What is on my mind...


cherry blossom
21 gram, pesha e injorances?



Pan ignoramus
S'e di pse mu kujtua nje pjese nga filmi "Amelie". Pjesa kur ne nje stacion treni, Amelie sheh nje lypes ulur pertoke qe po luante me nje qen. Ajo i afrohet t'i jape nje monedhe dhe lypesi menjehere e ndalon duke i thene: "Faleminderit zonjushe, por une nuk punoj te dielave."


Pan ignoramus
... ... At the dawn of agriculture, about 8000 B.C., the population of the world was approximately 5 million. Over the 8,000-year period up to 1 A.D. it grew to 200 million (some estimate 300 million or even 600, suggesting how imprecise population estimates of early historical periods can be), with a growth rate of under 0.05% per year.

A tremendous change occurred with the industrial revolution: whereas it had taken all of human history until around 1800 for world population to reach one billion, the second billion was achieved in only 130 years (1930), the third billion in less than 30 years (1959), the fourth billion in 15 years (1974), and the fifth billion in only 13 years (1987).

- During the 20th century alone, the population in the world has grown from 1.65 billion to 6 billion.
- In 1970, there were roughly half as many people in the world as there are now.
- Because of declining growth rates, it will now take over 200 years to double again.

Wonder how big ... ... ...

... ... Ne kohen e lindjes se agrikultures, rreth vitit 8000 PES, popullata boterore ka qene perafersisht 5 milion. Gjate nje periudhe 8000 vjecare deri ne vitin 1 ES, u rrit deri diku 200 milion (disa perafrime e cojne 300 milion dhe madje edhe 600 milion. Kjo duhet te na beje te vetedishem se perafrimet e popullatave ne epokat e hershme jane pa precizion), me nje rritje vjetore maksimale prej 0.05% ne vit.

Nje ndryshim rrenjesor ka ndodhur me revolucionin industrial: nderkohe qe u desh e gjithe historia e njerezimit deri ne vitin 1800 per te arritur tek shifra 1 miliard, miliardi i dyte u arrit ne 130 vitet qe pasuan (vitet 1930), miliardi i trete ne me pak sesa 30 vjet (vitet 1950), miliardi i katert ne 15 vjet (1974), dhe miliardi i peste ne 13 vjet (1987).

- Vetem gjate shekullit te 20, popullata boterore u be nga 1.65 miliard ne 6 miliard.
- Ne 1970, ka patur afersisht aq njerez sa gjysma e sasise se sotme.
- Per shkak te nje ulje te ritmeve te rritjes, dyfishimi i rradhes ne popullate do te jete per rreth 200 vjet.

Nese vrasim mendjen se sa e madhe ... ... ...


Pan ignoramus
Shkrimet ketu:

Duke i lexuar si kuriozitete argetimi per te kaluar momentet e pushimit, disa mu duken te vecanta.

Horrible American driving standards.
We weave in and out of the lanes on the highway. We aren't as "right justified" as they are in Spain. In Europe, getting a driver's license is an ordeal, filled with registered "behind the wheel" time with a licensed instructor, tests, tests and more tests as well as rigorously enforced driving etiquette rules. Nothing like that in the states. I have to say, I sympathized with him. Our driving standards suck.
The awkward public transport experience
It's just so bad I can't even say anything. (Not the big cities) My outings were severely cut short due to this. Cabs were insanely expensive. And I could kill cab drivers who asked for tips on top of that.
Monotonous Cities, Cookie-Cutter Homes
This is my personal view, but the Downtown areas of almost all cities looked similar. Give or take a few things. The suburbs all looked the same. I was so weirded out by the Cookie Cutter Homes, which all looked like the same person had built it.
Credit Score WTF

The credit system in America will create a numerical value (credit score) to asses everyone's financial fitness. No one know how the score is calculated but you need that to get a loan... or two... or three... and beyond.
However, in order to get a credit score, you need to get a loan e.g car financing. In order to get a loan... well... you need a credit score (notice the circular reference). Your credit score can also be created by using credit card. You just need a credit score to apply for a credit card.
Obesity and food portion
It is easy to find obese people in USA. Some people are so obese that they require a special electric scooter to carry them around. This sighting can be seen easily in Walmart where obese people use scooters to shop more ... food.
And yes, typical food portion in America is humongous. I can easily share one meal with another guy and do not feel hungry for hours to come.
The number of workplaces with no windows.
Of course, everywhere in the world there are some jobs where you don't get to see sunlight while at work - but that's mostly coal miners, subway train drivers, sailors who work on lower decks, etc. In the US, it would not be unusual for a junior university faculty member, or an engineer pulling a $100K salary, to have a windowless office... not to mention the cubicle crowd.


Anëtar i Shtabit

Sa herë,
në shpirt, si në burg.
vuajnë ndëshkimin e fatit,
dashuritë e pamundura
që s'mbërrijnë kurrë prekjen...
Ngujuar në zemër.
si motrat e virgjëra.
të lëna, të pafata ndjehen.
Kyçur fshehtësisë,
as Zotit s'i rrëfehen!


Papirus rex
Unë nuk mund të jem pjesë e një bote .......

“Unë nuk mund të jem pjesë e një bote ku burrat i veshin gratë e tyre si prostituta duke treguar çdo gjë që duhet të mbrohet. Ku nuk ka asnjë koncept nderi dhe dinjiteti dhe ku mund te mbeshtetesh te diksuh vetem kur te thote “te premtoj”.

Ku grate nuk duan femije dhe burrat nuk duan nje familje.

Kur pinjollet besojne se jane te suksesshem pas timonit te makinave te baballareve te tyre, dhe ku nje baba i cili ka pak pushtet perpiqet t’u vertetoje ju se ju jeni askushi.

Ku njerezit deklarojne ne menyre flase se besojne ne Perendi me nje gote alkooli ne dore dhe mungesen e te kuptuarit e fese se tyre.

Ku koncepti i xhelozise konsiderohet i turpshem dhe modestia eshte nje disavantazh.

Ku njerezit kane harruar dashurine, por thjesht jane ne kerkim per partner te mire.

Ku njerezit riparojne cdo zhurme te makines se tyre, duke mos kursyer para dhe kohe, ndersa me veten e tyre, ata duken aq te varfer sa vetem nje makine e shtrenjte mund te fshehe ate qe jane.

Ku djemte harxhojne parate e prinderve ne klubet e nates, nen tinguj primitive dhe vajzat bien ne dashuri me ta, per kete.

Ku burrat dhe grate nuk jane me te identifikueshem dhe ku e gjithe kjo quhet liria e zgjedhjes, por per ata qe zgjedhin nje rruge te ndryshme, quhen te vonuar ose te prapambetur.

Une e kam zgjedhur rrugen time, por eshte per te ardhur keq qe une nuk e kam gjetur mirekuptim mes njerezve tek te cilet kam shpresuar se do ta gjeja me shume se askund…”

Shkruar nga aktori Keanu Reeves
