Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Shume popujve e kombeve u jane bere e vazhdojne t'u behne padrejtesi dhe nder ta jemi dhe ne Ne, por me Palestinen ekziston nje sjllje qe te nervozon ne kulm dhe te ben t'i thuash "shko ne djall" cdo gjeje qe pretendon se mbron te drejten.
Padrejtesia ndaj nje kombi te tere reklamohet hapur si nje e drejte qe asgjekundi nuk qendron!


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Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga Shadow of Self:

a e din cfar or shadow? para pak kohesh ndegjova ne lajme se :

policia braziljane kishte arestuar nje grup kriminelesh te cilet benin kontrabande me organe njerezish,i detyronin njerezit e varfer qe te shisnin pjeset e tyre te trupit vecmas veshket,per disa mije dollare,operacioni kryhej ne durban te afrikes jugore,dhe pastaj shiteshin neper vendet pasanike me nje cmim shume me te larte se sa q


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Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga Shadow of Self:

a e din cfar or shadow? para pak kohesh ndegjova ne lajme se

policia braziljane kishte arestuar nje grup kriminelesh te cilet benin kontrabande me organe te mbrendshme njerezish,i detyronin njerezit e varfer qe te shisnin pjeset e tyre te trupit vecmas veshket,per disa mije dollare,operacioni kryhej ne durban te afrikes jugore,dhe pastaj shiteshin neper vendet pasanike me nje cmim shume me te larte se sa qe i kane blere.
a e din se kush qendronte pas ketyre veprave te shemtuara???
te gjithe ata kishin qene CIFUTE NGA IZRAELI,keto jane ata njerez qe pretendojne demokracine ,humanitetin kurse ne realitet jane njerez qe ta pine gjakun me pamuk,prandaj ju vazhdoni ende ,dhe me te madhe permbani ata dhe politiken e tyre,por mos thuani se jeni shqiptare se do te na mare inat e gjithe bota, se shqiptaret nuk kane shpirte te bejne nje gje te tille sepse kane dicka ne shpirte qe nuk e kane cifutet....


Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Car pergjithesimi qesharak ke bere more amar?! Mire te pakten se na vini buzen ne gaz nganjehere me keto shkrimet tuaja. :goofy: :smash:


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga amar:
se shqiptaret nuk kane shpirte te bejne nje gje te tille
Shqiptaret? Shqiptaret kane thyer rekorde po te duash te pyesesh.

Islami i ka helmuar shpirtin shqiptarit, Kesaj do i pergjigjem me ate qe tha Kadareja "Dy te medha fatkeqesi i kane ndodhur shqiptareve a) Islami b) Komunizmi"

Kadareja eshte vete myslyman dhe deklarimi i tij, ne poziten qe ka, nga cfare eshte, pse e ben tregon se ai do te ndryshoje dicka. Fakti qe ai vete dhe falet ne kishe katolike rralle eshte domethenes ne rast se e krahason me faktin qe ai ska vajtur te falet asnjehere ne xhami.

Ajo qe me gezon eshte se Shqiperia, shqiptaret vendosin vete dhe jo ate qe thote ndonje klerik. Merite e Enver Hoxhes kjo!

E di qe shume shqiptare i lengon ajo brenga e fajesise se konvertimit nga feja e te pareve tane. Artistet e ndiejne me shume. Iliret u bene kristiane me perpara se vete Romaket.


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga Shadow of Self:
Fillimisht postuar nga amar:
se shqiptaret nuk kane shpirte te bejne nje gje te tille
Shqiptaret? Shqiptaret kane thyer rekorde po te duash te pyesesh.

Islami i ka helmuar shpirtin shqiptarit, Kesaj do i pergjigjem me ate qe tha Kadareja "Dy te medha fatkeqesi i kane ndodhur shqiptareve a) Islami b) Komunizmi"

Kadareja eshte vete myslyman dhe deklarimi i tij, ne poziten qe ka, nga cfare eshte, pse e ben tregon se ai do te ndryshoje dicka. Fakti qe ai vete dhe falet ne kishe katolike rralle eshte domethenes ne rast se e krahason me faktin qe ai ska vajtur te falet asnjehere ne xhami.

