What is on my mind...


Pan ignoramus
I'm telling you, this Murakami guy is a genius. Here, taste this for a blip of psychward cuisine.

“How about Proust’s 'In Search of Lost Time?'...If you’ve never read it this would be a good opportunity to read the whole thing.”
“Have you read it?”
“No, I’ve never been in jail, or had to hide out for a long time. Someone once said unless you have those kinds of opportunities, you can’t read the whole of Proust.”
“Do you know anybody who had read the whole thing?”
“I’ve known some people who have spent a long period in jail, but none were the type to be interested in Proust.”
“I’d like to give it a try,” Aomame said. “If you can get ahold of those books, bring them the next time you bring supplies.”
“Actually, I already got them for you,” Tamaru said.

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Paint It Black
Fine fine its settled I am going tu be shkuesi and go ask his hand in marriage for you and the whole forum can be deshmitare :D (if he is dead i'll get mu dusty necromancy books and resurrect him :p)
Anything for you jelly bean :re9:


Paint It Black
Ja dhe kete mesazh ma derguan sot, nje citat nga Murakami :)

“here she is, all mine, trying her best to give me all she can. How could I ever hurt her? But I didn’t understand then. That I could hurt somebody so badly she would never recover. That a person can, just by living, damage another human being beyond repair.”
― Haruki Murakami,


Papirus rex
Ja dhe nje tjeter kshu sa per efekt romanticizmi :)

Twinkle twinkle little star
You should wonder what you are
And once you know what you are
The mental hospital is not so far


Misherimi i romancitizmit paske qene. :D


Paint It Black
Me sugjeruan nje kenge para disa ditesh por si pertace qe jam dje mezi mu kujtua ta degjoj, dhe qe dje mu be fiksim dhe eshte ne repeat e sdi sa here e kam degjuar deri tani :)



cherry blossom
edhe une kam nje pershtypje ne lidhje me kete kengen e re te Adele. kur me sugjeruan ta degjoj heren e pare e me vone me pyeten per pershtypjen time, u pergjigja qe ishte nje kenge e zakonshme per mua, asgje e vecante. me pas e degjova e ridegjova serish, derisa tani me vjen ta degjoj me shpesh sepse me pelqen shume.

mesimi qe nxorra nga kjo: pershtypja e pare do te thote shume pak dhe ngutja luan gjithnje nje rol pengues ne njohjen e gjerave brenda vetedijes tone :)


Papirus rex
well then....see you in Neverland deer, It's second star to the right and straight on 'til morning.
After a while, crocodile :)

So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!

Always yours,
Tik Tok


Papirus rex
edhe une kam nje pershtypje ne lidhje me kete kengen e re te Adele. kur me sugjeruan ta degjoj heren e pare e me vone me pyeten per pershtypjen time, u pergjigja qe ishte nje kenge e zakonshme per mua, asgje e vecante. me pas e degjova e ridegjova serish, derisa tani me vjen ta degjoj me shpesh sepse me pelqen shume.

mesimi qe nxorra nga kjo: pershtypja e pare do te thote shume pak dhe ngutja luan gjithnje nje rol pengues ne njohjen e gjerave brenda vetedijes tone :)

Une e degjova nja 3-4 here e prape smu duke gje


Anëtar i Shtabit
Po hap sot nje faqe te re..Ne ditarin time..
E dua pa fund te shkruaj te shperthej ate cka po perjetoj tani.ne kte momente e mbase jo vetem..Por gjate gjithe kesaj periudhe..:(
Rastesisht lexova diku nje sms i cili dukej sikur kishte ardhur gabim ne adresen time..Ne fakt une isha ajo qe sdoja ta lexoja e sdoja ta pranoja qe em adresohej MUA..!E cuditshme fakti qe sa here ne,njerezit ikim e perseri kthehemi ne nje vend leme gjithmone e me shume hapesire per dyshime ,japim vuajtje me plot bindje,japim lote ZEMRE...Ikim heqim dore vecse per shkak te krenarise tone,ikim leme ate cfare ne na jep jete na jep mundesine te qeshim mes loteve per shkak se sduam te behemi sic duan ata,por sic ne jemi realisht!
Por harrojm qe mes gjithe ketyre ngjarjeve eshte diku thelle ajo qe quhet NDJENJE,ajo qe te thyen cdo kufi krenarie,cdo kufi imagjinate te con aq larg sa do te mendosh se je afer nje YLLI ne hapesire ku shpesh nuk ka as OKSigjen te mjaftueshem..por mjafton pamja bukuria shkelqimi i atij YLLI qe shkelqen atje TEJ...
Dicka e bukur do jete per NE TE DY...Une e di TI je ne rrugen e duhur e mbase bere zgjedhjen e duhur ...;)ne fakt tani mund te them per MUA dhe TY..sps ai binom sapo ra ..e fatkeqesisht nuk shpreha as dot deshiren sic une bej ndonjeher hihi...E qeshura me pershkoi fetyren e permes Lotesh mu kujtua nje fjale qe kisha lexuar diku: E QESHURA ME NDALOI TE QAJA!
Do jem cdo moment te te lexoj,te te ndjek cfare ben ..Por kurre sdo te jem me aty ku sot me pe per here te fundit,do te dukem e larget per te me pasur,por jo e larget nga ZEMRA..Ç'egoizem do thuash ti???Haaa jam e bindur kshu do thuash...Sps ke filluar te mendosh pa mendje.te duash pa ZEMER....

