Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

Sapo mora nje email nga nje shoqe qe jeton ne Staten Island prane Anites.

Sa po mora vesh qe Anita Bitri, goca dhe e jema kane vdekur ne Staten Island NY. Shkaku i vdekjes ishte Carbon Monooxide poisoning ne shtepine e tyre.

Ma do mendja qe lajmet shqiptare do fillojne ta perhapin lajmin dhe ne Shqiperi. Really, really sad, dhe te rrenqeth mishin. Ne NY ishte shume popular te pakten me Shqiptaret.

Anyways, ne lajme te mira shkruafshim


Lajmi eshte i pakonfirumuar. Sidoqofte, I paharruar qofte kujtimi i tyre.

I love new york

Primus registratum
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

NJe lajm vertet qe me preku thelle, nuk ka shume qe e degjove tek lajmet e ores 10PM dhe m'u mblodh nje lemsh ne gryke <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
Cfare fati i keq, te shuhesh me breza.
Zoti qofte me ta dhe gjecin prehje

what's wrong with you <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />


Primus registratum
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

thashethemet jane keto:

kur Luani( i shoqi) shkonte me Aniten dhe qe pastaj u marutan, gruaja e pare vari veten.

pastaj vite me vone vdiq Luani dhe i la cdo gje Anites dhe asgje familjes dhe femijve te marteses se pare.

pastaj vdes dhe ajo.

Kjo esthe me te vertete tragjedi.

nje gje ishte me te

kur kendonte i ngrente te gjithe ne kembe....

e kam dhe ne dy kaseta te familjes neper dasma, full of life.

tragjedi e vertete.

une se besova kurre por sa hyra ne klase me thane ca goca joshqiptare qe ka vdekur nje kengetare shqiptare.


Primus registratum
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

May her memory last forever.

I mire mbefte kujtimi i saj.



Primus registratum
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

Lajm i rende <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />


Ketu mund te degjoni nji kenge te Anites -> Klik:play


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Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!



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Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!



Ja se c'thote shtypi amerikan per zhdukjen e Anites.

The Buffallo News
Albania singer, mother, daughter, 7, asphyxiated


NEW YORK (AP) - An Albanian pop singer who came to the United States in search of stardom in America was found dead of apparent carbon monoxide poisoning Tuesday along with her mother and 7-year-old daughter.
The vents on a boiler in the woman's basement had been stuffed with plastic bags apparently intended to keep concrete out during recent construction on the home, said Ilyse Fink, a spokeswoman for the Department of Buildings.

&quot;It's a very tragic accident.&quot; Fink said.

The names of the child and two women, ages 60 and 36, were not immediately released. But friends of the 36-year-old woman identified her as Anita Bitri Prapaniku, a singer-songwriter who was well-known in her native country.


NEW YORK (AP) -- An Albanian pop singer who moved to the United States in search of stardom was found dead of apparent carbon monoxide poisoning Tuesday along with her mother and 7-year-old daughter.

The vents on a boiler in the woman's basement had been stuffed with plastic bags apparently intended to keep concrete out during recent construction on the home, said Ilyse Fink, a spokeswoman for the New York Department of Buildings.

&quot;It's a very tragic accident.&quot; Fink said.

The names of the child and two women, ages 60 and 36, were not immediately released. But friends of the 36-year-old woman identified her as Anita Bitri Prapaniku, a singer-songwriter who was well-known in her native country.

&quot;She was an amazing pop sensation in Albania,&quot; said her record producer, James Avatar.

Prapaniku's husband had recently died of cancer, friends said. Her own death came while she and Avatar were busy recording two CDs -- one in Albanian and one in English -- at his Brooklyn studio.

The singer, who arrived in the United States about 10 years ago, &quot;wanted the American Dream,&quot; Avatar said. &quot;She loved Aretha Franklin and the big American divas.&quot;

Prapaniku was known for singing marathon sets at clubs, restaurants and ethnic events.

A musician who had performed with her, Maksim Vathi, rushed to her home after hearing about the deaths. &quot;I'm still in shock,&quot; he said. &quot;I can't believe it. I feel really sorry.&quot;

Police said a friend of the family called 911 after discovering the bodies in a second-floor bedroom of the Staten Island home. Firefighters found extremely high levels of carbon monoxide inside the home.

The family died less than two weeks before a new city law goes into effect requiring most homes to have carbon monoxide detectors installed within 15 feet of sleeping areas.
National Incident Notificatyion Network
NEW YORK -- A 7-year-old girl, her mother and her grandmother were found dead of apparent carbon monoxide poisoning on Tuesday in their Staten Island home, authorities said.

The names of the child, her 36-year-old mother and her 60-year-old grandmother were not immediately released. However, friends and neighbors identified the mother as Anita Bitri Prapaniku, a singer from Albania.

