

Forumium maestatis
Re: Ti!

<font color="brown"> You... you have a sort of magic and remind me of somebody... it feels so strange... </font>

Re: Ti!

When You Came Into My Life

You give me your smile
A piece of your heart
You give me the feel I've been looking for
You give me your soul
Your innocent love
You are the one I've been waiting for
I've been waiting for

We're lost in a kiss
A moment in time
Forever young
Just forever, just forever in love

When you came into my life
It took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way
To my heart

Ooh, ahh
Ooh, ahh

You make me dream
By the look in your eyes
You give me the feel, I've been longing for
I wanna give you my soul
All my life
Cause you are the one I've been waiting for
I've been waiting for so long

When you came into my life
It took my breath away
And the world stopped turnin' round
For your love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way
To my heart
Into my heart

Just forever in love

When you came into my life
It took my breath away
And the world stopped turnin' round
For your love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way
To my heart
When you came into my life

When you came into my life
It took my breath away
And the world stopped turnin' round
For your love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way
To my heart


Faleminderit per gjithcka!


Primus registratum
Re: Ti!

Dikur ishe ti boshti rreth te cilit rrotullohej bota ime. Dikur jetoja/ ndjeja/ dashuroja vetem ty. Isha vec nje pike ne trajektoren e botes qe krijuam bashke. Tani ndihem e plot pa ty dhe boten tone. Tani jam une vete trajektorja e jetes sime.


Re: Ti!

Oj chupa chupse,shkruhet Brasil jo brazil.Shkrimi korrekt eshte me S.

P.s.RReth temes fjalet mi paska marre nga goja Caldera.


Primus registratum
Re: Ti!

I lose control because of you babe
I lose control when you look at me like this
Theres something in your eyes that is saying tonight
Im not a child anymore, life has opened the door
To a new exciting life

Its all written down in your lifelines
Its written down inside your heart

You and I just have a dream
To find our love a place, where we can hide away
You and I were just made
To love each other now, forever and a day

I lose control because of you babe
I lose control dont look at me like this
Theres something in your eyes that is saying tonight
Im so curious for more just like never before
In my innocent life

Its all written down in your lifelines
Its written down inside your heart

You and I just have a dream
To find our love a place, where we can hide away
You and I were just made
To love each other now, forever and a day

Time stands still when the days of innocence
Are falling for the night
I love you girl I always will
I swear Im there for you
Till the day I die


You and I just have a dream
To find our love a place, where we can hide away
You and I were just made
To love each other now, forever and a day

You and I just have a dream
To find our love a place, where we can hide away
You and I were just made
To love each other now, forever and a day


Primus registratum
Re: Ti!

/pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif Lyrics Galore! /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif

Eatable - (lexohet etëbëll jo itëbëll)

eat·a·ble (&amp;#275;'t&amp;#601;-b&amp;#601;l)
Fit to be eaten; edible: an eatable meal.

Something fit to be eaten.
eatables Food.



Fit to be eaten: comestible, edible, esculent. See ingestion.

Definition: able, reasonable to consume
Antonyms: inedible, undelicious, uneatable, unpalatable, unwholesome


The noun eatable has one meaning:

Meaning #1: any substance that can be used as food
Synonyms: comestible, edible, pabulum, victual, victuals


The adjective eatable has two meanings:

Meaning #1: suitable for use as food
Synonyms: edible, comestible

Meaning #2: Sexual. Woman who arouses in men the desire to perform oral sex on given subject.


