Letter to a friend

Princi i Bardhe

Primus registratum
Re: Letter to a friend

E imja e pazevendesueshme shoqe!!nuk e di se sa do jemi akoma larg po ama qe do te jem gjithmone me ty per kete jam i sigurte!!!do ket raste kur do mund te me ndjesh,do kete te tjere kur une do vij pa ber zhurme!por ama une do te jem gjithmone prane teje ...edhe atehere kur mund te kesh dike tjeter ne krah edhe atehere do te jem ne krahun tjetr duke te len ty ne mes,por nuk mund te te them nese do jem jem xheloz apo jo...gjithsesi e kma thene gjithmone qe do te te jem me ty edhe sikur te te urrejne te gjihte..mbase sepse je me e shtrenjtra nga te gjitha...i yti pergjigthmone te te perhershmes.your friend.
And remember that: the ring is round and has no and,thats how long i'll be your friend.


Primus registratum
Re: Letter to a friend

It has been so long since the last time I wrote on paper to friends! I wish I had saved their letters!

Dear F

I heard you are well!

I'm back as I promised, although it feels as if the gap of distance is the one I'm actually writing to. Little do I care at this moment, as long as I don't leave anything written on my journal. That portion of my privacy has been violated before.

I have never been more relieved to wake up from a dream , than I was this morning!
I found myself in my hometown in one of those unpleasant streets in the outskirts of the city.
I was supposed to go on a date with this man who within 5 days had to meet a different girl every night and at the end would pick "the one".
I enter this place which seemed like an abandoned store to look at the outfit picked out for me. Some type of winter dress with a sparkly pin.
I liked it and all I needed was shoes. I begged someone on the phone who I knew suffered from leukemia to take me to the shoe store. I tried a pair with high heels and I got so tall that my head touched the ceiling. All of a sudden I see a bus from which crowds of people poured out and he was there, among them.Somehow I felt defeated, I had the taste of loss....I was not going to be the one...I was standing there unnoticed.. All I could see was his shoulder, and then I opened my eyes. Honestly I felt like a hole was dug inside me all day.
It has been said that dreams are at times just a uncorrupted version of the real. But currently I can't say that there's someone whose rejection I fear...even though I sort of know him! I know myself to be stronger than that, I have learned to defy that type of loss.
It makes me wonder whether men have these kind of dreams....

Earlier this evening I was sitting by myself at my favorite coffee shop. Usually I bring a book with me, but tonight I just wanted to rest. The music was louder than usual and quite irritating. Pretty soon I got tired of people - watching and started playing with my phone...as I thought of Dostoyevsky in "The House of the Dead". I'm rereading that book by the way.(I wonder if you have ever read from this author?!).The prison, his struggle, the savage presence of ingorance he faced was all real and touchable for him.A dark segment of life which he survived...and than leFT it behind.
But what about some of us my friend?, We, the people who carry the weight of life as we speak...what do we do when we are captured suddenly behind bars.? Not iron bars, but a wall of deaf listeners and unchosen journeys?!
Do we endure or do we attempt to break out?
Believe me, this is not a constant awareness I'm describing, otherwise there wouldn't have been much of sanity left in me.
I just wish I was more capable to use my strength against my daily battles. You know what I'm referring to!
Maybe it is better to think of life as a battlefield rather than a prison.I also choose to believe Dostoyevsky felt the same.
I wish you were here so I could go on further with my spontaneous stupidity and bore you to death (just kidding).
Maybe soon....

Your friend truly


Primus registratum
Re: Letter to a friend

Hipparchia....so self-destructive and longing for passion & romance.Beautifully written however...


Primus registratum
Re: Letter to a friend

Do kisha deshire te dija notat e disave ne English Composition..


