Copeza mendimesh...

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Re: Copeza mendimesh....

yllka e di qe jam interesante...njerezit jo interesant jane kaq te merzitshem.

une bera shaka siper, dhe gjithashtu ate copen e mendimit se kisha fare per peshkatarin, se si ti e more te tille se kuptova :confused:

ciao /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


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Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Fillimisht postuar nga fiona:
[qb] nganjehere me te vertete s'te kuptoj,s'te kuptoj c'kerkon. apo ndoshta jam une ajo qe kam nje karakter te veshtire? :idea: [/qb]
te vertetn ke then. /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif ke nje karakter te veshtir. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif :kiss:


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Re: Copeza mendimesh....

ka disa dite qe une jam si perhere njesoj e dashuruar...
ka nje jete te tere qe askujt vec atij qe kam dashuruar s[i jam afruar...keshtu e kam tipin...kujt i pelqen...kujt si pelqen...para


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Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Fillimisht postuar nga Yllka shembullore:
[qb] Ua cfare shkalle ekzagjerimi

I ke a si ke 20 e thua shekuj /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif [/qb]
Ksaj i thone direkt mas komplimentit me marre ofendimin :cry:
Ca te bera mi ca te bera...Ca te thashe,pse kaq e hidhur me mua :cry:
Mu duk e cuditshme dikush qe me komplimenton :tipsy:


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

mendova se do shiheshim, harrova per rrugen e gjate qe kishe ne axhende (sa fjale e shemtuar, lol)...
bej kujdes se mos te pelqen shume andej dhe te gllaberon ndonje.
ti je lover? nese po, çne?
puthjet e perqafimet i di me :wink:



Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Fillimisht postuar nga PESHKATARI...:
Fillimisht postuar nga Yllka shembullore:
[qb] [/qb]
Ksaj i thone direkt mas komplimentit me marre ofendimin :cry:
Ca te bera mi ca te bera...Ca te thashe,pse kaq e hidhur me mua :cry:
Mu duk e cuditshme dikush qe me komplimenton :tipsy: [/qb]
Ua sa sensibel, po me vjen dhe mua per te qare :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Fillimisht postuar nga Linos:
[qb] gledo
futi i dush lal dhe rritu edhe ti duke mesuar qe disa gjera thuhen ne privat!!!

do merremi vesh :wave: [/qb]
yep....ta kam nisur nje copez kerkimi ndjese dhe nje detaj per nje takim...
:kiss: goca me yll
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Your golden eyes, effervescent and lucid, always remind me of the sunrise in the Nevada desert. In the fraction of the second that you close them, I can imagine a thousand wars spattering about, but then in the most alluring of manners, unaware of your charm, you lift your lashes and all is well with the world. When mother brought you home I was a little jelous, I wanted you to be mine...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Sa absurde duket kur kthehemi ne te njejtat gjera, kur jetojme dy dite te njejta si dy pika uji, kur rutina shkallmon devijimet pasi dhe ato behen rutine, kur del ne rruge dhe sheh te njejtet njerez, qe ecin, qe te salutojne me miresjellje dhe ndonjehere te ftojne te pish me ta kafene te perzier me sheqer, monotoni dhe ritem konstant. Sa absurde kjo prtja ne hapsire, ku delirantet jane vendosur ne boten e tyre dhe ti ben spektatorin ne sallen mbushur me njerez si ti, ku kenga qe degjon eshte e njejte dhe perserit te njejtat fjale... sa absurde te mendosh prap te njejtat gjera.
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

I saw them walk by the Charles, at the foot of the bridge, where perfectly symetrical trees line the narrow patch of grass. His right shoulder tentatively aproaching hers, and timidly pulling away, her index finger twirling a rope of hair so tight that pieces broke off and flew into the night like silk strands. Looking at them i knew that he had been contemplating all night for the perfect moment to touch her hand, and that the walls of her stomach were touching her back in anticipation, and when the pathway narowed he took her hand to guide her through, and she stopped twirling her hair. And i knew that for them there will never be another moment when they touch their hands and their chests collapses into themselves.

true confidental

Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Do you ever walk down a road in your imagination? Do you daydream those conversations in your head....feel those butterflies in your stomach? Wonder what your next action should be....whether you should respond with a simple answer.... or drop those barriers and open up your heart, mind and soul??
I've been forced back to a particular road today. I enjoy being on it... /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif :wub:

true confidental

Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

In general, men are like that, more interested in what they believe is rational and works best while women are more interested in what is fair and emotional....

true confidental

Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Make it easy , train him well /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
A woman should 'train' her man to be just exactly what she wants, what she needs ....nothing more, nothing less....right??? :lol:


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

never wanted to hurt someone, but i guess you do that eventhough unintentionally...

i am not justifying myself, i am simply caught by the shock of the ongoing process while i am sleeping :sleep:

i just wanna have fun...

true confidental

Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

The power held in words is so amazing. I don't guess it is anything is particular that you can say, just mainly the understanding , the knowledge, the experience that came from similar mistakes or situations.
Just words that hit the right places /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif .
To string words together is not difficult. To string hope within those words...this is a talent just for a few of us....
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