Ajo qe me gezon eshte se Shqiperia, shqiptaret vendosin vete dhe jo ate qe thote ndonje klerik. Merite e Enver Hoxhes kjo!

E di qe shume shqiptare i lengon ajo brenga e fajesise se konvertimit nga feja e te pareve tane. Artistet e ndiejne me shume. Iliret u bene kristiane me perpara se vete Romaket. [/qb]



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Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga Logos:
[qb] Car pergjithesimi qesharak ke bere more amar?! Mire te pakten se na vini buzen ne gaz nganjehere me keto shkrimet tuaja. :goofy: :smash: [/qb]


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Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!


Fillimisht postuar nga Shadow of Self:
Fillimisht postuar nga amar:
se shqiptaret nuk kane shpirte te bejne nje gje te tille
Shqiptaret? Shqiptaret kane thyer rekorde po te duash te pyesesh.

Islami i ka helmuar shpirtin shqiptarit, Kesaj do i pergjigjem me ate qe tha Kadareja "Dy te medha fatkeqesi i kane ndodhur shqiptareve a) Islami b) Komunizmi"

Kadareja eshte vete myslyman dhe deklarimi i tij, ne poziten qe ka, nga cfare eshte, pse e ben tregon se ai do te ndryshoje dicka. Fakti qe ai vete dhe falet ne kishe katolike rralle eshte domethenes ne rast se e krahason me faktin qe ai ska vajtur te falet asnjehere ne xhami.

Ajo qe me gezon eshte se Shqiperia, shqiptaret vendosin vete dhe jo ate qe thote ndonje klerik. Merite e Enver Hoxhes kjo!

E di qe shume shqiptare i lengon ajo brenga e fajesise se konvertimit nga feja e te pareve tane. Artistet e ndiejne me shume. Iliret u bene kristiane me perpara se vete Romaket. [/qb]
Keto qe i thua ti Shadow i thote ndonje qe flet pergjumur, apo qe nuk ka qiri eshte ne terr, por nje koke, nje njeri sic eshte i madhi Kadare, kete se thote kurre

Kete ketu po:

"Shqipëria e re dhe ajo e vjetër karakterizohet nga marrëdhënie të mira mes besimeve. Toleranca dhe harmonia fetare është vlera më e madhe e Shqipërisë dhe kjo nuk është vetëm diçka proverbiale. Shqiptarët ditën të përballen me holokaustin. Pas Luftës së Dytë Botërore, Shqipëria ishte vendi i vetëm, ku numri i hebrejve u rrit gati 10-fish. Megjithëse në Shqipëri ekzistojnë 3 besime e 4 komunitete fetare dhe nuk shquhemi si popull i urtë, nuk i kemi njohur konfliktet fetare. 2 vëllezër, njëri katolik e tjetri musliman kanë jetuar në një pullaz.

Nga Ismail Kadare

Shadow , ngadale o trim mos u nxito se sje duke fol ne kafe te Durmishit e as ne qajtore te Hajdarit.

Gjithe te mirat!


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga Betina:
nje njeri sic eshte i madhi Kadare, kete se thote kurre
Qe te bind qe je e pasakte majfton te perseris se e ka shkruar dhe e ka deklaruar ne TV.

Sepse eshte njeri i madh i letrave, artistet kuptojne me shume, e ka thene. Dil pak jashte botes tende! Me mire te pyesesh ata 200(numer i perafert) kosovare qe jane sot ne Izrael.

Ti flet duke ditur se cdo gje qe thua beson ato qe ke mesuar. Tek shqiptaret ka nje veti qe po mesuan dicka, i qendrojne besnik asaj edhe pse te tjeret bien fakte perpara syve se eshte e gabuar. Besnikeria veti e vyer, por do duhet dicka me e forte.