Forumium maestatis
Re: Letter to a friend

Dear friend,
it is not easy to write to you anymore, especially because you are not going to read this or understand any of it. I write to you, because I don't dare to write to myself. Yes, I don't dare write a letter to myself underlining what I have done, why and why shouldn't I have done that. I also don't dare tell myself that there have been certain things I haven't done, explain myself why and also why I should have done them!
I realized that instead of solving problems, I ignore them. It is not a good thing to do, but it is easier to run away than facing one's own ghost. Strange, I find myself very much like another friend of mine, whom I love so much, but always disapprove of such behaviour. Am I influenced, or is there something wrong with the kind of problem.
I guess everytime we have a problem, we think about life, about adulthood, about everything, but that problem. Don't ask what that is, I will probably say it in a slippery way, just a hint, or throw it like a bomb in front of your face. My bombs have a strange echo, it hurts, although I wouldn't like that, it will hurt.
I cannot pretend anymore that it doesn't exist, but ironically now that I realized that, I don't have time for that. I have become rational with my time and my nerves. If I see something is going to cause me stress and "inquietudine", I prefer to handle that later. Hhaahahhhaha. Remember Rosella O'Hara? "Tomorrow is another day! I will find a way tomorrow! Now I have Tara!"
However, for a past centuries girl it was easy to find her loyalties and her eternal attachments. I don't have the same luck. Watch out! I didn't say "Good or Bad Luck", just luck. That should tell you I am not longing to have lived in the past, but in a different dimension.
Dimensions are strange: you shift from one to the other and you realize the move too late to make any difference in your way of thinking and behaving. It is too late: you have lost your past innocence.
I have tried several times to find and fight innocence back, but it seems to me there is none left in the world. Or that it is so small and diminishing everyday and I see little hope for some in the future, my future.
Well, knowing that, where you are, I thought it would make a difference. I thought I would calm down. I am not! I should have realized long ago that with knowledge comes responsibility and pretending that it is not important for you, does not free you from your responsibilities. At this point, there isn't much I can carry, but I have to and I cannot wait till I am done.
Strange enough I might follow your geographical path. My sixth sense tells me I will be there while you will be back, so once again we will miss each other.
Strange how two people meet at a certain point in space and time, split thinking they will meet soon and never do so. It hurts less I guess, when death or something like that prevents the meeting, but what if the obstacle is one's unwillingness? Yeah right, at that point you start with your doubts, whether you are good enough, beautiful enough, smart enough, funny enough, rich enough, poetic enough, in short enough for the other one. At the same time you feel dirty and disgusted: Why should you meet certain criteria? Who settled those criteria and why are they irrelevant all of a sudden but with someone else?
There is no response they say, but a truth seeker does not accept that for an answer, although s/he stops asking questions around and rings his/her own bells of analysis and understanding. Knowledge comes in handy. But we already said knowledge brings responsibility and responsibility expects you to be ready for it, otherwise you will be squashed! Pressure is something you would like to be under, never!
So, I will also stop putting pressure on you, as well. There is no hidden message, no hint, no cry for help or advice. In the end, I wrote this letter to you, because I didn't dare write one to myself.
So be well my dear and remember me in your dreams every so often. Don't tell me about it, otherwise the good taste a beautiful dream leaves behind will disappear. Don't lose good taste, it is one of the few things in life that will always give pleasure. Enjoy your dreams, enjoy me in your dreams. I will never be comparable in real life to the image in your dreams, but I will be happy, if in an other dimension I am a better self, living a better life. Enjoy your dreams, enjoy me in your dreams. I will know when you do, I will feel it, I will taste it.


Primus registratum
Re: Letter to a friend

I dashur miku im Orges Furxhi!

