What is on my mind...


Pan ignoramus


Valoris scriptorum
Si nuk e paske idene tropojanja? Nje dhome aq e bukur e nxjerrur nga nje goce me nje avatar aq te bukur...Po tani e ke idene??:)


Pan ignoramus

Women have been aligned for so very long with the moon, and therefore, by association, the night, the forces of darkness, and all the fell beasts that roam by the light of the moon, that it is not astonishing that the animals associated with lunar goddesses are the same animals we now associate with witches, since the idea of what a witch is has, for so long, been attached to goddesses like Hecate and the darker, archaic face of Athene, not the virginal Athena we are used to imagine.



cherry blossom
kajsi te thata dhe kafe (pa sheqer) me qumesht. hmmm keni parasysh kur provoni per here te pare dicka qe ju pelqen aq shume, ka nje shije aq fantastike, saqe mendoni ne ate moment se do ishit te lumtur nese do jetonit tere jeten duke ngrene cdo dite dhe ne cdo vakt te dites kete ushqim, kombinim ushqimesh, kaq te mire dhe te shijshem?

pikerisht, keshtu ndihem dhe une tani :D