Kur turku i ktheu myslimane shqiptaret, dikur, iu beri taksa me te ulta. Nuk besoj se te jete kthyer ndonjeri me force. Kjo me tregon mua se shqiptaret i bien shume pas interesit te tyre.

E njejta gje po ndodh me Kosovaret ne Izrael, e njejta gje ndodhi me mua me perpara tyre. Njeriu eshte qenie qe shikon te miren, ne drejtim te se mires por harron se cfare po le pandrequr.

Duke pare se ceshtja jone kombetare eshte me e rendesishme, interesi dmth, mua me jane verbuar syte se cfare ndodh me palestinezet. Ne te njejten ane po keta qe mbrojne me zjarr ceshtjen arabo-palestineze jane vebuar me keq sepse keta po luftojne per dike tjeter dhe e kane harruar ceshtjen shqiptare.

Ne Amerike lobi grek eshte shume i fuqishem dhe pa ndihmen e hebrenjeve nuk mund te kishim bere asgje.

Tani zgjidh e merr?
Ja do perkrahesh Izraelin qe te shtyje diplomacine Amerikane ne favor tone.

Ja do perkrahesh palestinezet dhe do egersosh Izraelin (ne kete menyre dhe Ameriken e cila mund te na ndihmoje). Qe na ndihmoi kemi prova apo jo?

Zgjidh e merr! Ja pavaresine e palestinezeve ja ceshtjen kombetare.

U lodha! U keputa, nuk me shkruajne me gjishterinjte dhe po u vazhdua me keshtu une jam nje nga ata qe ate qe bera ne Izrael nuk kam per ta bere me.

Jam u kam lene rradhen juve tani.


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Shadow, ne fund mire the ndalu i cik e pusho se je lodhe, kot se koti hargjon energji.


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

More a jetoni ju ne ket planet e quajtur toke apo me te vertet jeni nga kosmosi. Me falni po une me te vertet nuk po ju kuptoj prej nga kjo urrejtje kaq e madhe per arabet.Zotrinj une jam nga Kosova ,gjat lufes ne Kosove ne fillim kam qen refugjat ne Shqiperi pastaj jam bashkangjitur UCK. Me te hyr ne Shqiperi nihma e par qe me eshte ofrur mua dhe famljes sime ka qen pkerisht nga ARABET qe ju dy i urreni pa mas.Familja e ime ka qen e vendosur nje nje kamp arab,ku kujdesi ka qen i jashtezakonshem. Zoti i shperbleft per te gjtha.
Eshte e vertet se ka pasur disa kosovar qe gjat luftes kan qen edhe ne izrael,por nuk ka qen vetem izraeli vend qe ka strehuar dhe ndihmuar Kosovaret gjat luftes ,por e
gjithe bota. Deshironi ta dini pse? Sepse kjo eshte gje humane,njerzore.
Por kjo nuk mund ta justifikoj ate qe cifutet jan duke ber kunder popullit palestinez.Ket jam i sigurt se e di shum me mir se ju sepse nje gje e kemi perjetuar edhe ne.
A eshte per ju njerzore mor zoteri qe ushtria izraelite te vret sa her qe tu teket femij palestinez , nen mburojen se ka sulmuar terrorist,po pse more zotri palestinezet i ka lindur mushka dhe mund ti vrasish sa her qe te deshiron? Te ju shkaterrosh shtepite e tyre vetem pse nuk flasin dhe nuk besojn si ti ? Kjo per ju eshte normale?Pikerisht keshtu kan ber edhe serbet ne kosove per 40 vjet me rradh. Sipas jush qenka dashur qe e gjith bota ti pekrah serbet sepse e kan luftuar terorizimin.


