Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

Sot u mbushen plot 3 vjet nga dita kur aroplanet boing te fluturimit amerikan u perdoren nga rrembyesit e alkajedes si bomba kunder 2 kullave binjake te Njew jorkut duke shkaktuar vdekjen e
afersisht 3000 njerzve te pafajshem.
Sot, ashtu sic deklaroj edhe presidenti amerikan Bush, bota ka ndryshuar shume e sidomos ne konfiguracionin e dy grupeve armiqsore deri ne vdekje, demokracise dhe lirise te udhehequr nga USA nga njera ane dhe terrorizmit nderkombetar te udhehequr nga bin ladeni ne ane tjeter.
Sigurisht e ardhmja i takon demokracise dhe lirise se popujve, ndersa terroristve kudo ne bot i pret fundi vdekjeprures.
Keto jane disa nga mendimet e mia , desheroj qe gjithe secili te shpreh mendimet e vehta ashtu si i mendon ai, si dhe rruget se si mund te kalohet ky kolapes i rrezikshem qe ka mberthyer gjithe boten sot.
Une mendoj se ky problem eshte i nje rendesia te vecante per te ardhemen e botes dhe gjithe kush eshte i shqetesuar se si do jet e ardhmja?


Re: Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

Ka ca pella këtu në AF pro dhe kundër SH.B.A që ia fusin ke dera e i del ke penxherja (budallalliku /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ).
Në lidhje me temën besoj se shumica e argumentave janë nxjerrë dhe mbetet vetëm vërtetimi i tyre!

Megjithatë, 9/11 po merr gjithmonë e më shumë pamjen e një atentati politik amerikan i cili do t'i lejonte Bushit të realizonte planet e të atit! Ky atentat ishte një tragjedi për amerikanët e thjeshtë por ishte gjithashtu një "domosdoshmëri" për aparatin shtetëror amerikan! Ky atentat e nxorri SH.B.A nga plogështia ekonomike e politike në të cilën kishte rënë! Pjesëmarrja në misione paqeruajtëse nuk ishte e mjaftueshme për të nxitur ekonominë ushtarake të SH.B.A si dhe rritja ekonomike/ushtarake e Kinës ulnin potencën e SH.B.A. Me këtë atentat kundër atyre që duhet t'i mbronte, Shteti amerikan rregulloi të dy problemet, ai dha një shtytje për ekonominë e SH.B.A si dhe ndihmoi në rrethimin e Kinës nga influenca e SH.B.A (për ata që nuk e dinë Deti i Kinës së Jugut kontrollohet nga SHBA, Japonia është aleate e SHBA, Lindja e Mesme po kontrollohet nga SHBA, mbetet vetëm Rusia që në një pjesë të madhe varet ekonomikisht nga SHBA)!
Nëse Bush humbet zgjedhjet në nëntor 2004, atëherë e vërteta mund të dalë shumë shpejt dhe mund të jetë shuuuuumë e bujshme. Kjo na çon tek tema tjetër (Bush vs Kerry) ku Bush do bëjë çmos për të fituar edhe 4 vjet të tjera për t'u justifikuar e për të fshehur provat!

Për referenca mund të shikoni kudo në internet po të bëni një kërkim të vogël dhe jo selektiv!


Primus registratum
Re: Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

Fillimisht postuar nga OROSHI:
[qb] Po ta kuptosh thenien e atij ambasadorit Shqiptar Amaro,do ishe i madh /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif [/qb]
ne fakt une e kam kuptuar shume mire,por me vjen keq qe ti se ke kuptuar dhe ke ngelur shume i vogel /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

