

Forumium maestatis
Re: Pershtypje...

more pse me duket mua, apo ma mire me thane kam pershtypjen se ti Geshtenjeze me ke ikur paksa, po vetem paksa per Pambuk lal.... /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif /pf/images/graemlins/kiss.gif
permblidhe kallaballikun ene jepi te gjitheve nga nje Boze te ftohte n'hije t'fikut....
shnet e pare ene "Merre stresin lehte" /pf/images/graemlins/rockband.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Pershtypje...

ai s'kishte shume, vec 32 PhD. S'ishin asgje ne syte e ti, por perseri kur u prezantua e tha. Jam ne guines tha. Po kjo s'ishte e rendesishme, edhe pse skeleti i gjithe asaj qe tha ishte se duhet te jesh si une, qe te beheni si ne.
Epo, 32 s'jane pak. Madje, ve ne dyshim se si i ka marre. S'po them me hile, por ndoshta nganjehere sistemet mundesojne, ate qe ne vende te tjera eshte e veshtire. Ceshtja eshte gjithnje kush e ka ne dore.
Ajo tha se dy vjet s'jane shume, nderkohe behem me dy. Tha se rregullat s'e linin ate te firmoste, tha edhe se ishin shume dashamires ndaj meje. C'nuk tha. Ajo ka vetem nje, edhe ate ajo e di si e ka, por ai me 32 me rrinte tere kohes perpara. Dy vjet s'jane asgje, por per te ishin shume.
Ajo buzeqeshi dhe me percolli, une mora canten, buzeqesha dhe dola. Ajo eshte ende atje, une jam ketu, duke u dhene plot mendime te cuditshme iluminuese mbi ate qe mund te me kete ndodhur mua, njerezve te huaj. Une jam ketu, dhe po shkruaj, por ende nuk e kam te qarte se pse dhe per ke...

ti ke nevoje te deshperuar per syze /pf/images/graemlins/tipsy.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Pershtypje...

more sec po me fanepset mua tani se ene Alinosi me rreshkiti bashke Geshtenjezen,......
Rrusho ca ju ka picku juve te dyjave qe me tregoni historite ne veten e Katert????
nejse ti rrofsh per prenotimin te okulisti.... /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif /pf/images/graemlins/kiss.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif

helllooo ooooo

Re: Pershtypje...

<font color="green">THE WILD ROSE </font>

[/i] <font color="purple"> Special, venomous rose species, extremly fast growing. One of the most popular but however weird methods of defense during the War of the Chosen was to cultivate large hedges of this plant. It was almost certainly created by an unknown mage to serve for exactly this purpose. It was also not unusual that in former days the rose was used by maidens to end their lives quietly, if their love to a nobleman remained unreturned. In a poem of the famous Monsonius, the last moments of a girl dying on the venom of a wild-rose are described in painstakingly detail.

The primary difference between the wild rose and the typical species, which beautifully adorns many gardens and is often given to potential lovers, is that the thorns of the wild rose are tipped with a sticky venom that causes a gradual breakdown of rational thought. If the venom is left untreated it is very likely that its victim is paralysed, and a death most foul may follow soon. Thus it is obvious that one must be extremely careful when handling this kind of roses, but fortunately they have also become very rare in the wild, and nowadays are only grown by a few herbalists and alchemists to profit from their venom in order to produce potions of various effects.

Wild roses can be easily distinguished from the typical kind by several rather obvious differences in appearance. First of all, these roses have black or dark gray flowers and yellowish green leaves, furthermore the thorns are longer than those of normal roses and the stems are thicker and harder to cut with a blade than would be expected. Another point of note is that the roots of these plants also produce a herbicidal chemical that saturates the soil around the plants, allowing nothing but these roses to grow in the area. </font>


<font color="purple"> A suicidal maiden letting the thorns of the wild rose induce the deadly venom in her body. The image is an illustration to the poem "Odour of Dreams" by Monsonius. Picture drawn by Faugar. </font>


Primus registratum
Mua me ben vetem nje gje pershtypje shoqet e mia lyhen sikur te jene 27 e jo 16-17 vjec me ben pershtypje se kur ke lek te ledhatojn ose kur u ben nje kritike sado e vogel te jete te thone shih punen tende ti,nuk i kuptoj keta tipat e sotem.

Sweety el

Locus omnem
Edhe mua me ka bere pershtypje dicka e tille po cti besh jane rritur para kohe.pershtypje edhe ne u bejme atyre qe jemi 18 vjec e nuk lyhemi.vishemi sportive dhe jo ekstravagante.


Primus registratum
Mos u merzit se djemte duan gocat e thjeshta ndersa keto"top-modelet" i
duan per kalim kohe.Ngjajne si zysha(hahahah),apo e kam gabim?