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Un me sa di,me falni ne qoftese gaboj,qifutet jan te ardhur ne ket vend ne "token e premtuar" nga Zoti,e cila ka qen teritor i filistineve,njesoj si slavet kur u dynden ne shekullin e 7 nga karpatet dhe u vendosen ne ballkan e u ben zot te vendit.
Tjeter gje eshte ajo se sot ata (qifutet) kan lobin me te fort ne amerik,sepse jan te pasur e te bashkuar, e ndersa arabet te pasur e te perqar,sepse ndryshe do te kendohej kenga ne palestin. Une nuk e besoj se cifutet kan ndikuar aqe shum,sa ti je i bindur,per lufen ne Kosove.Une mendoj se pikerisht humanizmi i politikes Amerikane, Britanike dhe Gjermane ishte ajo qe i shtyri te ndalojne katastrofen me te madh ne histori pas luftes e II botrore qe po ndodhte para syve te tyre ne Ballkan,por duke mos e harruar edhe intersat e tyre per poziten gjeostrategjike te Kosves.
Une nuk ua ndaloj (edhe po te doja nuk mudem) adhurimin e juaj per cifutet,sikurse ju nuk mund te ma ndaloni urrejtejen qe kam un ndaj tyre.
Ne fund mos u frikesoni se dikush do tua ndaloj forumin per shkak se dikush nuk pajtohet me mendimin tuaj ,pos ne qoftese ju ka "kercenuar" ndoni cifut.
P.s Me falni e qoftese kam ber ndoni gabim ne te shkruar,faji eshte i tastatures sime.
Ju pershendes me peshendetje islame :paqa dhe shpetimi i zotit qofte mbi ju.


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga tananamera:
[qb] Un me sa di,me falni ne qoftese gaboj,qifutet jan te ardhur ne ket vend ne "token e premtuar" nga Zoti,e cila ka qen teritor i filistineve,njesoj si slavet kur u dynden ne shekullin e 7 nga karpatet dhe u vendosen ne ballkan e u ben zot te vendit.
Tjeter gje eshte ajo se sot ata (qifutet) kan lobin me te fort ne amerik,sepse jan te pasur e te bashkuar, e ndersa arabet te pasur e te perqar,sepse ndryshe do te kendohej kenga ne palestin. Une nuk e besoj se cifutet kan ndikuar aqe shum,sa ti je i bindur,per lufen ne Kosove.Une mendoj se pikerisht humanizmi i politikes Amerikane, Britanike dhe Gjermane ishte ajo qe i shtyri te ndalojne katastrofen me te madh ne histori pas luftes e II botrore qe po ndodhte para syve te tyre ne Ballkan,por duke mos e harruar edhe intersat e tyre per poziten gjeostrategjike te Kosves.
Une nuk ua ndaloj (edhe po te doja nuk mudem) adhurimin e juaj per cifutet,sikurse ju nuk mund te ma ndaloni urrejtejen qe kam un ndaj tyre.
Ne fund mos u frikesoni se dikush do tua ndaloj forumin per shkak se dikush nuk pajtohet me mendimin tuaj ,pos ne qoftese ju ka "kercenuar" ndoni cifut.
P.s Me falni e qoftese kam ber ndoni gabim ne te shkruar,faji eshte i tastatures sime.
Ju pershendes me peshendetje islame :paqa dhe shpetimi i zotit qofte mbi ju. [/qb]


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Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

55 Years Since Al-Nakba: Imperialist Threats and Popular Resistance
Farouk Abdel-Muhti

Throughout the world, people are furious at the brutal Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian territories and at the armed settlers. People are demanding that the Israeli government implement the right of return for Palestinian refugees in accordance with UN Resolution 194 on the question of the Palestinian refugees, who have been the victims of this catastrophe – ‘al-Nakba’ in Arabic – for 55 years. The eyes of the world have watched in horror and outrage as the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) use arms of destruction, brutal and barbaric methods against the Palestinian people; Jenin is one example.

Throughout the world, at the same time, people are furious watching the US government launch a brutal war to conquer Iraq. This invasion is conquest, not liberation – just as in Palestine we are fighting occupation, not ‘disputed land.’

They are using bullets to create authority, planning together for one united purpose: US imperialist interests in the region and Israeli Zionist hegemonism and occupation.