Eshte e cuditshme fakti qe nuk kemi folur prej tre vjetesh, jo per shkaqe feminore, por per shkakun e largesise dhe neglizhences. NUk besoj se do ta lexosh kete leter, sepse ti je i zene me gjera te tjera dhe forume si keto ti si ke pasur qejf ndonjehere. Se pari, me ka marre malli dhe se dyti letra ime ndaj teje ndoshta nuk eshte si letra e te tjetreve me filozofi dhe ne anglisht /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif , thjesht po nxjerr nje kujtim timin nga sirtari i memories si per te te thene fryme ne bitet e gjuhes se kompjuterit.
Si ke qene me shendet? Une jam mire, si gjithmone une, heq dore nga dicak dhe filloj dicka tjeter. Kam hequr dore nga soda qe thua ti Segro, sepse beri nje studim nje shoqeja ime ne universitet ku tregonte shkaqet e sodes ne turpin e njeriut. Permisimi im ka qene i ndjeshem, nuk me dhembin me veshkat ne mengjes dhe kam me shume energji. Do thuash ti qe ajo qe fjali plaku, Segro valli ne lart bejme dhe jo poshte.
Vitet e kafeneve te kLotusi apo Flamengoja kane kaluar, tani me vjen rend te rii ne lokal me nje kafe 500 lekeshe, me duket sikur me ha kamarieri me syte e tij te eger, sepse ti e mban mend, bakshishi per ne qe fjale turke. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
C'thote jeta e Arkansase? Jeta ketej nga mesi i Amerikes eshte e thjshte, e qete, e ngadalte, si ujerat e Vjoses ne vere. Tek tu ka ndonje rrenjishte qe del ne krye dhe krijon buleza por humbet menjehere ne vrazhdesine e gjere te lumit.
NUk kam folur me njeri permec Fatuces e cila s'me ka kthyer pergjigjie koheve te fundit, te fala ke dhe nga E.Nikolla ( ne te mbahet mend).
I dashur mik, po e mbyll kete leter me shpresen se do kem aq kurajo sa ta copy/paste kete shkrim dhe te ta dergoj me poste elektronike.
I yti, E.M


Forumium praecox
Re: Letter to a friend

Adashja ime|!
Ti qe me zgjon ne pike te mengjesit per te shkuar te "piazzeta" per te pire kafene.Une qe bej 1000 naze dhe nxjerr 1000 justifikime."Kam fjetur vone,po vdes per gjume,pertoj te vishem..."E ti qe me terheq zvarre.
Rruges te shoh e ia shkrep te qeshurit:Je gatyi te ngrihesh ne 2 te mengjesit per ate kafe te shkrete,vogelushja ime e cmendur!
Te katerta ulemi ne tavolinen tone.Zoteria i moshuar na sjell kafet,se ai eshte mesuar tanime...S'eshte e nevoujshme ,qe ne te porosisijm,e ia kris muhabeti.
Ndoshta ngaqe je nje vit me e madhe se ne te shoh si mbrojtesen tone.E une ia filloj me endrrat,qe kam pare.E di qe do ma grisesh ate librin endrrave.
Ne te katerta,tavolina jone,miku yne kamarier.Me te plotesoj skedinat,por asnjehere nuk kemi fituar.Kur te fitujme,do hapim nje tabakeri e ti do kesh cigare falas.Je shume klas per te nderruar llojin e cigareve!Vdes per nje ciike mondaninet,baronesha ime e vockel!
Me ty organizoj takimet me romantike e domethenese te dites.
Sa kohe ka,qe nuk behem tape me aperitive?!(genjeshte se u8ne gjithnje behem tape,nganjehere me duket se jam tape pa pire /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif )))
Ti je sfungjeri i cfaredolloj pijeje.Vdes per nje cike vere darkave tona romantike ne ballkon.Je mesuar si baroneshe s'ke faj...Hileqare!Filxhanin e kafese e ke me te mirin e goten e veres me te bukuren.Ne te tjerat kenaqemi me gota uji.
E kur pergatisim darkat tona romantik,mbi tavolinen tone te vjeter veme mbulesen e atllaste e ndezim qirinj...S'ka restorant me te bukur si ky yni...
Pastaj strukemi te katerta ne poltronen tone gjigante e gjysmexurxuoll shkruhen poezite,nje varg une,nje varg ti.
E ne sfond muzike...Ne rrjedhim prej lashtesise.Nje radio e vjeter e varur ne mur dhe cigare me llulle.Pastaj vesh kimone tende k8ineze e kerkon te luaj per ty.Cifte te dashuruarish jane spektatoret tane,e poshte ballkonit degjohet nje duartrokitje.
Shoqet tona i percmojne fustanet tona,qe u ngjajne atyre te grave,qe presin burrat pas luftews.Jane pak demode.Nuk duket asgje...poshte gjunjeve,me lulka e me nje dekolte modeste.Po a ka gje me sensuale?!Me sheh,s'me sheh!
Nerteve me shi vije e me merrje nga puna me mak8ine,qe mos te prisja stacioneve autobuzat.Ishte gjestin me i embel pas nje rropatjeje 8-oreshe.
Sa here shkoj 5te shpija vjeter e di,


