drita, mund te na leri pa uje, mund te na rrahi. Enveri na njihte mire po keshtu na njohin shume mire edhe politikanet tane sot se bashku me Europen.
C'fare mund te bejme ne pervecse te derdhim lot? Duhet te ngrem zerin! Duhet ti tregojm me gisht ata qe jane fajtoret per kete tragjedi!
Mua me habiti fakti qe per nje penallti qe ju refuzua padrejtesisht ekipit tone kombetar gjat ndeshjes me Zviceren ju cuan peticjone te pafundme FIFAs, kurse per jetet e humbura preferojm te qajm.
Hajde pra ata qe jane mire ne gjuhe e qe marin vesh nga politika dhe dipllomacia le te formulojn nje peticjon te drejtuar parlamentit dhe personalisht parlamenterave Europjan. Sa me shume firma te mblidhen, sa me shume presjon te behet nga diaspora, aq me shume do kemi mundsi te shprehim dhimbjen tone. Ky do ishte i vetmi nderim kuptimplot qe mund ti behej viktimave te kesaj tragjedie, dhe pse jo, mbase do shpetoj edhe ato viktimat e ardheshme.
Une po e nis si draft, cdo koment ose permirsim eshte mese i mirepritur:
Another tragedy happened on Europe’s door, how long you will continue to close your eyes?
Hello …,
The 10th of January 2004, just some days after the New Year celebration, 21 Albanian people died on a desperate effort to find a better life, to have a better and happier year than the previous one.
We are writing to you in order to make you aware of what happen, what the situation is, and to require your help and reaction in order to avoid future tragedies like this.
More than 30 people, woman, man and children, tried early in the morning, January 2004 the 10th, to clandestinely cross the sadly famous Otranto channel. And 21 of them died, drown on the see, and joining their number to the hundred of previous victims.
As you may now Albania is a small and poor country. We have common borders with two of CE members, Greece and Italy. In spite of that, often, Albanian people pay with their life their trip to Europe. Our politicians are incompetent and corrupted. Our country is in prey of traffickers, organized crime dealers and poverty.
Our powerless government and our isolation is one of the factors that help these criminal organizations to flourish. The poverty of Albanian people is exploited and their life is a part of their game.
We require your help to apply the Human Rights for Albanian people. We require your help for allowing us to travel freely as human beings, as Europeans!
Only this can take away from these criminal organizations their ‘lives market’. Only this will allow Albanian people to find their pride. Albanian people are forced to travel and live clandestinely, and this profits to criminal organizations.
We hope our voice will be heard, and we hope the justice will be made.
Regards ….