After the violation of the sovereignty of Iraq, the administration of George Bush is threatening Syria, firing up threats by Israeli broadcasts and the media, claiming that Iraq gave the weapons of mass destruction to Syria and those arms are in military warehouses, and accusing the regime of Damascus of protecting ‘Palestinian terrorist organizations,’ using threats and pressure on Syria to expel these organizations.

Hosting nations like Syria are not responsible for al-Nakba; the settler state of Israel is responsible. There is a large Palestinian community in refugee camps in these nations, who are the victims of the Zionist rape of our homes and properties in the historical land of Palestine. We were expelled by force at the point of a gun in 1948.

The accusations against Syria by Washington are unacceptable. Syria hosts over 400,000 Palestinians. National and democratic Palestinian factions have been there for years playing a role in the development of the rights and necessities of the Palestinian communities in the refugee camps, with one objective, the first and the last, which is the liberation of the land, the creation of an independent state in the territories occupied in June 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital and the right of return promised in UN Resolution 194.

The Israelis understand that these refugee camps with large Palestinian population are the main centre of recruitment for the fightback for our rights and for resistance against the occupation (from the time of the first armed spark in 1964). For that reason, Israel tried to isolate the refugees from economic, humanitarian and solidarity aid.

But we are never going to surrender or drop our steadfast defence of our rights and our land because of any pressure or at any cost.

These refugees are a product of the usurpation of their homes and properties, so that today they are guests in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza Strip, and all over the world. Israel is the nation that is responsible. Suppose Washington accused and condemned that nation, which refuses to implement the UN resolutions on the Palestinian question, especially Resolution 194, the right of return!

All the pressures from the US and Israel are intended to get the Palestinians to surrender and give up the Intifada, the resistance; to divide the West Bank and Gaza Strip into seven cantons linked by tunnels and bridges, without Jerusalem as the capital; and to dilute the right of return.

Today, a ‘new face’ in the Palestinian Authority (PA) administration, the new prime minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), follows the old PA policies with the object of not responding to the Intifada and the national resistance, but of adopting the ‘road map,’ which is the other face of the suicidal path of Oslo. These echelons in the PA follow one faction’s policies; they ignore all the foundations of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the factions, each of them part of the umbrella of the PLO, and even ignore the programme of the Palestinian National Assembly (PNA), which agreed to build a ‘united national command.’

The plan of the road map, created by Washington think tanks, after long meetings with the Israelis and Zionist intelligence agencies, is to give time to the Israel occupation to firm up its roots in the occupied land, to divide the West Bank and Gaza Strip, dependent on Israeli and US policies, to make the city of Jerusalem Israeli, to dilute the right of return, and to control the region.

The Palestinian Authority’s agenda was not to review the crisis in the infrastructure for building a ‘united Palestinian home’— which is the main national issue. Its agenda was to freeze the armed resistance without any guarantee in writing that would: protect the rights of the Palestinians; pressure the Israeli government to stop the massacres, destruction and the occupation by the Israeli military forces and armed settlers; stop the campaign of arrests of thousands of Palestinians now in Israeli prisons, the arrests of leaders, members of the Executive Committee of the PLO like commander and political leader Tayseer Khaled, who was arrested by forces on February 16, 2003 [and released on June 2, 2003]. This behaviour is against human rights and the Geneva Convention, showing that Israel does not respect international human rights laws.

But the answer for our rights and determination is not in the hands of Zionist Israel, backed by US imperialist policies. This determination with dignity is in the hands of the heroic Palestinian people, and this is the moment to appeal to all of you in the world to raise up your voices for justice, peace and rights in the Middle East and in the world.

Our Intifada is the answer to injustice and occupation. No voice is higher than the Intifada.

No to the systematic terrorism of the US and Israel!

No peace without an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and the right of return!

The Intifada and resistance will continue until victory!

Free Palestine!

York County (PA) Prison
June 5, 2003


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

MCGREAL: 'We're Air Force Pilots, Not Mafia"
Dec 06, 2003
Chris McGreal, The Guardian

For two months, a rebel group of Israeli Black Hawk helicopter and F-16 fighter pilots has been denounced as traitors for saying they will no longer bomb Palestinian cities.