Mentioned In
eatable is mentioned in the following topics:
tidbit comestible
esculent edible
mangrove sapodilla
harees gumbo (word origin: Democratic Republic of the Congo)
wayzgoose Buddhism in Kashmir


Forumium praecox
Re: Ti!

je ti,tani je edhe ti...as vete se di per sa kohe do jesh...je nje ndjenje e bukur e ke nje vend te vecante ne zemren time,une,qe asnjehere se kisha menduar se do me ndodhte...
ti je...dhe jam e lumtur per kete,hera heres me duket sikur kerkon tek mua vetem dicka te vecante e aq te zakonshme-seks- e hera heres e kundershtoj veten e pas thenieve te tua ti amo piu della mia vita,dobesohem nga brenda e shtypem,sepse mendoj se me don vertet...nuk di cte mendoj per ty,jemi kaq larg dhe kaq prane,mesa duket largesia ka ndermend te me rrije ngjitur per nje kohe te gjate...
te dua apo jo?kjo eshte pyetja,e nese nuk flas me ty,e smarr asnje lajm,me mungon,e kur shoh qe meriztesh e thua dicka q sme pelqen,me vjen te qaj...sa here mendoj largimin akoma me larg nga cjemi,kam qare,dhe shpesh me vjen te qaj dhe per ty...
nuk e di,por je ti...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Ti!

et je posé mes levres sur ta peau,
et je respiré l'odeur de ton corps,
et je te murmuré des mots doux en te regardant dans les yeux


Forumium maestatis
Re: Ti!

Do kishte shume gjera per te shkruar per ty, shume vargje por sot mbas kaq kohe me te vertete nuk ja vlen as te harxhosh kohen mbi tastjere per ty. ...


Primus registratum
Re: Ti!

Te uroj me gjithe zemer edhe 100 /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif
Faleminderit qe je prezent ne momente te bukura e faleminderit dhe me shume qe je gjithmone aty kur une kam me teper nevoje per ty, ne momentet me te veshtira.
Gjate tere rruges qe kemi bere bashke, jemi penguar e jemi lodhur shume here, por asnjehere ndaj njeri-tjetrit. Asnjehere s'jemi stepur balle problemeve dhe forcen per ti zgjidhur e gjejme vetem tek njeri-tjetri.
Me tere sakrificat qe kemi bere dhe ditet e paharruara plot dashuri, lot, te qeshura, dhimbje, prekje, lodhje, gezim, trishtim...ne te gjitha keto dite kemi gjetur perhere nje moment te themi "te dua", te perqafohemi, te puthemi e te shijojme prezencen e seicilit.
Uroj te jetosh edhe 100 vite te tjere prane meje, me te njejten deshire e dashuri per mua, duke m'a ruajtur dhe mua deshiren te pandryshuar, e duke ma shtuar madje, me perkujdesjet e gjithcka me fal.
Gezuar dhe qofsh i lumtur bashke me ne /pf/images/graemlins/kiss.gif pergjithmone!

Je m'arrêterai pas de t'aimer

Je serai toujours là
C'est une promesse
Que j'ai faite là
Comme une caresse
Les mots du cœur
Sont merveilleux
Je sais
L'amour s'appelle nous deux

Je connais ton cœur
Je'connais ton corps
Par cœur
Même quand tu blesses
C'est la tendresse
Qui pleure
Faut que j'te dise à tout moment
J'ai peur
Si peur de me brûler le cœur

J'm'arrêterai pas de t'aimer
Quoiqu'il arrive je sais
Te mentir ça m'sert à rien
Et tout te dire
Ça m'fait du bien

J't'ai toujours dit la vérité
Celle' d'aujourd'hui à tout changé
C'est le grand homme Qui a décidé
Du reste il a fallu trancher

J'm'arrêterai pas de t'aimer ah ah
Ce sera mon petit secret
Comme un jardin discret
Qui voudrait fleurir
Dans ton cœur


Primus registratum
Re: Ti!

me syte ma t'bukur n'bote... t'thelle e me tan' reflekset e oqeanit...t'kunorzum me qerpik' q1 sa her' syt e tuj m'shofin i shoqnojn' t'palevizshem...ngrihen... mandej puthen leeeeht me buzen n'gaz...
me at' pale skin ku dielli ka lan' nji puthje verore, me flokt e g'jata t'cilat...


Primus registratum
Re: Ti!