Forumium praecox
Re: Letter to a friend

qe do te dehem me miqte e mi,eshte e pamenjanueshme.E ti me pret jasht kangjellave te pallatit,e ben ritualin tend te perhershem.Engjelli im mbrojtes i neteve te dehjeve!
Ti e di,qe kur nuk jam mire zhdukem nga qarkullimi pa lene adrese,fik telefonin...Por ti i di strehimet e mija tanime...E di ku do me gjesh.Vec kur te shoh ulur ne cepin tjeter te stolit duke ikenduar me zerin tend te stonuar.Ti e di ,qe vetem keshtu mund te ndjelleseh nje buzeqeshje...
E pastaj behesh estetistja ime,nje truk perfekt,nje krehje,nje sherbim fotografik.Ma ke gjetur ilacin!
Oret tona te studimit...
Na ecen studimi bashke...kemi te njejten teknike...Te dyja me syze kthehemi intelektuale.(Tani me kujtohet qe te katra jemi pak qorre.)
Por zyre bashke s'do hapim!Kurre adshe,po ta them qe tani.E di pse?!Ti do ecesh perpara me dredhi,une me drejtesi.Sa te aferta e sa te kunderta jemi.
Ne arte jemi plotesisht dakort megjithe mungesat emija te theksuara ne pikture,ti je eksperte...
Nejse rikompesohemi:)))
Ah ekspertja ime me meshkujt!Per kete gje mos rflasim me mire.
Te kam shume xhan we p'er kete kam shume frike,se neser do me mungosh...


Primus registratum
Re: Letter to a friend

Se filloj dot me "i/e dashur" kete leter, se do dukej teper formale dhe do humbte qellimin...i cili eshte...shume i thjeshte /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Me ka marre malli per ty!
Nuk ka fjale qe te mund te shprehin sakte ate qe kam brenda gjoksit. Eshte si nje lemsh, qe eshte aty dhe here pas here me merr frymen e me shtrengon deri ne dhimbje, sikur nuk kam mjaftueshem gjera qe me kujtojne egzistencen tende...deri dhe rrahjet e zemres time dhe ritmi me kujtojne ty.
Dhimbja nuk eshte e hidhur nese do t'a dish /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif, dhe kjo e ben mallin te embel. Malli sjell imazhin tend para syve te mendjes time. Ti...duke qeshur, duke folur, duke u menduar i perhumbur, duke u harruar ne biseda me njerezit rrotull teje, por qe gjithmone gjen nje sekond te vogel e te embel per te mbeshtetur shikimin e bute mbi mua /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif
Me merr malli te dal me ty, te te kap doren lehte, e te ecim pa folur, duke degjuar hapat tona e shpeshhere dhe frymemarrjen, kur afrohemi padashur, e harrojme qe nuk mund te puthemi vend e pa vend.
Kur do vish? Ku do shkojme? Do planifikojme dicka, apo preferon te jetojme spontanisht kohen qe do ndajme bashke?