Until now they have maintained a resolute silence on their motives, preferring to limit their criticism of Ariel Sharon's war to a letter signed by 27 reserve and active duty pilots refusing to carry out what they described as illegal orders, and denouncing the occupation as eating at the moral fabric of Israel.

Now, having been thrown out of the air force, they are talking publicly about what brought members of the most revered branch of the Israeli military to make an unprecedented challenge to the handling of the conflict with the Palestinians.

"I served more than seven years as a pilot," said Captain Alon R, who, like all the younger pilots, hopes to return to combat flying and so declines to use his full name in order to retain his security clearance. "In the beginning, we were pilots who believed our country would do all it could to achieve peace. We believed in the purity of our arms and that we did all we could to prevent unnecessary loss of life.

"Somewhere in the last few years it became harder and harder to believe that is the case."

The line was crossed for most of the pilots with the dropping of the one-tonne bomb last year on the home of a Hamas military leader, Salah Shehade, killing him and 14 of his family, mostly children.

One captain described the bombing as deliberate killing, murder even. Another called it state terrorism, though some colleagues swiftly stomped on that interpretation. But they all agreed that the attack sowed the doubts that resulted a year later in the letter that sent shockwaves through the Israeli military.

"The Shehade incident was a red light for us, a final warning," said Capt Alon R. "With Shehade I began to re-evaluate my beliefs. We killed 14 innocent people, nine of them children. After my commander gave an interview in which he said he sleeps well at night and his men can do the same. Well, I can't. We refused to see it as an innocent mistake."

Capt Assaf L, who served as a pilot for 15 years until sacked for signing the letter, had similar doubts.

"You don't have to be a genius to know that the destruction from a one-tonne bomb is massive, so someone up there made a decision to drop it knowing it would destroy buildings," he said. "Someone took the decision to kill innocent people. This is us being terrorists. This is vengeance."

Lieutenant-Colonel Avner Raanan is among the most respected pilots to have signed the letter. He served for 27 years and was awarded one of Israel's highest military decorations in 1994. "If you look at the past three years, you see that, if we had a suicide bombing, the Israeli air force made a big operation in which civilians were killed, and that looks to innocent eyes like revenge," he said.

"You hear it in the streets of Israel; people want revenge. But we should not behave like that. We are not a mafia."

More than 30 pilots have now endorsed the letter refusing to fly bombing raids on Palestinian cities, although four retracted, one an El Al pilot threatened with dismissal, and another a reserve pilot who lost his civilian job.

At its core, the letter questions the legality of the "targeted assassinations" that have claimed the lives of more civilian bystanders than their Hamas, Islamic Jihad and al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade targets. In October, 14 civilians were killed when the air force fired missiles at a car in Gaza's Nuseirat refugee camp.

"Is it legitimate to take F-15's and helicopters designed to destroy enemy tanks, and use them against cars and houses in one of the most heavily populated places in the world?" Capt Alon R asked.

"Because of the terrorism, we have become blinded by the blood on our own faces. We cannot see that on the other side, beside the terrorists, is a whole nation of innocent people. It's important that we recognise that, and that, as military people, we say that."

The pilots' stand shook Israeli society. There is no shortage of critics of the prime minister's militarist tactics but those of the peace camp are widely viewed as pacifists and marginal. Doubts raised by the army chief of staff, Moshe Ya'alon, and four former heads of the Shin Bet intelligence service alarmed many Israelis, but the criticisms were focused solely on whether Mr Sharon's tactics were fuelling terrorism.

The pilots straddle both issues, raising moral and legal questions on the conduct of the war and challenging the government's claim its strategy is about defending Israel.

"Our government's policy is to maintain fear in the public," Capt Assaf L said. "We're not weak. It's not 1967 or 1973, with the Syrian army on the border waiting to attack us. This is maintaining a war to maintain the occupation.