Maksim Vathi, a musician who said he performed with Prapaniku at clubs and weddings, said she was well-known in her native country and in the city's Albanian community. He rushed to the home after hearing news of the tragedy.

&quot;I'm still in shock,&quot; he said. &quot;I can't believe it. I feel really sorry.&quot;

The three victims were the only residents of a pink, two-story frame house on a quiet street in the borough's South Beach section.

Neighbor Matthew Iacovelli described the family as friendly and active.

&quot;They were always in the yard doing something, working on the home,&quot; he said.

Police said another friend of the family called 911 after discovering the bodies in a second-floor bedroom at about 8:30 a.m. Tests by firefighters revealed extremely high levels of carbon monoxide inside the home.

Investigators believe the source of the colorless, odorless gas may have been a basement boiler, said fire Chief Thomas Haring.

Carbon monoxide is created any time gasoline, oil, wood or propane is burned. It is a leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in the United States.



Albanian Singer Dies in Suspect Death

Tue Oct 19, 3:27 PM ET U.S. National - AP

By MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK - An Albanian pop singer who came to the United States in search of stardom in America was found dead of apparent carbon monoxide poisoning Tuesday along with her mother and 7-year-old daughter.

Authorities said they suspect the fumes came from a leaky boiler inside the family's Staten Island house.

The names of the child and two women, ages 60 and 36, were not immediately released. But friends of the 36-year-old woman identified her as Anita Bitri Prapaniku, a singer-songwriter who was well-known in her native country.

&quot;She was an amazing pop sensation in Albania,&quot; said her record producer, James Avatar.

Prapaniku's husband had recently died of cancer, friends said. Her own death came while she and Avatar were busy recording two CDs — one in Albanian and one in English — at his Brooklyn studio.

The singer, who arrived in the United States about 10 years ago, &quot;wanted the American Dream,&quot; Avatar said. &quot;She loved Aretha Franklin and the big American divas.&quot;

Prapaniku was known for singing marathon sets at clubs, restaurants and ethnic events.

A musician who had performed with her, Maksim Vathi, rushed to her home after hearing about the deaths. &quot;I'm still in shock,&quot; he said. &quot;I can't believe it. I feel really sorry.&quot;

Police said a friend of the family called 911 after discovering the bodies in a second-floor bedroom. Firefighters found extremely high levels of carbon monoxide inside the home.

The family died less than two weeks before a new city law goes into effect requiring most homes to have carbon monoxide detectors installed within 15 feet of sleeping areas.


Primus registratum
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

For those interestesed:

A memorial service is planned for 4 p.m. Saturday at First Evangelical Free Church at Sixth Avenue and 65th Street in Brooklyn.


Primus registratum
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

Un jam shokuar kur edegjova lajmin ne t-ch ne oren 9-te mengjesit.Nje tragjedi e vertete .JAM NJE FANSE E SAJ SEPSE GJITH KENGET QE KA KENDUAR KAN QENE HITE .Kur e kam pare me daten 1 janar 2004 ne nje emision special ne t-ch u kenaqa duke pare komunikimin e saj me te bijen dhe arritjet qe kishte bere Anita.Ishte nje surprize serish kur e pashe ne top-select te ftuar pas ardhjes se saj ne tirane .Dhe jam perlotur sot me lajmin e tmerrshem .
U prefte ne paqe

Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

Nje tragjedi e vertete..Sikur te mos ishte e vertete por vetem nje lajm gazete..me verte tmerr.. &lt;img src=&quot;/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; /&gt;


Primus registratum
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

Shume i rende ky lajm! &lt;img src=&quot;/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; /&gt;

E po ca degjova, qe e paska vrare ish i dashuri i saj kosovar, per arsye se ajo ishte mosmirenjohese ndaj tij...eee ca nuk degjon


Primus registratum
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

Fillimisht postuar nga Mocja me namuz:
[qb] Shume i rende ky lajm! &lt;img src=&quot;/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; /&gt;

E po ca degjova, qe e paska vrare ish i dashuri i saj kosovar, per arsye se ajo ishte mosmirenjohese ndaj tij...eee ca nuk degjon
Robt thashetheme duan. Dhe ne shqipot, jemi kampione per thashetheme. (stresi ke fjala Kosovar, se c'ka te beje fakti i krahines hajde merre vesh)


Forumium maestatis
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

I ati i kengetares te ndjere Anita Bitri nepermjet medias i kerkoi ndihme shtetit qe te sjellin trupat e te vdekurave ne Shqiperi per ti varrosur pasi nuk i perballojne dot shpenzimet, nderkohe qe shoqata e gruas shqiptaro amerikane ka hapur nje llogari bankare per te derdhur para per transportimin e kufomave ne atdhe si dhe per te ndihmuar sado pak fianciarisht familjen Bitri e cila u ndosh papritur perballe tragjedise te tmerrshme qe u mori jeten 3 pjestareve.