Nje analize kaq te sakte pak gje mund ti shtoj. Por do te thosha qe nje nga objektivat (nxitja e ekonomise me ane te porosive shume miljardshe kompleksit injdustrialo-ushtarak), jo vetem nuk do ta nxjerre (sic nuk e nxorri) ekonomne nga bataku, por po e fut me teper! Ata kujtonin se do te ishte si ne Luften e Pare me Irakun kur Arabia Saudite dha dhjetra miljard $, Japonia 9 miljard $, Gjermania 7 miljard $ etj etj , pra qofte te daja ose sic i thone amerikanet (free lunch). Asgje e tille nuk ndodhi. Nderkohe edhe nafta nga Iraku nuk "rrodhi lume" se rezistenca nje dite po e nje dite jo saboton tubacionet dhe puset.
Per ata qe cuditen dhe "indinjnohen" me idene se vete USA eshte mbrapa 11 shtatorit, une do tu kujtoja se kjo nuk do te ishte hera e pare qe amerikanet bejne truke te tilla!
Me sa duket keta nuk jetojne dot pa armiq, ne fillim Gjermania e Japonia, pastaj Koreja e Kina, pastaj Rusia, Irani, Iraku etj etj. Ata vazhdimisht jane ne lufte me dicka: ne fillim te shekullit te kaluar ishin ne lufte me alkoolin (astinenca), para ca kohesh ishin ne lufte me narkotiket, e tani jane ne lufte me terrorizmin! Ju kujtoj qe te gjitha keto "luftra" dhane pergjithesisht rezultate te kunderta pra deshtuan me turp.
A nuk do ishte me mire te shpallnin nje lufte kunder analfabetizmit, varferise (ne amerike e jo ne bote) apo kunder obezitetit?
Sa per dijeni me shume njerez kane vdekur nga kafshimi i grenxave apo qenve ne USA sesa nga terrorizmi (qe nga 11 shtatori).


Re: Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

A nuk do ishte me mire te shpallnin nje lufte kunder analfabetizmit, varferise (ne amerike e jo ne bote) apo kunder obezitetit?
Jo Antares se duke u nisur nga eksperiencat e mëparshme i bie që të dështojnë e si pasojë të rritet analfabetizmi (mashtrim i kollajtë), varfëria (injorim shoqëror e politik) e obeziteti (trashje e trurit dhe probleme të tjera përveç politikës)! Pra me fjalë të tjera edhe 4 vjet Bush! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

Pikes i ke rene!
Why Don't Americans Care?

Do you know who Halliburton is? **** Cheney? How about Karl Rove? Alas, most Americans don't

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Let's be honest. Percentage-wise, few people in America really give much of a crap about what's going on in the hallowed halls of politics and power.

This is what we in the media and maybe you in the media-consuming audience tend to forget far too easily: This country is simply jam-packed with millions of people who have no time for, or interest in, politics, or media, or environmental policy, or education, or global issues, or which presidential candidate lied his *** off about which aspect of his military career and which Orange Alert is totally bogus and how many soldiers are dying for what imbecilic war.

It seems hard to believe. But the general rule of thumb is that major cities are slightly more attuned due to aggressive media saturation and how issues tend to make themselves known more urgently, more immediately, whereas Middle America is a scattershot conglomeration of the politically apathetic and the actively disenfranchised, full of people far too busy with their lives and kids and jobs and zoning out on "Fear Factor" and "Monday Night Football" to care about following the elitist, ever dire dramas playing out on the nation's gilded stages.

Most Americans, in other words, have no idea what the hell a Halliburton is. Or a Karl Rove. Or a Donny "Shriveled Soul" Rumsfeld. Or a Lockheed Martin. Or a Carlysle Group. Or have any idea that Saddam had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11. Or that WMDs were never found. Or that President Bush has taken more vacation time than any president in U.S. history. Or that Jesus thinks Dubya is "sort of a dink." Or where Iraq is on a map.

Fact is, in the past decade, TV-news ratings — cable and network, combined — has shrunk to a fraction of its former numbers. Newspaper subscriptions have been either flat or dropping for just about as long. Newsmagazines, radio, historical nonfiction: flat or dropping fast. Even the Internet, that vast teeming customizable firestorm of news and info streaming in from all over the planet, even the awesome Net draws far more people to its porn and gossip and shopping departments than any e-news joint could ever wet dream.