Nuk e di, a do e nis kete leter apo jo. Frika se mos te tremb, me ben te gris e rishkruaj gjithcka, por koshi eshte plot dhe vetem dy flete te bardha kane mbetur.
Po mund edhe te shkruaj nga te dy anet e ketyre dy fleteve te mbetura...dhe pse s'eshte estetike, rendesi ka qe ti te lexosh sa me shume nga malli qe kam per ty dhe deshira qe me mundon. Ndoshta ne kete menyre do kisha sadopak ndikim ne ty, per te te bere te mendosh ne mundesite e te qenit me mua me shume se kaq, me gjate se kaq, gjithmone nese e mundur.
Ja, prape te tremba me duket...
E di, e teproj, por me pelqen ti them te gjitha si me vijne ne koke...
Te te puth kur me shkrepet, dhe pse mes njerezve...
Te te them te kercesh me mua ne mes nje restoranti ku te gjithe hane, por kenga jone kalon ne sfond e une dua t'a shijoj si dua vete, ne krahet e tu, qe me rrotullojne ngadale e me marrin mendjen e te harroj qe jam ne kercim diku ku ka me shume spektatore te habitur se adhurues /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Me ty dua te bej gjithcka me shkon ne mend, pa kufij, pa u ndalur nga asgje e askush...
Po e mbyll me mire, se mendimet rrjedhin me shpejt nga sa mund te shkruaj, e para se t'a humb fillin e mendimit e te te tremb edhe me /pf/images/graemlins/devil.gif, po te them mirmengjes, e po te puth duke e rreshkitur kete leter nen jastek, qe ndoshta te mund t'a lexosh kur te zgjohesh pasi te kem ikur...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Letter to a friend

Grazie d'esistere! /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif Te kam shume xhan edhe pse nuk more nga pizza ime dhe nuk do te me blesh nje kale /pf/images/graemlins/kiss.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Letter to a friend

Duket sikur do mbetet akoma pa u postuar letra "e fundit"...
Vetem mendimi qe e kam "krijuar" me dhemb...

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Letter to a friend

Heshti shqisat,
degjo vec rrekete e gjakujt
qe jane gjithmone njesoj
e gjithmone te ndryshem
por gjithmone te tute,
te vrrullshem e besnike
deri ne piken e fundit!

Copezat nuk e perbejne te teren,
ato e plotesojne ate.
E tera je ti,
ajo qe dhe e ajo qe s'tu kthye
duke mbetur po e jotja.
Heshti shqisat,
drita e dites meriton me teper vemendje!

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Letter to a friend

Ti e di si i filloj letrat une prandaj po e kapercej ate pjese.Degjohemi ne telefon,shpesh here deri ne oret e vona te nates e megjithate ndjej se dua te te shkruaj;dua te shpreh gjithçka sepse,edhe pse te gjitha t'i kam thene,me duket se asnjehere nuk jam shprehur plotesisht.Ti e njeh fare mire anen time te erret dhe di se si te merresh me te.!Kam frike sepse ti je vetem nje e ne te njejten kohe je te "te gjithe";dhe ti e di kete fare mire.
Jam tmerruar ate dite kur ike,e di? U ndergjegjesova per diçka te cilen do te kishte qene me mire te mos e kisha kuptuar;ishte shume heret. Ate leter te pare qe me shkrove e qe ruaja me xhelozi,e grisa pas ketij fakti.Asnjehere nuk ta kam thene kete e,ndoshta,asnjehere nuk do te ta them...
/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Letter to a friend

...ne fund te fundit nuk ke pse ta dish. Te kam shume shume xhan! call you later /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Letter to a friend

me ka marre malli tmerresisht per nje cope shalqi, edhe pse do ta mohoja nese do te me pyesje ne sy. Ketu arritem, por mua prape me hahet!


Primus registratum
Re: Letter to a friend

Perse do te dish mbi mua? Perse behesh i gjalle mbas ketyre vitesh? Nuk dua te di per ty dhe nuk dua te tregoj me mbi jeten time. Uroj qe te jesh mire miku im, te jesh i lumtur. Po te kisha mundesi do te ndihmoja te kishe gjithcka, por jo me mua. Harrom !
Te tigelloj e ashper? /pf/images/graemlins/angel.gif Sme ke njohur te tille dhe e di qe do ndihesh fajtor, por nuk eshte faji jot!. Ti je pjesa qe i kushtova me shume vemendje ne te kaluaren time

Kete leter nuk ke per ta marr, sepse skam per ta derguar.Fatkeqsisht sjam e aft te mos reagoj. /pf/images/graemlins/wave.gif