"We've the strongest nation in the Middle East. The terrorists are bastards, but we must fight to not become terrorists ourselves."

Many who poured scorn on the pilots accused them of wading into politics for going beyond questions about the legality of their orders and challenging the occupation. "We cannot separate the two," Capt Jonathon S said. "We are not pacifists. We don't think we should sit back and let suicide bombers attack us. But all this is a direct result of our being in the [occupied] territories.

"Our fight to keep the settlements and suppress the Palestinian people is killing us. It is killing our right to live safely in the country of Israel. A very small group of radical Israelis is leading the sane majority to catastrophe."

Col Raanan scoffs at the accusation that the pilots have denigrated their uniforms by wading into political issues.

"The air force commander spoke in favour of the [Jewish] settlements while sitting in uniform next to Sharon at a Likud party convention," he said. "That is political. This country has a defence minister who, as army chief of staff, was the most political ever. It is hypocritical to say lower ranking officers cannot express an opinion. What they mean is, we can be political so long as we agree with the government. Well that's not democracy."

The pilots say they have received more than 500 letters of support, including one from a Holocaust survivor, and numerous calls from fellow pilots. Several leftwing former cabinet ministers praised the pilots' stand, saying it proved the armed forces were moral.

Concern in the air force prompted its commander, Major-General Dan Halutz, to meet groups of pilots to tell them that "targeted assassinations" were not a war crime.

"Halutz said we were traitors," Capt Assaf L said. "In our eyes, what we did is a very Zionist act. We did it to save Israel."

Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Spara me pelqejne keta palestinezet nejse ju e dini


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Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Palestinezet po i keqtrajtojne edhe ne Shqiperi.
Duke qene se rraca shqiptare eshte e kryqezuar me palestineze na duhet te jemi te vetdijshem se Palestina nuk eshte vetem ceshtje e palestinezeve por edhe ceshtje e shqiptareve.
Persekutimi i palestinezeve nuk po ndodh vetem ne Palestine por edhe ne Shqiperi.
Per 100 dollare fallso palestinezi i martuar me shqiptare u arrestua.
Ky eshte nje persekutim dhe kulmi i skandalit.
Shqiptaret duhet te ngrihen ne proteste ne mbrojtje te palstinezit te pergjysmuar si shqiptar.
I duhet thene stop diskriminimit te huajve ne Shqiperi.
Ata duhet te jene te lire te bejne cte duan sepse jane bashkombas dhe nenshtetas te Shqiperise.

Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

ehu ku na kercet ne per ata re demi


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga LiLDeViL:
[qb] Spara me pelqejne keta palestinezet nejse ju e dini [/qb]
Me jep nje arsye qe do te pelqenin. Ne televizor i ke pare vetem.


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga Demi'kuq:
Palestinezet po i keqtrajtojne edhe ne Shqiperi.
Duke qene se rraca shqiptare eshte e kryqezuar me palestineze na duhet te jemi te vetdijshem se Palestina nuk eshte vetem ceshtje e palestinezeve por edhe ceshtje e shqiptareve.
Persekutimi i palestinezeve nuk po ndodh vetem ne Palestine por edhe ne Shqiperi.
Per 100 dollare fallso palestinezi i martuar me shqiptare u arrestua.
Ky eshte nje persekutim dhe kulmi i skandalit.
Shqiptaret duhet te ngrihen ne proteste ne mbrojtje te palstinezit te pergjysmuar si shqiptar.
I duhet thene stop diskriminimit te huajve ne Shqiperi.
Ata duhet te jene te lire te bejne cte duan sepse jane bashkombas dhe nenshtetas te Shqiperise.
Qe kur u be ceshtja palestuneze dhe ceshtje e shqiptareve. Hedh short se gjysma e palestinezeve nuk e kane haberin se ekzistojne shqiptare ne bote apo jo.
Kur te takoni palestineze i thoni se ne shqiptaret kemi 40 ushtare me amerikanet ne Afganistan dhe 30 ushtare me britaniket ne Irak. Te shofim cfare do thone