Is this unfair? Does it sound elitist and biased? It's not. There have been studies. And reports. And alarming indicators of all kinds telling us time and again that, for example, fully 50 percent of eligible Americans don't even bother to vote (a 15 percent drop since 1964), and many have no idea who's on the Supreme Court or what Congress does, and many can't even point to France on a globe.

Voter turnout, comparatively, in Italy, Spain, the U.K., or Germany? Anywhere from 75 to 92 percent, every time. The sad fact is, the United States ranks 139th out of 172 countries in voter turnout. Wave that flag proudly, baby.

You've seen the headlines. Alarming numbers of American high school students can't even identify the current vice president, much less name a half dozen presidents from history. Far too many citizens can't name the capital of their own home state or recognize their own senators, much less discern how Bush's environmental policy is poisoning their water or how Ashcroft wants to scan their email and tap their phones and suck the pith from their souls. A whopping 49 percent of Americans aged 18-25 can't find New York on a map, and 11 percent can't even locate the United States. Now that's patriotism.

A recent report by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development states that upward of 60 percent of Americans ages 16-25 are 'functionally illiterate', meaning they can't, for example, fill out a detailed form or read a numerical table (like a time schedule). A recent Florida study shows at least 70 percent of recent high school graduates need remedial courses — that is, basic reading and math — when they enter community college. These are kids who, you can be assured, think Colin Powell is that nasty British dude on "American Idol."

And everyone you know seems to have a parent or a sister-in-law living somewhere conservative and podunk for whom politics and news media is like some sort of impossibly dense morass, alien and strange and vaguely threatening, like a nasty, painful growth on their big toe, best ignored in hopes that it will just dry up and go away.

Maybe this, then, is the most pressing question of our time: How to get the vast majority of Americans to care? To pay attention? To read? To effect change and demand accountability from bumbling spoon-fed leaders who count on voter apathy and force-fed ignorance to cram through their environmental rollbacks and homophobic laws and draconian Patriot Acts? Is it even possible? Are we too far gone?

How to make America more like, say, Europe, where knowledge of current events and political intrigue is not only hugely important to the vast majority of citizens but is also deeply woven into the very fabric of daily life, an integral part of the educational system and the café conversation and the workplace water-cooler chats, and to ignore it is considered, well, irresponsible and even a mite traitorous?

True, part of why they care so much is because America is the foremost bully on the block and it pays to know what makes the bully tick. And whine. And kill. In short, as the theory goes, most Americans don't give a damn because we're on top and we own everything and have more nukes than anyone and we're never the ones getting invaded. It's our unofficial motto — America: We Don't Have to Care.

And this very column is frequently slapped with the accusation that it merely "preaches to the choir," and if I really want to affect minds I should consider tempering or sanitizing my opinions for a more "moderate" mainstream readership, as if the nation was chock-full of opinionated, well-read, temperate thinkers ready to be gently informed of new ideas, when in fact this group is but a fraction, a sliver, far overshadowed and overpowered by the real majority in America: The detached. The disinterested. The intellectually lazy.

So, what's the solution? It is as simple as dramatically changing the way we educate our children, our population? Is it desanitizing our vacuous history textbooks and making media studies and political science and current events as mandatory to the educational diet as macho sports and bad lunches and playground kickball?

Or maybe it's a new national draft? Will that galvanize the rest of the populace sufficiently? How about Iraq devolving even faster into Vietnam 2.0? Is it 10,000 dead U.S. soldiers and nary an imprisoned terrorist or fresh barrel of oil to show for it? How about five bucks a gallon? Ten? Is it legalizing pot and banning guns? What will it take?

