
ana karenina

Primus registratum

<font color="blue"> </font> Kam lexuar qe kush perjeton pershtypje te forta eshte i gjalle. Ne te kundert? ... /pf/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif

Cfare te beri me shume pershtypje sot?


Primus registratum
Re: Pershtypje...

sot me ka bere pershtypje ...............

atehere prit pak sa te rregullohem,po prit pak eeeeeeee

shiko sapo,e c'me gjeti prit prit se

edhe kjo mu desh tani

ty qe do lexosh cfare te ben me shume pershtypje /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/tonguee.gif /pf/images/graemlins/goofy.gif

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Pershtypje...

Ndonje lloj pershtypjeje nuk me ben, po kuptoj qe je ne humor te mire /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Pershtypje...

me ben pershtypje ti qe po kafshon cokollaten

dhe nuk me jep pak

une ty do te ta kisha dhene!


Primus registratum
Re: Pershtypje...

kafe te mire ama

tani po qe pershtypjet jane te mira! /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif



Valoris scriptorum
Re: Pershtypje...

Aaaaaaaa, pershtypje!

Mos t'ja nis une se me thone qe vetem te ankohem di /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif pershtypjet e mia jane kryesisht KRITIKA /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ndaj jam kufizuar ne cuditje te brendshme i.e. vezhgoj, filtroj, analizoj, cuditem, mbyll gojen /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Cudia s'ka fund se njeriu nuk cuditet vec me c'i shohin syte, po edhe me ato qe i degjojne veshet edhe me ato c'i shijon goja dhe me ato c'i percepton trupi /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Kjo e fundit s'do vije kurre per diskutim, ka qene "shqise" qe absorbonte te gjitha cudite ne nje cikel perhere e me te mbyllur /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Pershtypje...

mua pershtypje me ben kontrasti, por me shume gjerat eterike qe nuk i sheh dot me sy te shperkujdesur: nje gjest, nje arome, nje prani, gjera te padukshme per boten qe vrapon si e marre drejt dickaje qe s'e arrin kurre...


Primus registratum
Re: Pershtypje...

Reagimi i shumices ndaj titujve te caktuar.....prezantimi i titullit haptas ne bisede shkakton magnetizem te cuditshem tek bashkebiseduesit edhe eshte e pamundur te shprehesh lirshem ose me mire te kuptohesh lirshem pa zhdukur perceptimin limitues qe rrumbullakos cdo koncept me titullin e sapo prezantuar..........shumica harrojne qe titulli shume here s ka te bej fare me karakterin e individid...ose me mire s ka te bej hic me mentalitetin e pergjithshem qe ekziston rreth nji titulli te caktuar....


Primus registratum
Re: Pershtypje...

Me ben pershtypje qysh skemi leke ne xhep e jemi prape ne qejf.Qysh rrim neper pallate te mbaruara prane plerave te kuturbura te ngjyrosura nga edi rama.Me verte me ben pershtypje qe jetojme ne nje vend te cmendur qe bertasim te gjithe njezeri rrofte vietnami.


Primus registratum
Re: Pershtypje...

<font color="green">THE WILD ROSE </font>

[/i] <font color="purple"> Special, venomous rose species, extremly fast growing. One of the most popular but however weird methods of defense during the War of the Chosen was to cultivate large hedges of this plant. It was almost certainly created by an unknown mage to serve for exactly this purpose. It was also not unusual that in former days the rose was used by maidens to end their lives quietly, if their love to a nobleman remained unreturned. In a poem of the famous Monsonius, the last moments of a girl dying on the venom of a wild-rose are described in painstakingly detail.

The primary difference between the wild rose and the typical species, which beautifully adorns many gardens and is often given to potential lovers, is that the thorns of the wild rose are tipped with a sticky venom that causes a gradual breakdown of rational thought. If the venom is left untreated it is very likely that its victim is paralysed, and a death most foul may follow soon. Thus it is obvious that one must be extremely careful when handling this kind of roses, but fortunately they have also become very rare in the wild, and nowadays are only grown by a few herbalists and alchemists to profit from their venom in order to produce potions of various effects.

