

Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime

ich kann mit leuten, die keine Schwäche zeigen, nichts anfangen. /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rolleyes.gif
wir alle sind verwundbar!

true confidental

Forumium maestatis
Re: vrojtime

Sa moment i bukur eshte kur dikush mbyll syte dhe shpreh nje deshire nga shpirti duke shuar qirinjte mbi kekun e ditelindjes ....une sapo e vrojtova nje, asaj i rreshkiti nje lot mbi kekun plot me luleshtrydhe dhe nje buzeqeshje lumturie iu formua me pas ne fytyre ....
ndoshta sme bie mua te haj pjesen ku ra loti i saj /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


Re: vrojtime

'A woman's test is material. A man's test is a woman... if a man could fuck in a cardboard box, he wouldn't buy a house.'- Rabbi Dave Chappelle

It is assumed that money is a fundamental unit of attraction to a woman. For a girl of 16 'full points' for money might be obtained by havign access to a car and beer money. When she is in her early college years, a nicer car and enough money to join a fraternity is probably sufficient. As she advances into her twenties what we consider to be normal money chart will begins to manifest itself-- that is, she'll want the richest man she can get.

At this point, most guys know that women dig guys with money. Would Donald Trump be fucking a model if he wasn't rich? That question is rhetorical. I don't even believe that is wrong. I think it is just nature. But i also think women who are this way (and is most all of you) should be honest and admit they are basiclly whores, and stop saying bad things about the so-called 'actual whores' who are just trying to earn an honest living.

Most women read this and say something like, 'Well i'm not the average woman because.. blah...blah...blah...not true...blah....blah...my boyfriend/lover/husband/massuese was poor...blah...blah.' Let's face it, you are all intellectual whores.

For more read 'The ladder theory'
Re: vrojtime

Auuuu se na bere kurjoze, edhe ca thote ajo "Ladder Theory" mi?

Women scarcely have an opinion about other women, unless it is anchored by that of a man.


Re: vrojtime

Do you believe in love at first sight (LAFS)? I don't, either. If you go for the romantic theory, two people can meet at, say, key party, feel and instant connection, and somehow know that htey fit together as well as his key fits into her lock. But if you're not a romantic, you laugh at LAFS. Love, you say, is a series of chemical connections and neural synapses and is built up over time, so it's pretty much impossible for LAFS to be real.

Sure, Man sees Woman and says, "Ugh. Must have sex." Woman sees man and says, "Hmm. Lots of tools and good cave. Make strong children. Possibilities there." But LAFS? Uh-uh. Not gonna happen.

Feel free to disagree with me.

Nelka... you can find it online. It'll crack you up.


Forumium maestatis
Re: vrojtime

Heidy Klum said that "In fashion, one day you're in, one day your out!" And itt seems to me, the world has become a fashionable place.

ajo mohito qenka shume joshese... /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime

Njerez, robote, kontroll, politike, politike, diktature, totalitarizem, oh dua qe nje fllad arti te magjepse boten sot.


Forumium maestatis
Re: vrojtime

Vallaj ta dinte Hitleri se ca efekti ka era qe leshon Lana ,sdo kishte lene cifut pa e sjell ne Tirane.


Valoris scriptorum
Re: vrojtime

t'menosh gjilpere qe ma shane "ça eshte kjo margherita kshu?" /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

ja i vrojtim: m'duket vetja si ata shqiptaret e dikurshem qe shihnin ne enderr nje femer qe nuk e kishin pare kurre, merrnin nje torbe me vete e niseshin te gjenin kismetin e tyre. po sikleti im eshte qe kam pare 3 qe nuk ngjanin kurrsesi me njera tjetren.

si me e bo me u nda me 3-sh? /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif


Re: vrojtime

Kur s'din si t'ja bësh, se oreksin ke të madh, nisu me radhë e mos le gjë pa përlarë. /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

More vesh Duto.


Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime

po s'kendonte kot ai qe thoshte a little bit of k'saj e a little bit prej asaj:)

kujdes ama mos ngelsh pa gje fare nga te menduarit, pa te keq e kam vertet.


Re: vrojtime

A woman's sexuality is her most powerful tool, and until she understands that, she is destined to be controlled by men. Men are suprisingly simple creatures, easily understood, and often ruled by their desires. And a scandalous woman understands that her inhabitions are the shackles placed upon her by society. She who unlocks them is freed from the slavery of conformity. She knows that victory in life's battles is a reward for the bold.

Are you a scandalous woman?


Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime

Disa nga liliputet kane nje ves te keq fare, sa here dikush nderton apo gjendet perballe dickaje te bukur fillojne e shajne, te prishin imazhin, reputacionin, dhe nga zilia arrijne te kthejne permbys gjithcka.


Forumium maestatis
Re: vrojtime

po sikur te kthehesh ne nje shqiponje?

sa kohe ka kaluar pa me shkruar nje mail? Them se ka vajtuar ora te me rrefesh gjerat e bukura qe te kane ndodhur.

p.s. pm-s don't work /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime

there are some few people and some good friends that I can love in eternity without being tired.


Forumium maestatis
Re: vrojtime

Sometimes the end of your dream/wish/plan is only one click away:

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