What is on my mind...


Papirus rex


Locus omnem
shikon mendja, e jo... Por edhe shijon mendja [mendoj]. Kam shijen e nje gote rakie... (qe po pertoj ta mbush...)


cherry blossom
me vjen per te qeshur nga nje skene qe me kaloi ne mendje tani. para ca ditesh ishim mbledhur ne shtepine e nje shoqes dhe po darkonim. zakonisht kur mblidhemi keshtu krijohet gjithmone nje moment kur me bejne pyetje rreth funksionimit te trupit dhe u pergjigjem. kur ia priti nje shoku jone gay papritur "si mund te evitohet prolapsi anal?" ia plasem gazit te gjithe ne ate moment, dhe ai seriozisht vazhdonte "po ja po lexoja per nje prift (apo nje pape, nuk me kujtohet) qe vdiq nga prolapsi anal kur ishte ne banje. e vazhdonte me histori te tjera, qellimisht ngaqe eshte tip shume humorist :D c'te besh, secili ka problemet e veta. :D


cherry blossom
«I social media danno diritto di parola a legioni di imbecilli che prima parlavano solo al bar dopo un bicchiere di vino, senza danneggiare la collettività. Venivano subito messi a tacere, mentre ora hanno lo stesso diritto di parola di un Premio Nobel. È l’invasione degli imbecilli»

Umberto Eco


Pan ignoramus
Disa njerez jane te admirueshem ne ate fuqine ekstreme qe kane brenda vetes dhe me te cilen levizin ne vorbullat e jetes se perditshme, megjithese kane ndonje karakteristike e cila njeriun e zakonshem do e kishte shndrruar ne nje bime vegjetale.

Autori i shkrimit me poshte eshte i verber. Diskutimi eshte lidhur me nje nga updates te fundit te Windows-10 i cili me sa duket i ka lene komplet ne te thate dhe pa suport perdoruesit me aftesi te kufizuara. Dikush me heret i ka dhene ketij shkruesi disa informacione ne lidhje me kete.

Thank you for that info.
Enjoy a six pack of your favorite imbibement on me in gratitude.
*Raises my caffeine tankard in toast... Clink*

I'm aware of using either Escape or F12 to reach the boot menu & hoping it presents the options in the same order, unfortunately Murphy likes to mess with me.
She hates men, her relatives, & especially her male relatives... which makes my life most troublesome indeed being her nephew. =-}
My Intel NUC seems to enjoy randomizing the boot menu on me so that it's never the same layout from one boot to the next, even using the same devices attached each time.
Plug in the USB DVD & try to boot from it? Sorry, that option is now third from the bottom & mis-identified as "Chicken Gumbo Souffle".
Slap in a different DVD media, reboot, & now it's the fifth option labeled "Marmite Nipple Lasers".
Unplug the DVD & replace it with a USB FlashDrive, & suddenly the option is seventh (out of two) & called something stupid like "Press this option to reformat your computer."
Ok, I may be joking about the names but not so much about their locations or being misidentified.
Murphy loves to f&@# with me like that.
I pretty much need a Sighted Person every time I try to boot from anything other than the main drive, since only they can see where the option I need has wandered off.

As for Debian having a talking-capable installer, that was new to me.
I knew Ubuntu had one (Super+S?) but that still required me to find the right boot menu option to get there in the first place.
Unity or SystemD, choices, choices, choices... =-j

I've decided to fix the problem by avoiding having to do that part in the first place.
Rather than dual booting my single machine, I'm buying a second computer from System76 with Linux already installed.
I'll set it up beside my NUC, put a Keyboard/Mouse/Video switch in there so I can swap back & forth, & have the best of both Worlds without having to reboot at all.
Then I can practice on the one while still having the other ready to help get answers to questions.


And then the world is DOOMED! Doomed I say! For I will be free to begin my Evil Plans for World Domination!
MUH Hahahahahahahahahahaha*Cough*
Ummm... I uh, I mean ummmm...
*Jedi Hand Wave*
You heard nothing. Nothing at all. Shoo!
*Jedi Hand Wave*