Copeza mendimesh...

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Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

me duhet te bej gati tere dosjet e mia, sepse ua ka dhene truri ketyre te na levizin ne nje zyre te re...s'e kam pushtetin tu them "jo" /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif
atje ku po shkojme s'ka as dritare...s'do e marrim vesh me kur ka diell, kur bie shi e kur bie bore /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


nuk e di...
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Kush t tha se s je e fuqishme moj?
po thuaji njehere atij shefit tend " te intereson gjendja shpirtrore-shendetsore e punonjesve tu"?

ose, ma nis mu ma mir adressen e tij, t ja qendis nje Mail :smash:


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Absi /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif t'ishte aq kollaj e kisha qendisur vete nje leter, por po ndajne departamentet nga njeri-tjetri per ceshtje hapesire :shrug:


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

I've told myself so many times before ,
but this time I think I mean it for sure.We have reached a full stop ,nothing's going to save us from the big drop.
Reached our natural conclusion .Outlived the illusion .I hate being in these situations
That call for diplomatic relations.

If I only knew the answer ,or I thought we had a chance ,or I could stop this,I would stop this thing ,from spreading like a cancer

What can I say....I don't want to play anymore.....What can I say....I'm heading for the door....
I can't stand this emotional violence
Leave in silence
Leave in silence

We've been running around in circles all year
doing this and that and getting nowhere.
This will be the last time,

I think I said that last time

If I only had a potion,some magical lotion
that could stop this, I would set the wheels in motion ....


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

kam frike se gjerat po kthehen ne routine,
apo se mua po me humbet energjia,enderra po me zvanitet e do kthehem ne njeri pa ngjyre po me shume formalitet.
Nuk jam e sjellshme...sesi me duket formalitet te jem e sjellshme...formalizmat i gjej ne univ. ne ate cfare kam timen dua nje marrezi komplete te papare,ndryshe idea ime e jetes kthehet ne formalitet zyrash...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Sa shume mendime me vijne ne kete cast! Bejne xhiron e zakonshme dhe largohen pa me thene gje... me lodhin, me lodhin shume... prane meje kalojne gjurmet e mija deri ne momentin qe ndjej se dikush vjen te me qetesoje. Rikthehem ne boten e zhurmshme... qetesohem


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Oh God, it's raining...but I'm not complaining , It's filling me up with new life..
The stars in the sky ,bring tears to my eyes, they're lighting my way, Tonight
And I haven't felt so alive in years .
Just for a day on a day like today ,I'll get away from this constant debauchery
The wind in my hair ,makes me so aware
how good it is to live ..Tonight . The moon
is shining in the sky reminding me of so many other nights but they're not like tonight...

Oh God, it's raining and I'm not containing my pleasure at being so wet .Here on my own
all on my own how good it feels to be alone..
And I haven't felt so alive,in years ..
The moon is shining in the sky
reminding me of so many other nights,
when my eyes have been so red ,I've been mistaken for dead..
But not tonight


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Nje flutur.ulem ne shpatullat e njerezve qe dua dhe pastaj largohem humbas per tu kthyer pelqen te udhetoj ne muzg ,te shoh se si ajri mbushet me driten e perendimit per te me udhehequr rrugen tjeter qe do ndjek.nuk eshte e lehte,krahet me lodhen dhe shpesh ngjyra me ngjit qenie te doja te udhetoja e lire ,mbase te ulesha ne shpinen e nje njeriu qe do doja me te vertete te ulesha.sdo me mjaftonte nje sekonde dhe krahet do ti zhdukja nga vetja dhe me te do ecja ne reren e lagur ku kembet te me lageshin dhe te ndjeja freskine e dallgeve qe me prekin lehte tamam sikur duan te me terheqin drejt tyre.ta shikoja ne sy e te mbeshtillesha me te ne auerolen time per tu kthyer perseri me krahe por kesaj rradhe brenda meje te kem dhe Ate me vete nen valet epshendjellese te perendimit


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

ti kush je? si i pare e i degjuar me dukesh, por s'po me kujtohesh se kush je saktesisht?
Hajt, leri gjëegjëzat se dhe ato te lodhin!!!


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

New hairstyle huh? Mire ja bere, si per behar /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

the worlg goes around my a$$, not yours /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif thus u spake...
Un mendoj dhe me pyetje se me zhvillon te kuptuarin /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

oooooooo..., figura me dy sy dhe shume jeshile, ka ca gabime atje ne daktilografine tende te mesiperme nuk i kuptoj mire fjalet. shume shenja $$$, une e dija se ti punoje me Euro, jo me Dinare. Me sqaro me mire, se as te kam degjuar ndonjere emrin e jo te te njoh.
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