LAMTUMIRE!!! :( :(

Ngrohjes GLOBALE,natyra po i pergjigjet me ''FTOFJE NJERZORE''
Lisa, 19 Aug 2015

Kjo copez shkrimi e imja....Me pershtatet me se mir dhe ne kete moment :(


Locus omnem
Po hap sot nje faqe te re..Ne ditarin time..
E dua pa fund te shkruaj te shperthej ate cka po perjetoj tani.ne kte momente e mbase jo vetem..Por gjate gjithe kesaj periudhe..:(
Rastesisht lexova diku nje sms i cili dukej sikur kishte ardhur gabim ne adresen time..Ne fakt une isha ajo qe sdoja ta lexoja e sdoja ta pranoja qe em adresohej MUA..!E cuditshme fakti qe sa here ne,njerezit ikim e perseri kthehemi ne nje vend leme gjithmone e me shume hapesire per dyshime ,japim vuajtje me plot bindje,japim lote ZEMRE...Ikim heqim dore vecse per shkak te krenarise tone,ikim leme ate cfare ne na jep jete na jep mundesine te qeshim mes loteve per shkak se sduam te behemi sic duan ata,por sic ne jemi realisht!
Por harrojm qe mes gjithe ketyre ngjarjeve eshte diku thelle ajo qe quhet NDJENJE,ajo qe te thyen cdo kufi krenarie,cdo kufi imagjinate te con aq larg sa do te mendosh se je afer nje YLLI ne hapesire ku shpesh nuk ka as OKSigjen te mjaftueshem..por mjafton pamja bukuria shkelqimi i atij YLLI qe shkelqen atje TEJ...
Dicka e bukur do jete per NE TE DY...Une e di TI je ne rrugen e duhur e mbase bere zgjedhjen e duhur ...;)ne fakt tani mund te them per MUA dhe TY..sps ai binom sapo ra ..e fatkeqesisht nuk shpreha as dot deshiren sic une bej ndonjeher hihi...E qeshura me pershkoi fetyren e permes Lotesh mu kujtua nje fjale qe kisha lexuar diku: E QESHURA ME NDALOI TE QAJA!
Do jem cdo moment te te lexoj,te te ndjek cfare ben ..Por kurre sdo te jem me aty ku sot me pe per here te fundit,do te dukem e larget per te me pasur,por jo e larget nga ZEMRA..Ç'egoizem do thuash ti???Haaa jam e bindur kshu do thuash...Sps ke filluar te mendosh pa mendje.te duash pa ZEMER....

LAMTUMIRE!!! :( :(

Ngrohjes GLOBALE,natyra po i pergjigjet me ''FTOFJE NJERZORE''
Lisa, 19 Aug 2015

Kjo copez shkrimi e imja....Me pershtatet me se mir dhe ne kete moment :(
te keput ne mes me te shkruajtura ti bukuroshe.


Under the Dome
Me sugjeruan nje kenge para disa ditesh por si pertace qe jam dje mezi mu kujtua ta degjoj, dhe qe dje mu be fiksim dhe eshte ne repeat e sdi sa here e kam degjuar deri tani :)

E vertete :)
E degjova 4/5 here edhe eshte vertete kenge fantastike.
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Pan ignoramus

"For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our Country. He is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly. You may have seen him perched on some dead Tree near the River, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the Labour of the Fishing Hawk; and when that diligent Bird has at length taken a Fish, and is bearing it to his Nest for the Support of his Mate and young Ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him and takes it from him.

"With all this Injustice, he is never in good Case but like those among Men who live by Sharping & Robbing he is generally poor and often very lousy. Besides he is a rank Coward: The little King Bird not bigger than a Sparrow attacks him boldly and drives him out of the District. He is therefore by no means a proper Emblem for the brave and honest Cincinnati of America who have driven all the King birds from our Country...

"I am on this account not displeased that the Figure is not known as a Bald Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America... He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on."

-- (Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to his daughter), January 26, 1784
( http://www.greatseal.com/symbols/turkey.html )