Wild roses can be easily distinguished from the typical kind by several rather obvious differences in appearance. First of all, these roses have black or dark gray flowers and yellowish green leaves, furthermore the thorns are longer than those of normal roses and the stems are thicker and harder to cut with a blade than would be expected. Another point of note is that the roots of these plants also produce a herbicidal chemical that saturates the soil around the plants, allowing nothing but these roses to grow in the area. </font>


<font color="purple"> A suicidal maiden letting the thorns of the wild rose induce the deadly venom in her body. The image is an illustration to the poem "Odour of Dreams" by Monsonius. Picture drawn by Faugar. </font>

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Pershtypje...

<font color="red">THE WILD ROSE</font>

1- Le apparenze ingannano!-aparencat te mashtrojne-

2- Fara e keqe ka duk!

3- E keqja ndonjehere sherben per te mundur nje te keqe me te madhe!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Pershtypje...

Me beri shume pershtypje se si Ai njeri filloi duke qare...Hera e pare qe pranonte te thoshte qe dikur te kam dashur.Me beri pershtypje se si ju drodh zeri dhe se si me puthi ne qafe plot epsh si kurre ndonjehere,qe me beri aq shume te deshiruar e sdonte te me leshonte por me perqafonte plot egoizem per te me pasur te veten.Me ben pershtypje kufinjte e tij per te zgjedhur njeriun e duhur..nuk qesha.. e pashe dhe i thashe : Mund te kisha qene e jotja /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Re: Pershtypje...

Mos kerko te ndriçoje dielli, eshte edhe nata
Mos kerko perjetesine e jetes, eshte edhe vdekja.
Mos kerko asnjehere me shume sec c'duhet...

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Pershtypje...

... se si nje dite pa celular mund te ish kaq e qete dhe e rehatshme /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Pershtypje...

<font color="green">...shume pershtypje me ben!Kurre nuk me ka thene as edhe nje fjale te vetme;vetem shikime.Me shikon me embelsi,me deshire por me trishtim.Ai e di qe nuk ka asnje shprese... U be nje kohe e gjate tashme.Pse nuk heq dore prej meje? Kjo me ben pershtypje... </font>


Primus registratum
Re: Pershtypje...

...fjalet jane thjesht fjale, per sa kohe mbeten vetem fjale...eshte cfare ndjek me pas qe tremb...dhe heshtja nuk eshte me zgjedhje, por behet dicka e forcuar...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Pershtypje... jane shtuar shume shoket e Shrekut qe kercejne pupthi duke thirrur: Pick me! Pick me!

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Pershtypje...

Spital psikiatrik mbushur me te semure te dhunshem. Nje pjese e sheruar jane ngujuar ne nje ashensor me dere te prishur qe nuk mbyllet e ashensori ka mbetur aty midis dy botesh... Fytyra te reja qe ngerdheshen me koken qe u vertitet lart e poshte mes shpatullash, syte ulur, nje tufe te rriturish me permasa xhuxhash qe qajne duke u cjerre e duke kercenuar pa ditur as vete se ke dhe pavione te tere mbijne pa pushim nga hici mbushur me te vjella e te permjera. Nuk kam pare kund kaq frustrim qe perqesh me dhembet jashte si te qe fytyre njeriu i vendosur per te paren here ne jeten e vet perballe pasqyres. Ca preferojne te rrine varur ne dritare duke bertitur: Une nuk po te shof po ti je kaq budallaqe sa nuk e kupton dhe kujton se ma ka qefi te merrem me ty! Ca te tjera ecin me nga nje binjake perkrahu, njera veshur me tanga plot pupla, tjetra terheq nje familje zvarre. Kudo neper murre varen papushim tabela mbi tabela: "Ulni zerin", "Mbani duart larg nga njeri-tjetri", "Shifni punen tuaj", "Respektoni 30 cm hapesire rreth tjetrit", "Ju lutemi te lexoni para se te cirreni" etj etj. Kjo eshte nje cmenduri kolektive!