Cfare mundem t'shkruaj? Kjo tastjera ime eshte me butona te zinj mbi nje fushe argjendi sikur syte e tu jane si te Athinase, Perendeshes kur ajo dashurohej e ajo dashurohej rralle, per periudha te shkurtra, gjithmone me mua.
E kur kujtohej pastaj qiste prej llogut nje shpate me dy presa, ma ngulte ne zemer, me linte kufome.

Faji im. Pata harruar, Athinaja eshte perendesha e luftes. Ajo Aferditen e ka moter por...
Dua. Frigueshem.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Ti!

<font color="blue">Ti je ndryshe... natyra ste ka dhene asgje te vecante dhe perseri ti bie ne sy, ndoshta per thjeshtesine tende, ndoshta sepse di te qeshesh edhe me gjene me te vogel ose ndoshta sepse je spontane dhe nuk ke frike qe te tjeret do te paragjykojne se je ashtu sic je...
/pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Ti!

Sot mendova per ty, per pak kohe. Kot per te ditur si je a cfare ben, nese je po ne te njejtin qytet. Imazhet dhe mendimet shkojne e vijne si pelhura te padukshme ajri, vale truri qe pershkojne lagje, rruge, qytete, shtete. Ti ndoshta po flije a po beje dicka kur nje mendim te mberriti nga une.
Sa here behem kurioze per mendimet, sa here qe njerez qe kemi njohur, a dashur vijne ne trurin tone atehere kur nuk e presim, apo sa here qe mendime te tjera i nisim per nje rruge te gjate, per nje udhetim te gjate naten a diten. Me mrekullon truri i njeriut, se s’kam as idene me te vogel sesi dreqin funksionon. Si ky kompjuter qe mendoj se e di, por ne fakt aspak.
Ti vjen dhe shkon ashtu sic ishe vite me pare. Thellesisht, si nje njeri non ekzistent, por ti je veç. Sa mire te njihja une ty, tani je vec nje imazh i se shkuares, nje fotografi transparente, ku shoh tejpertej te tashmen. Tani ndjej nje tjeter ngrohtesi, dy krahe me shtrengojne fort embelsisht; ndoshta diku atje edhe ti. Tani me ben te qesh me vete me fantazite e planet e atehershme, ti dhe une, nuk e kishim zbuluar mire boten, por kishim zbuluar njeri tjetrin, dhe bota jone ndalej aty. Sa kohe ka kaluar, dhe bota sa shume ka ndryshuar.
Ti je ende aty ku ishim?! Une kaq larg, dhe nganjehere vij prane, vij e shkoj, shkruaj shqip, se s’dua t’i harroj fjalet me te cilat shprehem me qarte ne bote, fjalet me te embla; fjalet shpirt, zemer, i dashur.

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Ti!

Mi piaci quando taci perché sei come assente,
e mi ascolti da lungi e la mia voce non ti tocca.
Sembra che gli occhi ti sian volati via
e che un bacio ti abbia chiuso la bocca.

Poiché tutte le cose son piene della mia anima
emergi dalle cose, piene dell'anima mia.
Farfalla di sogno, rassomigli alla mia anima,
e rassomigli alla parola malinconia.

Mi piaci quando taci e sei come distante.
E stai come lamentandoti, farfalla turbante.
E mi ascolti da lungi, e la mia voce non ti raggiunge:
lascia che io taccia col tuo silenzio.

Lascia che ti parli pure col tuo silenzio
chiaro come una lampada, semplice come un anello.
Sei come la notte, silenziosa e costellata.
Il tuo silenzio è di stella, così lontano e semplice.

Mi piaci quando taci perché sei come assente.
Distante e dolorosa come se fossi morta.
Allora una parola, un sorriso bastano.
E son felice, felice che non sia così.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Ti!

<font color="brown"> Vargmal e kishe llafin kusho? /pf/images/graemlins/eek.gif /pf/images/graemlins/devil.gif /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif </font>