Maybe another massive national catastrophe? Maybe a 9/11 cubed, and cubed again, something unthinkably horrific and unleashed upon the innocents and the children and the puppies, something that so jars and infuriates and undermines our desperate empire that even the cold-blooded neoconservative Right can't possibly leverage our sorrow and pain for its own political gain? Very possible. After all, nothing like a little hard-earned apocalypse to make you consider voting independent.

Or maybe it's something entirely different, maybe some sort of potent, unimaginable spiritual enlightenment that looks like revelation and smells like Vishnu and sounds like harmonic convergence and tastes like Buddha and has nothing whatsoever to do with fundamentalism or Christianity or Bush's angry homophobic flag-wavin' God. The mystics say we're very close. They claim the next decade will offer, to those who care to participate, one helluva transformational vibrational wallop. Possible?

Whatever it looks like, we can rest assured we're still not out of the dark, dank woods just yet. Our national apathy is well protected, our intellectual ignorance secure and our fears well fed and carefully, perpetually reinforced by the Powers That Be and the fact that the overall 50 percent voter turnout never moves by more than a point or two, usually downward.

And the Establishment, it only smiles knowingly, and nods, and says there there now. It'll be all right. Just go back to sleep.


Primus registratum
Re: Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

Antares,pune koti ben,kopjo plako kopjo se dicka do ngelet.
E megjithate Bushi qendron ne 54%-shin.
Le te presim mbas kater vjetesh te tjere!!


Primus registratum
Re: Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

Ti i pergjigjesh 110% pershkrimit te mesiperm te amerikanit tipik. Gjynah qe nuk ke dhe shtetesi/kombesine amerikane!
Po lexoje njehere se 99% te gjerave qe thote jneriu i ka lexuar diku, ndryshe do te ishim te gjithe filozofe!. Edhe Nicja ka influenca nga Wagneri e Shopenhaueri, dhe te gjithe gjeninjte kane **** nga dikush tjeter e jo ne njerzit e zakonshem pastaj!
P.Sh. edhe ti nuk me dukesh shume origjinal me kete servilizem dhe duartrokitje me cdo kusht per cdo krim dhe masaker te amerikaneve. Me kujton Shqiperine e 1945-1948 me Jugosllavine, pastaj me Rusine, pastaj me Kinen dhe tani me Ameriken!
Njecike shtylle kurrizore nuk ben keq Orosh!


Primus registratum
Re: Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

Jo,une dua te debatoj,por kur ti me shkruan Anglisht cfar te baj une??Atehere po marr e´dhe une nje gazete Belge dhe po e postoj ketu,biles te perkthyer,e kupton se ku eshte problemi im.perktheji plako,po nuk pertove. :wave:


Primus registratum
Re: Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

Orosh! me fal nese ti nuk di anglisht! atehere do ta perkthej dhe do ta ripostoj (duhet pak kohe)!


Primus registratum
Re: Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

11 shtatori eshte nje dhimbje e madhe per kedo, pa dallim race apo feje. Shume veteve u erdhi turp te thoshin se musliman, shume te tjereve me vone u erdhi turp te thoshin qe jane amerikane. Shume vdiqen dhe shume te tjere i ndoqen nga pas. Mbase vetem femijet tane do e dine te verteten e 11 shtatorit. Ka shume opinione kush e organizoi dhe kush perfitoi nga kjo vdekje, sikur secila te jete vetem 1% e vertete atehere turpi eshte mbi fete dhe shtetet


Primus registratum
Re: Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

Atyre myslimaneve qe u erdhi turp qe ishin myslimane harram e pacin! Pse su vjen turp amerikaneve qe jane kristiane per krimet qe kryejne cdo dite (nese ne 11/9 u vrane 3000 veta) deri tani Jankite kane vrare 30 000 - 40 000 veta!


Primus registratum
Re: Cfare eshte per ju 11 shtatori?

a e dini sa lehte eshte ta shiqosh shpinen e tjeter kujt(ne i themi GRBE /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ),por ta shohish tenden eshte shume rende /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif ashtu eshte edhe puna e amerikaneve /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif