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Arrin në 2. 837 numri i të vdekurve nga gripi i derrave <p class="wp-caption-text">Arrin në 2. 837 numri i të vdekurve nga gripi i derrave, Foto: AFP</p> Gripi i derrave ka shkaktuar deri tani vdekjen e të paktën 2,837 personave në të gjithë botën, por ndërkohë nuk po shfaq më forma të rënda të sëmundjes si më parë dhe virusi H1N1 nuk ka pësuar ndryshime, deklaroi sot Organizata Botërore e Shëndetësisë (OBSH). Agjencia e OKB-së për shëndetin publik botëror po vëzhgon nga afër virusin, i njohur gjerësisht si virusi i gripit të derrave, për të zbuluar çdo ndryshim të mundshëm të tij, që do të ishte një sinjal se sëmundja do të bëhej më vdekjeprurëse. “Nuk ka asnjë perceptim se virusi ka ndryshuar”, deklaroi zëdhënësi i OBSH-së, Gregory Hartl në një konferencë shtypi. “Numri i rasteve fatale po rritet, pasi po rritet edhe numri i personave të prekur nga virusi”, shtoi ai.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.shqipmedia.com/?p=22204. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.shqipmedia.com/?p=22204
Arrin në 2. 837 numri i të vdekurve nga gripi i derrave <p class="wp-caption-text">Arrin në 2. 837 numri i të vdekurve nga gripi i derrave, Foto: AFP</p> Gripi i derrave ka shkaktuar deri tani vdekjen e të paktën 2,837 personave në të gjithë botën, por ndërkohë nuk po shfaq më forma të rënda të sëmundjes si më parë dhe virusi H1N1 nuk ka pësuar ndryshime, deklaroi sot Organizata Botërore e Shëndetësisë (OBSH). Agjencia e OKB-së për shëndetin publik botëror po vëzhgon nga afër virusin, i njohur gjerësisht si virusi i gripit të derrave, për të zbuluar çdo ndryshim të mundshëm të tij, që do të ishte një sinjal se sëmundja do të bëhej më vdekjeprurëse. “Nuk ka asnjë perceptim se virusi ka ndryshuar”, deklaroi zëdhënësi i OBSH-së, Gregory Hartl në një konferencë shtypi. “Numri i rasteve fatale po rritet, pasi po rritet edhe numri i personave të prekur nga virusi”, shtoi ai.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.shqipmedia.com/?p=22204. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.shqipmedia.com/?p=22204
Kërkohet Ali Ahmeti ! Tetovë – Rinia Demokratike Shqiptare  ka bërë një parodi me kryetarin e BDI-së – Ali Ahmetin, duke e nxjerrur ate si objekt të një loje shpërblyese.</p> Kryetari i RDSH-së, Krenar Lloga ka paraqitur ”pyetjet” e lojës shpërblyese në selinë e Partisë Demokratike Shqiptare në Tetovë: -Rinia Demokratike Shqiptare u ofron shperblim kush e sheh apo degjon te nderuarin z.Ali Ahmetin i pari ne TV a radio te jap deklarat lidhur me keto pika: 1. Maqedonishte nga klasa e pare per shqiptaret, 2. Leja e Burmali Xhamis / askund 3. Dokumentet lidhur me identifikimin e shqiptareve te lindur ne Kosove, a do te vazhdoje ne stilin Gjakovica-Serbija 4. Vendosja e raporteve diplomatike me Rrepubliken e Kosoves, 5. Dislokimi i shkolles se mesme (ne shqip) nga Struga (vendbanim urban) ne fshatin Veleshte 6. Kaosin ne USHT (ku asistentet behen dekan e ku nxirren nga puna prof.me thirrje shkencore) 7. Paralelet e mjeksis ne Shkup apo kontenjeret per nxenesit ne Kumanov apo Struge 8. Shtetesin e shqiptareve nga shtetas i RM ne _ shtetas maqedonas 9. Pergjegjsia per trazarat ne NeReze (Nerez) 10. Per Hudhjen e miljona eurove per heroj diskutabil ne sheshin e Shkupit apo per ndarja e turpshme prej 1mije eurove per festivalin shqiptar ne Manastir 11. Ku mbet plani i BDI per punsimin e 100mije qytetareve, 12. Deri kur do te rrin administratoret punesuar para nji viti neper shpija, (200 punsime jane be gjithsej SMO dhe ato ua perzene prej institucioneve, 13. A do te vazhdoni qe me VMRO te dergoni perfaqsues special maqedonas atje ku ka ambassador shqiptar, rasti i amb.Blerim Reka per BE, 14. Pas deklarates se ju do te ndihmoni te dyshuarit per krime lufte/ ne masakren e Lubotenit z.Johan Tarrculloski, a do te beni thirrje Hashim Thacit dhe Ramush Haradijnat qe per hir te interesave shteteror te deshmojne ne favor te Millosheviqit dhe Sheshelit ne HAGE? + Bonus Pyetje - kur BDI ka ndermend te hy ne qeveri?</p> Urojme te keni sa me shume fat, edhe pse shanset jane te barabarta me zero Loja shperblyese mbetet e hapur deri ne paraqitjen e fituesit</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.shqipmedia.com/?p=22200. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.shqipmedia.com/?p=22200
The Erotic Massage of Breath You may know that sex is best as a full body experience. It is no just one or two senses touch and motion in one part of the body. Sexuality encompasses all the senses the more the merrier. Ideally, every aspect of the body is involved. We love to see certain things, we love particular smells, there are sounds we want to hear, and there are an infinite number of touches, temperatures, textures, and caresses we want to give and receive.</p>  </p> Sex is not just for reproduction. Lovemaking is an affirmation of the bond between mates, a special time when attention is paid just to each other and no one else. When couples stop finding time for sex, it is usually very hard on the relationship. It is way too easy for coupes to get out of sync. Arranging time for sex can be a problem, along with the many other problems we have, finding a partner, keeping a partner, or keeping the love alive and the sparks flying, especially when couples have been together for a while. Again, good lovemaking strengthens the bond between lovers.</p>  </p> If sexual desire is part of your live, breathing has a lot to offer you. Breath awareness activates many senses and prepares them for enjoyment. In order to get ready for sex, you need to slow down, in order to enjoy it, you need to relax enough to let go. Orgasm has much to do with breath the joy of full and fast breathing. Breathing can help you with all of these.</p>  </p> Many people have surges of sexual desires dozens of times a day, just because they are alive, healthy, and they love life. Each time this happen, the desire does not have to be acted on in any outward way. The desire itself can be savored. Simply breathe with it for a minute  and let it electrify you. Sexual energy, when cherished, circulates to every sensory pathway until even looking at a tree in the afternoon sun is an erotic experience. When sexual desire is appreciated in this way, it adds a great deal of zest to life.</p>  </p> In interviewing people over the years, one thing comes across: Almost no one gets enough massage or enough simple, loving caresses. Our animals love to be touched and stroked, but we ourselves do not get our fair share. Women in particularly have a hankering for leisurely, delicate stroking. Everyone has different cravings for touch, fast, slow, here, there.</p>  </p> Desire is a mistery to be exploded. If you are explore and give yourself thi luxury, you will be filled up wit it. You will be able to give it to your lover and thus be more likely to receive it. The cycle has to start somewhere!!</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=102. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=102
Dating Tips and Tricks Dating is courtship, make no mistake about it. It is a series of social encounters that permit a man and a woman to become well enough acquainted with each other determine whether or not they wish to marry. It is fashionable in some circles to pretend that dating is something less than courtship, but this is a naive point of view, one that eventually confuses all the parties involved in a dating relationship.   Accepting/Refusing Even for an experienced dater, the act of asking someone with whom you aspire to have a romantic relationship for a date is an ego wrenching experience. The gracious recipient of an invitation understands this and reacts accordingly, by aether accepting or refusing an invitation as soon as possible, preferably at the moment the invitation is tendered. If you cannot reply immediately, then let the person know as soon as possible. It is cruel to keep someone dangling, especially when the delay is a stalling tactic against telling someone you do not want to go out with him or her.</p>  </p>   A gracious acceptance is enthusiastic:</p> :I would love to go the movies with you Friday night” A refusal should be equally gracious, especially if you hope to receive another invitation. If possible, indicate why you cannot accept: ‘Im sorry, but i have already made other plans and can not go to the movies with you Friday night, i would love to do it some other time” In other words, make it clear that another invitation is welcome. The invitee, female or male, might also suggest another day: “I can’t go out with you Friday, but what about a movie Sunday evening? Im free then. Are you?” If you receive an invitation from someone you do not with to go out with, it is sometimes kinder to send out some signals to that effect rather than leading the person on. Start by saying no, very politely, and possibly offering some polite excuse. Some people do not read subtle messages, though, and you may have to escalade the signals. When someone repeatadly asks you out despite your offering no encouragment, make your excuse a little curter: “No, i can’t go out that night. Thank you for asking me, though.”</p>  </p>   Asking Never be coy about asking for a date. Don’t say, “So, would you like to go out with me sometime?” Even worse is, “Do you like to go to the movies?” A woman who loves movies but does not want to go out with you will not consider this an invitation, and a woman who hates movies but wants to go out with you will be frustrated. Far better is the specific, direct invitation: “Would you like to have dinner and go to a movie with me Friday night?” Responsibility for asking for dates used to fall entirely on the shoulders of men, while women passively waited for invitations. Today, although women still take the initiative less than men do, there is No reason that a woman cannot ask out a man. She should, of course, expect to pay for the evening when she does. And she should realize that she may be rebuffed. Just as men have been laying their egos on the line for years and occasionally getting knocked down by uninterested women, so, too, must women expect to find the occasional man who is not interested or is otherwise engaged.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=98. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=98
Williams: Dua të bashkohem me Take That Robbie Williams dëshiron të ribashkohet me ish-grupin e tij “Take That”, por pasi ta lansojë albumin e ri “Reality Killed The Video Star”.</p> Pesë këngëtarët nuk kanë performuar së bashku që nga viti 1995, kur hitbërësi i këngës Feel vendosi që ti jepte përparësi karrierës solo.</p> Katër anëtarët tjerë të grupit (Gary Barlow, Jason Orange, Mark Owen dhe Howard Donald) u ndanë në vitin 1996, mirëpo u ribashkuan pas dhjetë vitesh për një turne shumë të suksesshme, dhe nga atëherë kanë lansuar edhe disa këngë që janë bërë hite.</p> Do të më pëlqente të shkoja dhe të bëja diçka. Por do të pres pak sa ta lansoj albumin dhe pastaj do të shkoj të bëj muzikë me shokët e mi. Do të shohim se si do të shkojnë gjërat. Sido që të jetë jam i ngazëllyer për këtë gjë, ka thënë Robbie.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=714. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=714
Duffy pas hapave të Charlote Church-it! Ylli i Pop-it Duffy po ndjek hapat e Charlote Church duke u takuar me lojtarin e ragbit të British Lions. Të gjithë thonë se Mike Phillips dhe Duffy po mundohen të zëvendësojnë qiftin e artë të Wales Charlote dhe Gavin Henson. </p> Mike është ndarë nga e dashura e tij javën e kaluar, dhe padyshim se do ta ketë rrugën hapur deri në zemrën e Duffy-t. Një burim tha: Mike dhe Duffy u takuan për të dytën herë këtë javë dhe si duket tani janë më të afërt. Mike e mori numrin e saj nga agjenti i tij dhe nuk hezitoi ti shkruante. Janë sikur Gavin dhe Charlotte, ai dëshiron të rris profilin e tij përderisa e bën për vete Duffy-n. Posa ajo pranoi për tu takuar me të, ai shqelmoi të dashurën e tij Claire. Ai nuk e fsheh se dëshiron të jetë si çifti i artë i dikurshëm. Një kohë ai ia kishte vënë syrin këngëtares së operas Katherine Jenkins, por ajo nuk ishte e interesuar.</p> Duffy, emri i vërtetë Aimee, është ndarë më të dashurin e saj Jonny Green, i cili ishte pjesë e grupit të saj. Aktualisht ajo është shumë e zënë në realizimin e disa këngëve të reja.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=709. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=709
Dannii Minogue do të fejohet? Vlerësuesi i shout The X Factor, i dashuri i Dannii Minogue, Kris Smith, ka blerë një unazë të madhe diamanti për ti kërkuar fejesë këngëtares australiane.</p> 29-vjeçari, lojtar i regbit i shndërruar në model, tashmë ka blerë unazën dhe vetëm pret momentin e duhur për tia bërë pyetjen yllit të muzikës pop.</p> Përfundimisht do ti heq të gjitha ndalesat dhe do të ulem në njërin gju, ka thënë Smith. Jam një tip romantik, por jo aq i dobët.</p> Dannii dhe Kris u takuan në Ibiza, Spanjë, vitin e kaluar.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://thashethe.me/?p=697. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://thashethe.me/?p=697
Green light for production of the Speedster and Mini Coupe It seems that BMW are more convinced that only when it comes to new Mini concept. Although media and public still have not seen this directly and have criticized many, Bavarian have decided that this vehicle to give the green light for production. </p> Mini Coupe and Speedster (which also only have to debutojë in Frankfurt), will be built in a factory in Oxford in which already processes Mini Cooper, Clubman as well as kabriolet. For the needs of building two new models 1000 BMW plans to hire additional workers. Right now is not known if the two models, the Speedster Coupe will be offered exclusively in the format most powerful John Cooper Works, 1.6 litres  engine with turbo-charger and four cylinders that has 216 Hp and 260 Nm of moment rotation or, as the other Mini models, will be provided with weaker engines. </p> Certainly, more information and files will have the occasion of the opening of the fair in Frankfurt on September 15.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=579. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=579
Green light for production of the Speedster and Mini Coupe It seems that BMW are more convinced that only when it comes to new Mini concept. Although media and public still have not seen this directly and have criticized many, Bavarian have decided that this vehicle to give the green light for production. </p> Mini Coupe and Speedster (which also only have to debutojë in Frankfurt), will be built in a factory in Oxford in which already processes Mini Cooper, Clubman as well as kabriolet. For the needs of building two new models 1000 BMW plans to hire additional workers. Right now is not known if the two models, the Speedster Coupe will be offered exclusively in the format most powerful John Cooper Works, 1.6 litres  engine with turbo-charger and four cylinders that has 216 Hp and 260 Nm of moment rotation or, as the other Mini models, will be provided with weaker engines. </p> Certainly, more information and files will have the occasion of the opening of the fair in Frankfurt on September 15.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=579. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=579
Microsoft can now sell Word U.S. Court of Appeals has made effective complaint so stop selling Microsoft’s Word in the United States of America has been suspended for an indefinite term. </p> As for recalls, Microsoft was judged as within his application for office use patents Word had i4i Canadian company. Patents, registered in the U.S. Office of records with the number 5,787,449, has to do with XML files, which, as out, Microsoft has used without authorization within its software solutions. In the middle of last month has brought the court decision, and Microsoft has set a sentence of over 290 million dollars. Also, Microsoft has had 60 days to meet the obligations of this decision and all window sales in the U.S. to remove the Word application.</p> According to reports, Microsoft has made a complaint which is now U.S. appeals court has accepted and has suspended its previous decision, so Microsoft should not ban the sale of U.S. Wordit.</p> www.microsoft.com</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=583. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=583
Microsoft can now sell Word U.S. Court of Appeals has made effective complaint so stop selling Microsoft’s Word in the United States of America has been suspended for an indefinite term. </p> As for recalls, Microsoft was judged as within his application for office use patents Word had i4i Canadian company. Patents, registered in the U.S. Office of records with the number 5,787,449, has to do with XML files, which, as out, Microsoft has used without authorization within its software solutions. In the middle of last month has brought the court decision, and Microsoft has set a sentence of over 290 million dollars. Also, Microsoft has had 60 days to meet the obligations of this decision and all window sales in the U.S. to remove the Word application.</p> According to reports, Microsoft has made a complaint which is now U.S. appeals court has accepted and has suspended its previous decision, so Microsoft should not ban the sale of U.S. Wordit.</p> www.microsoft.com</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://it-resources.org/?p=583. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://it-resources.org/?p=583
The Sarcomas An osteogenic sarcoma is a highly malignant tumor that almost always arises in the growing ends of long bones. This its incidence is virtually confined to growing teenagers, and the most common site is at the knee. The cause is unknown but there frequently is a history of some local injury preceding the onset, or at least the recognition, of the tumor. Such a possible association with injury is in keeping with the increased incidence of this form of cancer in boys, and in particular athletic boys, as compared to girls.. The tumor forms a local painfully expanding swelling in the vicinity of a joint, and unless arrested is spread rapidly bu the bloodstream, principally to the lungs. Until recently the results of treatment were abysmal.</p> The choice lay between immediate amputation of the disease limb on diagnosis, and radiotherapy to the tumor and delayed amputation if no metastases were apparent within six months. Intensive chemotherapeutic regimes have now been developed that can improve this dismal situation, and in certain circumstances their skilled use combined with judicious radiotherapy to the primary tumor can permit the surgical removal of the tumor without the need for amputation. Although such recent are encouraging, osteogenic sarcoma still remains one of the most vicious of all cancers and one of the most difficult to treat. Little evidence about the value of acerbate therapy for this kind of cancer is as yet available.</p> Ewing’s sarcoma is a confusing pathological entity, a comparatively rare rapidly expanding radio sensitive tumor of bone seen predominantly in children and young teenagers. Treatment is by local radiotherapy and systematic chemotherapy.</p> A chandroma is a bening tumor of cartilage, often arising in childhood, which continues to grow slowly throughout adult life and may attain a great size.</p> Synoviosarcomas are extremely rare malignant tumors arising from joint surfaces, usually involving knee. They can occur at any age after childhood and they metastasize to the lungs.</p> A myoma is a bening tumor of muscle tissue, the commonest site being in the uterus, the so called fibroid, frequently multiple. Malignant tumors of muscle origin are rather rare.</p> Fibrosarcomas are also rather rare tumors arising from fibroblasts of connective tissue, and they exhibit all grades of behaviour from the almost benign to the most malignant. They arise most commonly at sites of intense fibroblastic activity, as in old wounds, in scars, around chronic discharging sinuses, and not infrequently at the treated site many years after the overzealous use of radiotherapy for some other form of malignancy.</p> A lipoma is a very rare common slow growing quite benign tumor of the adipose cells, usually situated in the subcutaneous tissues. Lipomas are frequently multiple.</p> A spindle cell sarcome is a tumor so rapidly growing and so undifferentiated that its precise cell type of origin cannot be determined on microscopic examination. In this respect it resembles the anaplstic carcioma.</p> Lymphosarcomas and reticulum cell sarcomas are types of sarcoma very rare.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2929. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.curepages.com/?p=2929
Seeking Your Match If you are seeking your perfect match then dating services, matchmaking services and personals ads, are the simplest and fastest way.</p> Dating Services Dating services can be viable methods for meeting eligible man, but the quantity and caliber of the men very much depend on the service. I personally know several happily married, well matched couples who met through a nationally recognized dating service. Remember that fees for these services vary widely and that published fees are always negotiable, don’t pay an excessive price just because it is written in a brochure or an a service contract.</p> A good dating site willing to let you browse through its member book before joining, to satisfy yourself that there indeed exist the types and numbers of men you would want to meet. A smaller or local service should be willing to share data and supply references from satisfied female clients. Even better, now days you can use free dating services. Person.al,  Plentyoffish are  the best free dating services and personals around, here you can find  lots of hot singles who listed their personal ads for online dating, personals, love, romance, marriage, friends, fun and everything is 100% free. Matchmaking Services The variety and quality of these services vary widely. You may know that some nationally advertised services have been discredited in recent years, and therefore healthy skepticism must prevail. I’m sorry to report that i know few satisfied customers of professional matchmakers. This is a shame, since the principle of being introduced by a third party, who theoretically has gotten to know the man and the woman in question, is a very good one. Personal Ads Over the course of my single years, I periodically “played the personals” so to speak, and found them to be a fun and productive way to meet eligible men. However, very strick rules should apply. Whether you place or answer ads, or both, certain safety rules apply. Never, ever invite a new man to pick you up at your home or apartment. Meetings should occur in a public place only,  a restaurant, coffee shop, museum, or other establishment. Until you have had a chance to check out the man’s background, all subsequent meetings should occur in public, too. This may sound overly cautious, but better to be a wimp than a fool.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=90. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=90
Where Do You Find Good People? Loneliness and unhappiness may be “blessing in disguise.” The lonelier you are, the more unfulfilled you are and the more unhappy you are about the people in your life who disappoint you constantly, the more ready and more motivated you become to get out and meet some terrific people.</p> But where could you find them? The answer is simple. you find them everywhere! If you can’t seem to find them, than you haven’t looked hard enough. Besides meeting terrific people through others, there are a multitude of ways and places to meet them. Here is a list of twenty-five places or activities to give you some ideas of where to begin:</p> 1.  Taking a brisk walk.</p> 2.  During your daily routine.</p> 3.  Doing errands.</p> 4.  Walking a dog.</p> 5.  Waiting in line at the movies or theater.</p> 6.  Waiting for a bus, plane, train, or other transportation.</p> 7.  Working out at the gym.</p> 8.  Participating in a sport.</p> 9.  Attending a sporting event.</p> 10.  In your, their, or other people’s offices.</p> 11. At a business meeting.</p> 12. At a doctor’s appointment.</p> 13. At a health spa.</p> 14. At a coffee shop or restaurant.</p> 15. In a house of worship.</p> 16. At a seminar or lecture.</p> 17. At any party or social event.</p> 18. At reunions.</p> 19. While shopping.</p> 20. Getting your car, video, computer, or any other appliance repaired.</p> 21. At a music or video store.</p> 22. At a library or museum.</p> 23. At a political activity or function.</p> 24. In an elevator.</p> 25. At any life-turning event: christenings, circumcisions, birthday parties, bar mitzvahs, quincenieras, sweet sixteens, weddings, anniversaries, roasts, and even funerals.</p> Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=84. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=84