Primus registratum
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

ndonje informacion per kete llogarine, di njeri?


Primus registratum
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

Memorial service eshte sot ne STaten Island.

Ndersa te shtunen do organizohet nje benefit concert ku do mblidhen fonde per transportimin e trupave. vendi:

Recalling Anita in song - Musicians, others to gather to honor Albanian pop singer who died from carbon monoxide poisoning

October 21, 2004

Albanian folk musicians and hundreds of others will gather in Brooklyn Saturday for a memorial benefit concert in honor of Anita Bitri-Prapaniku.

Bitri-Prapaniku, who along with her mother and daughter died Tuesday from carbon monoxide poisoning in their Staten Island home, had often performed at charity events when she wasn't singing her Western fusion songs at Albanian weddings and parties.

But this time, the benefit will be for her.

&quot;We will try to sing some of her songs,&quot; said Vait Hajdaraj, a guitar player and one of her former bandmates. &quot;It's not especially for playing music. It's for remembering Anita, for paying our respects.&quot;

In April 2003, Bitri-Prapaniku was in Astoria, helping raise $10,000 for orphans of Velika Krusa, a tiny Kosovo village whose men were killed in the ethnic cleansing war.

In May, she sang at a Mother's Day event at a catering hall in Brooklyn. With her mother, Hazabije Bitri, 60, and daughter, Sibora, 7, at her side, the beloved Albanian singer presided over a dance contest and raised several thousand dollars for a local Albanian group.

The 4 p.m. event at the First Evangelical Free Church, at Sixth Avenue and 65th street in Sunset Park, is also billed as a farewell performance and will raise money for the return of Bitri-Prapaniku's body for burial to her native Albania, where she was a respected singer and violinist.

&quot;Now we are doing a benefit for her. It's unfortunate,&quot; said Shqipe Malushi, executive director of the Albanian American Woman's Organization, who said the performer often gave of her time since arriving in the United States in 1996.

In addition to her former band members, performers at the event will include Albanian accordionist Raif Hyseni, singer Marita Halili and singers Frederick and Aida Ndoci.

Several family friends said the deceased singer's brother was en route from Italy to New York yesterday to identify the bodies.

Malushi recalled that shortly after arriving in New York for the first time eight years ago, Bitri-Prapaniku attended her first fund-raiser, a national flag day celebration.

&quot;She came right after she gave birth and somebody held her baby while she was singing,&quot; Malushi recalled. &quot;This is how she never spared herself.&quot;

Email per info: contact@aawomq.org


Primus registratum
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

I perjetshem qofte kujtimi i Anites dhe familjareve te tjere!


Primus registratum
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

For more information about the service and how you can help please visit the Albanian American Women's Organization &quot;Motrat Qiriazi&quot; website at www.aawomq.org


Forumium maestatis
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

Edhe parlamenti shqiptar neperjet kyetarit te lidhjes, deputetit limoz dizdari i kerkoi qeverise nderhyrjen per sjelljen e trupave ne shqiperi.

Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

Sot lexova diku nje poezi te shkruar nga
AGIM DOCI (autor tekstesh kengesh)....
shkruar mbas vdekjes tragjike te Anites... &lt;img src=&quot;/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; /&gt;

Nese ju merr malli per mua,
dilni mes njerezve dhe me kerkoni,
Me kengen ne buze tere jeten dua,
te jem prane jush..sa me mungoni

Nese ju merr malli mos qani,
Radio Tirana paksa degjoni,
dhe nje moment heshtje mbani..
Une do tju ndjej mos me harroni..

Endra e jetes sime sec u helmua,
Tok me Siboren nga ju u ndava,
Asnje pike lot te rrjedhe nuk dua..
e larg prej jush un vetem qava

Ja ky ish fati im,skam cfare te them,
Askush prej jush smund ta besoj,
po me kerkove shpirtin ma gjen..
kenges shqiptare do ti mungoj..

Do ti mungoj njerezve te dashur..
Do ti mungoj dhe tokes meme,
ka ne gjume ender te perflakur..
por do me gjeni vetem ne Kenge

Kur dimri i bardhe te derdhe deboren,
kur nje hartim te bejne femijet,
dhe kur ne tren dikush prek doren
Do vij tju sjell gjithe dashurite

Ika pra ika,ky ish fati im...
Hyra ne enderen qe skam mbarim
Udhetim i jetes kaq shkurt me zgjati..
Vec kengen time ju le kujtim..



Forumium maestatis
Re: Vdes Anita Bitri ne nje aksident tragjik!

Tragjedi, fatekeqesi... te pakten nuk vuajten. Vdekja beri te vuajn me shume te gjallet.

Anita do jete prezente pergjithomne ne kujtimin e shume njerezve.